Artnmap 201312

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12 l 2013

Vol. 51

lim, moo sang italy invitation EXHIBITION QWON, SOON WANG SOLO EXHIBITION

Galerie ARTISSIMA de Silvia Prielz dec.7-28 ‘THE HIDDEN FLOW’ - CYART SPACE DEC.4-15

가려진 지속-트러스트trust, 115.5X61.5cm, 유리, 영어사전, 2013

TiTle Qwon, Soon Wang exhibition PLACE Cyart Space DURATION 12.04 -12.15 2013 artist Qwon, Soon Wang CONTACT +82-2-3141-8842

4)隣(Rhin)-old feeling.50x56cm,,Korean paper,chinese ink,mixed natural coloration,2013


Lim, Moo-Sang Italy Invitation exhibition artist Lim, Moo-Sang DURATION DES. 7-28, 2013 CONTACT Via Amerigo Vespucci .19 35031 .Abano Terme. Italy Tel. 00 39 347 69 36 594 PLACE Galerie ARTISSIMA de Silvia Prielz Galerie ARTISSIMA de Silvia Prielz Italian painter of the exhibition held in the Lim, Moo-Sang Lim, Moo-Sang the 2012 Paris Grand Palais (Grand Palais) caused a big impact in the field of exhibition , following this year from July 4 Selective Art Gallery in Paris at the invitation of one month and a lot of great popular acclaim received great success on August 4 concluded . After December 7 to December 28 ARTISSIMA de Silvia Prielz Italy Gallery Exhibition This is being held. These selective gallery Paris Invitation is sent on. South Korea’s painter , in his art , the great epic poetic perception and expression is tied

to . He comes from nature for his work of natural dyes are used as thematerial for the picture ; As a result, the finished paint ing has the power and depth , and also in expression involve gentle giant. Lim, Moo-Sang painter is an artist who contemplate nature. His style of painting any violence or screaming , we can not find the same thing . If aspects of the creation and painting eseona does not fan any claims . Instead, the target of angry Lim, Moo-Sang observe, feel and response are inwardly ; Thus, this is his character , characterized by great humility , with one above the canvas for nature to create a huge magic sets. The main characteristic of the painter Lim, Moo-Sang, so much for his country and would love the mountains and the sky. He is important to pursue , that surround us in the mystery of life is approaching . Through his work with us in complete tranquility and respect for contemplating leads the way. The nature of his work simply love having invited us , and at the same time enjoy the natural way to permanently Minister is India . Lim, Moo-Sang upset the natural wonders of the amazing plot and endures so much obviously !

Multiple Art Work and Meaning of Duration The artist Qwon Soon wang has taken a deep consideration of human’s thinking and expression processes while having worked in various fields including installation of plane and objet, etc so far. His major was engraving but he has extended his work to such various fields because he thought that engraving would need a new meaning under the post modern situation that was not based only a single genre concept but showed its features in use of hybrid media and crossover works and such concept should be founded, and he intended to realize his viewpoint of work that we should go for under the name of ‘concept engraving’. In this exhibition, his works show how he has made various memories relevant to various events he has experienced in person imagined by using such engraving methods as silk-screen or stencil. He, however, wants to deal with such plane looking works on the horizon of his viewpoint of work that is multiple objet. Objet means an object that is stereoscopically shaped to take its own space. The artist Soon-wang Kwon, however, wants to think of image as a trace of objet and extension of objet that forms a referent of objet as if paints placed on a plate with stereoscopic uneven thing forms a plane looking engraving work making a relation to such a plane as engraving paper. That is, he wants to argue that an art work is something commanded or made to be synchronized to another thing as if engraving is something multiple, which means that such materialistic motives as figures, still lives and landscapes are synchronized to such non-materialistic things as thoughts, emotions and subcon scious at a point to exist in multiple ways. Such arguments of his remind us of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: the relation between the ideal original form and the form reflected on the cave. That is, an art work or imagined form may have started from such original form based objet

or may be an aspect that exists in multiple ways. In his works, therefore, a certain shaped paper cup appears repeatedly and the paper pieces cut-out in similar shapes are presented in overlapped ways to make us feel as if daily life phases are lined up on the same sized engraving paper pieces like a series of works. This implies that such multiple phases are extended further as if an art work is synchronized to a certain original form to appear as a multiple-shaped object. Then, every work is independent each other with a regular difference, so that such differences combined to such repeated shapes play a constituent element that distinguishes an image from the other. In this way, a new meaning is formed or created in accordance with such combination ways. The contents that he may have collected from his various daily lives and thoughts to communicate with others will have their own story structures on his formative horizon. Such stories are found as the elements to explain about his formative viewpoint on the point that every story of such is a phase of cognition individually in terms of the theme of this exhibition. Every different story is a phase of every moment that he meets and recognizes in his daily life while the images and events approaching you repeatedly are the phases that he meets on the extension of the moments when he recognize his identity from such images and events. As a result, he wanted to identify an art work on a synchronized object extended under the relation between original form based motive and multiple objet as a synchronized object. That is, he has collected various events and stories into his works on the point that an art work may be a phase coming in duration from the extension process of both fields of such in order to freely go for montage style combination, and he wanted to show us the horizon of the point of the area hidden in the flow of time behind by our cognition habit of space by showing us the cross sections of such individual image in multiple ways while getting closer to the extended stories from his individual daily life further to historical events. That is, he wants to show us the horizon of the point of true existence. Lee, Seung-hoon, Cyart Research Institute

