Contents… March 2011: Issue No 32 Cover Image: Lisa Johnson‐Richards
Regular Features… 5
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Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Editor’s Note: Read Bea Broadwood’s introduc on & welcome to this month’s fabulous edi on of the FREE AIM magazine! 30 On My Workbench This Month: NEW!!! AIM member Warren Barnard introduces himself and his brand new regular feature. 34 New on the Web: This month we feature the website of AIM member and miniature food ar san Sarah Maloney. 10 Things You Never Knew About Me: Learn unusual facts about our members! This month we feature Debbe Mize. 44 In Season This Month: Vicky Guile and AIM members take a closer look at food in Tudor mes. 58 Aunt Anastasia: If you have a miniature dilemma, then why not write to our very own agony aunt for her advice? 60 Miniatura Preview: A preview of new items that will be on show by AIM Members at Spring Miniatura. 66 Smaller Scales: This month Jean Day takes a closer look at all things Tudor in smaller scale miniatures. 70 Tumbleton Tower: Regular ‘fantasy feature’ compiled by Celia of Oberon’s Wood. This month Celia invites Julia and Hywel Jeffreys to review ’The Gatehouse’ dolls house kit. 78 Ge ng to Know You: Find out more about AIM member and smaller scales food ar san Courtney Strong. 81 Tips and Hints: NEW!!! AIM member Janet Smith presents the best of this month’s ps and hints for miniaturists. 84 Through the Keyhole: We take a peek through the keyhole and into the workspace of AIM member Linda Master. 87 AIM Adver sing: NEW!! Promote your business in the AIM magazine ‐ available to members AND non‐members. 90 Gallery Feature: AIM member Jean Day presents a gallery of Tudor miniatures from the members of AIM. 100 Blog of the Month: Featuring the blog of Bea and Tony Broadwood of Pe te Proper es Ltd. 104 Cross Over Cra s: Featuring AIM member Robin Be erley. 108 Show Report: From Thame Dolls House and Miniatures Fair.
112 The Kni ng Basket: Read the latest instalment of Frances Powell’s popular kni ng series. 115 Sew Retro!: AIM member Kathi Mendenhall’s regular sewing feature. 120 The Miniature Grapevine: Catch up on all the latest news and announcements from the interna onal world of miniatures.
Features… 6
Cover Story: Genealogy in Miniature: Guest contributor Elizabeth Grace and AIM member Lisa Johnson‐Richards share the story behind the crea on of a miniature Tudor Family. 16 Pomanders: AIM member Marianne Colijn gives insight into the fragrant and popular pomanders of the Tudor mes. 18 The Tudor Mill and Blacksmith’s Shop: Lidi Stroud shows us around her 1:12 scale mill and blacksmith’s workshop. 24 A Bird in the Hand: Sally Watson discovers more about falconry and birds of prey in this special feature. 28 A Gyrfalcon for a King: AIM member Liz McInnis explains the significance of the bird in your mini scene. 37 King Henry VIII & His Wives: Find out more about the infamous Tudor king and his 6 wives with AIM member Diane Yunnie. 50 Tudor Estate Agents: Jean Day presents a variety of miniature proper es, typical of the Tudor period, for your viewing pleasure and considera on. 82 Pewter… A Brief History: AIM member Naomi Machida shares the history of pewter and its uses. 109 Blackwork Embroidery: The history and origins of blackwork embroidery by AIM member Helen Woods.
Free Projects…
22 Pe t Point Cushions: Ludwina Akbulut‐Van Oosterwyck shares two of her miniature s tching charts. 47 Easy Po age in Any Scale: Janet Smith shows us how to make miniature versions of this staple Tudor meal. 54 Tudor Brick Making: AIM member CJ Cormier shows us how to create a realis c Tudor brick effect. 76 Tudor Thatched Roof: Part one of a three part Tudor thatched roof project from AIM member CJ Cormier. 102 Tudor Printables: AIM member Jean Day shares useful Tudor printables for your dolls house or miniature scene. 114 Monmouth Cap: AIM member Frances Powell’s pa ern for popular kni ed headwear of the Tudor period.
50 Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
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How did you find the Online Magazine?? Did you follow a link? Did a miniature friend tell you about it? ...and do you already know about the Ar sans In Miniature Website, and the talented members who have all helped create this Online magazine.? If not, copy, paste and CLICK now – and come and meet us all. Founded in 2007 by Bea (Fiona) Broadwood of Pe te Proper es, the website has been created in order to showcase the fantas c work of the individual professional interna onal ar san members who create beau ful and original scale miniatures for sale to the public. Together they form the Ar sans In Miniature associa on. Since its launch the AIM associa on has rapidly grown and now boasts membership of well over 200 professional ar sans, including some of the most talented within the miniature world! On the website you will find further informa on about them and their work; however, please note new pages are constantly being added and there are many members who are not yet included on the site... If you are a professional ar san who is interested in joining the associa on, you will find all the informa on there..... If you are wondering what Fairs may be on in your area – that informa on is there too… We have lots of links…to Fairs and Events Organizers…Magazines…Online Miniature clubs….Historical reference sites…..Workshops…and more… it’s all there!
