The Quoddy Region 15,000 Years Ago was covered by the Laurentide Glacier
The Quoddy Region Retreat of the Glacier
Plants & animals of all kinds came behind the Glacier
Quoddy in 1604 People
Quoddy in 1604 Cathedral Pine Forest Largely gone today!
Common in 1604 Caribou & Wolf Gone today!
Common in 1604 Giant Sea Mink Extinct today!
Common in 1604 Passenger Pigeon Extinct today!
Common in 1604 Great Auk Extinct today!
Common in 1604 Labrador Duck Extinct today!
Quoddy Since 1604 Forestry changed the landscape
Without the Forest 1804 to 2004
Without the Forest Marine invertebrates impacted
Without the Forest Fishes impacted
Without the Forest Marine Plants impacted
Without the Forest Sediments are Polluted Redox & Sulphide
Without the Forest Bacteria & Coliform levels rise
Industrial Pollution Sources of Water & Air Pollution
Industrial Pollution Georgia-Pacific Annual Chemical Releases Table 8.1 Environmental Releases, Transfers, and Production-Related Waste (Pounds from TRI (total Release Inventory) sources Year Air Releases Environmental Releases 1988 3,352,445 1989 2,460,654 1990 2,078,702 1991 2,091,422 1992 1,823,063 1993 1,007,585 1994 816,266 1995 935,755 1996 679,577 1997 742,305 1998 748,905 1999 547,477 2000 591,556
Water Releases Total Off-Site Transfers 27,195 0 0 33,780 0 0 28,820 0 0 202,060 139 0 141,050 91 0 125,890 5,376 0 111,850 10,320 0 59,890 9,267 0 122,773 4,148 0 276,460 67,994 0 310,260 128,561 0 138,239 109,959 0 256,110 58,374 0
Land Releases Underground Injection Total Total Production-Related Waste 3,379,640 58,709 NA 2,494,434 5,150 NA 2,107,522 3,366 NA 2,293,621 5,395 9,728,550 1,964,204 5,988 10,044,000 1,138,851 0 8,217,700 938,436 0 7,305,950 1,004,912 0 10,890,305 806,498 0 11,471,420 1,086,759 0 9,876,711 1,187,726 0 10,028,371 795,675 0 7,472,075 906,040 0 9,823,681
“NA” means that no data are available because “Total-Production Related Waste” was not reported until 1991.
Industrial Pollution Chemicals Released by GP to Air & Water in 2000
Industrial Pollution Chemicals Released into the Air - 2000/01
Health Effects of Air-borne Chemicals