1 minute read
Debrief 5 min
Objective: Organize to find how many and compare.
Display student work from page 2 of the Problem Set.
Facilitate a discussion within the given timeframe. Use some combination of the following questions to help students synthesize their experience from the lesson. Encourage students to build on one another’s ideas as they discuss the purpose of today’s lesson.
Which is easier to compare: the pictures or the number paths? Why?
The number paths are easier because you can see the numbers.
The number paths are easier because you can see which is longer.
How does organizing on the number path help us count?
We don’t forget to count anything.
We don’t count anything twice.
The number path shows the numbers in order.
I can look under the last cube to see the total.
How does organizing on the number path help us compare?
It makes it easy to see which group has extras. You can tell which group has more.
Exit Ticket 5 min
Provide up to 5 minutes for students to complete the Exit Ticket. It is possible to gather formative data even if some students do not complete every problem.
Teacher Note
Have students clean up their bags of cubes by making sticks of 10 and other sticks of the leftover cubes. This will aid with the preparation for the bags of cubes in lesson 3.
UDL: Representation
Consider making a graph in another format. Download the digital 1-20 Floor Number Path. Have students line up on either side of the Number Path based on their category choice.
UDL: Engagement
Allow students to choose what to count and compare. For example, students might suggest comparing information about their classmates, such as tied and non-tied shoes, siblings and no siblings, or other categories that they find interesting or familiar.
Sample Solutions
Expect to see varied solution paths. Accept accurate responses, reasonable explanations, and equivalent answers for all student work.