Artnmap 201403

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03 l 2014

Vol. 54

Kwon o-yeol Invitation Exhibition Jang Se Bi Invitation Exhibition On the Visual Expansion of Seeing Objects at the Marginal Point of Vision About the World of Dreams and Desires Overlapped in Everyday Reality

Estranged Woods-1204, 76.8x96cm, Digital c-print, Diasec, 2012

In the photographic work of Kwon O-yeol there is the artist’s view of the world. The artist does not merely contain a certain moment as a photograph, but captures an object that can reveal the way he looks at the world, and thereby tries to show his work method and worldview. Thus the artist has strived to find such objects, by which he could confirm his method of seeing, and is said to be continuously searching various places in nature. The artist once referred to his photography as “proof of discovery.” This supposedly means that before he produces the work he first encounters something, as if to make a discovery, finds this among objects of nature, and captures it so as to make proof through that object. But recently I discovered from his photographs that Kwon’s area of interest came to focus on institution and order of society, and his viewpoint thus moved from objects in nature as they are to the structure of such objects. The objects the artist deals with are things like stains, flower petals, leaves or crystallized matter. They are objects in nature that show irregularity, but at the same time give a feeling of homogeneous order. So in the picture-plane capturing such objects, each object is different from one another, but when they are in a group a certain regular pattern can be noticed, thereby evoking the sense of a certain systematic order. When we look at his work, it feels like the form contained in the more or less one square-meter photograph will maintain the same structure even if the picture-plane is expanded or reduced in size. Due to the objects that are irregular but appear to be grouped under certain regularity, viewers imagine that the area seen in the photograph will continue in the same way outside the frame as well. This seems to be related to the artist’s intension of comparing his artistic viewpoint to the order of nature he discovered,


T I T L E Kwon o-yeol Invitation Exhibition PLACE Cyart Space, 63-1 Anguk dong, l Jongno gu, Seoul, Korea DURATION 18-31 March, 2014 ARTIST Kwon o-yeol CONTACT +82.2.3141.8842

T I T L E Jang, Se-Bi Invitation Exhibit PLACE 5F, Woomi B/D, 9-2, Apgujeong-ro 28gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea DURATION 06-15 March, 2014 ARTIST Jang, Se-Bi CONTACT +82.2.543.5751

which is that a fractal structure, where parts endlessly repeat the pattern of the whole, exists. That is, based on the viewpoint that chaos and order can be of the same structure, just as the micro world and macro world, or the visible and the invisible can be part of the same structure, the artist ultimately wants to use a method of expression that reveals his artistic perspective on the visual and perceptive limitations of humans. The world that is in the range of humans’ vision is in fact partial. Humans cannot but perceive and judge based on visual information. Nevertheless, the artist seems to be saying that if we look at the structure on the other side of the world, we may be able to witness a broader and greater world. Thus by making spectators focus on the pattern-like visual structures seen in certain objects of nature, which appear regular or irregular, the artist is not simply capturing the objects, but trying to converge extension of the visual sense beyond the frame, and the perspective of perceptive expansion, in the photographic medium. What is interesting here is that at points where the visual sense dulls on account of repeated pattern-like illusionary images, the artist attempts appropriate framing that creates borders around the image groups, and through this process enables the visual sense not to be buried in the illusionary images of the objects themselves, but rather stay on the structure of the images. This serves as an elaborate visual device that enables viewers to follow not the individual images of leaves or stains, but the artist’s viewpoint of structural extension and expansion. In the work of Kwon O-yeol, we can discover efforts made to reveal not the individual images, but the differences within the structure of the array of images, and we can find traces of deep contemplation on which boundary to frame the seemingly-repetitious patterns in many places among the works. This demonstrates the artist’s thought that the difference in the method of showing can change the boundary of visual scope. Ultimately, it is clear that the artist tried to present a way to look at objects, rather than just the objects themselves. Through careful examination of the structures made by the differences among trifling objects, going beyond the visual limits presented by them, the artist realized he could approach a world on the other side of the usual world of objects. He noted methods that could expand the sight of viewers concerning the visual structure of images, and the micro and macro worlds in which such structures gain self-similarity. It is significant that Kwon’s work presented a new opportunity to transcend the limits of visible boundary, enabling us to perceive and think about the world with a new perspective.

Artist Sebi Jang expresses everyday life through women’s faces. It seems that the artist’s life is projected to the faces and she depicts life and desires of her youth in a surreal way. The very women painted are younger than the artist herself and they are beautiful. The artist has gone through hardships in her youth. As those hardships lasted quite a while until she grew up as a lady, she started to paint her own images in imagination. It was like she imagined images which seemed practically impossible at that time and tried to console herself but the images now she paints are those very things. Women appearing in her works are girls with long hair in mysterious blue light. Background is also of blue light or the shadows of night. As a figure’s expression which seems to be with everyday reality but actually be lost in thought and the dark background have somewhat surreal and dreamlike atmosphere in it, it leaves an impression like a scene from a dream. Nevertheless, that the artist takes a proposition of ‘Dreaming Everyday Life’ as her exhibition theme is maybe because she dreams a dream that she wants to accomplish away from everyday reality but with that reality. There is a trace of an erased bluebird in her work and the reason she painted the bluebird as a symbol is perhaps she wants to go out to find a dream like that bluebird now as well. Now she paints women in her imagination yet again after a long period of time and it may be because she comes to discover herself who wants to go out to find her dream from that point. Therefore, the girlish women in Artist Sebi Jang’s work look similar to recent works of young artists with critical attitudes towards modern women or attitudes to idealize them but her work starts from a totally different direction, which requires observation from a different point of view. It is because they emerge in the middle of symbolizing collision of desires and reality of existential agony from quite personal memories. The National Art Exhibition, the gateway for Korean artists in 70s and 80s, used to take the typical figure painting as its representative material and often handled figures in a pop art or hyperrealistic way from 2000s. In this context of Korean art, Artist Sebi Jang’s paintings look similar in forms with the ones that depict everyday figures. However, a closer look reveals that Artist Sebi Jang’s paintings have signals like several allegories. It means that her works are not simply painted for everyday life as it is. There is a woman in her work who looks like a beautiful girl but it is not of the beauty itself. Regardless of the beautiful figure, their feet are buried under ground, they hold a goldfish tight like a cushion and sometimes they sit on a lump like cake, which demonstrates that figures she paints are not from her interests in girls’ beautiful appearance but that she tries to talk about stories which she can hardly express with her words through suggestive elements by symbolic signals. It is worthy of notice that ‘Dreaming Everyday Life’ is rather to paint the reality where surreal desires and ideals are overlapped in nirvana of reality through women’s expressions, symbolic objects or background space with delicate feelings rather to than to talk about a girl’s aesthetic sensitivity.

