Hospital Arts Programme July - September 2018

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Hospital Arts Programme

Talking, Listening and Learning St John's, Western General, Royal Infirmary and Royal Edinburgh

July - September 2018

Hospital Activities Programme July - September 2018 Introduction to Programme Artlink offers activities across hospitals, involving people from many different backgrounds. Their involvement informs what we do and how we do it. Over the years we have looked for ways to get those different voices heard, often through participation in workshops, performance and writing. For this edition of the Hospital Arts programme we have asked Elaine Gallagher who has been volunteering with Artlink in hospitals to take over the writing of this programme. Its been interesting for us to see our work through Elaine’s eyes, as she highlights the importance of chatting to patients and taking time to listen to them; things that we perhaps take for granted but we know are crucial within all the work that we do. We would like to thank Elaine for her contribution and hope you enjoy the programme.

© Albie Clark (2)

Guest Introduction Hello everyone, I am Elaine Gallagher and I’m a writer and a poet. I’ve been volunteering with Artlink for a few years now and for this edition of the programme they have asked me to write about Artlink’s work from my, very particular, point of view. I love doing my regular workshop spot, Elaine’s Book and a Blether, because once a month I get to go to the wards in the Edinburgh Royal


Talking, Listening and Learning

Talking, Listening and Learning Infirmary to read to the patients, chat with them and listen to their stories. Every visit is different; I see new faces each time and people have a wide variety of tastes in what they want me to read to them. There are often times when someone doesn’t want to be read to, they just want the company, so we take the time to just sit and have a chat. We’ll tell each other jokes and they’ll tell me about themselves, and we’ll have a blether for a while. My visits are often one-to-one as the wards I go to are for short-stay patients. This works well as it offers some social time for patients who are often very lonely on the ward. I know that my volunteering helps to break up their day, and their smiles and chat are my reward. Artlink do many more activities in the hospitals. To support staff and patients they put on activities that help to build friendships and a sense of community, bringing ideas and music, colour and life to the wards. The sense of community that Artlink encourages on wards is important to the well-being and recovery of the patients. It breaks up the routine so that time on the wards feel less isolating. The workshops and activities also encourage the sharing of stories and experiences and encourage people who are going through similar experiences, to talk to each other. I was asked to interview staff, artists and patients at St John’s, the Royal Infirmary, the

Talking, Listening and Learning


Talking, Listening and Learning Western General, and The Royal Edinburgh Hospital to look at specific projects which build that sense of community in the hospital or make links to the wider community for patients. What have I learned from meeting with people and joining in some of the activities? Artlink puts on activities that help people who are elderly or have long term illness to take their lives back.

Š Anne Elliot





Talking, Listening and Learning

Visual Arts Workshops

© Anne Elliot

St John’s

St John’s Introduction

Visual Arts Workshops on Pentland Court Artist Anne Elliot runs a drop-in arts workshop once a week in Pentland Court at St John’s Hospital. She uses these sessions to get to know patients and find out what their interests are. Anne begins to make links for them to their local communities. The day I visited, Anne had brought old record sleeves from the seventies and eighties; jazz and blues, funk and soul. We made collages out of Carole King and Roger Waters album covers, and talked about song lyrics and favourite songs. I spoke to the house staff about what kind of difference Anne’s activities make to the people in Pentland Court. Firstly they told me that the house provides supported accommodation, to rehabilitate people from other wards, or to provide respite. The staff help the patients to build a routine for themselves and, to cook and go shopping which will help with their move back into the community. Staff told me that it’s important for the recovering patients to build their confidence and their motivation, and that Anne’s sessions are a part of that support system. Anne’s activities help to bring people out of their rooms, to help them socialise and begin to make links to the community. It is easy for people to stay in their rooms by themselves and these activities quite simply provide the impetus to cross over the threshold. In addition, what is made in these sessions is used to brighten up the house and make it more homely.


© Anne Elliot

Talking, Listening and Learning

St John’s Visual Arts Workshops on Pentland Court (cont.) It takes time to get to know people and Anne hopes that she will soon be able to introduce them to other community groups such as the reading group in Bathgate, or the cooking group in Livingston. She is also talking about inviting in a yoga instructor and to do movement to music.


