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Eagle Scout Recognition
Commandery Recognizes Eagle Scouts Katelynn Burchette and Brady Jensik
The Hawaii Commandery is a strong supporter of Scouting, and takes pleasure in recognizing Scouts who achieve the BSA Eagle and GS Gold Award. Since our last Commandery News we received two request for recognition for Eagle Scouts Katelynn Burchette of Troop 664 in Mililani, and Brady Jensik of Troop 24 at Schofield Barracks.
Katelynn’s Eagle Scout Service Project, she refurbished and painted 13 – 4 squares and 5 hopscotches at Mililani Uka Elementary School in Mililani, HI. Her Court of Honor was held on August 6th at the Mililani Recreation Center. State House Representative Matt LoPresti, District 41, presented our certificate. Katelynn is a founding member of Troop 664 for girls and is the first female to earn Eagle in the troop. Both of her older brothers earned Eagle Scout as well.
Eagle Scout Brady Jensik follows his older brother Connor who received his Eagle Scout on May 6th with a MOFW certificate presented by Companion Dan Garcia as reported in the June issue of the Commandery News. Brady’s Eagle Scout Project was the reconstruction of the entryway to the Keiki Clubhouse on Camp Palehua. He passed his Eagle Board on 6 June 2022. Companion Tulak presented his certificate at a Troop Meeting held at the Scout Shack on Schofield Barracks on 22 August.