Lee Seung-hoon Cyart Research Institute

New Discourse 작가아카데미

New Discourse 작가아카데미 참여작가 모집안내 본 뉴디스코스 작가아카데미 프로그램은 사이미술연구소/사이아트스페이스가 매년 진행해온 뉴디스 코스 작가공모와는 별도로 좀 더 깊은 내용의 작업을 위한 학술적 토론 및 미술현장 전문가들과의 소 통을 위해 마련한 프로그램입니다.본 프로그램에서 1학기(14강좌)강좌 세미나 참여비용 및 전시비용 일부는 참여자가 부담하나 개인전을 계획하고 있는 작가분들에 있어서는 전시를 혼자 진행할 경우의 절반 이하의 비용으로 개인전 공간 뿐만 아니라 전문강좌와 작가평론, 포트폴리오,전시리플렛,전시홍 보 등 전시 전반에 대한 총괄적인 도움을 받으실 수 있게 될 것입니다.

등록비 : 1학기 99만원 (세미나 강연비용 및 개인전 전시비용, 인쇄비등 전체 비용이 포함된 것입니다) -작가아카데미 3기 강좌는 3월27일부터 14주간 매주 목요일 저녁7시-9시 사이에 진행될 예정입니다. -한 학기 수강후 1학기 수료증이 발급되며 1주간 사이아트스페이스에서 개인전을 진행하게 됩니다. -두 학기를 연속 수강할 경우에는 2주간의 전시공간과 1년(2학기)수료증이 발급됩니다. -강좌의 순서 및 강의 내용이나 강의방식은 강연자의 의도에 따라 일부 조정될 수 있습니다. 프로그램 참여작가 제공내용 1학기(14주)전문강좌,개인전 전시공간, 전시평문, 리플렛, 포트폴리오 디자인 참가신청 참가를 원하시는 작가분은 개인전이 포함된 프로그램이므로 웹하드로 포트폴리오를 제출해 주시고 참가승인을 받은 분은 1주일 내로 참가등록비를 완납하시면 선착순으로 참가접수가 완료됩니다. (데이콤웹하드에서 ID:artwebhard PW:1234 로그인후 작가명 폴더를 만들어 제출합니다)

looking for midnight sky, 54x72cm, Stone powder on korean paper, 2014

It means everyday life that has been dreamed, in other words, the reality that cannot have been accomplished in spite of hoping for it, rather than dream in everyday life. Real life is somewhat connected to that of the past and isolated from it at the same time. To paint quiet everyday life means a latent condition where a volcano puts off its eruption for a while but soon to erupt. Now the artist’s hardships of her youth are gone but she gives shapes and looks back to imagination of her childhood desires, which seems that she has realized her ego which dreamed the surreal world of desires back then and the condition of this reality where she somewhat has accomplished that imagination of desires are not much different from each other. In addition, it seems to mean that stories on desires and dreams of the hard times past exist within the artist herself regardless of those hardships through looking at the present which can be transferred to another desire and that now the artist finds how to see the everyday reality and she comes to face the fields straight emerged from causes hidden in her inner side. Therefore, the artist seems to make reality overlapped with the past or opportunities to introspect between the surreal world and the reality through this procedure for her work and, at the same time, it seems that the artist throws a question of ‘what is the life about’ to the artist herself and audiences which is an essential and meditative question to humans through continuously destroying and mixing the past and the present or the boundary area of life with the everyday lives, desires and dreams.

[ 특별강좌 ] 김복영교수 철학박사 전홍익대학교 예술학과교수 現 서울예술대학 석좌교수 특별강좌1>후기현대미술의 정신적 지형도 특별강좌2>현대미술 그리고 한국미술의 대응 심상용교수 예술학,미술사학박사 現 동덕여대 큐레이터학과교수 특별강좌1>현대미술과 문화비평 특별강좌2>시장미술시대에서의 작가정신 서성록교수 미술평론가협회장역임 現 안동대교수 특별강좌1>한국현대미술의 흐름 특별강좌2>한국현대미술 작가연구 - 박수근 심혜련교수 베를린 훔볼트대학교 철학박사, 現 전북대학교 교수 세미나1>발터벤야민을 통해본 현대미술에서의 미디어 세미나2>미디어의 발달과 현대미술의 변환 [ 미술현장 세미나 ] 박춘호 고려대학교 영상문화학 박사, 現 김종영미술관 학예실장 세미나1>메타비평적 시각에서의 현대미술 다시 읽기 세미나2>전시문화와 작가담론 연구 백기영 경기문화재단 문예지원팀 수석큐레이터 세미나1>도큐멘타, 비엔날레, 그리고 미술관 전시기획 세미나2>한국의 예술프로젝트 그리고 현대미술의 변환 이승훈 아트앤맵 발행인 겸 편집인 세미나1>작가담론구축과 작가포트폴리오 세미나2> 현대미술에서의 전시의 연장 - 보도자료 작성과 전시홍보 사이미술연구소/사이아트스페이스 전화문의: 사이아트스페이스 TEL: 02.3141.8842 E-mail:

Lee, Seung-hoon Cyart Institute

ANdrea rosen GALLERY +1.212 627. 6000

ceres gallery +1.212.925.6190

1) David Altmejd - Juices 02 01 - 03 08, 2014

1) Pamela Roule Shields <One Body> 02 04 - 03 01, 2014

2) Aaron Bobrow, Daniel Lefcourt, Davina Semo 02 01 - 03 08, 2014

2) Carol Goebel <House> 03 04 - 03 29, 2014

3) Also on view - Llyn Foulkes 01 31 - 03 08, 2014

CUE ART FOUNDATION +1.212-206-3583

Anton Korn GalLery +1.212.366.6939

1) ALFREDO GISHOLT : CANTO GENERAL 01 30 - 03 08, 2014

Dan McCarthy 02 20 - 03 22, 2014

2) GRAEM WHYTE : RESYSTEMIZE 03 15 - 04 19, 2014

BITFORMS GALLERY +1.646.455.0986

derek eller gallery +1. 212. 206. 6411

1) Erwin Redl <InMotion> 02 06 - 03 15, 2014

1) Symptoms of Escape Velocity 02 15 - 03 15, 2014

2) Daniel Canogar 03 27 - 04 26, 2014

2) Rob Fischer 03 21 - 04 19, 2014


Dillon Gallery +1.212 727 8585

1) Margaret Grimes 02 25 - 03 22, 2014

1) ART 14 LONDON 02 27 - 03 02, 2014

2) Richard Castellana 03 25 - 04 19, 2014

2) <VOLTA NY> MASATAKE KOUZAKI 03 06 - 03 09, 2014

Bruce Silverstein +1.212.627.3930 1) <Arrangements> Marie Cosindas 02 16 - 03 08, 2014

DAVID ZWIRNER +1.212.727.2070

2) Bruce Silverstein / 20 02 01 - 04 05, 2014

1) Group Show Prints 01 14 - 03 01, 2014

3) Excerpts from Silver Meadows 03 13 - 04 26, 2014

2) Al Taylor 01 30 - 03 29, 2014 3) Doug Wheeler 02 06 - 03 29, 2014

Cheim&Read +

Denise Bibro Fine Art +1. 212-647-7030

Pat Steir 02 20 - 03 29, 2014 303 GALLERY +

able fine art ny +


Collier Schorr 8 Women 02 27 - 04 12, 2014

The Solo Exhibition of “Gwi-Jeong Jo” 03 26 - 04 08, 2014

The Korean Monochrome Movement 02 19 - 03 29, 2014

Agora Gallery +

Ameringer | McEnery | Yohe +1.212.445.0051

1) The Essence of Abstraction 03 04 - 03 25, 2014

1) IVA GUEORGUIEVA 01 30 - 03 08, 2014

2) Mélange of Milieu 03 04 - 03 25, 2014

2) KEVIN APPEL 03 13 - 04 19, 2014

511 gallery + The Last Picture Show 12 12, 2013 - 03 08, 2014

Alexander and Bonin +1.212. 904.1110 <intervals> Emily Jacir 03 01 - 04 05, 2014

3) OSWALDO VIGAS 03 13 - 04 19, 2014

1) Solos Revisited 01 16 - 02 08, 2014

crG GALLERY +1.212 229 2766 1) LISA SANDITZ: SURPLUS 02 14 - 03 15, 2014

2) Jeremy Comins <Unfolded> 02 13 - 03 29, 2014

2) Tonico Lemos Auad at ADAA 03 05 - 03 09, 2014 3) Group Show at The Armory Show 03 06 - 03 09, 2014

APERTURE GALLERY +1.212.505.5555

clamp art +1.646.230.0020

<City Stages> Matthew Pillsbury 02 20 - 03 27, 2014

Nancy Burson <Composites> 02 20 - 03 29, 2014


Publisher Seung hoon Lee Managing Editor Sam Ran Kim Sohyun Park Editor Hyewon Kim, Sohyun Park, Hyewon Kim Reporter Sales Executive Ara Cho Designer MinAh Choi, Hyewon Kim

w w w. a r t n m a p . c o m

Jang, Se-Bi 장세비 초대전 thu


2014.03.06 - 03.15


Opening Reception 2014.03.06(thu) 6:00pm

GALLERY ART PLAZA 갤러리아트플라자 ID:aplaza PW:1234 T.02-543-5751 F.02-545-5751 5F, Woomi B/D, 9-2, Apgujeong-ro 28gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Leo Koenig inc +1 212 334 9255

morgan lehman +

Miljohn Ruperto<Isabel Rosario Cooper> 02 28 - 04 12, 2014

1) Frohawk Two Feathers 01 30 - 03 01, 2014 2) Geoffrey Young - The Imposter 01 30 - 03 01, 2014


