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Slimming World Recipe
Christmas Soup
What to do with all those leftovers? Well how about this delicious and filling soup to tantalise those tastbuds on Boxing Day?
1. Cook the sausages according to the pack instructions. 2. While the sausages are cooking, make the soup.
Roughly chop 400g of the sprouts, then finely shred the rest and set aside. Put the chopped sprouts, onion, garlic (if using), cauliflower, nutmeg (if using) and 200ml boiling water in a large nonstick saucepan. Cover, bring to the boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. 3. Add the stock, then take the pan off the heat and blitz with a stick blender until you have a smooth consistency (or use your food processor and
return to the pan). Season to taste and put the soup back over a low heat to keep it hot. 4. Spray a non-stick frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and stir-fry the shredded sprouts, bacon, turkey and sage for 2-3 minutes or until the sprouts and bacon are cooked. Slice the sausages and stir into the turkey mixture to heat through. 5. Ladle the soup into bowls, top with the turkey mixture, add a little freshly ground black pepper and evenly dollop over the cranberry sauce to serve.
For more information visit www.slimmingworld.co.uk
Serves: 4 Ready in: 35 mins Ingredients:
450g Brussels sprouts, trimmed (or use broccoli florets) 1 large onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed (optional) ½ medium cauliflower, chopped Pinch of grated nutmeg (optional) 700ml hot vegetable stock For the festive toppings: 2 Slimming World Pork
Sausages (available from Iceland stores – if you can’t get them,
use another low-fat sausage and count any Syns) Low-calorie cooking spray 3 lean bacon medallions, visible fat removed, chopped 120g cooked roast turkey, skin and visible fat removed, shredded 3 fresh sage leaves, shredded 3 level tbsp cranberry sauce
Syns per serving: 1 Syn
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Vintage Rambles with rafa and Flake
Rafa has been saving this little walk as a Christmas special for you all. He loves a walk in the woods and a bit of history too, so this walk is a favourite! Half way round this walk you pass the Parliament Oak, which, it is reputed, was the site of impromptu assemblies of Parliament by King John and latterly King Edward in the 13th Century. I hope you enjoy it as much as Rafa does.
A moderate walk for you and your dog. This walk should take 2 to 21/2 hours. There is a major road to cross, twice, so take plenty of care. Make sure you wear appropriate footwear for the conditions. And as always, follow the countryside code!
1. Standing with your back to the recycling centre turn right and continue gently uphill along a gravel lane. Continue straight ahead for some distance and then pass ‘Greenacres’ on your left-hand side. Continue straight ahead along the lane for a long distance and eventually you will reach a main road. Cross straight over the road and continue along a footpath entering into some woodland. 2. After a short distance ignore a footpath sharp to the left and continue straight ahead through the trees along a footpath running parallel with the road over to your right. Continue straight ahead for some distance and eventually you will reach a
T junction with a lane. Turn left to continue along the lane. After a short distance the lane bends around to the left and a little further on the lane narrows to a footpath. At this point ignore the path to the left and continue straight ahead going through the trees. 3. Continue straight ahead for some distance and then just prior to the path bending to the right,
turn left onto another footpath. Continue along this path with just a few trees and then open views to your right and woodland on your left.
After some distance ignore a major path on your left and then continue for a long distance being sure to stay close to the open views on your right. 4. Continue until you reach a clearing and then at this point continue straight ahead and pass beneath some power lines. Continue straight ahead back into the trees and eventually you will reach a T junction with a tarmac lane with a metal gate just to your right. Turn left at the T junction and continue for a very short distance to a main road passing a signboard for ‘Parliament Oak’ on your left. 5. Cross straight over the main road and continue along a lane for a very short distance. Then turn left onto a footpath (WARNING: THIS PATH IS HARD TO SPOT) to go back into the trees. This path runs parallel with the road over to your left.
After some distance you will cross over a lane with a wooden gate and the main road over to your left to continue back into the trees along a footpath running parallel with the road. 6. After some distance you will come into a clearing.
Continue a little further on to reach a T junction with a lane. Turn left along the lane for a short distance and then just prior to reaching a wooden gate and a main road, turn right to continue along
a footpath going through the trees running parallel with the road. Continue along this footpath for some distance until reaching a T junction of footpaths with a fence directly in front of you. Turn right to continue along a footpath going gently downhill with a fence on your left. 7. Ignoring any paths to the right continue straight ahead for some distance until reaching a clearing.
Continue straight ahead passing underneath some power lines and close by to a pylon on your left. After, head back into the trees and be sure to ignore the path immediately to the right and continue straight ahead keeping, and staying close to open views on your left. 8. Continue straight ahead for quite some distance being sure to stay close to the open views on your left. Eventually you will reach a T junction of paths. Turn left and then continue straight ahead with a hedge and open views to your left. Continue straight ahead for some distance until reaching and passing underneath a railway bridge onto a road. Follow the road for a short distance to a T junction of roads and then turn left. 9. Follow this road for quite some distance until reaching another T junction of roads. Turn left and after a short distance pass underneath a railway bridge to continue back to the start/finish.
This walk is for illustrative purposes only. Voice Magazines Ltd takes no responsibility for anyone who chooses to follow this route and encourages all walkers to obey all byelaws and signs and to respect the area they are walking in, ensuring they pick up all dog mess and obey the countryside code at all times.
PARLIAMENT OAK MansFIeld Woodhouse
Clipstone Warsop Sherwood Forest