ARTIST CUBE ARTIST CUBE『월간 아트앤맵』이 기획하고 진행하는 개인별 부스전

큐브 앙데팡당 (CUBE-Independent)

아티스트 큐브는 진입 장벽이 높지 않은 새로운 전시문화를 만들고 새로운 작가를 발굴하기 위 해 월간 아트앤맵이 마련한 부스(Booth)전시 전문공간입니다. 연령,경력,장르와 상관없이 작업 을 보여주고자 하는 작가 모두에게 열린 공간이 될 것입니다. 작가의 대표작과 포트폴리오를 함 께 전시하고 월간 아트앤맵의 지면 홍보와 전시메일 홍보를 통해 좀 더 많은 이들에게 작가와 작업을 알리는 소통의 통로가 될 것입니다.

1.접수방법 아티스트 큐브에서의 개인별 부스전 참여작가는 경력, 연령, 장르에 한계를 두지 않는 무심사제도에 의해 접수 받습니다. 작가의 연령, 경력, 장르 등에 제한을 두지 않고 다양한 장르 및 기법 그리고 내용 을 모두 수용하고자 합니다. 아티스트 큐브 웹하드에 제출 서류를 올려주시고 서류접수를 전화로 확 인하신후 안내에 따라 접수비를 납입하시면 전시 접수가 완료됩니다. (아트앤맵_큐브 앙데팡당展_접 수안내 TEL:02-3663-7537) 2.참가특전 아티스트 큐브 개인별 부스전은 작가를 발굴하는 프로그램 입니다. 이 프로그램을 통해 전시한 작가 중 1년간 12명 내외의 작가를 선정하여 전시비용이 없는 초대전 형식의 개인전을 월간 아트앤맵의 협 력 전시공간인 사이아트 스페이스에서 한번 더 개최 합니다. (초대개인전에서는 개인전 전시공간뿐만 아니라 리플렛과 평문을 지원해 드립니다) 3.참가비용 부스개인전 참가 접수비는 12만원 입니다.(전시공간 비용은 1주일간 기본 제공하고 참가접수비는 대부 분 작가 개인별 엽서제작비(고급지)등 홍보 진행비로 사용됩니다) 4.제출서류 아티스트 큐브 제출서류는 <대표작 3점 이미지>와 <포트폴리오>가 제출서류입니다. (웹하드에 전시 에 발표하는 대표작 3점의 이미지와 캡션 그리고 작가노트가 포함된 포트폴리오를 작가이름으로 폴더 를 만들어 올리시면 됩니다) 에서 ID:artwebhard PW:1234 [아티스트큐브 접수처] 폴더 안에 올립니다. 5.전시홍보 아티스트 큐브에서의 전시는 월간 아트앤맵에 지면으로 홍보해 드리며 동시에 아트앤맵 전시메일로 작 가 개인별 전시홍보 메일을 미술관계자 및 애호가 1만명에게 배포됩니다 6.전시일정 전시일정 결정을 위해 접수 후 작가 별로 전화 혹은 전시장 내방을 통해 면담을 하게 되며, 7명씩 개인 별 부스전을 하게 되므로 작가와 협의 후 아티스트 큐브에서 적절한 시기로 결정하게 됩니다.

Asya geisbrg GALLERY +

clamp art +1.646.230.0020

Hobby and Work 10 24 - 12 21, 2013

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: Polaroids 11 21 – 12 21, 2013

APERTURE GALLERY +1.212.505.5555

ceres gallery +1.212.925.6190

The years shall run like rabbits 11 8 - 12 21, 2013

Exposure 11 26 - 12 8, 2013

Andrea Meislin Gallery +1.212-627-2552

Caelum Gallery +1 212.924.4161

Beyond No-Man’s Land 10 31 - 12 20, 2013

AS A WORD... 11 12 - 12 7, 2013

Anton Korn GalLery +1.212.366.6939

CUE ART FOUNDATION +1.212-206-3583

Marepe 10 25 - 12 14, 2013

galería perdida 12 6 - 1 24, 2014

benrimon contemporary +1.212.924.2400

derek eller gallery +1. 212. 206. 6411

Alastair Levy <the following guidelines should assist you> 11 7 - 12 21, 2013

William DeLottie, Alicia Gibson, Adrianne Rubenstein 11 22, 2013 - 1 4, 2014

BITFORMS GALLERY +1.646.455.0986 Michel de Broin Retooled Appliances 10 24 – 12 7, 2013

BLUE MOUNTAIN GALLERY +1.646.486.4730 1) Juried Exhibition 12 3 - 12 21, 2013 2) Sharyn Finnegan City Views: West 9th St. and Beyond 12. 24 – 1 25, 2013-14 Bruce Silverstein +1.212.627.3930


able fine art ny +

ANA CRISTEA GALLERY +1.212 904. 1110

Jacob Kassay IJK 11 1 - 12 20, 2013

The Solo Exhibition of “Emilia Dubicki” 10 30 - 12 3, 2013

Synesthesium 10 24 -12 7, 2013


ANdrea rosen GALLERY +1.212 627. 6000

1) Shinichi Maruyama Nudes 11 07 - 12 21, 2013 2) Bruce Silverstein / 20 11 01, 2013 - 1 02, 2014

