MCI (P) 073/11/2014
Nee Soon Central
Grassroots Adviser:
Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
Editorial Team:
Ms Florence Ho • Ms Carol Chong • Ms Angelia Wong • Ms Ho Peck Hong
Adviser´s FOREWORD Dear Residents of Nee Soon Central,
I am pleased once again to be able to pen my thoughts in this edition of Nee Soon Central’s Network newsletter. As National Day draws, I sincerely hope you are in the best of health and enjoying the wide array of activities organised by various organisations in celebration of SG50. These activities and events are important in ensuring Nee Soon Central continues to be a vibrant and exciting town for its residents to live in.
I am also thankful to have a group of dedicated grassroots leaders who are always on the lookout for creative ideas to benefit residents. The hard work and dedication of these leaders can be seen in the recent distribution of SG50 fun packs and festive goodies to residents. The support from both grassroots leaders and residents was overwhelming and I truly believe that Singapore will be a better and more inclusive society in the future.
随着国庆日的脚步接近, 我真诚地祝福您的身体健康,也 参与了基层组织为庆祝SG50所主办的活动。基层领袖所主 办的SG50活动是为了确保义顺中能继续成为一个活力充沛 且具有激动人心的居住市镇。 我由衷感谢有一群尽责的基层领袖,积极寻找新的意识为 居民服务。从最近分发SG50国庆礼包及开斋节礼品见证出 他们的努力与付出。 基层领袖和居民们的踊跃支持让我真 心相信新加坡将会变得更好与更具包容性的社会。 当我在徒步拜访义顺中选区时,我不禁感受到三代同堂家
During my walkabouts around the constituency, I cannot help but observed the strong bonds being formed by families of three generations. I also could not help notice the rich cultural aspect of Nee Soon. I felt this when I attended the temple dinners and prayers at the mosques in Nee Soon, where I am always warmly welcomed by residents. This rich heritage and the religious tolerance practised by all in Singapore have made us a more peaceful society.
Nee Soon Central is going through a transformation in its living landscape with numerous developments. Many of these projects are in the various stages of implementation. I am certain residents are in earnest waiting for their completion. Connectivity has also improved and I sincerely hope residents would enjoy the facilities and infrastructure that are being built especially for them. Many residents shared with me their happiness about the developments that are taking place here. This could only happen as a result of the collaborations among the residents of Nee Soon GRC, agencies, grassroots leaders and MPs of Nee Soon GRC. I am pleased to note that we have the right formula in Nee Soon that is dedicated to improving the lives of Singaporeans.
To conclude, I would like to encourage residents to always nurture a positive attitude towards life and work. In this quarter, we celebrate National Day as well as Hari Raya Aidilfitri with our Muslim residents. It is during such celebratory events, we continue to build a strong social fabric as a community and country.
On this note, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all residents a Happy National Day and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to our Muslim residents.
Grassroots Adviser
Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim Parliamentary Secretary (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport) MP for Nee Soon GRC Network 02 Nee Soon Central
味。每当我参与在区内的神坛晚宴与回教堂的祷告集会, 我都能体验到居民的热情欢迎。在这文化遗产富有的社会 里,多元种族及宗教之间的互相谅解及良好关系, 使得新加 坡社会变得更加和平。
部分的提案正在不同的阶段实施中。我相信居民都在诚心 期待着这一系列项目的完成。这些发展在未来会良好连接 周边地区。我诚心希望居民能享受这些新建设和基础设施 所带来的生活便利。许多居民也与我分享他们有关义顺中 发展计划的喜悦。这些发展改善计划是在义顺集选区居 民,有关部门,基层领袖及义顺集选区国会议员们共同努 力下促成的。 我很高兴我们在义顺集选区里使用了对的方 式来改善国人的生活。
作。在本季度里,我们将于马来居民一起庆祝国庆及开斋 节。在欢庆当儿,我们会继续努力为社区和国家建立一个 强大的社会结构。
ParaPenduduk PendudukNee Nee Soon Central Para Soon yang dihormati, yang dihormati,
Saya berasa besar hati kerana berksempatan untuk sekali Sayaberkongsi berasa besar hati kerana untuk sekali lagi lagi fikiran saya dalamberkesempatan edisi majalah ‘Nee Soon berkongsi fikiran saya dalam edisi majalah ‘Nee Soon Central Central Network’ini. Menjelang Hari Kebangsaan, saya amat Network’ini. Menjelang Hari Kebangsaan, amatdan berharap berharap anda berada dalam keadaan sihatsaya wal’afiat anda berada dalam keadaan sihat wal’afiatoleh danpelbagai menikmati menikmat aktiviti-aktiviti yang dianjurkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang meraikan dianjurkan olehAktiviti-aktiviti pelbagai organisasi organisasi sempena SG50. dan sempena meraikan SG50. Aktiviti-aktiviti dan Nee acara-acara acara-acara adalah penting demi memastikan Soon adalah penting demi memastikan Neeyang Soonsentiasa Centralmaju terus Central terus menjadi sebuah bandar menjadi sebuah yang sentiasa maju dan menarik bagi dan menarik bagibandar penduduknya untuk bertinggal penduduk kita.
