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Observational Assessment Recording Sheet
Grade 2 Module 2
Addition and Subtraction Within 200
Achievement Descriptors
2.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve one-step addition and subtraction word problem types within 100 by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown.
2.Mod2.AD2 Add up to 4 two-digit numbers by using strategies based on place value or properties of operations.
2.Mod2.AD3 Add within 200 by using concrete models or drawings, strategies based on place value, or properties of operations.
2.Mod2.AD4 Subtract within 200 by using concrete models or drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
2.Mod2.AD5 Rename 10 of a smaller unit as 1 of a larger unit.
2.Mod2.AD6 Rename 1 of a larger unit as 10 of a smaller unit.
Student Name
Dates and Details of Observations
PP Partially Proficient P Proficient HP Highly Proficient
Module Achievement Descriptors and Content Standards by Lesson
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Achievement Descriptor Aligned CCSSM Lesson
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