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Gardener’s Calendar

We unless you’re planting into fresh compost which often has nutrients to encourage growth. Then remember to keep watering until established and in periods of hot dry weather –Water in the morning if possible. A good drench is better than small amounts frequently. Evening watering is next best although it can encourage slugs as the ground will be wet overnight. Preferably don’t water in the middle of the day, it can scorch blooms. Hanging baskets dry out fast and water retaining gel can help counter this.

It might seem odd to talk about pruning when so much is bursting into flower, but there are some shrubs which need it now if you’re going to get the best out of them next year. These include those which flower in spring such as philadelphus (mock orange) forsythia and flowering currant. In order to get a good blossom show year on year they need to be cut back as soon as they’ve finished flowering. Take out dead or damaged stems to ground level and prune up to a quarter of old stems to near the base. On stems which have flowered this year, cut back to a lower strong growth.


If you have still got tulip foliage remaining in pots, and with this year’s cold start to the season that’s quite possible, it’s a good move to lift and plant them in a border. This not only frees up the pot for summer planting, but tulip bulbs which might show again next year have a better chance if fed with tomato feed and given a new home. Leave them in the pot and you’re more likely to get lots of leaves and small flowers.

The old mantra. Deadhead for more flowers. Particularly essential for sweet peas as they’re prone to completely giving up producing new flowers once they’ve set seed. The only plants you might want to leave to go to seed are things like digitalis which will produce more plants for you free of charge next year.

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