Artist Portfolio Magazine - Issue 5

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PORTFOLIO magazine


Interview with Jaydee Dizon

MYARTCON and Artist Portfolio Magazine are pleased to announce an open call for art for the celebration of the 1 year anniversary of Artist Portfolio Magazine. Over $4000 in cash and prizes Deadline to enter is January 15, 2012 $35 for 2 entries Prizes Best of Show $1500, Cover Art and a 2-4 page feature spread in Artist Portfolio Magazine. 2nd Place $500 and a 2-4 page feature spread in Artist Portfolio Magazine. 3rd Place $200 and a 2-4 page feature spread in Artist Portfolio Magazine. 20 Honorable Mentions will receive a full page feature in Artist Portfolio Magazine. All Participants Will have at least 1 of your art pieces published in Artist Portfolio Magazine.


NTEST.COM An Artist's Winter Andrew Myers Laguna Beach, CA

Wood Screws / Oil Paint 25" x 25" x 4" from our 2010 Realism Art Contest


PORTF contents

About the Cover Art

page 6 - Top 23 Photography Artists

Artist: Jennifer Georgescu Title: Untitled 2 series: Sand, Stones, Dead Leaves & Bone It seems that while that we can recognize that we are a part of nature, there is evidence of a disconnect taking place. We have no solid definition of what it is that we claim to be a part of, and rationality is privileged over wildness and chaos. We set aside small areas of land for enjoyment, we pay to see caged animals; we want to “dabble” in nature so that we can feel closer to it. “Sand, Stones, Dead Leaves & Bone” examines our relationship to nature and the anxiety that comes from our lack of contact with it.

page 32 Jaydee Dizon Interview

Presented in this work are slightly unsettling images of humans being engulfed by nature and vice versa; attractive and repulsive in their approach. This dualism suggests that perhaps we fear nature might win if we don’t dominate it, while at the same time alluding to the acceptance of not being in control. Through the use of traditional medium format film and imploring a digital means to seam together multiple negatives, I explore “backyard” suburban nature and the integration of the physical and mental self into its surroundings.

page 38 - Participants Photography Artists



ISSUE 5 January 2012


Artist Portfolio Magazine is a free digital online magazine that contains the art of both emerging and established artists from around the world. The artwork featured in this issue of Artist Portfolio Magazine come directly from the winners and participants of our Photography Only Art Contest at The Winners were chosen not by their status in the art world, but by the merit of their work.

Artist Portfolio Magazine was created by artists for artists as a platform to get your art seen. We would like to thank every artist who participated in the various themed art contests over on because without the support from these artists Artist Portfolio Magazine would not exist.

We hope you enjoy the photography in this issue and if you would like to get your art into Artist Portfolio Magazine then please visit us at the websites below.

Artist Portfolio Magazine does not sell art. If you are interested in any of the art in this magazine then please contact the artist directly.

CopyrightŠ 2011, 2012 Artist Portfolio Magazine All contents and images cannot be reproduced without written permission from artists. Artists in Artist Portfolio Magazine and retain rights to all images.


jennifer georgescu Nashville, TN

1-423-304-2048 Jennifer Georgescu’s work describes instinctual aspects of humanity correlating to, and differing from, societal structuring. With a background in painting and photographic arts, Georgescu utilizes medium format film photography, installation, and digital technology. Her projects analyze dualisms in language, relationships, mythologies, and control. “I often search for the balance that exists in between these dichotomies. This is how I view humanity; as always teetering on the line between fiction and reality, domination and submissiveness, self and other." Georgescu is the recipient of a six month artist residency at Gallery F in Nashville, TN. A recent BFA graduate from Watkins College of Art, Design & Film, she has won numerous awards such as the Watkins Presidential Scholarship, First place in the Annual Renaissance regional Art Exhibition, and is a featured finalist in the Camera Obscura Journal of Literature and Photography. Selected exhibitions include the Lexington Art League in Lexington, KY, Gallery F in Nashville, TN, the Tanner Hill Gallery in Atlanta, GA, the Sylvia White Gallery in Ventura, CA, and the West Valley Art Museum in Surprise, AZ.

