Creative Quarterly 2020 Media Kit

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creative Quarterly 2020 media kit




The journal of arts and design

creative Quarterly : Our Mission presenting the only magazine concentrating on the fields of graphic design, photography, illustration and fine art. publ i s h e d f o u r t i m e s a y e a r , c r e a t i v e q ua r t e r ly i s d i r e c t e d a t working professionals as well as students and professors in colleges, universities and art schools across the globe.

Creative Quarterly is different from anything out there. More interactive. More inspirational. A magazine where there is a mutual exchange of ideas between the magazine and its readers. Glance through any of the current crop of art and design magazines in the market today and you will find it hard to find the articles for the plethora of ads surrounding the content. More importantly it’s rare that you find a publication that inspires an artist or designer’s everyday work. True, there might be profiles of artists and designers but rarely do they inquire as to where their inspiration comes from. Any creative person knows this is valuable information. Finding that source of inspiration helps creative individuals establish their own voice which in turn influences the work they do professionally. At Creative Quarterly we want to play the role of gathering these different points of inspiration through our profiles of leading practitioners in their field. And by providing links to interesting sites we engage our readers in areas outside their specific field of interest. After all that’s what our readers are interested in. Visual ideas. Ideas that can be re-interpreted in paint or pixels. Not to copy, but to be inspired.

➺ A L E S S A N D R O M A F F I O L E T T I , I TA LY

F R O N T C O V E R : M A R I A K A N E V S K A YA , U S A

creative Quarterly : Our Numbers c q i s d i s t r i b u t e d g l o b a l ly w i t h a p r o j e c t e d r e a c h o f w e l l

1 2 , 0 0 0 p r o f e s s i o n a l s a n d n e a r ly 1 0 , 0 0 0 s t u d e n t s a n d faculty. our primary target audience is 22-34, college educated, with an average annual income of $58,000. sixty-percent reside in north america. over

Creative Quarterly reaches a unique market of professionals, educators and college students. Whether they’re involved in their own freelance practice as designers, illustrators or photographers or working in a design firm or advertising agency, our readers will appreciate knowing about your products or services. Whatever their chosen field you will have made an impression on them at every stage of their career in an environment within Creative Quarterly where their curiosity is at its highest. As a member of the workforce they have the ability to influence buying decisions either directly with a client or indirectly through their employer. This cutting-edge group brings vitality to the marketplace, coming with new ideas and advancing new technologies. Understanding their varied reading habits we’ve purposely designed our magazine with this audience in mind. And keep in mind that our potential reach of is not a static number; as graduates move into the workplace they are being replaced on campus by a whole new crop of students eager to learn and grow. Your current and potential audience is there to reach in a package they’ll approve and appreciate.


creative Quarterly: Our Pitch cq is unique in that it reaches a very select group of artists, designers and photographers—professionals and the n e x t - g e n e r a t i o n — w h o w o r k i n d e p e n d e n t ly o r w i t h m i d - s i z e organizations. since the audience skews younger they stay on t o p o f t h e l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g y a n d a r e v i s ua l ly a t t u n e d .

Creative Quarterly is a relatively young publication—we’re in the process of building our readership daily. While today we can’t compete head-to-head with existing art and design publications we can deliver a highly targeted, diverse audience made up of individuals who understand and appreciate art and design. We don’t have the mass circulation of CA or the newsstand presence of Eye—yet. That’s why our rates aren’t as high as theirs—yet. What we can offer is a publication where you can avoid clutter—where your ad will stand out—where what surrounds you is editorial and not your competition. Our creative readers hate having to wade through pages of advertising to get to the first article. Though jaded, they’re willing to pick up a magazine that’s more content than advertising. Each issue of CQ is designed with both the reader and you the advertiser in mind. Your ad stands out because it’s not placed against, behind or in front of another ad but next to something our readers are eager to see and read. You win because without the clutter they have noticed your ad, the reader wins in not having to wade through advertising to enjoy why CQ was created in the first place. It’s a truly win-win situation.


creative Quarterly : Our Rates & Specs cq is published four times a year in print and epub edi-


tions with a

average clicks per month. below are the

1, 2020. inserts.

published rates effective january accept pre-printed advertising

note: we do not





Full Page Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Back Cover

$1500 Add 15% Add 10% Add 25%







fa l l





closing dates

web banner ads

Advertisers who advertise a full-page for a year will receive a free banner ad.


cost/6 mo

cost/12 mo

Square Button Vertical Banner

125 x 125 px 125 x 240 px

$180 $200

$280 $300

mechanical specs

Trim size: full-page = 8 x 11.8-inches. Only digital formats will be accepted. We accept TIFF or PDF/x files (300–450 dpi). TIFF images should be SWOP (CMYK or Grayscale) between 300 and 450 dpi. All bleeds must be 0.125" beyond the trim. contact information

To inquire about rates and schedule, contact ad representative Truby Chiaviello at or 202.363.3741.


creative Quarterly : Editorial Content cq does what no other magazine does, it covers the world of graphic design, illustration, photography and fine art under one cover. with profiles, images of inspiration from industry leaders and from our readers alike as well as exhibiting the l a t e s t w i n n e r s f r o m o u r j u r i e d q ua r t e r ly c o m p e t i t i o n s .


We ask our readers to share an image of what inspires their work.


We introduce leaders in the fields of graphic design, illustration, photography and fine art. Previous profiles include Marlene Dumas, Si Scott, Erik Almas and Page Tsou. As an international publication we feature artists and designers from all over the world, many have never been profiled before.


We showcase the work of emerging artists and designers as well as the practicing professional in our quarterly competitions. We ask important artists, photographers and designers to share their work with us.

Our hope is by representing both the next generation and those currently working in the marketplace there will be a sharing of ideas. Ideas that spawn new ideas.

Book Reviews

We locate books in the areas of art, photography and design which we feel will be an interesting and informative read.


Creative Quarterly has received national and international recognition for its design and content. HOW International Design Annual recognized the magazine design each year since 2010. The international magazine organization Belvedere, based in Milan recognized Creative Quarterly as one of the top 100 art and design publications in the world. One of our covers was exhibited in Rome’s Museum of Contemporary Art (MARCO) in 2012—a first for the museum. And Rockport Publishers featured our cover designs in their book, “ The Best of Cover Design”.


creative Quarterly The journal of arts and design 649 morgan avenue suite 2l brooklyn new york 11222 p.718 435 4047 f.212 537 6201 published by artisanal media llc, new york

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