Saya juga bersyukur kerana mempunyai sekumpulan pemimpin akar umbi yang berdedikasi dan sentiasa mencari Saya juga bersyukur kerana mempunyai sekumpulan pemimpin idea-idea yang dapat memanfaat penduduk. akar umbikreatif yang berdedikasi dan sentiasapara mencari idea-idea Kerajinan dandapat dedikasi pemimpin-pemimpin iniKerajinan dapat dilihat kreatif yang memanfaat para penduduk. dan dalam pengedaran pek SG50 baru-baru dan dalam termasuk dedikasi pemimpin-pemimpin ini dapat ini dilihat juga barangan perayaan untuk penduduk. Sokongan pengedaran pek SG50 baru-baru ini dan termasuk juga daripada umbi dan juga penduduk amat baranganpemimpin perayaan akar untuk penduduk. Sokongan daripada akan menggalakkan saya Singapura pemimpin akardan umbi danyakin juga bahawa penduduk amat menggalakkan menjadi masyarakat yang lebih dan lebih dan sayasebuah yakin bahawa Singapura akanbaik menjadi sebuah inklusif dalamyang masa akan datang. masyarakat lebih baik dan lebih inklusif dalam masa akan datang.
Setiap kali saya berjalan di sekitar Nee Soon Central, saya selalu bahawadisilaturrahim antara keluarga Setiapperhatikan kali saya berjalan sekitar NeediSoon Central, saya tiga generasi sentiasa dijalin, termasuk juga aspek selalu perhatikan bahawa silaturrahim di antara keluarga tiga kekayaan budaya Nee Soon. Saya dapat ini generasi sentiasa dijalin, termasuk jugamerasakan aspek kekayaan tatkali saya menghadiri majlis makan malam di kuil dan juga budaya Nee Soon. Saya dapat merasakan ini tatkali saya solat di masjid-masjid di Nee Soon,didikuil mana menghadiri majlis makan malam dansaya jugasentiasa solat di disambut mesradioleh penduduk. Warisan kaya disambut ini dan masjid-masjid Neepara Soon, di mana saya sentiasa sifat toleransi agama yang diamalkan oleh semua warga mesra oleh para penduduk. Warisan kaya ini dan sifat toleransi Singapura telah menjadikan sebuah masyarakat agama yang diamalkan oleh kita semua warga Singapurayang telah lebih aman. kita sebuah masyarakat yang lebih aman. menjadikan Nee Soon Central sedang melalui transformasi dari segi Nee Soonkehidupun Central sedang melalui transformasi landasan yang disebabkan banyak dari segi landasan kehidupun yang disebabkan banyak perkembangan. perkembangan. Kebanyakan projek-projek ini kini dalam Kebanyakan projek-projek ini kiniSaya dalam pelbagai peringkat pelbagai peringkat pelaksanaan. pasti pendudukpelaksanaan. Saya pasti penduduk-penduduk tidak sabar penduduk tak sabar menunggu hasil projek-projek tersebut. menunggu hasil projek-projek tersebut. Kemudahan untuk Kemudahan untuk pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain juga bertambah lain juga bertambah baik dan saya berharap penduduk akanbaik dan sayahati berharap akan berpuas hati dengan berpuas denganpenduduk kemudahan dan infrastruktur yang kemudahan dan infrastruktur yang sedang dibina sedang dibina khas buat mereka. Ramai penduduk khas buat mereka. Ramai penduduk berkongsi mereka dengan dengan saya kebahagiaan berkongsi dengan saya kebahagiaan mereka dengan perkembangan yang sedang berlaku sini. perkembangan yang sedang berlaku di sini. Perkara iniditidak Perkara ini tidaktanpa dapatkerjasama dihasilkanditanpa kerjasama di kalangan dapat dihasilkan kalangan penduduk di penduduk di Nee Soon GRC, agensi-agensi tertentu, Nee Soon GRC, agensi-agensi tertentu, pemimpin akarpemimpin umbi akarAhli umbi dan Ahlidaripada Parlimen daripada NeeSaya Soonamat GRC. Saya dan Parlimen Nee Soon GRC. amat gembira untuk menyatakan bahawa kita mempunyai gembira untuk menyatakan bahawa kita mempunyai formula yang yang tepat tepat di di Nee Nee Soon, Soon, iaitu iaitu formula formulayang yang berdedikasi formula untuk memperbaiki kehidupan rakyat Singapura. berdedikasi untuk memperbaiki kehidupan rakyat Singapura. Akhir kata, saya ingin menggalakkan penduduk untuk sentiasa