Cera Impala After three fantastic months at the Western General Cera said, ‘I enjoyed a time of self discovery whilst bringing my music to the most wonderful audiences.’ She is now pitching up at St. John’s. Cera is an internationally renowned musician and will be visiting the wards with her banjo, guitar and honey-tinged voice to entertain. Her repertoire of well-known jazz and folk songs plus her own expertly crafted pieces will transport you to another time and place.

ALL NEW! The Variety Hour Scotland has a fantastic history of variety artists that isn’t changing any time soon as it remains one of the UK’s most well loved forms of entertainments in clubs, pubs and theatre. Every quarter we will be celebrating one of the best artists on the variety scene right now. This time round it is Artlink’s guest writer Elaine Gallagher who not only loves the written word but also is a brilliant performance poet with a love for the short story. She will be bringing an enlivening hour of poetry and stories to the wards for these one-off specials. Look out for her in the day room or if you prefer, enjoy a short story and a chat from your bed side.

Talking, Listening and Learning


St John’s

Š Anne Elliot (2)


Art Workshop

Anne Elliot, with the support of Occupational Therapist Fiona Gallacher, completed a series of 8 taster art workshops on Ward 17. In the workshops patients explored block printing, watercolour painting, drawing and clay modelling. Following on from these really popular workshops Anne Elliot will return in August to Ward 17 to do a series of workshops developing artwork for the common areas of the ward. 8

Talking, Listening and Learning

St John’s Workshops

James McLardy and Steve Hollingsworth Following on from the successful workshops at the Royal Infirmary where artists Hannah Imlach and James McLardy worked with activities co ordinator Carey Moss, we are introducing workshops where two artists work together in other hospitals. During the next three months, artists James McLardy and Steve Hollingsworth will deliver a 5 week programme of workshops at St John’s. We are delighted to be working with Ward 3 and the Stroke Ward and look forward to building relationships with both the staff and the patients on these wards. We will report back on these workshops in the next brochure. Dates and times to be agreed with the ward.

Community Development with Anne Elliot The Pentland Court project continues into the summer months and Anne Elliot will continue to use art workshops as a means to develop links between the mental health services at St. John’s and the Leylines project run by Artlink in West Lothian. The project will work towards small public events in West Lothian during the summer. Days and times for this will vary and will be agreed in advance with Pentland Court.

Talking, Listening and Learning

Anne Elliot (R) on the PROCESSIONS march, June 2018



DATE/S Tuesday 17th & 31st July

Cera Impala*

Tuesday 14th August

Tuesday 11th & 25th September

Art Workshop with Anne Elliot* The Variety Hour*

8 sessions

Mondays, Starts 6th August

Tuesday 4th September



11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

Time to be agreed with the ward

Ward 17

11am - 12pm

Ward 3

1.45pm - 2.45pm

Ward 17

James McLardy & Steve Hollingsworth +

July through to September

Time to be agreed with the ward

Ward 3 & Stroke Ward

Art Workshop with Anne Elliot <>

July through to September

Times/dates to be agreed with the ward

Pentland Court

© Albie Clark

* Open to patients and staff on the ward/s + Open to patients and staff on Ward 3 and the Stroke Ward <> Open to patients and staff at Pentland Court

Western General

Ward Activities

Western General Introduction Artlink’s programme in the Western General involves activities that entertain long-term patients on the elderly care wards. They tell me that they plan to extend this work to other wards in the hospital over the coming months. The programmes brings artists and singers, musicians and actors, storytellers and magicians to perform on wards and public spaces in the hospital. The activity brings people out of their rooms and into the day spaces to listen and chat. Some of the entertainers also go bed-to-bed for the people who aren’t able to join the audience. When I went to visit, the ward was quiet and I spoke to activities co-ordinator Rachel Muir and some of the staff on Ward 71 about how Artlink’s entertainments help the patients there. They told me that the patients and their visitors look forward to the shows, and those who have experienced Artlink's work will encourage others who may have missed it to come along the next time Artlink is on the ward. The elderly patients like familiar songs from their youth, or readings of Burns and poems and stories that they know, and the noise and chatter encourages them all to open up and sing along. What is important is that these activities bring everyone on the ward together, and afterwards, patients who have come out of their rooms for the show will stay and chat and have their lunch in the day room. Relatives and friends will often film or photograph their relatives singing and enjoying the show as it reassures them that their friend or family member is doing well.