PLEIADES GALLERY +1.646.230.0056

1) Michelangelo Pistoletto 12 18, 2013 - 05 11, 2014

Ginger Balizer-Hendler and Ed Brodkin 01 26 - 02 21, 2014

2) David Musgrave 01 31 - 03 01, 2014 3) Jeff Elrod Rabbit Ears 03 08 - 04 12, 2014

Phoenix Gallery +1.212-226-8711 1) Emily Dvorin 02 05 - 03 01, 2014

Lombard freid projects +1.212.967.8040

2) LESLIE CARABAS 03 05 - 03 29, 2014

1) Cinematheque19 <Group Exhibition> 01 09 - 03 01, 2014

3) HARRIET SOBIE GOLDSTEIN 03 05 - 03 29, 2014

2) Tameka Norris 03 06 - 04 19 , 2014

rare gallery +1.646-339-6050

Leslie Tonkonow +1.212 255 8450

1) TBD 02 13 – 03 13, 2014

IMPRINTS - Organized with Amy Wolf 01 23 – 03 15, 2014

2) Scope New York 03 06 – 03 09, 2014


3) Daphne Arthur 03 20 – 04 17, 2014

Kon Trubkovich 02 20 - 03 22, 2014

Rubin Museum of art +1.212.620.5000

martos gallery +1.212 560 0670

Bodies in Balance 03 15 - 09 08, 2014

DAvid nolan gallery +1.212.925.6190

flomenhaft gallery +1.646.230.0992

JAMES COHAN GALLERY +1.212.714.9500

1) Justin Lieberman 02 20 - 03 29, 2014

1) Mel Kendrick <Water Drawings> 01 16 - 03 01, 2014

Faces 03 06 - 04 26, 2014

1) SIMON EVANS - Edible Landscape 02 13 - 03 22, 2014

2) Poor Working Conditions 02 20 - 03 29, 2014

2) The Art Show 03 05 - 03 09, 2014

Friedrich Petzel Gallery +1.212.680.9467

2) YUKO MURATA 01 11 - 03 02, 2014

3) David Hartt 03 06 - 04 19, 2014

Jorge Pardo 03 01 - 04 05, 2014

Josée Bienvenu Gallery +1. 212. 206. 7990

danziger gallery +1.212.629.6778

greene naftali gallery +1.212.463.7770

1) Johanna Calle / Fredi Casco 02 01 - 03 01, 2014

Candy Jernigan 02 13 - 03 15 2014

2) Project Space 01 11 - 03 1, 2014

2) Hisaji Hara <After Balthus> 01 25 - 03 22, 2014

heller Gallery +1.212.414.4014

KATHRYN MARKEL +1.212.366.5368

EDWARD THORP GALLERY +1.212.691.6565

NORWOOD VIVIANO 03 07 - 04 12, 2014

1) Natural Wonders III 02 06 - 03 08, 2014

Neil Farber 03 13 - 04 19, 2014

Joshua Liner Gallery +

2) YOLANDA SÁNCHEZ 03 13 - 04 12, 2014

mixed greens +1.212.331.8888

Elizabeth dee gallery +1.212.924.7545

1) Pema Rinzin - Abstract Enlightenment 02 27 - 03 29, 2014

Lennon, Weinberg, INC. +1.212.941.0012

1) Group Exhibition: Implicit Horizon 02 13 - 03 15, 2014


Works from the 1980s 02 18 - 03 08, 2014

2) Julie Oppermann Palinopsia 02 27 - 03 29, 2014

Richard kalina 02 09 - 03 29, 2014

2) Katie Bell - Light Weight 02 13 - 03 15, 2014

PELLO IRAZU 02 27 - 03 29, 2014

1) The Heart and The Eye 01 25 - 03 22, 2014

SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO +1.212.929.2262 1) Josephine Halvorson <Facings> 01 23 - 03 01, 2014


2) Burt Barr 01 23 - 03 01, 2014

1) René Daniëls 02 27 - 03 29, 2014

3) Jennie C. Jones - -Tone 03 06 - 04 05, 2014

2) Andreas SlominskiUpstairs Gallery 03 01 - 03 29, 2014

Tracy Williams.Ltd + JEFF LANDMAN <Working on a Building> 01 16 - 02 22, 2014

MONYA ROWE GALLERY + Natasha Bowdoin - Glyph 01 12 - 03 09, 2014

WALTER WICKISER GALLERY +1.212.941.1817 Merrill Steiger - Dreamland 03 01 - 03 29, 2014

Visual / Invisual 권오열 展

2014. 03. 18 Tue


03. 31Mon

Opening Reception 2014.03.18(화) 6:00pm

Cyart · Space

Exhibition Info Korea / Insadong Area Savina Museum

pungmoon woman's high school

Anguk station 안국역


Jongno police station


Anguk art intersection Hongbak supply store

Baum Art Gallery Gallery Miz Gallery Seoul Na Gallery

종로 경찰서

Gana art space Artspace-Hyun

Gallery Yedang

Crown bakery Gallery Gallery Dongduk Galerie Gaia Godo Rho Gallery Gallery Is

Gallery 31

제4전시장 - 이 정 위 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Gallery Grimson Gallery Woorim

