Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
7. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures Christian Hoffmann
Diagnosis Rapid identification and isolation of infected individuals is crucial. Diagnosis is made using clinical, laboratory and radiological features. As symptoms and radiological findings of COVID-19 are non-specific, SARS-CoV-2 infection has to be confirmed by nucleic acid-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR), amplifying a specific genetic sequence in the virus. Within just a few days after the first cases were published, a validated diagnostic workflow for SARS-CoV2 was presented (Corman 2020), demonstrating the enormous response capacity achieved through coordination of academic and public laboratories in national and European research networks. There is an interim guidance for diagnostic testing for COVID-19 in suspected human cases, published by WHO in March and updated on September 11, 2020 (WHO 20200911). Several comprehensive up-to-date reviews of laboratory techniques in diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 have been published recently (Kilic 2020, Loeffelholz 2020). According to WHO, the decision to test “should be based on both clinical and epidemiological factors”, in order to support clinical management of patients and infection control measures. In symptomatic patients, a PCR test should be immediately carried out, especially for medical professionals with symptoms. In particular, this applies to nursing homes and other long-term facilities where large outbreaks with high resident mortalty may occur. In these settings, every day counts: both residents and health-care workers should be tested immediately. In regression analyses among 88 nursing homes with a documented case before facility-wide testing occurred, each additional day between identification of the first case and completion of facility-wide testing was associated with identification of 1.3 additional cases (Hatfield 2020). However, the predictive value of the tests markedly varies with time from exposure and symptom onset. The false-negative rate is lowest 3 days after onset of symptoms, or approximately 8 days after exposure (see below). In settings with limited resources, however, patients should only be tested if a positive test results in imperative action. It does not necessarily make sense to attempt to ascertain the prevalence of infection by PCR. For example, in a family which was put on quarantine after the infection was confirmed in one member, not all household contacts have to be tested, especially younger persons with only mild symptoms. COVID Reference ENG 006.9