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Featured Artist: Thor Rafnsson

Please introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Thor Rafnsson born in Reykjavik, I live and work in Denmark. Art and above all else, visual arts, have always been my big interest.


Tell us about your education?

I received my education at The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts.

Along with my education I worked in the evenings as an assistant to known Icelandic artists. My personal theme in my images have been woven by my own development in life. In 1995 when I began work within Anthroposophy, I got a new inspiration for my work and developed an entirely new artistic impulse.

The Waldorf education and the work there has given me a lot of influence while developing my personal style. It was during those years of study, that I found my internal expression in my pictures.

Describe your work?

The colours are most often light and I endeavour to capture after concord and balance.

Through the pictures I also want to try and express mankind’s internal spiritual room, where the creation of the images occur.

The Laid Back Women

How to pick a subject to paint?

Most often I find my subject through the people I meet in my everyday life. Some encounters spur my imagination and I get the urge to put what I feel on canvas.

Do you ever see yourself in one of your portraits you have painted?

It happens, most often in a symbolic way. I think every painting an artist puts out has some of him or her in it always.

It can be the way one felt at that moment, a feeling you would like to capture or a space to explore.

How long does a piece take and do you have a process you go through?

It depends on my personal motivation, or when I feel ready to put what I am processing on canvas. Sometimes it can be a matter of days, other times a matter of weeks.

The Man from the Past

After you have completed a piece do you feel you have learnt anything?

Every painting is often something new, both technically and spiritually.

I can change my style of painting often to suit what I want to express and sometimes it is even a struggle, which forces me to explore new avenues, so that I can reach the visual language I want to express.

I work with both and sometimes from imagination.

Do you work from a photograph or a real sitter?

What do you like to do when not creating art?

I usually enjoy listening to audiobooks or listening to music, things like David Bowie or Pink Floyd.

How does nature effect your work?

Nature is a big part of what I do and I endeavour to emulate her in my art. Her colours, shapes and mood speaks of that concord and balance that I want to find when I create my work.

Who is your favorite artist and why?

I have many, but the one that sticks out the most right now is David Bowie and his ingenious way of having to always been able to renew his artistry, finding new ways to express his music. This is something I try to emulate myself as to not get stuck in a groove and get bored with the creation process.

Which artists inspire your own art?

Erro, an Icelandic artist with vivid and energetic artwork that really boggles the mind and of course Salvador Dalí.

If you was not an artist what would you be?

I can’t say, all the persons or roles I think of has some kind of artistry involved in it. I don’t think I would be anything else at all really.


Has social media affected the way you view your work?

To say that it hasn’t would be lying. The abundance of access to both inspiration, other people’s works affects me every day.

As well as the ease with which people can criticize or praise your work, it can be both good and bad.

What has been your favourite piece?

I Hear You

I Hear You

Do you learn from criticism of your work?

Like with everyone, yes, if it is constructive. Really it is hard to take criticisms on your pieces when so much of yourself is reflected in them. It is needed though, for ones continued growth as an artist.

What are your future plans?

I want to continue my painting and hopefully get to put it on exhibit in 2020.



Instagram: @thor.rafnsson

Facebook: @thor.rafnsson

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