Garam Gallery Kosa Space Insa Art Gallery

Insa Gallery JH Gallery


Gallery Tablero

Sungbo Gallery

Gallery Leciel

Gallery Now Bona Museum

Mulpaspace Gallery

Rock Gallery

Baiksong Art Gallery

Yeasung Gallery

Gallery M Dokwon Gallery Nakwon

Gaga gallery

Gallery Bon Seoho Museum of Art


빌린 이야기 013, 014,pigment print,각 120x165cm,2013

Gallery Art Plus

Lee Seoul Gallery 낙원상가

LAMER GALLERY 라메르갤러리 +82.2.730.5454

Sun Gallery Myung Gallery

Gallery Hwabong

Gallery AM

Grau Gallery

Gallery Soo

제1전시실 김현순 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Gallery Sinsang

Chohyung Gallery

Seoul Art Center Gongpyung Gallery


Gallery Gala

Gallery i

Baegak Museum Gallery Ttei Gallery Dongho Gallery Lamer

Gallery vook's Gallery Dos

Korean Art Center

Mirim art supply store Tourist Information Centers

Topgol Park Jongno Tower

Jongno-samga station 종로 3가

1) NA 展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

1) <Memory of Lotus> 선우 김지원 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

02 26 - 03 04, 2014 1) 수원화성 도시풍경 소묘展 2) 제11회 황순례 개인展

1) 이은비 석사청구展 03 19 - 03 25, 2014 2) 박소연 석사청구展 03 19 - 03 25, 2014 3) 정현주 석사청구展 03 26 - 04 01, 2014

ARA ARTCENTER 아라아트센터 +82.2.733.1981 임채욱 사진展 (inside mountains) 03 02 - 03 28, 2014

가장 특별한 전시 하루만에 완성되는 속성엽서, 리플렛, 도록 200부



속성이 아닐 경우, 더 저렴합니다.


고급 랑데뷰지로 제작 봉투 200장 기본제공

속성엽서 (2p)





속성리플렛 (4p)





속성도록 (16p)





TONG-LN GALLERY 통인화랑 +82.2.735.9094

DONGDUK GALLERY 동덕아트갤러리 +82.02.732.6458

03 19 - 03 25, 2014 1) 주은옥 박사학위 청구展 2) 백광숙 소품展 3) 조충식 개인展 4) 이영림 주전자展

당일 24시간 내에 제작하는 속성+고급 엽서, 전시리플렛 (1p SIZE:210x150mm)

준비된 데이터로 제작. 사이즈 확대시 별도문의 이미지 포토샵, 데이터

1) 이종구 소반 展 02 26 - 03 11, 2014 2) nam ceramic works 展 03 12 - 03 18, 2014 3) 한주은 도자 展 03 19 - 03 25, 2014

아트앤맵이 도와드립니다.

전시도록+전시홍보“패키지” 도록을 제작하면 지면광고와 15,000명 전시메일도 함께, 전시홍보패키지

패키지C (100만원)

엽서300부+24p고급도록100부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고C면

패키지B (150만원)

엽서500부+24p고급도록200부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고B면

패키지A (200만원)

엽서1000부+24p고급도록300부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고A면

재가공 요청시 별도문의 VAT별도, 배송비착불, 도록1page=270x210mm


1권도 제작. 소량 맞춤형 고급도록제작 최소물량(1부~300부) 하드케이스/날개제본/무선/중철

소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작


두꺼운 엽서제작

특수엽서 특수인쇄 상담요망

(제작 문의전화: 아트앤맵 디자인 02-3210-3637) ①주문방법 안내메일 ②웹하드 자료 업로드 ③주문확인 및 제작비입금 ④디자인 시안 메일발송 ⑤디자인 확정 ⑥제작후 발송(배송료는 착불입니다.) 방문제작안내

소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작


전화상담후 진행안내


소량의 도록이나 고급제본 특수종이 고객의 취향에 딱맞는 맞춤제작



3) 김선형 개인展 <Garden Blue> 03 12 - 03 25, 2014 4) 김종수 개인展 03 26 - 04 01, 2014 2) 5인의 사진가의 여행 03 05 - 03 11, 2014

03 12 - 03 18, 2014 1) 제8회 김선진 화집출판 작품展 2) 권성은 · 윤선욱 석사학위 청구展 3) 이명숙 개인展 “새”

Yellow harmony,45x38cm,oil on canvas,2014

LEESEOUL GALLERY 리서울 갤러리 +82.2.720.0306 <봄의 맛 展> 임지호 03 05 - 03 25, 2014

03 05 - 03 11, 2014 1) 바느질 수다가 있는 풍경展 2) 성북동갤러리 10주년 생명그릇 특별展 3) 달항아리展 4) 김정원 사진展

2) Lee, Young Solo exhibition 03 26 - 04 01, 2014

<3관> 1) 배쓰그만 展 02 06 - 03 04, 2014 2)김태순 개인展 03 05 - 03 11, 2014

제5전시실 김병관 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

GALLERY NOW 갤러리 나우 +82.2.725.2930


<2관> 김정숙 개인展 - 알레아토릭 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

제4전시실 서영숙 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Pizza hut


TOPOHAUS 토포하우스 +82.2.734.7555

제3전시실 수류화개展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

탑골 공원

GAGA GALLERY 갤러리 가가 +82.2.725.3546

온누리에 가득 37X53cm 혼합재료

제1,2전시실 전수민 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Kimjinhye Gallery Noam Gallery

Hanro Gallery


전혜은 초대展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Gallery Gac

Korea Craft & Design Topohaus

2) 윤아미 <빌린 이야기> 03 05 - 03 11, 2014

Hana Art Gallery

Kwanhoon Sudo pharmacy Gallery Dansung Gllery

jangeunsun gallery 장은선 갤러리 +82.2.730.3533

rsection ng inte Insa-do

Modern Gallery


Mokin Gallery

Jonggak station

제2전시장 - 김 유 경 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Road to the Museum Bunam Gallery