memupuk yangmenggalakkan positif terhadappenduduk kehidupan dan Akhir kata, sikap saya ingin untuk perkerjaan mereka.sikap Padayang sukupositif tahunterhadap ini, kita akan menyambut sentiasa memupuk kehidupan Hariperkerjaan Kebangsaan dan juga Hari Raya Aidilfitri dengan dan mereka. Pada suku tahun ini, kita akan para penduduk Islam. Dalam masadan lebaran ini lah, menyambut Hari Kebangsaan juga dan Hariperayaan Raya Aidilfitri kami harus membina fabrik sosial yang mantap dengan paraterus penduduk Islam. Dalam masa lebaran dansebagai satu masyarakat dan negara. perayaan ini lah, kami harus terus membina fabrik sosial yang mantap sebagai satu masyarakat dan negara. Dalam hal ini, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk
Dalam hal ini, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk dan mengucapkan semua penduduk Selamat Hari Kebangsaan mengucapkan semua penduduk Selamat Hari Kebangsaan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada para penduduk Islam. dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada para penduduk Islam. Prof Madya Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim Setiausaha Parlimen (Kementerian Pengangkutan
Prof Madya Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim Merangkap Kesihatan) Setiausaha Parlimen (Kementerian Pengangkutan Anggota Parlimen Nee Soon GRC merangkap Kesihatan) Anggota Parlimen Nee Soon GRC Nee NeeSoon SoonCentral Central 03 03 Network Network
SG50 Parents Nite Dinner
MOH SG Senior Launch: Getai
o recognise the efforts of our seniors in building our nation, Nee Soon Central is proud to hold the launch of the SG50 Seniors Package by Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee on Ageing, together with Nee Soon GRC Grassroots Advisers, Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah and Mr. Patrick Tay, BBM on Friday, 22nd May 2015. 1,000 seniors participated in the launch of the SG50 Seniors Package. They were treated to a string of Getai performances by veteran singers Felinda Wong, Mahani Mohd, Huang Qing Yuan and Max Surin. Celebrating SG50, the seniors were led down memory lane with songs from dance and song segments from yesteryear- a reminiscent of the past. Funny skits were also performed by various community groups to better deliver benefits of the SG50 Senior Package. Needless to say, our seniors were thrilled throughout the night as they beamed with exuberant delight and applauded heartily for each performance.
All photos provided by the Ministry of Health
Network 04 Nee Soon Central
ee Soon Central Constituency gathered as one to celebrate our SG50 Parents Nite Dinner on Saturday, 30th May 2015. The event was held at the hard court in front of Nee Soon Central CC at Block 749 Yishun. A total of 1000 participants, consisting of both Grassroots Leaders and Residents, attended the event. The Parents Nite Dinner was a great platform for residents to get to know each other better, as they got to sit and interact with fellow family members and neighbours. In conjunction, with the Parents Nite theme, residents used the opportunity to express their gratitude to their doting parents. SG50 was also a theme highlighted for the night as we took the chance to celebrate the nation’s golden jubilee. Just for the occasion, Nee Soon Central Community Sports Club built a life sized heart shaped structure with “SG50” in the middle. The letterings of SG50 aptly reflected the colours of the state flag. The residents were also treated to a series of captivating performances by professional artistes.
