Some architectural culture in china

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(建筑) Architecture


长城( Great Wall ),又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事 防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限 隔敌骑的行动。长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城 墙为主体,同大量的城、障、亭、标相结合的防御体系。 长城修筑的历史可上溯到西周时期,发生在首都镐京(今 陕西西安)的著名的典故“烽火戏诸侯”就源于此。春秋 战国时期列国争霸,互相防守,长城修筑进入第一个高潮 ,但此时修筑的长度都比较短。秦灭六国统一天下后,秦 始皇连接和修缮战国长城,始有万里长城之称 。 The Great Wall also known as the Great Wall, is an ancient Chinese military defense project. It is a tall, solid and continuous Changyuan to limit the enemy's ride. The Great Wall is not a single isolated city wall, but a defensive system with the city wall as its main body and a large number of cities, barriers, pavilions and signs.The history of the construction of the Great Wall can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The famous allusions played in the capital of Shaanxi (Xi'an today) were originated here. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the great powers were competing for each other and defending each other. The construction of the the Great Wall entered the first climax, but the length of the construction was relatively short at that time. After the unification of the six kingdoms, the first emperor of Qin connected and repaired the the Great Wall of the Warring States period.


天坛,在北京市南部,东城区永定门内大街东侧。占地 约 273 万平方米。天坛始建于明永乐十八年( 1420 年),清乾隆、光绪时曾重修改建。为明、清两代帝王 祭祀皇天、祈五谷丰登之场所。天坛是圜丘、祈谷两坛 的总称,有坛墙两重,形成内外坛,坛墙南方北圆,象 征天圆地方。主要建筑在内坛,圜丘坛在南、祈谷坛在 北,二坛同在一条南北轴线上,中间有墙相隔。圜丘坛 内主要建筑有圜丘坛、皇穹宇等等,祈谷坛内主要建筑 有祈年殿、皇乾殿、祈年门等。 Tiantan is located in the southern part of Beijing City, east of Dongcheng District Yongding inner street. It covers an area of about 2 million 730 thousand square meters. Tiantan was built in the eighteen year of Ming Yongle (1420). For the Ming and Qing emperors of the two dynasties, they offered sacrifices to the heavenly kings and prayed for the best harvest. Tiantan is the general name of the two altar of the yuan Qiu and the prayer valley. It has two walls, forming the inside and outside altar, the northern wall of the altar wall, and the symbol of heaven and earth. The main building is the inner altar, the Huanqiu altar is in the south, the valley of prayer for grain is in the north, the two altar is on a north-south axis, and there are walls in the middle. The main buildings in Huanqiu altar are Huanqiu altar and huangdome, etc. the main buildings in the valley are: the hall of prayer for good harvest, the palace of Emperor Huang, and the gate of prayer for the aged.


东方明珠广播电视塔( The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower )是上海的标志性文化景观之一, 位于浦东新区陆家嘴,塔高约 468 米。该建筑 于 1991 年 7 月兴建, 1995 年 5 月投入使用, 承担上海 6 套无线电视发射业务,地区覆盖半 径 80 公里。 东方明珠广播电视塔是国家首批 AAAAA 级旅 游景区。塔内有太空舱、旋转餐厅、上海城市 历史发展陈列馆等景观和设施, 1995 年被列 入上海十大新景观之一。 The Oriental Pearl Radio and television tower (The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower) is one of the landmark cultural landscapes in Shanghai. It is located in Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, with a tower about 468 meters high. The building was built in July 1991 and put into operation in May 1995. It has undertaken 6 sets of wireless TV launching operations in Shanghai, covering a radius of 80 km.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the first batch of AAAAA level scenic spots in the country. In the tower, there are spaceship, revolving restaurant, Shanghai city historical development gallery and other landscape and facilities. In 1995, it was included in one of the ten new scenic spots in Shanghai.


北京故宫是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿,旧称为紫禁城,位于北京中轴 线的中心,是中国古代宫廷建筑之精华。北京故宫以三大殿为中心, 占地面积 72 万平方米,建筑面积约 15 万平方米,有大小宫殿七十多 座,房屋九千余间。是世界上现存规模最大、保存最为完整的木质结 构古建筑之一。北京故宫于明成祖永乐四年( 1406 年)开始建设, 以南京故宫为蓝本营建,到永乐十八年( 1420 年)建成。它是一座 长方形城池,南北长 961 米,东西宽 753 米,四面围有高 10 米的城 墙,城外有宽 52 米的护城河。紫禁城内的建筑分为外朝和内廷两部 分。外朝的中心为太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,统称三大殿,是国家举 行大典礼的地方。内廷的中心是乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫,统称后三 宫,是皇帝和皇后居住的正宫。

The the Imperial Palace of Beijing is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties, formerly known as the Forbidden City. It is located in the center of Beijing's central axis, and is the cream of ancient Chinese palace architecture. Beijing the Imperial Palace takes three main hall as the center, covers an area of 720 thousand square meters, and the construction area is about 150 thousand square meters. There are more than 70 large and small palaces and nine thousand houses. It is one of the largest and most well preserved wooden structures in the world.The the Imperial Palace of Beijing began construction in Yongle four years (1406). It was built in Nanjing the Imperial Palace and was built in Yongle eighteen years (1420). It is a rectangular City, 961 meters long north and south, 753 meters wide, surrounded by 10 meters high wall, and 52 meters outside the city moat. The buildings in the Forbidden City are divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The center of the outer court is Taihe hall, Zhonghe Dian and Baohe Dian, which are collectively known as the three main hall. The center of the inner court is the palace of the Qing emperor, the hall of emperor Tai and the palace of the Kun Ning.


桂林日月塔又称金塔银塔、情侣塔;日 塔别名叫金塔,月塔别名叫银塔,所以 也有金银塔之称。日月双塔坐落在桂林 市美丽的杉湖中,日塔为铜塔,位于湖 中心,高 41 米,共 9 层,月塔为琉璃塔 ,高 35 米,共 7 层。两塔之间以湖底一 条 10 米长的湖底隧道相连。 The Guilin Sun Moon tower is also known as the golden tower Silver Tower and the lovers tower. The tower is called the golden tower, and the moon tower is also called the Silver Tower, so it also has the name of gold and Silver Pagoda. The sun moon Twin Towers is located in the beautiful lake of the Guilin in Guilin. The tower is a copper tower, located at the center of the lake, 41 meters high, with 9 floors. The moon tower is a glass tower, 35 meters high, with a total of 7 floors. The two towers are connected by a 10 meter long Lake Tunnel at the bottom of the lake.

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