Sean Scully: Night and Day 10 30, 2013 - 1 11, 2014

Josephine Meckseper 11 23, 2013 –1 18, 2014

Agora Gallery +


crG GALLERY +1.212 229 2766

Divine Stardom: Lady Gioconda 11 22 - 12 13, 2013

Harmony Hammond 10 23 - 12 7, 2013

Jumana Manna 11 07 - 12 21, 2013


DES. 7 - 28, 2013

Galerie ARTISSIMA de Silvia Prielz Via Amerigo Vespucci .19

35031 .Abano Terme. Italy Tel. 00 39 347 69 36 594

ART MIAMI 12 3 - 12 7 2013 DAVID ZWIRNER +1.212.727.2070 1) I Who Have Arrived In Heaven 11 8 - 12 21, 2013 2) Ad Reinhardt 11 7 - 12 18, 2013 DE BUCK GALLERY +1 212. 255. 5735 Kelly Reemtsen: America’s Sweetheart 11 07- 12 21, 2013 Danese Corey + The Small Sculptures of Dimitri Hadzi 11 22 - 12 21, 2013

Cheim&Read +

CONTEXT ART MIAMI 2013 12 3- 12 8, 2013

임무상 이태리 초대전

Dillon Gallery +1.212 727 8585


Publisher Seung hoon Lee Managing Editor Sam Ran Kim Editor MinAh Choi, Sohyun Park Reporter Sohyun Park, Hyewon Kim Sales Executive Ara Cho Designer MinAh Choi, Hyewon Kim

w w w. a r t n m a p . c o m

Lennon, Weinberg, INC. +1.212.941.0012

morgan lehman +

Jesus and Bossa Nova 11 7 - 12 28, 2013

Sharon Louden <Community> 10 24 - 12 7, 2013

Leo Koenig inc +1 212 334 9255

Nicole Klagsbrun +

Paul Ramírez Jonas, Aggregate 10 17–12 7, 2013

Brie RuaisX O 11 8 - 12 21, 2013


PLEIADES GALLERY +1.646.230.0056

Reinhard Mucha <Hidden Tracks> 11 2, 2013 - 1 11, 2014

Ginger Balizer-Hendler and Ed Brodkin 11 26 - 12 21, 2013

Lombard freid projects +1.212.967.8040 Ulrich Lamsfuss <Escape Escapism> 10 30, 2013- 1 04, 2014

Malerie Marder <Anatomy> 11 2 – 12 21, 2013 MARIANNE BOESKY GALLERY +1.212.680.9889

Sarah LUCAS Joyce PENSATO 11 7 – 12 20, 2013 flomenhaft gallery +1.646.230.0992

JAMES COHAN GALLERY +1.212.714.9500

Silent Readings 11 7 - 12 21, 2013

TRAILBLAZER Miriam Schapiro 11 7 – 12 28, 2013

1) Art Basel Miami Beach 2013 Booth E08 12 5 - 12 8, 2013

danziger gallery +1.212.629.6778

Friedrich Petzel Gallery +1.212.680.9467

Michael Light: Some Dry Space 10 30, 2013 - 1 18, 2014

Sarah Morris 11 14 - 12 21, 2013

EDWARD THORP GALLERY +1.212.691.6565

greene naftali gallery +1.212.463.7770

New Work, Five Painters 12 5, 2013 - 1 4, 2014

Sophie von Hellermann 11 20 - 1 4, 2014

Elizabeth Harris Gallery +1.212.463.9666

heller Gallery +1.212.414.4014

KATHRYN MARKEL +1.212.366.5368

Holiday Delights 12 5 – 12 21 2013

ART MIAMI 2013 PREVIEW 12 4 - 12 8, 2013

ERIC BLUM Foreign Parts 11 14 - 12 21, 2013

Elizabeth dee gallery +1.212.924.7545

Joshua Liner Gallery +

kipsgallery +1. 646 284 5008

Miriam Cahn - Installation View 11 2, 2013 - 1 11, 2014

Kris Kuksi Revival 11 21, 2013 - 1 18, 2014

HAESSLE “New works” 11 14 – 1 7, 2013

2) INGRID CALAME: Tracks 12 12, 2013 - 9 8, 2014

Allegory and Illusion 10 16, 2013 - 2 10, 2014

TRIA GALLERY +1.212.695.0021


2) Ricardo Alcaide<Incidental Geometry> 11 16 - 12 14, 2013

Rubin Museum +1.212.620.5000

Tony Feher <Encore> 11 22, 2013 - 1 18, 2014

DAVID MALEK 11 7 - 12 21, 2013

1) Martí Cormand <Formalizing their concept> 10 31 - 12 14, 2013

Beneath the Surface 11 21, 2013 – 1 2, 2014

SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO +1.212.929.2262

martosgallery +1.212 560 0670

Josée Bienvenu Gallery +1. 212. 206. 7990

Beth Cartland: Dialogue with Shape & Color 11 27-12 21, 2013 rare gallery gallery +1.646-339-6050

Leslie Tonkonow +1.212 255 8450

DAvid nolan gallery +1.212 925 6190

Phoenix Gallery +1.212-226-8711

New work by Clara Fialho 12 5 - 1 18, 2014

1) PLAYTIME Isaac Julien 11 7 - 12 14, 2013 2) Alexandre SinghUpstairs Gallery 11 9 – 12 7, 2013