SG50 Façade Art with Mediacorp: We Love Singapore, A Caring Community Project
n 5th July 2015, Sunday, Nee Soon Central Community Arts and Culture Committee (CACC) jointly organised a community façade art project with Mediacorp at North View Secondary School. In lieu with the Jubilee Year, Singapore will be displaying a series of large façade mural painting at each constituency. This façade art will be a co-creation by residents and artists. “Innovative Singapore” is the theme picked for Nee Soon Central. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim joined 250 residents and students from Huamin Primary School and North View Secondary School on the said day. They painted and decorated the canvases which will be displayed at Block 647 Yishun Street 61 as part of the launch of the Nee Soon GRC Passion Arts Village in August 2015. Each participant was given a painting brush and boxes of paint to express themselves to their wildest imagination. Not only did the participants have fun unleashing their creativeness, they got to meet Mediacorp Artiste, Nat Ho who was there to feature this project for his upcoming show, Artbiz on Channel 5! The finished façade mural painting is a gift from Nee Soon Central Community to the nation - We heartily wish Singapore a Happy 50th Birthday!
Nee Soon Central 05 Network
SG50 Fun Pack & Festive Goodies Distribution
or three Sundays in July 2015, Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Grassroots Leaders and supporters of Nee Soon Central Grassroots Organisations personally delivered the SG50 Fun Pack to the doorstep of every household. During the door-to-door visit, Grassroots Adviser, Grassroots Leaders and supporters took the opportunity to get to know the residents better and encouraged them to participate in events organised by Nee Soon Central. Not forgetting our Malay residents, time was also taken aside from giving out the SG50 Fun Pack to distribute Festive Goodies to lower income families as Ramadan also falls on the month of July. The low income families of other races were not forgotten as they got to receive the same gifts to feel and share in the joy of the festivities. These families were also delighted to be able to personally receive the SG Funpacks from the Adviser and the grassroots leaders. The Funpacks containing nostalgic items were given to the residents to commemorate the nation’s golden jubilee.
Network 06 Nee Soon Central
Nee Soon Central 07 Network
PAYM Loves Red - SG50 Briskwalk
2 Aug 2015
Nee Soon Central CC Youth Executive Committee (YEC) will be organising a SG50 themed briskwalk event to show their support for Singapore on 2nd August 2015. A concerted effort will also be made to form a large state flag. Year 2015 is unfortunate, in which we have lost our nation’s founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. In the bid to pay tribute to him, participants will be united to form the letters, “Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew” at Yishun Pond to express their heartfelt gratitude.
SG50 Our Xin Yao Our Songs @ Nee Soon Central 2 Aug 2015 Nee Soon Central will be celebrating SG50 with a blast from the past! SG50 Our Xin Yao Our Songs concert will be held on Sunday 2nd August 2015. The concert would showcase a string of Xinyao (新谣) performances. Xinyao, which is a genre of songs created and composed by Singaporeans way back in the 1980s. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal will also be joining in to bring back collective memories on how life has transformed through time in Nee Soon Central, our home.
SG50 Nee Soon Central National Day Observance Ceremony 9 Aug 2 015
Singapore’s 50th birthday this year will see a nationwide synchronised national day observance ceremony. The ceremony will see Singaporeans coming together as one, as we sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge in unison. Nee Soon Central is proud to be one of the participating teams. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim will be leading the ceremony at Nee Soon Central. We will be creating history together by being a part of an estimated 500,000 Singaporeans singing the National Anthem and reciting the Pledge at the same time. Based on the theme, “Singapore: My Heart, My Home, My Future”.
Network 08 Nee Soon Central
SG50 Nee Soon Central Leisure Cycling 9 Aug 2015 Nee Soon Central will be injecting an element of fun as we celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday this year! On national day itself, Nee Soon Central Community Sports Club (CSC) will kick start the national day spirit by engaging in leisure cycling around Nee Soon Central, the session will be SG50 themed where participants will also be participating in best dressed and best decorated bicycles that shouts their love for Singapore competition. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal will aim to join 50 cyclists with their decorated bicycles and promote healthy living at the same time.
