Art in Public Space. An Interdisciplinary Cooperation. Symposium. 2014. Vienna.

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Viennese Simmering: Sound Stories and Cinematic Experience


Supported by: Austrian-Hungarian Action Fund Partners: Iván Tosics, University of Pécs Rudolf Giffinger, Vienna University of Technology Concept & Organization: Anamarija Batista, Szilvia Kovács, Carina Lesky Contact:

TunedCity, Brussels,2013: Soundwalk Passacaglia with Guy De Bièvre


Viennese Simmering: Sound Stories and Cinematic Experience Exploring Vienna through sound stories and cinematic experience. In an explorative city walk, we visit one of Vienna’s „forgotten” quarters - the 11th district, Simmering. In order to get familiar with its distinct acoustic and synaesthetic environment, we approach its neighborhoods through different formats of exploration on location: experimental mapping techniques, a sound walk, as well as a subsequent round of discussion. The focus on the everyday sounds of the neighborhoods of Simmering and their interaction allows us to trace the place with its hidden features and relationships. Having collected sitespecific live impressions, we move on to a Viennese Kaffeehaus, where in a short lecture we will introduce the work and approaches of artists Janet Cardiff and George Miller before we close the afternoon with a discussion about the heard and seen adventure. Within the tour we will also visit Vienna’s Central Cemetary (Wiener Zentralfriedhof).

Cover image: © Szilvia Kovács Map:



21 AND 23 MAY 2014 Visit of the Conference »Evolution of Planning Thought Lecture Series« AESOPAESOP-ERSA Lecture Series 2014 See here: en_GB/2014/03/12/readabout/aesop-ersa-lecture-series-2014


13:00 Meet & Greet Venue: Mercure Josefshof Wien (Hotel) Josefsgasse 4-6, 1080 Wien »Appetizer«: A Short Film Ein Tag mit: Vinzenz Berger. Friedhofsgärner in Wien (1972) (One day with: Vinzen Berger. Cemetery gardener in Vienna)



6 min 33, b/w, Municipal and state archive of Vienna (Media Wien)


13:20 Travel to the site by public transport…

14:2014:20-15:20 15:20 Introduction for Simmering & Sound::Walk2 Venue: Simmering, 11th District of Vienna Anamarija Batista (economist, art historian, AUT) Szilvia Kovács (economist, sociologist, HUN) Carina Lesky (philologist, cultural scientist, AUT)

Representatives of the GB*3/11, ’Gebietsbetreuung, Stadterneuerung’ for the 11th District of Vienna, Simmering (Regional/Local Coordination, Urban Renewal) Tamara Brajovic (coach, architect, urban planner, SRB) Martin Skrivanek (coach, spatial planner, AUT)

15:3 15:30 :30 – 17:3 17:30 Keynotes & Open Discussion Venue: Concordia Palace (Restaurant/Café) Simmeringer Hauptstraße 283, 1110 Wien Sound Stories & Cinematic Experience Anamarija Batista (economist, art historian, AUT) Carina Lesky (philologist, cultural scientist, AUT)


For needful audio files, please contact us:


Program of the international project: »ART IN PUBLIC SPACE.


Invited commentators: Balázs Kovács (sound artist, HUN) Zsolt Sőrés (Ahad) (musician, sound artist, HUN)

Moderator: Szilvia Kovács (economist, sociologist, HUN)

And last but not least, the Invited Participants: some of the lecturers of the »AESOP-ERSA Lecture Series 2014« will join the program: Peter Hall, Andreas Faludi, Louis Albrechts, Judith Innes, Charles Hoch, Peter Marcuse, Barrie Needham, Cliff Hague, Michael Batty, Rachelle Alterman, John Friedmann, Patsy Healey, Gerhard Schimak, Klaus Kunzmann and John Forester, as well as some lecturers of the »ART IN PUBLIC SPACE. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY COOPERATION. SEMINAR. 2013. BUDAPEST.« See here:

and others…


Contributors: Contributors:

ANAMARIJA BATISTA Mphil. MSc. Cultural Researcher, was born in Zenica, BiH. She studied Art History at the University of Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts as well as Economics at Vienna University of Econimcs and Business. During her studies she was research assistant at the Institute for Organisation and Procurement (WU-Vienna). Between 2004 and 2009 she worked as a research associate in the field of health economy. Currently Batista is holding a scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOC-team) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Institute for Art and Architecture). Her PhD thesis is about »Sound artists as urban planners« a look at the cooperation between artistic and urban practices«. She curated numerous exhibitions such as »The Common Which No Longer Exists« (Künstlerhaus, 2012) or »Retouch the Past_Shaping the Presence« (Bosnian National Theater, 2013).She teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and at the Vienna Technical University as well.

BALÁZS KOVÀCS is a philosopher and sound artist, adjunct professor of electronic music and media arts at University of Pécs, Faculty of Arts. Holds a PhD in aesthetics of interactive sonification of image data. Head of Periszkóp Rádió, a community-based subcultural and art radio station in Pécs. Artistic works include electronic music improvisations, gesture based interactive sound installations, network-controlled sound or visual installations on public spaces, music for dance performances. Currently works on implementing digital culture into organic (agri)culture.


SZILVIA KOVÀCS Economist BA, Sociologist MA, was born in Győr (Hungary). Her interests to social sciences, particularly to sociology and regional studies were extended at Loránd Eötvös University (Budapest) and István Széhenyi University (Győr). She worked for publishing (20042007) then for pharmaceutical industry (2007-2009) in Budapest (HUN) and in Göteborg (SWE), has experience in primary and secondary research, field work and production management as well as in client serving. She was a junior researcher at the Institute for Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009-2012), focused especially on development of large urban areas and urban sprawl. At the moment she is a PhD-student at the Vienna Technical University, and a recipient of a DOC-team fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She concentrates on her research topic: »The Artist as Urban Planner – A Social Science Research« (2012-2016), which is related to public space issues as well. She is married and has a daughter and a son.

RUDOLF GIFFINGER Full Professor of Regional Science; Head of the Centre of Urban and Regional Research in the Department of Spatial Planning at Vienna University of Technology since 2006; president of the Austrian Society of Regional Planning (ÖGR) since 2002; since 2005 representative of the Department of Spatial Planning (VUT) in the planners’ network SPA-CE.NET; member of the European Network of Housing Research, (ENHR), member of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and full member of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL, Hannover, Germany); appointed speaker of the German speaking group on ‘Theory and Quantitative Methods in Geography’ (1992); co-editor of the German speaking journal ‘FORUM Raumplanung’ (2000) and the new series ‘Jahrbuch Raumplanung’ (2013). Since 2013 Rudolf Giffinger is member of the Senate at Vienna University of Technology and official member of the council for Environmental Matters of the City of Vienna. He extensively works in European or Austrian research projects on metropolitan and polycentric development as well as on smart city topics like mobility, quality of living, urban competitiveness and territorial cohesion.


Recently, his main topic in research is on smart positioning of cities in the European urban system focussing on energy efficient urban development.

CARINA LESKY Mphil. Cultural Researcher and Philologist, was born in Bludenz (AUT) and studied English and American Literature, Culture and Film at the University of Innsbruck and the Charles de Gaulle University in Lille (FRA). She lives in Vienna, where she has been working at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society as a research associate on amateur film and on the role and function of ephemeral film in relation to the understanding of urban phenomena. Currently she is holding a fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Doc-team) and writing her PhD-thesis »Stepping into the Street – Film in Public Space« about the role of film as in urban practice. She has worked as external researcher at Vienna Technological University and the University of Theatre, Film and Media Studies in Vienna. Her research interests are: Urban Cinematics, Public Space, Ephemeral Film, Amateur Film, Visual History.