Tracy Williams.Ltd + DOMINGO MILELLA 11 1 - 12 21 2013

MONYA ROWE GALLERY + Jake Longstreth <Particulate Matter> 10 27 - 1 5, 2014

mixed greens +1.212.331.8888 Ian Addison Hall The View From Everywhere 11 14, 2013 – 1 4, 2014

WALTER WICKISER GALLERY +1.212.941.1817 Larger Than Life 12 3 - 12 31, 2013

YANCEY RICHARDSON GALLERY +1.646.230.9610 The years shall run like rabbits 11 8 - 12 21, 2013

Desire 최 윤 정 展 가 일 미 술 관 GAIL ART MUSEUM

2013_1201 ▶ 2014_0121 경기도 가평군 청평면 북한강로 1549(삼회리 609-6번지 ) Te l . + 8 2 . 3 1 . 5 8 4 . 4 7 2 2 w w w. g a i l a r t . o r g

Exhibition Info Korea / Insadong Area Savina Museum

pungmoon woman's high school

Anguk station 안국역


Jongno police station


Anguk art intersection Hongbak supply store

Baum Art Gallery Gallery Miz Gallery Seoul Na Gallery

종로 경찰서

Gana art space Artspace-Hyun

Gallery Yedang

Crown bakery Gallery Gallery Dongduk Galerie Gaia Godo Rho Gallery Gallery Is

Young Art Gallery

Daboseong Gallery

Kyung-In Museum Gallery Tongkeun of Fine Art LTD

Road to the Museum Bunam Gallery

Jangeunsung Gallery Gallery 31

Moin Gallery

Garam Gallery Kosa Space

Gallery Lux (3F) Speace inno (2F)

Insa Art Gallery

Gallery The K

Insa Gallery

Modern Gallery

Hana Art Gallery Gallery Tablero Gallery Gac

Korea Craft & Design Sungbo Gallery


Gallery Leciel

Gallery Now Bona Museum

Mulpaspace Gallery

Rock Gallery

Baiksong Art Gallery

Yeasung Gallery

Moro Gallery Space Peace

Gallery M Dokwon Gallery Nakwon

Gaga gallery

Gallery Ttei Gallery Dongho Gallery Lamer

Gallery Bon Seoho Museum of Art


Gallery Art Plus

Lee Seoul Gallery 낙원상가

1) 김인혜 개인전 12 04 - 12 10 2013 2 허정수 개인전 12 04 - 12 10 2013 3) 강남대 회화과 12 11 - 12 17 2013 4) 중앙대 사진 아카데미 12 18 - 12 24 2013

제1전시관 11 27 - 12 12 04 - 12 12 11 - 12 12 18 - 12

03 10 17 24

2013 l 서정완 전 2013ㅣ김동욱 도예전 2013 l 밀양에서온편지전 2013 l 김가범 전

제2전시관 11 27 - 12 12 04 - 12 12 11 - 12 12 18 - 12

03 10 17 24

2013 l 움 전 2013 l New Turn 전 2013 l 낯선 일상의 視線전 2013 l “present” 전

GALLERY LAMER 갤러리 룩스 +82.2.720.8488 1) 이선민 展 Translocating Woman 11 20 - 12 03 2013 2) 권태균 展 NOMAD 12 04 - 12 16 2013 3) 상명대학교 일반대학원 예술디자인대학원 사진영상미디어과 순수사진전공 그룹전 展 12 18 - 12 23 2013 4) 갤러리룩스 2013 Flux <명랑한 기억> (구현모, 노석미, 노정하 사타, 홍인숙 기획그룹전) 2013. 12 26 - 2014 01 21

Myung Gallery

Gallery Sinsang

Chohyung Gallery Gallery Soo


Gallery AM

Grau Gallery

TOPOHAUS 토포하우스 +82.2.734.7555

Gallery vook's Gallery Dos

Korean Art Center

Mirim art supply store Tourist Information Centers

11 27 - 12 03 2013 계명대학교 미술대학 사진영상디자인 과 졸업작품전 2013 PHOTIST

Kimjinhye Gallery Noam Gallery

Hanro Gallery


Topgol Park 탑골 공원

Jonggak station

Leeseoul GALLERY 리서울 갤러리 +82.2.720.0319

Jongno Tower Pizza hut


김봉화와 함께하는 14인전 작품전 11 27 - 12 03 2013

Jongno-samga station 종로 3가

GAGA GALLERY 갤러리 가가 +82.2.725-3546

GALLERY GAC 갤러리 각 +82.2.737.9963

1) 가가4인전 12 11 - 12 17 2013 2) Spectrum Miami Art Fair 12 04 - 12 08 2013 3) 에꼴展 12 18 - 12 27 2013

1) 충남대학교 한국화 전공 졸업전시 11 27 - 12 03 2013 2) 열린 사이버 대학교 보석딜러 학과 졸업전시 11 27 - 12 10 2013 3) 서봉한 초대 개인전 11 27 - 12 10 2013


KWANHOON GALLERY 관훈갤러리 +82.2.733.6469 최윤정 개인전 부드러운 선명함 11 28 - 12 10 2013

KYUNG-IN MUSEUM 경인미술관 +82.2.733.4448

12 18 - 12 24 2013 1) 와이포토 사진전 2) 제 4회 침향 누비전 3) 2013 정영완 개인전 4) 인천 현대 도예가회 소품전 5) 미우회 6) 수채화 구상회