SG50 Balloon Sculpting Display @ NorthPoint Shopping Centre
01 7-10 Aug 2
Nee Soon Central is well known for our Balloon Interest Group (BIG). From the 7th to 10th August 2015, the Nee Soon Central BIG will unite as they celebrate Singapore’s Jubilee with a large Balloon Sculpturing Display inspired by the Nation’s 50th birthday at Northpoint Shopping Centre. As we all know balloons are fragile and will burst easily, this will pit the sculpturing skills of our BIG members are they come out with wonderful displays that showcase the elements that make up Singapore. Interested residents are encouraged to join the Balloon Interest Group.
PAssionARTS Street Fiesta @ Nee Soon GRC
15 Aug 2015
As part of our Nation’s Jubilee celebrations, Nee Soon GRC will be organizing a street parade which will showcase various performances by students. Families can enjoy their family time together with fun-filled activities and programs such as street performances items like magic show, stilt walkers, street food, movies screening on a Big Screen TV showing popular movies to cater for all ages, popcorn and candy floss to go along with the movies screening. There will be a PAssionARTS area where kids can get their hands dirty in mini arts competitions. The celebration will be held at the open field in front of Block 326 Yishun Ring Road, from 5.30pm.
Nee Soon Central Salam Lebaran SG50
16 Aug 2015
Take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and celebrate 50 years of Singapore in this coming Hari Raya Celebrations dubbed ‘Salam Lebaran SG50 celebration. Various Music Performances will be showcased from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000 to the future as well. Get your tickets now at Nee Soon Central CC during operating hours from 2.00pm to 10.30pm, be treated to a scrumptious sit-down dinner and entertainment.
Nee Soon GRC Pets Carnival
16 Aug 2015
Pets Carnival is a unique and all-encompassing event that caters to the needs of pets and pet owners. Nee Soon GRC will be holding a Pets Carnival this coming 16 August 2015 at the hard court in front of Block 838 (opposite Khatib MRT). Residents can look forward to a series of events like educational talks and some animals up for adoption. There will be a “best dressed Pet & Owner” competition. This Carnival brings the pet community together on a fun-filled learning journey of pet ownership. Join us, as we transform Nee Soon GRC to a pets loving community together. Nee Soon Central 09 Network
NEW HAWKER CENTRE COMING UP! Network 10 Nee Soon Central
Residents of Nee Soon Central who loves an array of affordable local food, it is time to cheer! Located at a convenient location, at the junction of Yishun Avenue 11 and Yishun Ring Road, the new hawker centre will house a total of 50 cooked stalls to provide an array of food choices. Drivers will be thrilled to know that there will be a carpark integrated within the hawker centre development, providing convenience to patrons as well as making it more easily accessible to the facilities. Do look out for the newest addition in town, estimated to be ready in 2017!
Kopi Meeting: Solving issues and forging cordial relationhips
n Saturday, 23rd May 2015, Adviser met a group of residents who provided feedback on the need to have a sheltered linkway that would connect Blk 925 Yishun Central to Northpoint shopping mall. Nee Soon Central is currently in the midst of major developments and Nee Soon Central Zone 8 RC houses the relocation of the Yishun Bus Interchange and the expansion of Northpoint Shopping Mall. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim duly gathered the contractors and community partners to meet the residents. Our Adviser decided to meet the residents together with the contractor and community partners at a coffee shop - a laidback and familiar surrounding that would help residents to unwind and share their views with ease. The chosen coffee shop is located right beside the problematic linkway, allowing all to visualize the problem better. Residents were elated to know that their feedback was heard and answered. Through effective communication, a positive relationship was reinforced and enhanced between residents and the Adviser. Thereby, creating a conducive living environment at Nee Soon Central.
Nee Soon Central 11 Network
he passing of our Founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew on 23 March 2015 had saddened the entire nation. 25,000 Singaporeans of all ages and races, and from different walks of life visited the Nee Soon GRC Community Tribute Site at the hardcourt in front of Nee Soon Central CC, Block 749 Yishun Street 72 to pay homage to their beloved leader. The week of national mourning brought Singaporeans from all walks of life together. Young and old had come to place bouquets of flowers at the tribute site. They also penned down notes to convey their heartfelt thanks to the revered Mr Lee for his selfless contributions to Singapore.