Untitled # 2 from the series, "Sand, Stones, Dead Leaves & Bone" Digital Archival Print 25" x 25"

diana walsh San Francisco, CA

Nest III from the series, "What We Sew" Giclee Print 10" x 10" 6

bev short Wellington, New Zealand

Miss Venus Starr Photography 18" x 12" 11

The Space Within: Awakening the Witness

maria kobiljski Vancouver, Canada

The Space Within: Into the Blue

jessie trinchard Miami, FL Tagging NOLA II

Superman vs. Zombies

oliver dunsch Frankfurt, Germany


matthew derezinski Kirksville, MO


andrew may Sydney, Australia

Angel Series 2010

genea barnes Ghost Bike 2

San Francisco, CA


eldred boze Wardensville, WV


martin scherer Mo i Rana, Norway

Hold On


Smoking Kills

danilo ursini Toronto, Canada


neville petersen Pretoria, South Africa

Point of Departure


neville petersen Pretoria, South Africa



jered dimartine Mount Ephraim, NJ



Wasp 25

Emerald Bay Starlight

dan jagaciewski South Lake tahow, CA


marcos armitaje Thousand Oaks, CA


Flushing, NY

nella khanis

A Life of a Leaf


jennifer georgescu Nashville, TN

Untitled #1 from the series, "Sand, Stones, Dead Leaves & Bones"


diana walsh San Francisco, CA

Stage II from the series "Life Half Lived"

An Ordinary Day

bev short Wellington, New Zealand


Engaging in Their Legacy An Interview with Jaydee Dizon by Ben Walker

Jaydee Dizon is known for creating silver gelatin prints; mix media, installations, and paintings. Her photographic ideas are based on identifying her place whether to be an advocate for cause-oriented events, environmental or global issues. Latrines Š Jaydee Dizon 2010

APM: Greetings Jaydee and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions for Artist Portfolio Magazine. Don’t worry, it’s not an interrogation, but just an informal Q&A to get our readers acquainted with you and your art. First off, I just wanted to let you know that I am a fan of your art and I really admire the way you immerse yourself into your work. I know you have done other series of work, like your Alhambra Blogject, but I would like for you to talk about your fascinating photography, installation and documentary called: Engaging in Their Legacy. For those who don’t know what this series is about, can you fill us in on this project and why you felt like it was an important story to tell? How long did this project take you to make? Jaydee: While I was finishing my Bachelor’s of Fine Art Degree with CSULB in 2004, I wanted to tackle low populated areas within 58 counties of California. My professor at the time, Mark Ruwedel was challenging my ideas and reasons for photographing so many cities. But I decided to do my undergraduate show by documenting Inyo County, it was the first time I drove to Highway 395. After driving through the auto tour of Manzanar, I knew I wanted to capture pictures in black and white and learn more about the history behind the American Concentration Camps in California. It’s quite ironic because I particularly didn’t care for subjects like political science and history during my high school years and beginning of college. When I arrived to the US in 1985, my family was searching for the “American Dream.” As I’ve seen on TV series such as Family Ties or Full House, a scene, which depicts a large family with a nice house and a good paying, job. So I thought to myself, it’s the land of opportunity, but after seeing the American Concentration Camps in California – What a disillusion! Therefore, I proposed to photograph and include artist interviews that talk about their experiences as artists in camp. Most documentaries I’ve seen are the interviewee discussing of their environment and personal experiences in camp, but I wanted to know if their creativity resumed during the WWII evacuation. It took me roughly 7 years to complete the photography and video project, Engaging in their Legacy. APM: Prison Walls. When you were photographing inside this place, what emotions or thoughts were going through your head? I mean, this place was a concentration camp sure took for US citizens on US soil and the prisoners only crimes where that they were Japanese. Pretty scary stuff. Molly Kitajima © Jaydee Dizon 2010