ZSOLT SŐRÉS (AHAD) Born 01. 01. 1969 in Budapest. He is an improvised/electroacoustic and noise musician, sound artist. His main instrument is 5 string viola. Ahad’s music characterised by formation strategy and immediate transitions, the use of unstable acoustic systems and continuous sound layers, unique electronic instruments (circuit bent toys, crackle box, home-made oscillators, lo-fi systems, resonating objects etc.). Within the last 20 years he has performed with a number of improvised, free jazz and experimental musicians and composers around the world in festivals, events, intermedia organizations and club concerts in Europe

8 and USA. His current projects: trio with Franz Hautzinger and Isabelle Duthoit, duo with Jean-Hervé Péron Art-Errorist (from the legendary krautrock band Faust), Inconsolable Ghost (with Hilary Jeffery, Gideon Kiers, the former members of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation with Makino Takashi, an independent film maker from Japan), Ahad & ChrS (duo with Christian Skjødt), I Belong to the Band (with Adam Bohman, Oli Mayne and Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg), Noise Flowers (with Oli Mayne and András Wahorn), duo with Christian Kobi, collaboration with the experimental rock group Theme (with Stuart Carter, Richard Johnson and Tomek Chołoniewski among others), Spiritus Noister (with two Hungarian phonic poets, Katalin Ladik and Endre Szkárosi), Positive Noise Trio, ZSB (trio with Milana Zarić and Richard Barrett), multimedia project entitled „Lektrónia” (with Márta Ladjánszki, a contemporary dance coreographer and a fine artist Zsolt Koroknai), DoN’t Eat Group (with Hungarian underground film and video artists) etc. Until 2010 he was the main organizer of the underground film screening series called „Club of Invisible Films” at Ludwig Museum in Budapest. From 1996 to 2002 he was the artistic director of the ”Pause-Sign Experimental Music Festival” and from 2008 to 2010 the ”Relative (Cross)Hearings International Contemporary Music Meeting” in Budapest. He was the series editor of the Hungarian version of the following books: Jozef Cseres: „Musical Simulacra”; Michael Nyman: ”Experimental Music. Cage and Beyond”; Edwin Prévost: „No Sound is Innocent. AMM and the Practice of Self-Invention: Meta-musical Narratives.” Since 2009 he is collaborating with the cult horror/underground/surreal film director Andrey Iskanov from Khabarovsk, Russian Far-East. In 2012 he was the Hungarian curator of the international „Sound Exchange” project, a special research the long traditions of experimental music cultures in Central and Eastern Europe featuring Ernő Király from Novi Sad among others.


IVÁN TOSICS (*1952) is one of the principals of Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), Budapest. He is mathematician and sociologist (PhD) with long experience in urban sociology, strategic development, housing policy and EU regional policy issues. Since late 2011 he is one of the three Thematic Pole Managers of the URBACT programme. He teaches at the University of Pécs, Department of Political Studies, Doctoral School. He is vice chair of the European Network of Housing Research (ENHR), executive committee member of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and member of the HS-NET Advisory Board to UN-HABITAT. He is the Policy Editor of the journal „Urban Research and Practice”, member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the „Journal of Housing and the Built Environment” and for „Housing Studies”. He was invited as expert to the European Parliament public hearing on „The place of Europe’s towns and cities in Cohesion policy”. He was working for DG Regio in the Cities of Tomorrow programme, preparing issue paper on „Governance challenges and models for the cities of tomorrow”. He was one of the organizers of the high-level conference on demographic changes during the Hungarian EU Presidency. He was Lead Expert of two URBACT programmes. He represented for many years the Municipality of Budapest in EUROCITIES, as chair of the Economic Development Forum in 2007-2008 and as member of the Executive Committee in 2009-2010. He participated in the preparation of the Rehabilitation Strategy of Budapest, and he was the leader of a consortium working on the medium and long term Urban Development Strategy of Budapest.

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