Talking, Listening and Learning

Western General

Max is a fantastic storyteller and multimedia artist who uses different tools to tell a story. He has been collaborating over the last three months with the Royal Infirmary’s fantastic activity coordinator to create personalized storytelling and reminiscence sessions on the wards. Now, with the help of activity coordinator Rachel and a pocket full of postcards he will be bringing his passion for stories to The Western General. The summer is finally here and Max will be encouraging memories of holidays past, present and future in a fun and informal environment as well as sharing his own travel adventures. Sit back and relax as he transports you to the four corners of the globe through the power of storytelling.

© Albie Clark


Max Scratchmann

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, join Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host Miss Annabel Sings. She will be singing songs that bring in the sunshine and jet us off to memories of holidays or just simply brighten up our days. It’s Summer season and Annabel invites you to join her for an hour to sing together, share stories, laugh, dance or simply sit back on your sun lounger and enjoy some entertainment.

Talking, Listening and Learning


Western General Events

ALL NEW! The Variety Hour Scotland has a fantastic history of variety artists and that isn’t changing any time soon as it remains one of the UK’s most well loved forms of entertainments in clubs, pubs and theatre. Every quarter we will be celebrating one of the best artists on the variety scene right now. This time round it is Artlink’s guest writer Elaine Gallagher who not only loves the written word but also is a brilliant performance poet with a love for the short story. She will be bringing an enlivening hour of poetry and stories to the wards for these one-off specials. Look out for her in the day room or if you prefer, enjoy a short story and a chat from the comfort of your bed.

Allan and Ron: Stories and Songs Life is full of stories and is even better when it’s filled with songs. Join our wonderful volunteers Allan and Ron for an hour of storytelling and song, with some old and some new songs to tap your toes to. Allan and Ron have been volunteering at the Western General for about 2 years and have fast become a favourite on the wards. If you are interested in volunteering your musical talents to the hospitals please get in touch with Miss Annabel Sings.


Talking, Listening and Learning





11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 72

2pm - 3pm

Ward 73

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

Monday 16th July

11am - 12pm

Ward 71

Saturday 4th August

11am - 12pm

Ward 71

Saturday 29th August

11am - 12pm

Ward 71

11am - 12pm

Ward 70

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 71

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 70

Wednesday 4th July

Wednesday 18th July

Max Scratchmann*

Wednesday 1st August

Wednesday 12th September

Wednesday 26th September

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings*

The Variety Hour+

Allan and Ron: Stories and Songs*

Tuesday 7th August

Wednesday 19th September

* Open to patients and staff on all wards in the RVB building + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s


© Anne Elliot

Royal Infirmary

Royal Infirmary Introduction I visited the stroke ward at the Royal Infirmary to see Miss Annabel Sings and to talk to Carey Moss, the activity co-ordinator there. Carey runs an activities hub in the ward, and with artists James McLardy and Hannah Imlach she has been organising communal activities and workshops there. These activities have been very successful in creating a space where people can meet communally, where they can relax and talk with each other about their experience of having a stroke. The hub and the wall outside the ward are decorated with photos of the sculptures they made, and of the hands of the people working the clay in the workshops, which is a lovely reminder to people of their time together. When I visited the hub Miss Annabel Sings was just finishing her set, Singin’ and Reminiscin’. The room was filled with people singing along to old-time songs which are favourites of some of the older patients, and which younger folk always know from their childhoods. Even if people say they can’t sing, they’ll join in quickly or at least hum along. Carey told me that people arrive tired and leave much more aware, and brighter for having been to the singalong. I asked Carey and some of the other ward staff about how Artlink helps them on the Carey Moss ward. They told me that people are calmer, both patients and staff, and that the community that is formed around the hub encourages people to talk, to support one another in their recovery. People are able for a short period of time to forget that they are in hospital, and the activities

Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Infirmary Introduction (cont.) lift their spirits. People banter with one another and make friends that they wouldn’t otherwise have made. Biker friends of one patient started bantering with other people on the ward and now they are regular visitors. Another recovered patient still comes back to help encourage new patients.

