Artnmap 201701

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01 2017 Vol.89

KOROGRAM X SP : The Exhibi- Cho Youngkak : The society of tion-Korogram Gallery signal - KIAS


Korgram X SP The Exhibition 2016.12.01- 2017.2.22 Korogram Photography Gallery

Artist Statement The collaboration between the photography magazine Sensation Photography (SP) and the photography gallery KOROGRAM, is special. This is because they are forming a unique union between a magazine and a space, specializing in photography and celebrating their first year together while also designing the future together. The difference is apparent when a photography image is presented into a magazine and when it is viewed as an in-person exhibition. Therefore this collaboration presents a greater variety of expressions, shapes, and extended meanings and interpretations of “shown” or “viewed” images on two different platforms. IThis Exhibition focuses on “showing” and “viewing” and is divided into three parts. Part 1 Post-Photoville2016 #48 reproduces the exhibition at Booth #48 at Photoville 2016 in Brooklyn Bridge Park and DUMBO,

New York. These works will be displayed in a new way with QR codes, so that viewers can easily obtain information about the 19 artists and understand in depth the exhibited works. Part 2 Photography With...... introduces other forms of works that were created with photographs. The participating artists of Part 2 use photographs as the main medium, but fuse them with mediums other than photographs in order to “show” their works in more diverse and active ways. Part 3 Without Formality presents a new opportunity to have multi-layered experiences with regard to the showing and viewing of photographs by exhibiting works that break away from preconceived notions about the forms of photographs. The exhibition consists of the works of: Kang Jae-gu, Kim Gyu-sik, Kim Seongyong, Kim Yong-hun, Kim Ji-won, Park Hyeong-geun, Park Hyeong-ryeol, Bae Jinhui, Baek Jong-hyeon, Yang Jae-gwang, Yang Hong-gyu, Lee Geon-yeong, Lee Won-cheol, Lee Eun-jong, Lee Ik-jae, Lee Jae-hun, Jeong Hyeon-mok, and Ju Doyang, all photographers who SP has introduced over the year.


ARTIST Cho, Youngkak TITLE The society of signal DATE 2017. 01. 05 - 01.19 SPACE KIAS

Artist Statement Communication between objects proceeds within the scope of system rules and systems. This shows a solid appearance when seen in reality. In reality, even if cracks and gaps are scattered. If we look at it again as a communication system, it can be confirmed by lack of communication and disconnection. What I am worried about and expressing as art is not to show these cracks and gaps but to shake them and to fall into play. I would like to see digital media as a means of emerging new communication from the point of view of play and amusement. The way to approach is to induce participant by using electronic signal system as transitivity as a keyword as ‘Interactive’. It is a new type of fluid space in a system that produces interrelationships, in-

filtrating with a way of spraying into existing structures through flexible scenarios. This does not mean that you want the system to collapse. Simply I want to show that it is necessary to try reflection and reflection. It is just to approach the gap and make a tight tightrope in the gap of tension. In the approach, the subject at this point is the point where flexible thinking and emotion are important. If we start with a new medium and re-form the ecology based on signals and symbols, I think that the delivery of the doctor I want will be expressed. It is time to disarm the illusion of protocol by preparing for flexible thinking and emotional approach, and by expressing and shaping the extended body.



강사: 국민대학교 미술학부 허윤정교수 (KAIST 박사) 사이미술연구소 이승훈소장 (미술비평) 장소: 고등과학원 KIAS 일시: 2016년 12월28일(수) 오후4시


작가: 김태은 성진민 조영각 허윤정 장소: 고등과학원 KIAS 일시: 2017년1월 5일-1월19일


ALEXANDER GRAY ASSOCIATES CRG GALLERY +1.212.399.2636 +1.212 229 2766 Sergei Eisenstein 01.07 - 02.11 2017

Channing Hansen 01.19 - 02.25 2017

AMERINGER | MCENERY | YOHE +1.212.445.0051

DILLON GALLERY +1.212 727 8585

EMILY MASON 01.05 - 02.11 2017

MAMI KOSEMURA 11.17 2016 - 01.13 2017 DEREK ELLER GALLERY +1. 212. 206. 6411 JANE FREILICHER, MIRA DANCY, DANIEL HEIDKAMP 01.06- 02.05 2017


THOMAS RUFF 11.18 2016 - 01.05 2017 ROSE WYLIE 11.24 2016 - 01.07 2017

01.20 - 03.04 2017

CUE ART FOUNDATION +1.212-206-3583 303 GALLERY + MATT JOHNSON 01.12 - 02.25 2017

AGORA GALLERY + Kaleidoscope of the Mind 12.29 - 01.18 2017 Enigmatic Realms 12.29 - 01.18 2017