If you’d like to contact us, copy, paste and CLICK... we’d love to hear from you! Ar sans In Miniature
Ar sans In Miniature
The AIM Magazine’s Editorial Team: Bea Broadwood (Editor) office@pe te‐proper es .com Vicky Guile (Assistant Editor) vi cky@njdminia tures .com Celia (of Oberons Wood) mail Helen Woods Janet Smith Jean Day jda John Day jda yminis@sha Kathi Mendenhall sewminipa erns@a .net Peiwen Pe tgrand oiseaudeni Sally Watson spwatson@ntlworl New Editorial Team Members: Barbara ‘Babs’ Davies Kim Murdock Lesley Shepherd Pamela J Shelly Norris
EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Reader Welcome to the March edi on of the AIM magazine! As is customary, it is once again my pleasure to welcome you all to the March edi on of the ground breaking AIM imag! For many of you March might conjure up images of new spring bulbs or bouncing fluffy lambs… however for around 30+ members of AIM, this month has an altogether more fran c significance; as the onset of March brings with it the inevitable (and o en fraught) final build up to the world famous Miniatura Show. For all the AIM members who will be exhibi ng at the NEC this month, the first three weeks of March inevitably mean, long days, much midnight oil consump on and an all round dose of raised blood pressure, combined with a (not so) healthy dose of nervous anxiety. I too have not been immune to the ‘pre Miniatura effect’ as along with Mr Bea, I will also be exhibi ng at the show. Therefore with my increased workload in mind Vicky Guile (Assistant Editor) has once again stepped forward and helped rescue my sanity by very kindly leading this publica on into frui on, allowing me some much needed me to concentrate on my own show prepara ons. However, I am sure you will all agree that Vicky, supported by the fabulous AIM editorial team and our members, have collec vely put together yet another breathtaking issue for you all to enjoy – for FREE!! So if you want to know just what AIM members have been so busy working on and you would like to get a sneak preview of some of the miniature delights that will be available at the Miniatura Show later in the month, then take a look at our fabulous preview report on page 60. With luck and a er a much needed lie down in a darkened room, I will be back at the
Freelance Members: Agnes Turpin Catherine Davies Eileen Sedgwick Jennifer Matuszek Julia Jeffreys Julie Lawton Lidi Stroud Marianne Colijn Mo Tipton Nancy Keech Stephanie Kilgast
Please note AIM is an ac ve associa on to which all members contribute.
helm for the April imag, which is already shaping up to be yet another unmissable issue! In the mean me, grab a cuppa, put your feet up, se le back and enjoy AIM member’s inspiring ‘Tudor’ celebra on!’
Editor (& General whip cracker) March 2011 te‐proper
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Falconer by Teresa Thompson
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
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A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
A r sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Minia ture March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Artisans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
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Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
Ar sans In Miniature March 2011
This issue would not have been possible without the generous contribu ons from the following AIM members… Many thanks therefore go to... Anne Walden-Mills
Joy Cox
Margot Ensink
Bea & Tony Broadwood
Julia Connett
Marianne Co lijn
Beatrice Thierus
Julia & Hywel Jeffreys
Martin Pearce
CJ Cormier
Julie Campbell
Mary Williams
Carol Smith
Julie Dewar
Nancy Cronin
Courtney Strong
Kate Pinsent
Naomi Machida
Daisy Carpi
Kathi R. Mendenhall
Oberon's Wood
Debbe Mize
Kathryn Gray
Pearl Hudson
Debbie Dixon-Paver
Kay Brooke
Peiwen Pet itgrand
Diane Yunnie
Kevin Jackson
Robin & Shawn Betterley
Eileen Sedgwick
Lee Ann Borgia
Sally Watson
Fiona Bateman
Lidi Stroud
Sarah Maloney
Frances Powell
Linda Master
Teresa Thompson
Francesca Vernuccio
Lisa Johnson-Richards
Tiggy Goldsmith
Helen Woods
Liz McInnis
Vicky Guile
Jain Squires
Louise Goldsborough
Viola Williams
Jane Laverick
Ludwina Akbulut -Van
Warren Barnard
Janet Granger
Janet Harmsworth
Mags Cassidy
Janet Smith
Malcolm Smith
Jean & John Day
Margaret Pitts
See you in April!!!
Please Note: The projects included in this publica on are not suitable for children unde r the age of 14* The miniatures featured in this magazine are collectors items and therefore unsuitable for children unde r 14*. All projects are unde rtaken at your own risk. AIM does not acce pt responsibility for any injury incurred. All ar cles and photographs used in this magazine a re copyright of their authors. The AIM magazine’s content is for private use only and it must not be reproduced in part or in full for commercial gain in any form. Each ar san contributor is responsible for their own work / contribu on to the AIM magazine and retain full responsibility for the ir published work. The authors/self publis hers cannot be he ld legally respons ible for a ny conseque nces arising from following instruc ons, advice or informa on in this magazine. *with the excepƟon of the Mini AIMers feature which is wriƩen especially for children under 14.