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Vintage Rambles with rafa and Flake
This walk originally featured in the magazines back in May 2014. Thank you to Terry from Alfreton Ramblers Club, who submitted the original. We have changed the shorter route slightly to make use of a nice path up to the Manor, avoiding a couple of fields, which can be particularly muddy at the moment. One of the great things about this walk is that there are two options; a shorter walk (marked in green) which takes you right up by the Manor or another longer walk (marked in red), which gives you a great view of the manor from up on high. Enjoy!
3.5/4.5 mile circular from South Wingfield, around Wingfield Manor A moderate and varied walk for you and your dog. The route should take around 2/2.5 hours. The route has a couple of decent inclines and there are stiles to cross. There are a few stretches of road so take care. The terrain is generally good but as with all walks if it has been wet there will probably be some muddy sections so a good pair of boots or wellies as always is highly recommended.

1. Begin the walk by taking the signposted path opposite Taylors Mill to cross a footbridge. Then cross the fields alongside the River Amber before crossing the edge of the playing field, over a footbridge and passing through a tunnel under the railway. 2. Turn right and follow the railway for some distance as it takes you beside Shaw Wood. After the wood carry on ahead and keep to the right of a large detached house, following signs to a wooden gate on your left. 3. Follow the path diagonally down the fields and through a metal gate, then diagonally again to pass through a wooden gate. Bear slightly left, downhill to cross a footbridge over a brook. Then bear uphill and slightly right, to keep the hedge on your right. Carry on to cross a stile, then head diagonally left to cross another stile onto Jacksons Lane.
4. Turn right and walk down Jacksons Lane for some distance. At a T-junction turn right and walk along Park Lane for some distance passing under the railway bridge and then some houses on your left.
5. For a shorter route take a turn on your right, signposted ‘Public Bridleway’, before reaching ‘Shrewsbury Cottage’, turn left along a path. 6. Walk along this path for some distance, by a ford and then uphill towards the Manor. After the Manor at a junction of paths, take the path to the right heading downhill. 7. Continue to reaching a tarmacked road and turn left to follow the road up towards Manor road (B5035).
Turn right and follow the road. Past the Yew Tree pub take the footpath sign on the right.
5. For the extended walk carry on along Park Lane, past the turn for Fritchley and then uphill for about half a mile. Pass the first path on your right then after the road bends left then right take the stile on your right to walk alongside the field. 6. At the B5035/Garner Lane turn left then cross to take a footpath. before a newly built house. About 150 meters up the path by a small set of footpath signs on the wall turn right to head towards the telegraph pole and follow the path down the fields to cross a footbridge. 7. After the bridge bear right to cross a stile and follow the path as it winds around the back of the houses and brings you out onto the B5035/Manor road, near the Yew Tree pub. Cross the road and take the path ahead.
8. At this point both routes re-join. After a short way turn left after the gate and follow the path past the allotments. Bear right to cross a stile and down the steps. Turn left at the bottom then turn right onto Parks Avenue. Next turn left on Parks Avenue and continue ahead to reach the road. Turn right and you’re back to where you began.

This walk is for illustrative purposes only. Voice Magazines takes no responsibility for anyone who chooses to follow this route and encourages all walkers to obey all byelaws and signs and to respect the area they are walking in, ensuring they pick up all dog mess and obey the countryside code at all times.
Wingfield Manor
Park Head
South Wingfield Fritchley

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