Jangeunsung Gallery

Moin Gallery

Gallery The K

Space Peace

1) <Photographic Reconstruction 2 : Pyramid > 최봉림 02 12 - 03 04, 2014

Daboseong Gallery

Kyung-In Museum Gallery Tongkeun of Fine Art LTD

Gallery Lux (3F) Speace inno (2F)

Moro Gallery

gallery is 갤러리 이즈 +82.2.720.2235

제3전시장 - 김 민 지 개인展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Young Art Gallery

Kimyoungseob Photo Gallery

DongSanBang Gallery

GALLERY LAMER 갤러리 룩스 +82.2.720.8488




서울 종로구 안국동 63-1 안국동1번출구 스타벅스 골목 50m

Sagandong Area / Samcheong Gallery

Exhibition Info Korea

cyartgallery 사이아트갤러리 +82.2.3141.8841

EPOQUE GALLERY 갤러리에뽀끄 +82.2.3674.7722

1) 정정호 개인展 02 25 - 03 10 2014

<봄향기> 展 _ 박지은, 여강연 03 04 - 03 31, 2014


Samcheong-dong post office

Gallery Young

삼청동 우체국

gallery on 갤러리 온 +82.2.2287.3500

Mongin Art Center

Yeemock Gallery

나카자토 카츠히토 초대展 03 14 - 04 04, 2014

samchung-dong office 삼청동 주민센터

Gate Gallery Gallery Sonamu

Gallery 공근혜

hyoja street

KHJ Gallery Gallery Dos Gallery Doll Leec Gallery

Gallery Fifteen

Joongang high school

결II, 73x100cm, Pigment, Print, 2014



2) 권오열 개인展 03 18 - 03 31, 2014


samchung-dong street HBW Gallery Sun Art Space

EON Gallery Gallert In

One & J Gallery

Rothem Gallery

Ram Gallery

Junsun Gallery Kukje Gallery

Trunk Gallery Bon Gallery

Bukchon Art Museum

PMK Gallery Gallery gabi Gallery All Gallery b’ONE Gallery Dam Gallery Epoque

Arario Seoul Leehwaik Gallery

Tokamachi,Niigata 78.7×118.7cm Inkjet print, 2012

GALLERY chosun 갤러리 조선 +82.2.723.7133

LG-sangnam library Ga Gallery BukchonArt Space H changwoo theater

Hyundai Engineering and Construction

1) <사물의 공간> 展 _ 서혜영 02 12 - 03 05 2014 당신의 시간들, 117.7X162.7cm, acrylic on canvas, 2013

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Woonbo Gallery Gallery On Gallery Songadang Kumho Museum Gallery HYUNDAI UNC Gallery

광화문 교차로

Myungin Museum


Artsonje Center

Gwangwhamun intersection

Gallery Scape

김지혜 개인展 <기억속의 페르소나> 02 27 - 03 05, 2014

Jungdok library

Vit Gallery

Africa Gallery

Museum of Korean Buddhist Art

Gallery Chosun

Hakgojae Gallery

Kyeongbok Palace

Insa Art Museum


Gallery Sun Contemporary

samcheong gallery 삼청갤러리 +82.2.720.5758

Limm Gallery

Gallery Biim

ICAM Gallery The National Folk Museum of Korea

Digital Analog Gallery

Bandee Gallery 16bungee

Ducksung woman's high school

Cyart Gallery


Constitutional Court 헌법 재판소 Gallery Space

Baum Art Gallery

57th gallery 57th 갤러리 +82.2.733.2657

Gallery Eye

<꽃피다 Blooming> 박경희 展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

Gallery Artrink

Simyo Gallery

Savina Museum

Anguk station

pungmoon 57th(2F) woman's high school 풍문여고

HanKook publishing company


Dream Gallery

2) <온 기> 展 _ 이 제 (Lee, Je) 03 12 - 04 02, 2014

Jongno police station

Gallery Dongduk

종로 경찰서

Insa-dong street

gamo gallery 가모갤러리 82.2.730.4665

gallery DOS 갤러리 도스 +82.2.7378.4678

김정미 기획초대展 03 11 - 04 30, 2014

1) <Underlying anxiety> DONGHEON LEE 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

2) 토시마츠 구레모토 呉本 俊松 呉本 俊松 03 18 - 03 30, 2014

artsonje 아트선재센터 +82.2 733 8945

군중2014-5,72.7x116.8cm,Acrylic on canvas,2014

gallery B’ONE 비원갤러리 +82.2.732.1273 kukje gallery 국제갤러리 +82.2.735.8449

gallery dam 갤러리담 +82.2.738.2745

Julian Opie 02 13 - 03 23 2014

1) <땅에서 놀다> 장두일 03 04 - 03 15, 2014

1) 《6 - 8》 展 02 15 - 03 29 2014 2) 《하늘땅바다(LANDSEASKY)》 展 02 22 - 03 23 2014

hakgojae 학고재 +82.2.675.3057 강요배 소묘 : 1985 - 2014 02 19 - 03 30, 2014

<complementary set> 주승재 02 11 - 03 08, 2014

galleryhyundai 갤러리현대 +82.2.2287.3500 종이에 실린 현대작가의 예술혼 02 05 - 03 09 2014

Sang Ha 상하 초대전 thu


2014.03.20 - 03.29 O p eni ng Recepti on 2014.03.20(목) 6:00pm

GALLERY ART PLAZA 갤러리아트플라자 ID:aplaza PW:1234 T.02-543-5751 F.02-545-5751 5F, Woomi B/D, 9-2, Apgujeong-ro 28gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Exhibition Info Korea / Chungdam, Gwanghwamun, Daehang-no Sungsu Grand Bridge Korea Premier Auction Do Art Seoul GALLERY HYUNDAI GANGNAM SPACE

