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Dibujen e identifiquen un objeto hecho de varios materiales. Compartan sus dibujos con su familia o compañeros de clase. Describan los materiales que componen el objeto y las propiedades de cada material. Describan cómo saben que el objeto está hecho de materia.
Aston, Dianna Hutts, and Sylvia Long (illustrator). 2022. Un nido es ruidoso. Translated by Great Minds PBC. Washington, DC: Great Minds PBC.
Biebow, Natascha, and Steven Salerno (illustrator). 2022. El señor de los crayones: La verdadera historia de la invención de los crayones Crayola. Translated by Great Minds PBC. New York: Harper Collins.
National Gallery of Art. 2020. “Edgar Degas: Little Dancer Aged Fourteen.” Accessed April 20, 2021. https://www.nga.gov /collection/highlights/degas-little-dancer-aged-fourteen.html.
National Gallery of Art. 2020. “Modeling Movement: Degas’s Dancers.” Accessed April 20, 2021. https://www.nga.gov/features/modeling-movement.html.
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
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Slide 1, Edgar Degas, Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, 1878–1881, National Gallery of Art, New York, NY; slides 12, 25, 110, 157, 163, 164, 200, 202, 283, 326, 328, 370, 376, 396, 398, 414, A Nest Is Noisy, text © 2015 Dianna Hutts Aston, Illustrations © 2015 Sylvia Long, published by Chronicle Books LLC; slides 16–18, eakkaluktemwanich/Shutterstock.com; slides 22–24 and 30 (from left), finchfocus/Shutterstock.com, Poeticpenguin/Shutterstock.com, Marcus England/Shutterstock.com; slides 54, 80, Hummingbird video by andre baget/Shutterstock.com; slide 106, AlexussK/Shutterstock.com; slides 165, 166, 169, Weaverbird Builds a Nest videos 1, 2 and 3 by SARIN KUNTHONG/Shutterstock.com; slides 181 and 182 (left), Platoo Fotography/Shutterstock.com, (right), mayurfever4u14/Shutterstock.com; slides 186, 187, vladitto/Shutterstock.com; slides 230-233 and 281 (left), Jorge Moro/Shutterstock.com, (right), Anna Krivitskaya/Shutterstock.com; slide 258, Melting Plastic Spoon video by BlackBoxGuild/Shutterstock.com; slide 259, Molten Glass Video by Ivan Golenkov/Shutterstock.com; slide 273, Icicles Melting video by Film Master/Shutterstock.com; slide 276 (clockwise from top center), PurMoon/Shutterstock.com; urfin/Shutterstock.com; onair/Shutterstock.com; Robyn Mackenzie/Shutterstock.com; Hortimages/Shutterstock.com; P Maxwell Photography/Shutterstock.com; slides 284, 286, Blow Torch Heating a Log video by BlackBoxGuild/Shutterstock.com; slide 318, Melting Natural Bees Wax video by Lost Mountain Studio/Shutterstock.com