FIFA WORLD CUP Russina in 2018

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让我们来看下,进入八强的队伍是:乌拉圭 、法国、巴西、比利时、俄罗斯、克罗地亚 、瑞典、英格兰。欧洲依然是最大赢家,占 据八强中的 6 席。在墨西哥队出局之后,美 洲只剩下巴西和乌拉圭两支南美劲旅。 1/4 决赛的上半区依然是“死亡半区”,云 集了乌拉圭、法国、巴西 3 支冠军球队和夺 冠热门比利时队。在西班牙队爆冷被淘汰之 后,英格兰队凭借点球大战的胜利,在下半 区艰难守住了杯赛冠军和夺冠热门的一席之 地。下半区的其它 3 支球队俄罗斯、克罗地 亚、瑞典均是在近 5 届世界杯赛中首次进入 八强。 此外,上半区形成欧美对决之势,法国与比 利时将分别对阵乌拉圭、巴西;下半区的两 场欧洲内战,确保了欧洲区将至少有一支队 伍进入决赛。

Let's see, the top eight teams are Uruguay, France, Brazil, Belgium, Russia, Croatia, Sweden and England. Europe is still the biggest winner, occupying 6 seats in the eight finals. After the Mexico team was out, only two South American teams in Brazil and Uruguay remained in the Americas. The first half of the 1/4 final is still the "half dead zone", which has gathered 3 champions teams in Uruguay, France and Brazil and the top Belgian team. After the elimination of the Spanish team, the England team, with the victory of the penalty shot war, struggled to hold the cup championship and the winning place in the second half. The other 3 teams in the second half were Russia, Croatia and Sweden for the first time in the last 5 World Cups. In addition, the upper half of the region formed the European and American confrontation, France and Belgium will play Uruguay, Brazil respectively; the second half of the two European Civil War, ensure that the European region will have at least one team into the final.

The war between France and Uruguay: "the spear of the shield“ The French team that scored 7 goals and the Uruguay team that only lost 1 balls gave people the impression of the most sharp attack line and the most solid defensive line. The French team scored 4 goals on the Argentina team, while the Uruguay team did not give too many chances to the players except the Portuguese. This meeting, the offensive and defensive fight is a big point of view, but the posture of the glue is likely to trigger the "Zi Zi" to offset, so that the decisive factor is the "spear" of the Uruguay team and the French team "shield". Before the game, Kamani and Suarez had been reported to have been injured in the rumours of the "smoke bomb", while Valane, umm Titi and others made up the French team is not stable. The two sides also had their own winning positions, which made the suspense increase dramatically .

法国对乌拉圭:“盾坚矛利”之战 攻入 7 球的法国队和只丢 1 球的乌拉圭队,给人们以最 犀利攻击线和最稳固后防线的印象。法国队在阿根廷队身上 取得 4 粒进球,而乌拉圭队除被葡萄牙人打破金身外,其余 时间并没有给对手太多机会。 此番相遇,攻守的斗法是一大看点,但胶着的态势很可能 引发“兑子”抵消,令决定结果的因素反而是乌拉圭队的 “矛”和法国队的“盾”。赛前,卡瓦尼和苏亚雷斯被爆出 受伤的传闻不知是否为“烟雾弹”,同时瓦拉内、乌姆蒂蒂 等人组成的法国队后防似乎并不稳固。双方各擅胜场也各有 破绽,令比赛悬念大增。

France VS Uruguay


Brazil to Belgium: the battle of "winning the championship“ Brazil and Belgium are both in the forefront of the most champions since the start of the game. In the top eight, they are the top two in the world - second and third. Now that we meet in advance of the 1/4 finals, some of the finals will be staged ahead of schedule. It has also become the best chance to verify the championship. However, the two teams were in the opposite way of promotion, the Brazil team in the group race continued to suffer more and more bravely, to the old rivals Mexico in the elimination match, and not too much effort to win 2:0. In the group stage, the Belgium team, who scored the best victory in the group 16, almost capsized on the Japanese team and lost the next two goals. Although the path of fate is quite different, the course of the two teams' twists and turns is more likely to temper the quality of the championship, and now the final winner will be able to "change".

