==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ==== So the hard part of starting a Facebook profile for your business is over and now you are finding yourself spending more time week after week on updating information. This can be detrimental and counter-productive if you do not know if it is working the way that you would like it to work. Spending hours everyday for only a few more customers doesn't seem like a very marketing plan. So how do you measure in a good way how much progress your profile is making for your business. The amount of people that "Like" your page is one way to look at this problem. However, they can arbitrarily "like" your page but not do anything that would otherwise prove their loyalty to the brand. While this is a good marker for exposure in the beginning, it doesn't do much justice in the long run. Forming a poll or survey can be a better indicator if the Facebook scene is paying off. Those that are more engaged by responding to a survey or poll show more of a chance to visit the company itself. If they did not care for the company very much, there would be no reason for anyone to engage themselves. Having frequent polls with results will give an incentive for users to come back to check up on the results. Frequency is the name of the game in this strategy. Linking your company website from Facebook gives people an opportunity to see your entire brand first hand. One trick to see where they are coming from is to get a Google AdSense account. When people come to your website, you can view where the source site they came from. This will give a quantifiable result of how many people are coming to your website from the Facebook efforts. Coupons are a two function tool. They can boost sales for the company and they can also give you an idea of where they came from. The idea is to have a coupon code that is exclusive for visitors of Facebook. When the customer redeems the coupon, you will make a sale and find out where they got the coupon in the first place. Coupons are a great tool for tracking and marketing when they are used properly. Another idea is a little different from the above and can add to expenses. Having an event would be a way to count how many people are willing to physically show support for the brand. There may be a little money involved to get this information.
The plus side to this even is like Facebook advertising that the visitor may feel that they are better connected to the brand because they have been invited to an event that others may not have been. Exclusivity is always a great way to make patrons feel that they are special and more
attention is being spent on them just because they support the brand. Feel free to use any tool that allows you to quantify how many people are being recruited by the Facebook efforts so you can adjust accordingly and get back to the working aspect of the business. We talk about this in our new training course called Little Black Book Marketing-Facebook. Stop by and visit us and get your Facebook page working for you. ==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====