Š Albie Clark (3)

Carey works hard and the work with Artlink further ensures that there is something for everyone. Carey told me of one patient who is an angler who brought in his fly-tying equipment, and began to teach other people how to make fishing flies. She also brings in memory boxes from the museum, with items for people to talk about and touch and reminisce, and when I visited, she and Miss Annabel were talking about how to include the memory boxes in her performances. I wonder what songs they will use?


Talking, Listening and Learning

Royal Infirmary Events

ALL NEW! The Variety Hour Every quarter we will be celebrating one of the best artists on the variety scene right now. This time round it is Artlink’s guest writer Elaine Gallagher who not only loves the written word but also is a brilliant performance poet with a love for the short story. She will be bringing an enlivening hour of poetry and stories to the wards for these one-off specials. Look out for her in the day room or if you prefer, enjoy a short story and a chat from the comfort of your bed.

Sarah Phizacklea Next stop the Infirmary! Sarah is Artlink’s multi-instrumentalist, golden-voiced super hero and is always a hit on the wards. She has just finished three months at St. John's where she treated staff and patients to an intimate and personalized hour of songs and music from every era. What songs speak to you? We all have one or two that resonate. Sarah will be working in the mornings with you and activity coordinator Carey to discover those songs that have special meaning and in the afternoon she will be visiting the wards. Enjoy a relaxed hour of live music and chat as she takes you on a journey through the eras and finds your song.

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre join Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host Miss Annabel Sings. She will be singing songs that bring in the sunshine and jet us off to memories of holidays or just simply brighten up our days. It’s Summer season and Annabel invites you to join her for an hour to sing together, share stories, laugh, dance or simply sit back on your sun lounger and enjoy some entertainment.

Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Infirmary

Š Phil Wilkinson


The Vintage Chorus

Artlink are excited to invite the Vintage Chorus to sing for the hospital community. The Vintage Chorus is an a capella community choir who meet every Tuesday morning at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh. The group is made up of an eclectic mix of older people with a passion for song and a zest for life and led by the brilliant musician Wendy Weatherby. Wendy hopes the Vintage Chorus will be a chance for people to have a good time singing music of all styles in an informal and cheery atmosphere. Choirs and singing as a group have long been hailed as a fantastic way to feel healthy and keep the mind active - so come along and see what The Vintage Chorus get up to. Maybe you will feel like joining them for a chorus too or feel inspired to join a choir. To find out more information about events, the Vintage Choir or you would like to volunteer your musical skills for a public space performance in the hospitals please contact Miss Annabel Sings.


Talking, Listening and Learning


Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings*




Monday 2nd July

10.45am - 11.45am & 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Activity Room at 201 ERI

Monday 6th August

10.45am - 11.45am & 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Activity Room at 201 ERI

11am - 12pm & 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Activity Room at 201 ERI

11am - 12pm

Ward 202

1.30pm - 2.30pm

Ward 104

12.30pm - 1.30pm

Main Foyer ERI

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room at 201 ERI

1.45pm – 2.45pm

Ward 203

10.45am - 11.45am

Activity Room at 201 ERI

Monday 24th September

The Variety Hour+ The Vintage Chorus°

Tuesday 3rd July

Tuesday 3rd July Wednesday 11th July

Wednesday 22nd August 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Sarah Phizacklea+

Wednesday 29th August

11am - 12pm 1.45pm - 2.45pm 11am - 12pm

Wednesday 5th September 1.45pm - 2.45pm 10.45am - 11.45am

Wednesday 19th September 1.45pm - 2.45pm

* Open to wards 101,104, 201, 202, 203 + Open to patients and staff on the ward/s ° Open to everyone

Ward 203 Activity Room at 201 ERI Ward 202 Activity Room at 201 ERI Ward 202 Activity Room at 201 ERI Ward 203

Processions Workshop

Š Albie Clark

Royal Edinburgh

Royal Edinburgh Making Links to the Community Patients from Royal Edinburgh and members of the Curious Routes community project have been working together on a project at Basic Mountain, an arts studio in the middle of the city.