11 27 - 12 03 2013 1) 미길전 2) 제2회 연세 사진마을 사진전 3) 채림회 4) 한윤경,이수경 석사 청구전 5) 壹想

12 25 - 12 31 2013 1) 크리스마스 파티전 2) 제1회 못골 화우회전 3) 유영심 개인전 4) 바늘동구리 5) 제3회 그림숲전

12 04 - 12 10 2013 1) 천년보옥 한국의 누비 2) 주호 개념미술 초대전 3) 2013김영빈 개인전 4) 또 다른 시선 5)윤경미 개인전 6)이명임 개인전

김봉화 - 모시, 얇은 실크, 손바느질 20x38cm steel frame

당일 24시간 내에 제작하는 속성+고급 엽서, 전시리플렛 (1p SIZE:210x150mm)




고급 랑데뷰지로 제작 봉투 200장 기본제공

속성엽서 (2p)





속성리플렛 (4p)





속성도록 (16p)





준비된 데이터로 제작. 사이즈 확대시 별도문의 이미지 포토샵, 데이터

함명수 개인전 11 20 - 12 20 2013

통인화랑(B1) 1) 류주한 산업도자 展 11 27 - 12 03 2013 2) 성신 공예 여담 (女談:餘談) 展 12 04 - 12 10 2013 3) 이정근 도예 展 12 11 - 12 17 2013 4) 흙 울타리 展 12 18 - 12 24 2013 5) 강광묵•김유성 강진청자 展 12 25 - 12 31 2013

SAVINA GALLERY 장은선갤러리 +82.2.730.3533 1) 신석주 초대전 12 04 - 12 14 2013 2) 김외자, 백경애 전 12 18 - 12 24 2013


통인옥션갤러리(5F) 1) 박정환 개인전 11 06 - 12 01 2013 2) 최석운개인전 12 04 - 12 29 2013

아트앤맵이 도와드립니다.

전시도록+전시홍보“패키지” 도록을 제작하면 지면광고와 15,000명 전시메일도 함께, 전시홍보패키지

패키지C (100만원)

엽서300부+24p고급도록100부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고C면

패키지B (150만원)

엽서500부+24p고급도록200부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고B면

패키지A (200만원)

엽서1000부+24p고급도록300부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고A면

재가공 요청시 별도문의 VAT별도, 배송비착불, 도록1page=270x210mm


1권도 제작. 소량 맞춤형 고급도록제작 최소물량(1부~300부) 하드케이스/날개제본/무선/중철

소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작


두꺼운 엽서제작

특수엽서 특수인쇄 상담요망

(제작 문의전화: 아트앤맵 디자인 02-3210-3637) ①주문방법 안내메일 ②웹하드 자료 업로드 ③주문확인 및 제작비입금 ④디자인 시안 메일발송 ⑤디자인 확정 ⑥제작후 발송(배송료는 착불입니다.) 방문제작안내

소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작


전화상담후 진행안내


소량의 도록이나 고급제본 특수종이 고객의 취향에 딱맞는 맞춤제작


12.25 - 12.31 2013 DMZ 60년-사진가 7인의 시선

TONG-LN GALLERY 통인화랑 +82.2.735.9094

최길녀 개인전 <그 깨달음의 세계> 11 27 - 12 03 2013

속성이 아닐 경우, 더 저렴합니다.

12 11 - 12 17 2013 1) 최경희 개인전 <live-bloom> 2) 원광대 서예문화예술학과 졸업작품전

SAVINA GALLERY 사비나갤러리 +82.2.736.4371

GALLERY NOW 갤러리 나우 +82.2.725.2930

하루만에 완성되는 속성엽서, 리플렛, 도록

12 04 - 12 10 2013 1) 귀도 개인전 <Do-or it yourself> 2) 덕성여대 서양화과 졸업전시회

12 18 - 12 24 2013 1) 연혜란 개인전 2) 한국 포슬린 협회전 3) 해장윤복展

12 11 - 12 17 2013 1) 서성복 대표 자선 전시회 2) 한국불교미술협회 회원전 3) 박명자 사진개인전 4) 한결전 5) 조인주 서양화전

가장 특별한 전시


제4전시관 12 04 - 12 10 2013 l 아트 패브릭 전 12 11 - 12 17 2013 l 아름다움의재해석전 12 18 - 12 24 2013 l 함께나누는사진전

Sun Gallery

Gallery Hwabong

Seoul Art Center Gongpyung Gallery


Gallery Gala

Gallery i

Baegak Museum

DongSanBang Gallery

rsection ng inte Insa-do

JH Gallery


수도약국 Kwanhoon Sudo pharmacy Gallery Dansung Gllery

Mokin Gallery

gallery is 갤러리 이즈 +82.2.720.2235

Gallery Grimson Gallery Woorim

Kimyoungseob Photo Gallery

dongduk gallery 동덕아트 갤러리 +82.2.732.6458




서울 종로구 안국동 63-1 안국동1번출구 스타벅스 골목 50m

Sagandong Area / Samcheong Gallery

Exhibition Info Korea

cyartgallery 사이아트갤러리 +82.2.3141.8841

GALLERY chosun 갤러리 조선 +82.2.723.7133

1) 박수진<공간초상> 11 29 - 12 01 2013 2) 권순왕 개인전 12 03 - 12 15 2013 3) 이상윤 개인전 12 18 - 12 23 2013

