College hosts first annual undergraduate research showcase More than 50 ATCOFA students presented posters and discussed their research with faculty, staff and visitors at the college’s first annual Undergraduate Research Showcase held in December 2019. “Our college has always provided our undergraduate students with opportunities to conduct research as part of their coursework or through the grant-funded projects by our faculty,” said Dr. Sheryl Jerez, professor of environmental science and chair of the research showcase committee. “With our own showcase, students are able to improve their presentation skills, learn from the work of others and disseminate the results of their projects—an important component of the research process. ” The top eight finalists chosen at the college showcase were selected to represent the college at the university-wide Undergraduate Research Conference, which was ultimately canceled due to safety concerns surrounding COVID-19.
Undergraduate Research Showcase Top Eight 1. “Does Installation Method Affect Snake Entanglement in Erosion Control Blankets?” Krista Ward, Nicholas Schiwitz and Kasey Job 2. “Mission Tejas State Park : A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Recreational Activity Upon Abiotic Factors” Sophie Fielder, Karlen Cantu, Liliana Zapata, Faith Dolan, Julian Thomas and Melanie Dehnisch 3. “Avian Communities Respond to Restoration Treatments in East Texas Pine Forests” Eamonn Thurmond 4. “3D Preservation of Koo-Hoot Kiwat, Caddo Mound State Historic Site” Joseph Gerland 5. “Increased management frequency decreases lizard abundance in forest ecosystems” Dylan Thompson 6. “On the Diversity of Erosion Control Products: Implications for Snake Entanglement” Kasey Jobe, Nicholas Schiwitz, Krista Ward 7. “Mediterranean House Geckos Exploit Novel Resources in a Recipient Lizard Assemblage” John Michael Arnett 8. “Toxicological Effects of Household Chemicals on Artemia salina Development and Survival” Hannah Bays and Sarah Hall
Fall 2020