Prison Walls Š Jaydee Dizon 2010

Jaydee: It was quite an experience being inside the Jail House, also known as the Tule Lake Segregation Unit. I was unable to go inside without being escorted by a nearby forest ranger. Luckily, the ranger was very nice in letting me photograph for more than 2 hours. It was cold, quiet, stark and covered with dust. Usually, when I’m in any space whether outside searching for the right place to set up or where the direction of the light is coming from, I would look around the area and scout for quite awhile. As I walked along with the ranger, she showed me where the Japanese prisoners were kept for interrogation. However, being in the Jail House wasn’t what I expected, as much as I felt alone inside the building, I knew that I’ve waited this long to capture the pictures therefore nervous and hope that have the right image for my project. Finally, I found my spot and photographed parts of the wall. Since, I’m not a fan of flash photography; I used a low shutter speed and natural light when I captured Prison Walls. As far as camera equipment, a medium format camera called the Mamiya Pro 645. It’s all film, of course! APM: What did you enjoy most about creating Engaging in Their Legacy? Was it meeting the people, going to

these concentration camps? What was it? Jaydee: I can’t even begin or take a stab in answering this part of the interview. It was project that I knew I wanted

to accomplish and hear what the artists and their children face presently. The greatest part of the project was that they trusted me in making this art project from start to finish. However, before the interviews, I had a friend who worked in the film industry so she assisted in making sure the interviews were done in a manner that the interviewee were comfortable. Plus, I was advised that when making a video, there are times when certain things don’t necessarily happen in a way I want them to turn out. During my interviews with Hiroshi Kashiwagi, a Nisei (Second Generation Japanese Americans) Playwright, Actor, and Author was babysitting a blind dog. It was difficult because the dog didn’t like being left alone in another part of the house, so we didn’t have much of a choice but to have him close to Hiroshi. The dog was excited to see Hiroshi that he trampled onto a vase filled with water. Thank goodness for the standby button! Hiroshi and Soji © Jaydee Dizon 2010

Jaydee: The drive from Alhambra, CA to Klamath Falls, OR was quite extensive which took me 12 hours to get there, but it was one of the most memorable weekend to be a part of the Tule Lake Pilgrimage. It was a 3-day event held at the campus, Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT), which included a dorm room and a tiny fridge to store my film. The Tule Lake Pilgrimage was a way for me to understand the difference between Manzanar and Tule Lake. The Tule Lake Segregation Unit is where the Japanese Americans were detained and were called, “No No boys”. No No boys are what they call trouble makers in camp, since their responses were answered no on the following “loyalty questionnaire intended to distinguish loyal American citizens from enemy alien supporters of Japan. Question 27 asked, Are you willing to serve in the armed forces of the United States on combat duty, wherever ordered? Question 28 asked, Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States and faithfully defend the United States from any or all attack by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese emperor, or any other foreign government, power, or organization?"

APM: Where will your Engaging in Their Legacy be next, can we view the little video anywhere? YouTube? Jaydee: I am hoping that the San Francisco Public Library will consider my proposal in having Engaging in their Legacy in one of their galleries. It would be a wonderful opportunity since most of the people I met at the pilgrimage live in Northern California. Also, I want to take the opportunity in thanking the following dedicated artists in participating in my photography and video installation project Engaging in their Legacy: Soji Kashiwagi, Hiroshi Kashiwagi, Mary Kageyama Nomura, Al Nomura, Molly Kitajima, Bob Kitajima, Alan Miyatake and speaking in behalf of late grandfather Toyo Miyatake, and Dean Keesey who also spoke in behalf of his late talented mother Dr. Masumi Hayashi. Thank you for all your support: Roy Ikeda, Keith Kawamotto, Iku Kiriyama, Len Davis, Nancy Ogg, Elena Quan, Bink D’Carpio, and Ben Walker. Hopefully in the next few weeks or so, I will load the short version of my 30- minute video of Engaging in their Legacy in youtube, tumbler or vimeo. APM: What’s next for Jaydee Dizon? Are there any projects that you are working on that you would like to share with us? Jaydee: Always a new adventure! I’m up and running with different projects constantly as they float in my head all the time. My next idea stems up from the Engaging in their Legacy project and this time it will be exploring my artistic side in my family. I’ve decided to do some digging up on my family history in the Philippines. My grandfather was an unlicensed architect and worked for Clark Airbase, which is former United States Air Force base on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Perhaps, find other relatives and hopefully photograph the buildings that my grandfather helped in designing. APM: Where can we find your art? Jaydee: Please do visit my website at for more information on future exhibitions!