1) 구명선 展 <여러 가지 진실 중 어느 것을 말해야 할까> 11 12 - 12 03 2013 2) 무거운 점_ 정성윤 11 05 - 12 19 2013


Samcheong-dong post office

Gallery Young

삼청동 우체국

Mongin Art Center

Yeemock Gallery

samchung-dong office 삼청동 주민센터

Gate Gallery Gallery Sonamu

Gallery 공근혜

hyoja street

KHJ Gallery Gallery Dos Gallery Doll Leec Gallery

Gallery Fifteen

Joongang high school 중앙고교

Gahoe-dong 가회동

samchung-dong street HBW Gallery Sun Art Space

EON Gallery Gallert In

Limm Gallery

Gallery Biim

ICAM Gallery The National Folk Museum of Korea

One & J Gallery

Rothem Gallery

Ram Gallery

Junsun Gallery Trunk Gallery

Gallery Sun Contemporary Bon Gallery

Bukchon Art Museum

분명한 고독들 11 21 - 12 01 2013

Myungin Museum


PMK Gallery Gallery gabi Gallery All Gallery b’ONE Gallery Dam Gallery Epoque

Artsonje Center Arario Seoul Leehwaik Gallery

LG-sangnam library Ga Gallery BukchonArt Space H changwoo theater

2013 금호영아티스트 Kumho Young Artist 2013 1) 제_:/박 JE_:/BAAK 이견들 Different Views 11 07 - 12 01 2013 2) 김상진<원본없는 사본들> 11 07 - 12 01 2013 3) 정아롱<숲길에서의 하루 밤 그림들> 11 07 - 12 01 2013 4) 이자영<어느 날 MAGNOLIA> 11 07 - 12 01 2013

Hyundai Engineering and Construction

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Woonbo Gallery Gallery On Gallery Songadang Kumho Museum Gallery HYUNDAI UNC Gallery

광화문 교차로

samcheong gallery 삼청갤러리 +82.2.720.5758

Jungdok library

Vit Gallery

Gwangwhamun intersection

Museum of Korean Buddhist Art

Gallery Scape

samcheong gallery 금호미술관 +82.2.720.5758

Gallery Chosun

Hakgojae Gallery

Africa Gallery

Insa Art Museum


Kukje Gallery

Kyeongbok Palace


Digital Analog Gallery

Bandee Gallery 16bungee

Ducksung woman's high school

Cyart Gallery


Constitutional Court 헌법 재판소 Gallery Space

Baum Art Gallery

57th gallery 57th 갤러리 +82.2.733.2657

Gallery Artrink

Simyo Gallery

Savina Museum

Anguk station

pungmoon 57th(2F) woman's high school 풍문여고

HanKook publishing company

Gallery Eye


Dream Gallery

제_:/박 JE_:/BAAK

Jongno police station

Gallery Dongduk

종로 경찰서

gallery hyundai 갤러리 현대 +82.2.675.3057

Insa-dong street

gabi gallery 갤러리 가비 +82.2.735.1036

gallery DOS 갤러리 도스 +82.2.7378.4678

gallery dam 갤러리담 +82.2.738.2745

도시 그림자 Shadows of the city 배남경 판화전 11 21 - 12 10 2013

1) JEONGEUN YIYI SLOW LANDSCAPE 11 27 - 12 03 2013

1) 김명숙 展 11 11 - 12 02 2013 2) 박미화 展 12 04 - 12 15 2013 3) 윤정미 展 12 16 - 12 24 2013 4) 최은경 展 12 25 - 01 12 2013

kukje gallery 국제갤러리 +82.2.735.8449

신순애 류희숙展 <경험과 표현> 11 27 - 12 03 2013

1) 텔레-비 이승택,안창홍, 박진영, 최선, 최수앙,오용석 11 12 - 12 08 2013

GALLERY on 갤러리 온 +82.2.733.8295 김슬기 김윤희 나현경 이윤정 임솔지 조연주 차소현 최은미 11 28 - 12 05 2013

2) 최우람 Lamp Shop Project 11 12 - 12 15 2013

2) KYUNGHWA CHOI RESIDUE 11 28 - 12 27 2013

EPOQUE GALLERY 갤러리 에뽀끄 +82.2.3674.7722

Aaron Young 11 14 - 12 15 2013 최은경

gallery SONGADANG +82.2.725.6713 갤러리 송아당 박진성 개인전 11 20 - 12 10 2013

1) 건국대학교 디자인대학원 뷰티디자인전공 회귀; Regression 11 28 - 12 04 2013 2) 시간의 틈 하리, 정성원, 하이경, 황정희 12 05 - 12 31 2013

권순왕 초대전 가려진지속 -


2013.12.4(wed) -12.15(sun)

서울시 종로구 안국동 63-1 Tel.02.3141.8842

Exhibition Info Korea / Chungdam, Gwanghwamun, Daehang-no Sungsu Grand Bridge Korea Premier Auction Do Art Seoul

Juliana Gallery PMK Gallery




Art Forum New Gate

Galleria Soonsoo Gallery A Atory Gallery In the Box Wellside Gallery Gallery BHAK Gallery PIG Gallery JuYoung Space C Gallery SeoMi Cais Gallery Atelier Herres Im Art The Columns