APERTURE GALLERY +1.212.505.5555

ANDREA ROSEN GALLERY +1.212 627. 6000 Miguel Ángel Cárdenas 01.06 - 02.04 2017 Ivana Bašić, FlucT, Sable Elyse Smith 01.06 - 02.04 2017 ALEXANDER AND BONIN +1.212. 904.1110

Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques 11.17 2016 - 01.19 2017 Eli Durst 12.10 2016 - 02.04 2017

Rita McBride 01.12 - 03.04.2017


The Visible Hand:Curated by David Borgonjon 01.07 - 02.15 2017

PRISCILLA VAIL CALDWELL 01.03 - 01.28 2017

N CHEIM & READ + LOUISE BOURGEOIS 01.05 - 02.11 2017 TAL R: KEYHOLE 01.05 - 02.11 2017

Publisher Seung hoon Lee Managing Edito Seung hoon Lee r Editor Designer

w w w. a r t n m a p . c o m

Ji, Hojun Solo Exhibition


Invisible Spot 2016. 12.20~ 2017 1.25

참여작가: 올리비에 퀼만 Olivier Culmann, 메이에 Meyer, 질 쿨롱 Gilles Coulon, 파스칼 에마르 Pascal Aimar, 파트릭 투르는뵈프 Patrick Tourneboeuf, 베르트랑 머니에 Bertrand Meunier, 티에리 아르두앵 Thierry Ardouin, 마트 쟈코브 Mat Jacob, 플로르-아엘 쉬렁 Flore-Ael Surun, 필립 로파렐리 Philippe Lopparelli OPPARELLI, 드니 부르쥬 Denis Bourges, 알랭 빌롬 Alain Willaume

Jean Art Gallery

LESLIE TONKONOW +1.212 255 8450


BESTY KAUFMAN 12.10 2016 - 01.11 2017

HANNAH VAN BART 01.05 - 02.04 2017 WILLIAM J. O’BRIEN 01.05 - 02.04 2017

LUHRING AUGUSTINE GALLERY + Jeremy Moon 01.13 - 04.16 2017

PHOENIX GALLERY +1.212-226-8711 THE EVOLVING PHOENIX 01.04 - 01.28 2017

MORGAN LEHMAN + DAVID S. ALLEE 01.05 - 02.04 2017


DANZIGER GALLERY +1.212.629.6778

JOSÉE BIENVENU GALLERY +1. 212. 206. 7990

WE NEED TO TALK... 01.07 - 02.11 2017 REZI VAN LANKVELD 01.19 - 02.25 2017

ANNIE KEVANS 11.03 2016 - 01.14 2017

Grupo Suma 11.17 2016 - 01.14 2017



ANN TOEBBE 01.14 - 03.05 2017

Michael Price 01.05 -02.01 2017 Liam Bannon 01.05 -02.01 2017

JAMES COHAN GALLERY +1.212.714.9500

DAVID NOLAN GALLERY +1.212.925.6190

Michelle Grabner 12.08 2016 - 01.28 2017 Byron Kim 12.09 2016 - 01.22 2017

BARRY LE VA 01.11 - 02.11 2017 JULIA FISH 01.11 - 02.11 2017

ELIZABETH DEE GALLERY +1.212.924.7545 Selections by Larry Ossei-Mensah 01.21 - 02.25 2017

KOENIG & CLINTON +1.212 334 9255

SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO +1.212.929.2262 VIK MUNIZ 01.23 - 04.01 2017 BURT BARR 01.13 - 02.18 2017

BRANDON LATTU 11.10 2016 - 01.07 2017

Michael Kenna Solo Exhibition

마이클 케나

The Road 2016. 12.20 - 2017. 02.19 Gallery K.O.N.G

YANCEY RICHARDSON GALLERY +1.646.230.9610 Masao Yamamoto 12.08 2016 - 01.28 2017

Exhibition Info Korea / Insadong Area LAMER GALLERY 라메르갤러리 +82.2.730.5454

ARA ARTCENTER 아라아트센터 +82.2.733.1981

김이강 개인전 12.28 2016 - 01.03 2017 상처와치유전 01.04 - 01.10 2017 희망포럼전 01.04 - 01.10 2017 서울국제아트쇼 01.11 - 01.17 2017 장미선 초대전 01.18 - 01.24 2017 조이스감성미술전 01.18 - 01.24 2017