Engaging in their Legacy, Photography and Video Installation 2011 © Jaydee Dizon 2011


Celeste Cottingham - Improvisation

Lisa Lucas - Blue Bug

Dan Wills - Human Peace

Martin Bustamante - Angel

Lauren Ogie - Emily

Jessica Larsen - Homeless 40

Dayna Wood Paradise in Alphaville

Bruno Wojnicz Farewell to Childhood

Alex Maslanka - In the Garden

Andrea DiGiulio - The Stance


Mica Teal Electric Love

How Do I Go On

Dan Simoneau Breaking the Surface

Bryan Kopeck - Ghost of Me Casey Robertson - Snow in October

Denise Di Yanni - Behind the Curtain

Joseph Martin - Toxic Train

Danielle Webb

Danielle Valli is an emerging artist who creates unique compositions in both photography and traditional mediums. A novel approach to capturing the essence of Nature can be seen in her work, which has underlying southwestern tones with modern influences. Through her artwork, she enables the audience to view the natural world and its interaction and coexistence with the artificial world through an innovative perspective.

Danielle has been painting and drawing since she was able to hold a paint brush and pencil, but has only recently become engaged and enthralled in the realm of photography. More artwork and photography by Danielle can be found at:

Cactus Blossom



Suzan Mandia Falling

Leah Lallier - R.B. Ricketts Waterfall

John Box - Two Bells in Santorini Scott Erickson - Candlestick Flare

Susan Levin - Four Friends Scott Merriman - A Unique Flower

Angela Julian - Gamblers of the Past Edward Olive - Young Lady Goes Through Door

Sabrina Pizzuti - Runaway Bride


Jessica Pena - Drops of Life

Joseph Swift II - Surviving the Rain

Mele Fox - Blue RV Thomas Tiernan - No Escape Rodney Cabotage - Alone

Esther Sternberg Flower Petal in Water

Esther Sternberg Jaclyn in the Morning

Kelsey Fugere - Female Conquers Canvas

Maria Guerrero - Castellano Series

Phillip Bishop Gulfport Sky 55

Jasna Dragun - Reflection

Lauren Clardy - Signs of Life - Restrictions

Russel Langley - Through the Trees

Edin Chavez - Placid

Michael Taylor Luminescence 01

Analia Cabral - Angel Ortiz Dylan

Fraser Radford - Outskirts

Ryan Maples - Tear Jerker Crusie-In

Jess Buttermore - Another Day Ryan Maples - Tribute to Life

Belinda Fair A Touch of Frost

Mark Ross - One

Soniya Bhari - One Crazy Night

Anthony Berta - Spring Blossoms

Jennifer Madden Canoe Goes Under I


Kate Patsch Sam


Linda Tribuli - Double Vision Susan Levin - Musicality

Evamaria Ciolina - Duchess Susan Levin - On the Highway 64

Jennifer Madden - Sitting Bird

Melinda English - Manhattan Elevator

Melinda English - Hypatia's Library; Alexandria, Egypt

Melinda English - Norwegian Fjord

Melinda English - Such Beauty Along the Nile 66

gallery 207

gallery 207 207 n. broadway, ste e santa ana, ca 92701 hours: tuesday-saturday 11-5 open house 1st saturday of every month from 6-10pm

from our Portraits III Art Contest Stacey Turcotte Through the Window Oil on Canvas 5.5" x 12"


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