Gahjin Gallery Gallery Kunstdoc Gallery Factory

Brain Factory Gallery Palais de seoul Gyeongbokgung Jean Art Gallery 경복궁

Gallery Zein Xeno Next Door Gallery

Gallery PICI Songeun Art Center 123 Gallery

Daelim Contemporary

Woori Art Museum bank National Palace Gallery ARTSIDE Gallery Cha Museum of Korea


rsection Seoul CT Gallery dam inte Prima hotel Cheong

oroom Gallery Janet Oh Gallery K&Gallery Cheongdam Park Gallery Rm

Gallery GOdong

Park Ryu Sook Gallery Gallery D'or 청담공원 Chung Michael Schultz Gallery Jungsoyoung Gallery Young-dong Gallery Messanine Gallery CheongDham high school Able Fine Art Gallery Gallery Gallery the Space 영동고

Daily Project


Gallery Woong

Gallery Artga Caf Goghi

PYO Gallery Gallery Isang Opera Gallery

Chungdamn Art Center Rumian Gallery Gallery Won Yoo Art Apace

EM Art Gallery


Sungkok Museum Gallery Jung

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

Gallery Lumiere

Cheongdam station

청담역 MayJune Gallery

Gangnamguoffice station

Gallery EVE


Gallery Parisienne


Watergate Gallery

Seoul Museum of History

Munhwailbo Gallery


Deoksugung 덕수궁


Lamada Hotel

Young-dong telephone company

Ilmin Museum of Art Shinhan Museum Gallery CHosun


Asem Tower

Deoksugung Museum

Samsung station

Sunreung Park 선릉공원

Gwanghwamun station 광화문역

Gyeongheegung 경희궁

Bongeun Temple

Gallery 4 Walls

hak-dong station

Gyuounggi high school

Anguk station

Gyeongbokgung station 경복궁역

Seoul Museum of Art

Joggak station 종각역

Seoul Metropolitan Government Euljiro 1-ga station 서울시청 을지로입구역

Gallery Lotte

City Hall station 시청역

Lotte Dept.Store 롯데백화점 SEOUL PLAZA HOTEL 서울프라자호텔

Ilwoo Space

Pyunghwa Gallery

Cha hospital

Myungdong Gallery

Korean Foundation Cultural Center

Sunreung station


arario gallery 아라리오 갤러리 +82.2.541.5701

Chengdam-dong moonfinearts 문화랑 +82.2.554.6106

김병호 개인전<Garden in the Garden> 10 10 - 12 08 2013

겨울그림 선물전 박진성, 정 일, 미쉘 들라크로와 12 2 - 12 31 2013

Jake and dinos chapman: the sleep of reason 08 23 - 12 07 2013

미디어극장전 2013 육근병, 김희선, 정정주 류호열, 뮌, 염지혜 11 19 - 12 18 2013

기억속의 시간여행 11 29 - 12 21 2013


1) 윤정 사진전 <어른들의 꿈굽기> 12 24 - 01 05 2013 2) 제3회 Photobook Fair 11 26 - 12 22 2013




Park So Ra

Ra Yeong Gwang

2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 2

Ra Yeong Won

2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 3

리금홍 개인전 11 25 - 12 02 2013

아티스트큐브는 진입장벽이 높지 않은 새로운 전시문화를 만들고 새로운 작가를 발굴하기 위해 월간 아트앤맵이 마련한 부스(Booth)전시 전문공간 입니다. 큐브:앙데팡당에는 무심사로 연령,경력,장르와 상관없이 모든 작가가 개인별 부스전에 참가할 수 있으며 참가 작가중 1년간 12명의 작가를 선발하여 각각 초대 개인전을 마련해 드립니다.


박 소 라 나 영 광 나 영 원 박 이 랑 2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 1

palaisdeseoul 팔레드 서울 +82.2.730.7707

Photobook Fair

큐브:앙데팡당 Cube Independant CUBE 1

Sejong Hotel gallery 세종갤러리 +82.2.3705.9051 최승애 초대展 11 26 - 12 08 2013

Ryugaheon 사진위주 류가헌 +82.2.722.8897

1) 이재이 <중력과 가벼움> 10 14 - 12 31 2013 2) 문성식 개인전 7 1 - 12 31 2013 3) 함진 개인전 7 1 - 12 31 2013

Sejong Gallery

Myeong-dong station 명동역

1) 광주대학교 사진영상학과 졸업전시회 11 27 - 12 02 2013 2) 상지대 시각영상디자인과 졸업전시회 12 04 - 12 09 2013 3) 원광대학교 환경조각과 졸업전시회 12 11 - 12 16 2013 4) 원광대 한국화과 졸업전시회 11 20 - 11 25 2013 5) 한국도자학회 정기회원전 12 18 - 12 23 2013

doosan gallery 두산갤러리 +82.2.-1020

Migliore 밀리오레

Shinsegye Dept.Store 신세계백화점

galleryjungmiso 갤러리 정미소 +82.2.743.5378

galleryiang 갤러리 이앙 남서울대학교 아트센터 +82.2.3672.0201

song eun artspace 송은아트스페이스+82.2.3448.0100 pyo gallery 표 갤러리 +82.2.511.5295

Alpha Gallery



Euljiro 3-ga station 을지로3가역

Park Yi Rang

2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 4




2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 5



심 주 화 곽 숙 호 Sim Ju Hwa

2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 6

Kwak Sook Ho

2013.12.18(wed)-12.23(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 7

63-1 Anguk-dong jongno-gu Seoul T.02.3210.3637

Shinsa, Seocho, Itaewon, Yeoksam- dong / Exhibition Info Korea

Hongjecheo 홍제천

Gain Gallery

Kimi Art Pyungchang Art Gana Art Seoul Auction Jungsong Gallery

Gallery Seju Gallery Growrich Kimchongyung Museum Total Museum Sangwom Museum of Art

