Voice Magazines - Kirkby-in-Ashfield & Annesley Edition - November 2021

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Musical Theatre in Mansfield .... Is your child aged between 3-12 years? Do they have a passion for singing, dancing, and acting? Are you looking to build their confidence levels? If so, then why not get them to join New Youth Theatre for their production of “Matilda” Classes for Mansfield are run on either Thursday evenings or Saturday Mornings at St John’s Old School Centre, St John Street, Mansfield, NG18 1QH Visit us on www.newyouththeatre.co.uk/mansfield Call Neil or Vicky on 01623 406284 or email mansfield@newyouththeatre.co.uk to arrange a free taster session or for more information. Rehearsals start January 2022

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Voice Magazines - Kirkby-in-Ashfield & Annesley Edition - November 2021 by Voice Magazines and Artliff Design & Print - Issuu