巴西对比利时:“冠军成色”之战 若论开赛以来从临场发挥上看最有冠军相的球队,巴西 队和比利时队都在前列,在本届八强中,它们也是世界排名 最靠前的两支——分列第二和第三。如今提前在 1/4 决赛上 碰面,本场倒有些决赛提前上演的意味,也成了验证冠军成 色的最好机会。 不过,这两支球队的晋级之路却截然相反,巴西队在小组 赛不断遭受磨难却愈挫愈勇,到了与老对手墨西哥队的淘汰 赛上,并没有费太大气力便以 2 : 0 取胜。在小组赛中全胜 挺进 16 强的比利时队却险些在日本队身上翻船,在连丢两球 的情况下才依靠补时绝杀逆转晋级。虽说命运轨迹迥异,但 两队曲折前进的历程更有可能磨炼出冠军气质,如今的狭路 相逢,相信最后的胜者能够迎来“蜕变”。

Brazil vs Belgium


Russia to Croatia: "dark horse rises“ Russia opened the world cup with the world's lowest ranking in the top 32. Even though Russia scored 5 goals in the opening game, it was still not optimistic. It was not until the first round of the knockout round that the Spanish team was "killed" by penalty shootout. Looking back on the Croatia team, 20 years ago, there had been a "black horse" experience, a generation of players who were not inferior to the "grid corps" led by Boban and Suk, and were even considered to be able to break through the performance of their predecessors. The two black horse teams had gone through hard overtime and penalty shooting, and their physical fitness was on the same level because of the same day's match, the same rest time. However, it is not known whether the significant disadvantage of Croatia's away game can eventually be filled with the talent of Modri and Rakiti.


以 32 强中世界排名最低的身份开启世界杯之旅,俄罗斯 队即使在揭幕战上获得 5 球大捷,也依然未被看好。直到淘 汰赛首轮凭借点球大战“熬死”西班牙队后,才有不少人对 东道主刮目相看。反观克罗地亚队,在 20 年前就已有过扮演 “黑马”的经历,这一代球员与博班、苏克领衔的那支“格 子军团”相比也毫不逊色,甚至被认为可以突破前辈们季军 的成绩。 这两支黑马球队此前都经过了艰苦的加时赛和点球大战才 告晋级,且由于同一天比赛、休息时间基本相同,体能也在 同一水平线上。不过克罗地亚队客场作战的这一显著劣势, 最终能否用莫德里奇、拉基蒂奇等人的天赋来填补就不得而 知了。

Russia VS Croatia


Sweden to England: the "Happy football" battle The so-called "Happy football" coming out of the netizens' mouth is indeed quite appropriate through the performance of the England team in this world cup. So far the three lions have been playing a stable game, and the performance of "happiness" is also related to a certain degree of pressure, so it is also reasonable to win the most feared penalty kick fight in the Columbia team. The England team's rival Sweden, whose reporters had sent the German players "return tickets", became one of the "divine predictions" of the world cup. It seemed that the Europeans were not inferior to their European partners when they were "happy". 瑞典对英格兰:“快乐足球”之战

从网民口中传出来的所谓“快乐足球”,通过英格兰队 在本届世界杯上的一番表现,确实让人觉得颇为贴切。 开赛至今发挥稳定的三狮军团,“快乐”的表现也与其 一定程度放下了压力有关,因而在与哥伦比亚队的比赛 中赢下曾经最惧怕的点球大战也在情理之中。英格兰队 的对手瑞典队,他们的记者曾送德国队员“回程机票” ,这也成了本届世界杯的“神预测”之一,看来北欧人 “快乐”时,也并不逊于他们的欧洲伙伴。

Sweden VS England


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