Wildlife-friendly landscaping plants

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Wildlife-Friendly Landscaping Plants There are multiple benefits to owning a garden; gardens can

into your garden. An excellent plant

produce organic food to feed the

to introduce start your Butterfly

family, as well as help make your yard

Garden with is the common

more attractive. One thing in

milkweed. These plants attract

particular that a garden can bring is

Monarch butterflies, and can have

wildlife, and the wildlife is the best

beautiful blooms.

part of owning a garden! What Are the Benefits of Having

Planting other flowers will also lead

Wildlife in Your Garden? Birds and other insects who visit gardens help control pests as well as

to other pollinators visiting your What if I Want More Than Just Birds in My Garden?

garden, such as bees and other butterfly species. If you are looking

help pollinate the surrounding

Birds are not the only type of

to attract butterflies, make sure to

landscapes. Without them, fewer

wildlife you can introduce into your

create plenty of mineral sources for

seeds would be spread and fewer

garden! How about butterflies?

the butterflies to visit. These can be

flowers would grow.

simple shallow dishes with rocks at the bottom.

So What Can You Plant to Attract Wildlife to Your Garden?

Where Can I Find More

To start, you could plant some

Information About Wildlife-

sunflowers to attract cardinals.

Friendly Landscaping Plants?

While these flowers grow tall, they

The National Wildlife Federation

have multiple benefits, such as

Butterflies love to pollinate!

has excellent resources to give you

supplying large amounts of seed for

Planting a Butterfly Garden is an

information, as well as the Audubon

birds to eat as well as repelling deer.

excellent way to attract butterflies


Guide created by: Megan Knippers Stephen F. Austin State University March 9, 2016

Other Wildlife-Friendly Landscaping Plants

Autumn Sage


Loves the sun!

Morning sun to light shade

Long summer blooming season

Many different types!


Semi-evergreen Texas Sage

Chinese Fringe Flower

Lots the sun!

Loves the sun!

Can be very small (plant size)

Also known as Wild Lilac



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