Juliana Gallery PMK Gallery

Galleria 갤러리아

Art Forum New Gate

Galleria Soonsoo Gallery A Atory Gallery In the Box Wellside Gallery Gallery BHAK Gallery PIG Gallery JuYoung Space C Gallery SeoMi Cais Gallery Atelier Herres Im Art The Columns Gallery

Gallery Woong

PYO Gallery Gallery Isang Opera Gallery

Chungdamn Art Center Rumian Gallery Gallery Won Yoo Art Apace Gallery PICI Songeun Art Center 123 Gallery

Gahjin Gallery Gallery Kunstdoc Gallery Factory

Brain Factory Gallery Palais de seoul Gyeongbokgung Jean Art Gallery 경복궁

Gallery Zein Xeno Next Door Gallery

Daelim Contemporary

Woori Art Museum bank National Palace Gallery ARTSIDE Gallery Cha Museum of Korea


rsection Seoul CT Gallery dam inte Prima hotel Cheong

oroom Gallery Janet Oh Gallery K&Gallery Cheongdam Park Gallery Rm

Gallery GOdong

Park Ryu Sook Gallery Gallery D'or 청담공원 Chung Michael Schultz Gallery Jungsoyoung Gallery Young-dong Gallery Messanine Gallery CheongDham high school Able Fine Art Gallery Gallery Gallery the Space 영동고

Daily Project

Gallery Artga Caf Goghi

EM Art Gallery


Sungkok Museum Gallery Jung

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

Gallery Lumiere

Cheongdam station

청담역 MayJune Gallery

Gangnamguoffice station

Gallery EVE


Gallery Parisienne


Watergate Gallery

Seoul Museum of History

Munhwailbo Gallery


Deoksugung 덕수궁


Lamada Hotel

Young-dong telephone company

Ilmin Museum of Art Shinhan Museum Gallery CHosun


Asem Tower

Deoksugung Museum

Samsung station

Sunreung Park 선릉공원

Gwanghwamun station 광화문역

Gyeongheegung 경희궁

Bongeun Temple

Gallery 4 Walls

hak-dong station

Gyuounggi high school

Anguk station

Gyeongbokgung station 경복궁역

Seoul Museum of Art

Joggak station 종각역

Seoul Metropolitan Government Euljiro 1-ga station 서울시청 을지로입구역

Gallery Lotte

City Hall station 시청역

Lotte Dept.Store 롯데백화점 SEOUL PLAZA HOTEL 서울프라자호텔

Ilwoo Space

Cha hospital

Chengdam-dong salondeh gallery 살롱드에이치 +82.2.546.0853


opera gallery 오페라 갤러리 +82.2.3446.0070


doosan gallery 두산갤러리 +82.2.1020

The Great American Icons 03 12 - 04 20, 2014

Sporadic Sway : Part 1 02 20 - 03 20, 2014

Alpha Gallery

Shinsegye Dept.Store 신세계백화점

Sejongallery 세종갤러리 +82.2.3705.9051


Pyunghwa Gallery Myungdong Gallery

Korean Foundation Cultural Center

Sunreung station

Euljiro 3-ga station 을지로3가역

Migliore 밀리오레

Sejong Gallery

Myeong-dong station 명동역

3) 최다혜 일러스트레이션 展 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

박두리 초대 展 02 18 - 03 02, 2014

<클로즈업> 유승호, 함진 03 05 - 04 12, 2014

gallery bhak 박영덕 갤러리 +82.2.544.8481 Park Jong-Pil <Between the Fresh> 02 22 - 03 24, 2014 함진

song eun artspace 송은아트스페이스 +82.2.3448.0100 최성임 개인展 03 10 - 04 08, 2014

arario gallery 아라리오 갤러리 +82.2.541.5701 <Eliminate Points, Lines and Planes> 03 06 - 04 13, 2014


Gwanghwamun Ryugaheon 사진위주 류가헌 +82.2.722.8897

palaisdeseoul 팔레드 서울 +82.2.730.7707 1) <기꺼이 속는 삶> 오세경 02 27 - 03 19, 2014

SEMA 서울시립미술관 (서소문본관) +82.2.325.1077 사진과 미디어 : 새벽 4시 01 28 - 03 23, 2014

1) 성동훈 사진展 <강제된 이름, 코피노> 03 04 - 03 09, 2014

2) 미술아 놀자 02 26 - 03 04, 2014

ARTIST CUBE ARTIST CUBE『월간 아트앤맵』이 기획하고 진행하는 개인별 부스전

큐브 앙데팡당 (CUBE-Independent)

아티스트 큐브는 진입 장벽이 높지 않은 새로운 전시문화를 만들고 새로운 작가를 발굴하기 위 해 월간 아트앤맵이 마련한 부스(Booth)전시 전문공간입니다. 연령,경력,장르와 상관없이 작업 을 보여주고자 하는 작가 모두에게 열린 공간이 될 것입니다. 작가의 대표작과 포트폴리오를 함 께 전시하고 월간 아트앤맵의 지면 홍보와 전시메일 홍보를 통해 좀 더 많은 이들에게 작가와 작업을 알리는 소통의 통로가 될 것입니다.