© Anne Elliot

Basic Mountain is a cheerful space, livened up with the work from previous Curious Routes projects. Artist Annabel Bartle showed me a decorated DJ booth and a ping-pong table covered in block prints. She told me about how she and Anne had been looking for a project that would interest all the participants and encourage their involvement in the community. For the last few weeks participants have been working on banners for celebrations of the hundredth anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in Britain. They will join a huge, commemorative march through Edinburgh City in June, carrying the banners and rosettes they are making. The walls of the studio are covered in pictures of banners and slogans, from past women’s rights marches and feminist campaigns. The table is covered with fabric and craft materials, and work in progress in the form of rosettes and banners. The group work together to research, design and make the pieces that they will bring to the march. One participant who couldn’t be there that day had written poetry and slogans, which she had emailed for everyone else to decide how to use. They had a lively discussion around one of the banners, about how to include her words and make sure that everyone had a say and a part in making them. Other people had been looking at calligraphy and fonts for the banners, or were cutting out letters Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Edinburgh Making Links to the Community (cont.) and patterns to iron or sew on to the banners, or were making the rosettes or sewing patchwork collages of the slogans. I spoke to a participant who told me about how the group is important to her, that the regular meetings are an anchor for her week. She can talk to this group of friends about health issues and knows that they will be supportive. Another participant told me that her participation in the project has given her an interest in women’s rights and equality.

Š Albie Clark

This project provides support for people who are leaving hospital care and makes practical links to activities and programmes in the community.



Talking, Listening and Learning

Royal Edinburgh

© Anne Elliot

Special Event

PROCESSIONS, a commemoration of 100 years of women’s suffrage, Edinburgh 10th June 2018. Anne Elliot and Annabel Bartle have been working with a group of women at Basic Mountain making banners and rosettes for the PROCESSIONS event that took place in key cities throughout the UK on June 10th. The group took part in the Edinburgh march. If you saw them I hope you gave them a wave and a smile.

Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Edinburgh

© Albie Clark

Special Event Doors Open Day at the Glasshouses As this is likely to be our last year in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Glasshouses, we’re hoping to take part in the Edinburgh Doors Open Day event, which takes place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September 11 – 4. This would give the general public the chance to see the amazing space that has been Artlink’s REH home for the last 7 years. As part of the ‘Doors Open Day’ event the Glasshouses will host an exhibition of photographs taken by the hospital community as part of the ‘Significant Spaces’ photography project. The REH is undergoing a substantial re-building programme during which many parts of the old hospital will disappear; ‘Significant Spaces’ aims to capture these spaces before they are lost forever. The project is headed by photographer Natalie Feather and funded by the Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation. As part of the project, Natalie has been working with the hospital community enabling them to take photographs and print them in her Travelling Darkroom, which was set up in various locations throughout the hospital. Natalie will be in attendance throughout the Doors Open Day weekend and visitors will get the chance to print their own photographs in the Travelling Darkroom.


Talking, Listening and Learning

Royal Edinburgh

An artist will be commissioned to work with each ward on how best to use the display cases in the vitrines on the ward. The vitrines are simply the room dividers that most of the wards have, which separate their sitting and dining areas. Trevor will be coming round each of the wards to talk to you about the project and then he will begin the process of commissioning an artist to undertake the work. Again Trevor will keep all interested wards informed as to when this will happen and will start to programme in a series of workshops on each ward.

Tom Krasny Summer Camp Multimedia artist Tom Krasny will be working with Anne Elliot and Miss Annabel Sings towards the Summer Camp events. She will be coming round the wards working with patients to make fantastical props and outfits for the event. Trevor will come round the wards to book times for this to happen.

Š Anne Elliot

Workshops on the Wards

Vitrine Workshops

One-to-One Art Session with Anne Elliot Anne is offering a small number of people the opportunity to make art at the Glasshouses on a one to one basis. If you know someone who would benefit from these one to one sessions please contact Anne Elliot to discuss and book a slot. Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Edinburgh

The Glasshouses are open to patients and staff who have an interest in skills-based activity working with wood, paint and plants whilst maintaining the much loved Glasshouses.

