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Around MLC
A snapshot of College news and events
Stay up to date with the latest MLC news: Facebook: facebook.com/mlckew Instagram: @mlckew
Musical connections
Term 3’s remote learning has not stopped our many music students from showcasing their talents through performance! During our Continuous Learning and Wellbeing program, the Music Department have been sharing recordings with the student and staff community of many ‘at home’ individual performances from Junior School to Senior School.
Though students were learning oncampus midway through the year, unfortunately restrictions meant families were not able to attend events such as the Winter Concert, performances by the Year 2 Strings Ensemble and JSS Percussion Ensemble, and the Vocal Soiree. Nevertheless in true pivoting style, all performances were recorded to be enjoyed by their families at home.
Computers for a cause
Each year, students are invited to donate their pre-loved notebook computers to charity at the end of their lease. In June, the College organised to donate 27 notebook computers from the Junior School to Jesuit Social Services, where their clients benefit enormously from an improved delivery of quality education, training, social services and digital literacy. Thank you to MLC’s Centre for Computing and Communications (CCC) for co-ordinating and to the families who kindly participated in this long-running initiative.
A warmer winter
In 2020, Ashley Ward (now Year 11) completed two successful community ventures: raising money for Mallacoota after the summer bushfires, and potting succulent plants for local aged care homes during Melbourne’s 2020 extended lockdown.
This year for her IB CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) project, Ash turned her attention to the people sleeping rough during the pandemic, reaching out to the MLC and local communities to gather donations of warm jackets. She calls the project ‘A Warmer Winter.’ Exceeding her goal of 100 items, the clothing was donated through charity 300 Blankets.
Ash says, “Acts of charity during times like these are so important, as it’s always good to be mindful that others may be really struggling, and to help them out is an act of kindness that will go a long way!”
Leading the way
With a network of over 32,000 Old Collegians, the opportunity for our current students to engage and learn from our alumnae has long been valued and celebrated. We have been delighted to host an array of online events for our students even during COVID restrictions, including a Year 9 Work Ready Workshop, the MLC Careers Department’s Tertiary Transitions panel for Year 12s, and the Careers Showcase hosted by the Parents’ Association.
All events involved a range of presenters and panels, whose varied individual journeys inspired our students and allowed them to see what is possible! Thank you to all of our alumnae who have taken the time to share their knowledge and insight.
Spirit of democracy
Congratulations to Year 11 student Jasmine Xu, who was one of the victors in the prestigious 2020 Premier’s Spirt of Democracy Prize, which is awarded to only 22 Victorian students across Years 9, 10 and 11 each year. Students were asked to write a piece in response to this question: “Ancient democracy is often viewed as a system of government where the citizens of the city-state held power. Is this an accurate observation of the democratic model in modern-day Australia?” As a winner, Jasmine was invited to travel on a two-week trip to Greece to explore the Ancient World sites, though unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19. However, the winning essays will be published in a special edition book. Jasmine has since participated in a joint Monash University and VCAA research project on civics education and is planning a democracy education session for all Year 11 students.
Premier’s VCE Awards
The annual Premier’s VCE Awards recognise students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their VCE. We are delighted that ten MLC students have been recognised for their 2020 studies, among the highest from any Victorian school. Congratulations to Kirrily Bortolussi who was one of only 23 students in the state to be awarded a Top All-Round VCE High Achiever Award for achieving a study score of 46 or higher in at least five VCE subjects. Further congratulations to our nine Study Award recipients, recognised as the top achievers for a subject in 2020: Alexandra Atcheson (current Year 12), Anya Ross, Charlotte Young, Erin Joy, Kestin McNamara, Lara Christie, Mia Blackman, Sarah Cato (current Year 12) and Zetong Zhang.
Year 11 student, Jasmine Xu was one of only 22 Victorian students awarded the prestigious 2020 Premier’s Spirt of Democracy Prize. Georgette Sweeney performs Dynasty as part of MLC Music’s virtual Vocal Soiree.

A vibrant array of online career workshops for students have taken place throughout 2021’s lockdowns.