Gallery Art School in Deco

Bugak tunnel

Ehyundai Department store




21세기 웨딩홀

The Siuter Art Group

Ehyundai high school

el ng tunn Jungreu 널

Hana bank

Gallery Pool

도산공원 ChungJark Gallery 신사중 Singu elementary school Gallery YEH Gallery ERL Jazzy M.A.S Gallery SoYeon Gallery SP Gallery LVS Gallery Simon PhilipKang Gallery Dado Art Gallery Gallery Yeil Gallery Prior’s Hannam IC June Art Gallery Urban Art MK Collection Euro Gallery Gallery Eugene GALLERY UM Gallery Joo Gangnam Eulji Hospital


Kookmin Bank

Seoul Arts High School Hwajeong Museum

Sinyoung-dong Intersectio 신영동 삼거리

Dosan park


Sinsa middle school


Inner Circulation Road

Pyeongchang-dong office 평창동 사무소



Art’n Dream Gallery

Segumjung Cathedral 세검정 성당

K Auction


Kwangrim Church

올림피아 호텔

21century wedding hall

Apgujeong station

현대 백화점

Hannam Bridge

Olympia hotel

Bugak Mountain Highway

Gallery Route



Segeomjeong Intersection Gallery Ejoque

Hongjimoon tunnel


Jahamun street

Shinsa station

SK Gas station Duroo Art Space Seoul Museum


Bukhansan Fortress Wall

Whanki Museum

Gallery Wooduck

Hakdong station



Spoon Artspace Buam-dong

Yemac Gallery


Nonhyeon station

Zaha Museum Bukaksan street

SEMA 서울시립미술관(서소문본관) +82.2.325.1077 2013 서울사진축제 11 01 - 12 01 2013 Nordic Passion : 북유럽 건축과 디자인 2013 10 22 - 2014 02 16


1) 김정효 외 4인전 11 02 - 12 10 2013 2) 블레싱 단체전 12 03 - 12 10 2013 3) 한국공예가협회전 12 12 - 12 20 2013 4) 한국전력공사 창립115주년 기념전 세상에 빛을 이웃에 사랑을 12 24 - 12 30 2013

plateau 플라토 +82.2.325.1077

space O’NewWall 스페이스 오뉴월 +82.2.4401.6741

무라카미다카시의 수퍼플렛원더랜드 07 04 - 12 08 2013

야간비행 11 15 - 12 08 2013

seoulmuseum 서울미술관 +82.2.395.0100 1) 우보천리展 07 11 - 12 31 2013 나혜석, 도상봉, 이마동, 이인성 박수근, 이중섭, 최영림, 장욱진 이대원, 임직순, 천경자, 김상유 김종학 2) 운보 김기창 탄생 백주년 기념전 예수와 귀먹은 양 2013. 10 17 - 2014. 01 19 3) 서울미술관 상설전 한국 근현대 거장전 DEEP & WIDE 2013. 10 15 - 2014. 01 19

2) 서지윤 개인전 <약간의 차이> 12 05 - 12 15 2013

in wide-eyed inncence 사물의 반짝임. 투명함... 그 자체 안에서의 경험 그대로의 사물을 바라보다. 11 01 - 12 31 2013


3) 대구 대학교 회화과 그룹전 <‘사이사이’> 12 25 - 12 31 2013

gallery golmok 갤러리 골목 +82.2.792.2960 1) 신지은 개인전 12 05 - 12 15 2013

leeum 리움 +82.2.2014.6900 히로시 스키모토 2013. 12 05 - 2014. 03 23 2013

운보 김기창 탄생 백주년 기념전

큐브:앙데팡당 Cube Independant CUBE 2

kimi art 키미아트 +82.2.792.2960


Seocho-dong kepco art center 한전아트센터 +82.2.2105.8133





Gallery Royal

Hakdong Park



아티스트큐브는 진입장벽이 높지 않은 새로운 전시문화를 만들고 새로운 작가를 발굴하기 위해 월간 아트앤맵이 마련한 부스(Booth)전시 전문공간 입니다. 큐브:앙데팡당에는 무심사로 연령,경력,장르와 상관없이 모든 작가가 개인별 부스전에 참가할 수 있으며 참가 작가중 1년간 12명의 작가를 선발하여 각각 초대 개인전을 마련해 드립니다.





백 서 희 김 혜 승 양 정 은 문 성 은 박 진 주 안 태 경 한 태 희 Back Seo Hee

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 1

Kim Hye Seung

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 2

Yang Jeong Eun

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 3

Moon Seong Eun 2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 4

Park Jin Joo

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 5


An Tae Kyung

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 6

Han Tea Hee

2013.12.11(wed)-12.16(mon) ARTIST CUBE _ CUBE 7

63-1 Anguk-dong jongno-gu Seoul T.02.3210.3637

9 7 11

4 3

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