1.접수방법 아티스트 큐브에서의 개인별 부스전 참여작가는 경력, 연령, 장르에 한계를 두지 않는 무심사제도에 의해 접수 받습니다. 작가의 연령, 경력, 장르 등에 제한을 두지 않고 다양한 장르 및 기법 그리고 내용 을 모두 수용하고자 합니다. 아티스트 큐브 웹하드에 제출 서류를 올려주시고 서류접수를 전화로 확 인하신후 안내에 따라 접수비를 납입하시면 전시 접수가 완료됩니다. (아트앤맵_큐브 앙데팡당展_접 수안내 TEL:02-3663-7537) 2.참가특전 아티스트 큐브 개인별 부스전은 작가를 발굴하는 프로그램 입니다. 이 프로그램을 통해 전시한 작가 중 1년간 12명 내외의 작가를 선정하여 전시비용이 없는 초대전 형식의 개인전을 월간 아트앤맵의 협 력 전시공간인 사이아트 스페이스에서 한번 더 개최 합니다. (초대개인전에서는 개인전 전시공간뿐만 아니라 리플렛과 평문을 지원해 드립니다) 3.참가비용 부스개인전 참가 접수비는 12만원 입니다.(전시공간 비용은 1주일간 기본 제공하고 참가접수비는 대부 분 작가 개인별 엽서제작비(고급지)등 홍보 진행비로 사용됩니다) 4.제출서류 아티스트 큐브 제출서류는 <대표작 3점 이미지>와 <포트폴리오>가 제출서류입니다. (웹하드에 전시 에 발표하는 대표작 3점의 이미지와 캡션 그리고 작가노트가 포함된 포트폴리오를 작가이름으로 폴더 를 만들어 올리시면 됩니다) 에서 ID:artwebhard PW:1234 [아티스트큐브 접수처] 폴더 안에 올립니다. 5.전시홍보 아티스트 큐브에서의 전시는 월간 아트앤맵에 지면으로 홍보해 드리며 동시에 아트앤맵 전시메일로 작 가 개인별 전시홍보 메일을 미술관계자 및 애호가 1만명에게 배포됩니다 6.전시일정 전시일정 결정을 위해 접수 후 작가 별로 전화 혹은 전시장 내방을 통해 면담을 하게 되며, 7명씩 개인 별 부스전을 하게 되므로 작가와 협의 후 아티스트 큐브에서 적절한 시기로 결정하게 됩니다.

Shinsa, Seocho, Itaewon, Yeoksam- dong / Exhibition Info Korea

Kimi Art Pyungchang Art Gana Art Seoul Auction

Hongjecheo 홍제천

Gain Gallery

Jungsong Gallery

Gallery Seju Gallery Growrich Kimchongyung Museum Total Museum Sangwom Museum of Art

21century wedding hall

Ehyundai Department store


Olympia hotel


Gallery Art School in Deco

Bugak tunnel

현대 백화점

올림피아 호텔


21세기 웨딩홀

The Siuter Art Group

Ehyundai high school

el ng tunn Jungreu 널

Hana bank

Gallery Pool

도산공원 ChungJark Gallery 신사중 Singu elementary school Gallery YEH Gallery ERL Jazzy M.A.S Gallery SoYeon Gallery SP Gallery LVS Gallery Simon PhilipKang Gallery Dado Art Gallery Gallery Yeil Gallery Prior’s Hannam IC June Art Gallery Urban Art MK Collection Euro Gallery Gallery Eugene GALLERY UM Gallery Joo Gangnam Eulji Hospital


Kookmin Bank

Seoul Arts High School Hwajeong Museum

Sinyoung-dong Intersectio 신영동 삼거리

Dosan park


Sinsa middle school


Inner Circulation Road

Pyeongchang-dong office 평창동 사무소



Art’n Dream Gallery

Segumjung Cathedral 세검정 성당

K Auction

Apgujeong station

압구정역 Kwangrim Church Gallery Art Plaza

Hannam Bridge

Bugak Mountain Highway

Gallery Route



Segeomjeong Intersection Gallery Ejoque

Hongjimoon tunnel

Hakdong Park



Jahamun street

SK Gas station Duroo Art Space Seoul Museum

Shinsa station Whanki Museum


Bukhansan Fortress Wall

Hakdong station 학동역

Spoon Artspace Buam-dong

Yemac Gallery


Nonhyeon station

Bukaksan street




seocho-dong mano gallery 갤러리 마노 +82.2.741.6030 THE BEST 03 05 - 03 29, 2014

gana art center 가나아트센터 +82.2.720.1020

gaainart 가인갤러리 +82.2.394.3631

1) 오승윤 개인展 02 21 - 03 23, 2014

윤회매, 차(茶)를 피우다 - 다음 02 27 - 03 28, 2014

2) 운보 김기창 탄생 백주년 기념전 <예수와 귀먹은 양> 10 17, 2013 - 03 16, 2014 3) 우보천리 | 牛步千里 07 11 - 03 16, 2014 2) 박수근 탄생 100주년 기념展 01 17 - 03 16, 2014

ilmin museum 일민미술관 +82.2.722.8493 Animism 1 12 06, 2013 - 03 02, 2014

Gallery Wooduck


Zaha Museum

2) 보이지 않는 사람들 02 07 - 03 02, 2014

Gallery Royal

itae-wo n leeum 리움 +82.2.2014.6900


히로시 스키모토 <사유하는사진> 12 05, 2013 - 03 23, 2014

이중섭, 황소, 35.5x52cm, 종이에 유채,1953

seoul museum 서울미술관 +82.2.395.0100

kimi art 키미아트 +82.2.792.2960

1) 한국 근현대 거장展 <DEEP& WIDE> 10 15 2013 - 03 16, 2014

<EPOCHE > 03 04 - 05 02, 2014


Deep insight 서효숙展 2014.3.05(Wen) - 3.15(Sat) 스페이스 이노 서울시 종로구 인사동길 인덕빌딩 2층 T.02-730-6763

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