Summer Camp You may have seen our redcoats Miss Annabel Sings and Annie on your ward in recent months. Wearing their sun hats and with a sunny disposition they have been singing songs and evoking memories of family holidays in the UK, especially holidays at places such as Butlins. Through singing and chatting they have been working with you to gather ideas for an exciting summer programme of events, happenings and workshops at the Glasshouses. Now it is the height of Summer, Artlink invite you to join us for an eclectic mix of events. You can choose from our menu of garden parties, art and making workshops, film screenings, performance happenings and so much more! What will take your fancy on the Summer Camp menu? Look out for posters and our very special pamphlet of events or contact Anne at the Glasshouses to find out more or book a place. Don’t miss out, come and be part of the party.


© Anne Elliot (2)

Workshops and Events

D.I.Y. Culture with Anne and Neil

Summer Camp workshop images

Talking, Listening and Learning

Royal Edinburgh Wednesdays at Summer Camp

Making Art at the Summer Camp with Annie Kite making, design swimwear competition, blinging up summer accessories are amongst some of the suggestions for art and craft activities at Summer Camp join in these one off art activities for some summer fun.

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be singing songs that make remind us of summer or remind us of holidays we have had. Annabel would love you to join her for a new regular hour and invites you to sing, laugh, dance and enjoy the healing power of music and song. All abilities are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. If you simply want to enjoy some entertainment then please come along as there is nothing better than singing with friends, old and new!

Dates for Your Diary Get in touch with your ideas and come and join us for some summer fun at the Glasshouses. 25th July Glasshouses Garden Party. 15th August Trip out; destination to be decided. Get in touch with suggestions. 22nd August Treasure Hunt. Throughout the hospital. 31st August REH Summer Fête; look out for Summer Camp at the Fête. 26th September Closing event at the Glasshouses.

Talking, Listening and Learning


Royal Edinburgh

© Anne Elliot

Workshops and Events Slow Gardening at the Glasshouses with Chris Jones Chris will lead the group this growing season and share his gardening knowledge and skill. An already active community of garden enthusiasts welcomes new volunteers to the Glasshouses to spend quality time in a special environment. Learn how to nurture plants from seeds, pot on and discover the full spectrum of plant life. The plant sale on May 24th raised £235 towards art materials for the Glasshouses. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped and for all your support; you can continue to purchase plants throughout the summer at the Glasshouses.


Talking, Listening and Learning

Royal Edinburgh What Happens When You Leave Hospital? What happens to the interests you have reconnected with, or new interests you have developed during your stay in hospital when you leave the hospital? Anne Elliot is looking into crossovers between her projects in the hospital with other Artlink mental health projects, namely the Leylines project in West Lothian and Curious Routes in Edinburgh. Anne will be developing events in the community based on shared interests between these three Artlink projects. Information on these events will be distributed as and when they emerge. Please get in touch with Anne if you have any suggestions for events or have ideas about where events could happen.

Kitchen Sink Film Season at DOK Artspace As part of our Curious Routes/Leylines projects in Edinburgh and West Lothian, Off The Grid will be presenting a series of films at DOK Artspace in Leith, starting with Look Back in Anger on the 2nd of July between 6pm and 9pm. Contact Annabel Bartle for more info on DOK Artspace, Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JJ

Talking, Listening and Learning






Vitrine Workshops <>

July to September


Various wards

Tom Krasny Summer Camp°

Tuesdays Starting In July and running for 5 weeks


Various wards

One-to-One Art Session with Anne Elliot*

Tuesdays 3rd, 10th and 17th July 18th and 25th September

1.30pm - 2.30pm

3pm - 4pm


Thursdays 5th, 12th and 19th July 20th and 27th September

10.30 -11.30am

D.I.Y. culture with Anne and Neil*


11am - 12pm


Making Art at the Summer Camp°


1pm - 2.45pm


3pm - 4pm


1pm - 3pm


Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings°

Slow Gardening with Chris Jones+

(No Session on September 5th)

