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Theo Papathomas

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Sam Suttie

Sam Suttie

Aerial Display

127 x 147 cm

Acrylic on canvas

Full-time artist, Theo Papathomas is formally trained, having completed a BA in Fine Art at RMIT University, Melbourne.

Inspiration comes from being part of the Australian landscape, witnessing and experiencing the energy of its dramatic seasonal changes.

The richness and unpredictable command of his paintings capture memories of the landscape’s mesmerising rhythms. Australia has an immense spirituality, which Theo aims to evoke in his constructed landscapes by images derived from life.

Symbols which are represented in his work are completely spontaneous and intuitive without using any drawings as a guide.

He charges his paintings full of emotion and spirituality to transport the viewer into a new experience with a vibrant palette, aiming to capture the spirit of this land, so often associated with the great Australian outback.

Claire McCall

Beach Umbrellas

92 x 61 cm

Oil on canvas

A modern impressionist artist, Claire McCall paints almost exclusively using a palette knife, freely capturing light, movement and the interplay between abstraction and realism with layers of rich colour and texture.

Her works often feature everyday moments in time, typically, a figure turned away from the viewer in a candid pose. The viewer is invited to fill in the blanks of time, place, thoughts and emotions.

‘I believe the intelligence of a painting is in the lost and found edges. The interest lies within the range of values and textures, the drama of abstraction vs realism... and the magic is in the movement created by a confident stroke of the brush or palette knife’.

Petra Meikle de Vlas

Reef Music

102 x 102 cm

Mixed media and resin on wood panel

Located in Far North Queensland enjoying the Great Barrier Reef as a major source of inspiration and reference, Petra is an artist who lives and breathes her craft, breaking the rules, taking risks constantly pushing new techniques and exploring ideas.

Petra’s paintings are poured into place and sculpted with the use of air pressure, gravity, water and fire to create reef and ocean scenes.

This work represents the effects of reactions between mixed mediums. The power of the chemistry between pigments carried by different mediums attracting or repelling each other.

From realistic to abstract, Petra creates large paintings and a diverse collection of ocean art prints.

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