Network 12 Nee Soon Central
Many volunteers readily came forward to play a part to keep the tribute site opened round the clock. Acts of generosity and kindness were prevalent as the nation lamented the lost of a venerated and endearing leader. These acts ranged from purchasing herbal teas to an assortment of bread for the volunteers and staff who had worked tirelessly at the tribute site. On 27 March 2015, Nee Soon held a significant and meaningful memorial event for Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Residents lit up candles to form a map of Singapore with a portrait of Mr Lee in the centre. Each candle signified their gratitude for Mr Lee- his contributions to the country which we call home. The Grassroots Advisers from Nee Soon GRC were also present for the event.
1923 - 2015
LEE KUAN YEW Architect of Modern Singapore
" As for me, I have done what I had wanted to do, to the best of my ability. I am satisfied."
Nee Soon Central 13 Network
Minimise and Maximise Waste Environmental Outreach Programme 2015
Sparkle TOTS Preschool @ Nee Soon Central and Nee Soon East are proud to continue our Environmental Outreach Programme, committed to fostering environments where our young children can prosper. It is important to teach the students the need to protect the environment, conserve natural resources, reduce waste and reuse resources. A total of 8 booths were set up for children and parents engagement. NEA and Yishun Junior college are one of the collaborating partners. MP of Nee Soon Central, Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim and MP of Nee Soon East, Mr Patrick Tay, Former PCF CEO, Mr Tay Swee Yee and PCF Senior Director, Ms Tan Lee Jee are present to support the event. We would like to extend our gratitude to thank our parents once again in supporting the event and participating in their children’s learning!
Record Challenge
n conjunction with our Environmental Outreach programme and celebration of SG50, teachers, staff and pre-school children from SparkleTots Nee Soon Central and Nee Soon East attempt to set the Singapore Book of Records by using egg cartons to form a SG50 Logo. We were awarded a certificate in setting a new Singapore record for the largest logo made of egg cartons measuring 5m by 5m.
Network 14 Nee Soon Central
n May 2015, Mdm Peh Lay Hong and her team of teachers from PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Nee Soon Central Block 737 obtains accreditation at the Emerging level. Mdm Peh and her team of teachers are proud and determined to continue in providing a quality preschool experience for our children.
ed by local MP and Chairman of Nee Soon Town Council, Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, some 680 volunteers armed with tongs and trash bags from 8 Residents’ Committee (RC) zones in Nee Soon Central gathered early on 3rd May 2015 at Block 749, Yishun Street 72, eager to do their part to clean up their town.
photographs, even posing with piles of refuse collected within their estate. The haul for the day was 134.5kg of litter and 62.11kg of recyclable materials, with bags of discarded tissue, paper bits, cigarette butts and drink cans among others.
They formed part of some 1,200 participants in Nee Soon GRC, volunteering in the national “Operation WE Clean Up!” event – a collaborative project involving all PAP Town Council to thank over 4,000 cleaners in Singapore. The participants comprise of residents, grassroots volunteers and partners from the local Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and agencies, such as NEA.
While residents were busy cleaning their town, our cleaners gathered at Khatib Plaza for a day-off and a Cleaners’ Appreciation Day celebration. They were joined by the five MPs of Nee Soon GRC. Free meals, and treats like ice-cream and popcorn were distributed, while performers entertained them. Each cleaner was also presented with a $20 NTUC voucher and a Bluetooth earpiece as a token of our appreciation.
There was plenty of hard work, but residents had their fair share of fun as well. Selfies, wefies and photo taking was plentiful as residents snapped
Minister K. Shanmugam took time to thank the cleaners and urged everyone to be a little more gracious in thanking our cleaners for their hard work.
He shared that the Town Council continues to work with various partners, NTUC, WDA, e21 and many others, to help improve the skills, productivity, wages and welfare of our cleaners. He said, “As our cleaners upgrade their skills, they will be offered better terms and conditions in their employment contracts…regardless of age, one can get a better pay when they upgrade themselves, and we are there to help.” He reminded that apart from the Town Council, partners, cleaners and Government supporting our cleaners, residents too play a part in ensuring a clean community and home. Cleaning up after we are done and thanking our cleaners will go a long way.
Nee Soon Central 15 Network
Join our
North West Brisk Walkers 6248 5566 Jointly organised by:
Assist . Bond . Connect