Wednesdays (No session on August 15th and 29th, September 5th and 12th)


For more information and to book a place, contact

25th July Garden Party 15th August Trip Out Summer Camp Events+

Miss Annabel Sings at the Glasshouses on 46127 or email

22nd August Treasure Hunt 31st August REH Summer Fete 26th September Glasshouses Closing Event

* + ° <>

Open to inpatients only Open to anyone Open to patients, families and staff at the REH Open to all patients in the Royal Edinburgh Building

Prospect Bank Workshops for Nursing Staff I spoke to artist Jim Colquhoun, who recently worked on two workshops for nursing staff at Prospect Bank which explored how sound affects people’s moods. These workshops are the first in a programme of work that will extend across Prospect Bank to The Western General and patients moving from Liberton Hospital to the REH. This project will grow over time, looking at ways to support patients with dementia on elderly care wards, and those who are ready to move to the community. Jim was asked to look at the ways that the everyday sounds within a Specialist Dementia Ward affects the mood of people, both patients and staff. It had been identified by nursing staff, as part of their work within the Specialist Dementia Unit Improvement Programme run by Health Improvement Scotland, that the bustle and harsh noises, especially around mealtimes, caused people stress and upset. Jim’s workshops intended to work with staff to take the time to identify some of the disturbing sounds and think about what calming sounds they could introduce to soothe the ward environment. Jim asked staff to sit quietly and listen to the sounds on the wards which included the sounds that staff made as they went about their work. The workshop participants listened with eyes closed and heard, perhaps for the first time, the noise produced by nursing staff, visitors, patients and the building itself. To counter this he then played soothing sounds from woodland and water environments, as well as music that incorporates the sounds of birdsong and nature. It’s early days for this project and Artlink are working on a programme of staff workshops and events for patients that will further lift spirits and improve life on the wards.

Talking, Listening and Learning


Prospect Bank Events

Prospect Bank at Findlay House Prospect Bank at Findlay House is a dementia unit in the heart of Leith and Artlink are pleased to be involved with them to look at ways of working with patients with dementia as well as supporting the staff who work on the wards. Working collaboratively with staff in short workshops we will be exploring different ideas; we are currently looking at how different sounds produced on the wards can have a positive or negative impact on patients. The workshop's aim is to positively help change the sound landscape of the ward. Alongside this we will be working with patients, families and staff to create an exciting personalised menu of live music events. Dementia wards by their nature can isolate you from the surrounding community and we are keen to bring different communities onto the ward. Are you part of a local community of artists, musicians or singing groups who would be willing to come into Prospect Bank to spend an hour or two with patients on the ward? If you are, we would really love to hear from you! We are not limiting it to artists, musicians or singers so if you think you have something to offer please get in touch with Miss Annabel Sings for more information. See right for contact details.

Singin’ & Reminiscin’ with Miss Annabel Sings With a passion for reminiscence and the help of a huge back catalogue of your favourite songs from every genre, Edinburgh’s premier Cabaret singer and host will be using songs and personal stories to help you remember good times and have a bit of fun. Annabel invites you to join her for an hour to sing, laugh, dance or simply sit back and listen. July 23rd, August 20th, September 17th Prospect Bank: 3pm – 4pm Open to patients, families and staff at Prospect Bank


Talking, Listening and Learning

Developing Future Partnerships Artlink is an arts and disability organisation established in 1984. Artlink believes participation in the arts has an important role to play in realising personal and social change. We want your involvement in this programme and your feedback on exhibitions, events and workshops. We depend on you to make this programme work and your participation will help us to shape future direction. So call or email us if you need more information, or you want to talk about what’s on or would like an activity placed on your ward.

Connect with Us @ArtlinkEdin



Contacts Artlink Office: 0131 229 3555 Artlink Glasshouses: 0131 537 6127 Information on workshops:

Information on events:

13a Spittal Street Edinburgh EH3 9DY Artlink is a company registered in Scotland No. 87845 with charitable status, Scottish Charity No. SCO006845

Image: Alice Myers

Artlink Edinburgh & The Lothians

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