1 minute read
Grade 1 Module 5 Lesson 2
Count a collection and record the total in units of tens and ones.
Lesson at a Glance
Students analyze a counting collection organized into groups of tens and ones and discuss the values of the digits in the total. Partners organize, count, and record their own collections. The class discusses student work and considers how groups of 10 and extra ones combine to make a total.
The term digit is introduced in this lesson.
There is no Fluency component, Exit Ticket, or Problem Set in this lesson. This allows students to spend more time completing the counting collection activity. Use student recordings to analyze their work.
Key Question
•What do the digits in a number tell us?
Achievement Descriptors
1.Mod5.AD1 Represent a set of up to 99 objects with a two-digit number by composing tens. (1.NBT.A.1, 1.NBT.B.2.a)
1.Mod5.AD3 Determine the values represented by the digits of a two-digit number. (1.NBT.B.2)