New Memories in Holiday 11.11 - 12.18 2016 데이비드 라샤펠 11.19 2016 - 02.26 2017

Boundary and Between

Ryu In

2 0 1 6 . 0 5 . 1 1 – 06.26

GALLERY IS 갤러리 이즈 +82.2.720.2235

2017 제6회 갤러리이즈 신진작가 창작지원 프로그램 선정작가_김 예 슬 개인전 01.04 - 01.10 2017


JANGEUNSUN GALLERY 장은선 갤러리 +82.2.730.3533 한상윤 초대전 01.04 - 01.14.2017 이전웅 초대전 01.18 - 01.25.2017

GANAARTSPACE 가나아트스페이스 +82.2.734.1333

GALLERY GRIMSON 갤러리그림손 +82.2.733.1047

DAELIM MUSEUM +82.070.5097.0020

백석대 조형회화과 졸업展 2016.12.28 ~ 2017.01.02

박경묵 개인전 01.04 - 01.10 2017 보물찾기 단체전 01.011 - 01.24 2017

닉 나이트 거침없이, 아름답게 2016 10.06 - 2017 03.26

KYUNG-IN MUSEUM 경인미술관 +82.2.733.4448 제12회 수평과 지평 정기전 01.04 - 01.10.2017 최해숙 개인전 01.04 - 01.10.2017 신과의 교감전 01.04 - 01.10.2017 한국 비스크돌 협회 작가전 01.11 - 01.17.2017 레이나 아트 센터 초대전 01.11 - 01.17.2017


JEAN GALLERY 진 갤러리 +82.2.738.7570 지호준 개인전

GALLERY NOW 갤러리나우 +82.2.725.2930 내셔널 지오그래픽 사진아카데 미 졸업전 12.28 2016 - 01.03 2017 김혜령 개인전 01.11 - 01.17.2017 조다소 개인전 01.18 - 01.31.2017

12.20.2016 - 01.25 2017

POTOHAUS 토포하우스 +82.2.734.7555 토락 - 꿈을 빚다 전 01.04 - 01.10 2017 여유로의 동행 전 01.11 - 01.17 2017 경희대학교 교육대학원 관화/민화실… 01.18 - 01.24 2017

palaisdeseoul 팔레드 서울 +82.2.730.7707 신진작가 조 현 지 개인전 01.03 - 01.08 2017

김현정, 안규엽, 오흥배, 유남권, 이도연, 정다운, 주혜령, 함연주

Everyday Surroundings 2016.12.09-2017.01.24 KIMI ART

Sagandong Area /

Exhibition Info Korea

CYART GALLERY 사이아트갤러리 +82.2.3141.8841

INSA ART SPACE 인사미술공간 +82.2.760.4722

메타디스코스전 12.17 2016 -01.02 2017 권순왕展 01.03-01.16.2017 김태은展 01.03-01.16.2017 김경미展 01.17-01.23.2017 이수경展 01.17-01.23.2017 정상곤展 01.24-02.06.2017

이삿날 12.23.2016-01.24.2017

arario gallery 아라리오 갤러리 +82.2.541.5701 직관의 풍경 Intuitive Landscape 2016.12.15 - 2017.01.22

GALLERYHYUNDAI 갤러리현대 +82.2.2287.3500 박경근, 양정욱, 이슬기 12.07 2016 - 01.15 2017

MMCA 국립현대미술관 +82.2.3701.9500

GALLERY KONG 공근혜갤러리 +82.2.738.7776

GALLERY DAM 갤러리담 +82.2.738.2745

보이드 展 2016.10.12 ~ 2017.02.05 김수자展 2016.07.27 ~ 2017.02.05 백년의 신화: 한국근대미술 거장 전 유영국(덕수궁) 2016.11.04 - 2017.03.01

마이클 케나 길 12.20.2016 - 02.19.2017

이태호 개인전 01.04 - 01.15 2017

GALLERY CHOSUN 갤러리 조선 +82.2.723.7133 이호진 공의 매혹 01.11.2016 - 02.24.2017

KUMHOMUSEUM 금호미술관 +82.2.720.5114

HAKGOJAE GALLERY 학고재갤러리 +82.2.675.3057 윤석남 빈 방 11.05 2016 - 01.15 2017

Journey to a Fluid Island 11.22 2016 - 02.12 2017 GALLERY DOS 갤러리 도스 +82.2.7378.4678 KUKJE GALLERY 국제갤러리 +82.2.735.8449 Ahn Kyuchul 02.22-.03.31.2017

서정빈 개인전 12.28 2016 - 01.03 2017 기획공모선정작가전 12.28 2016 - 02.18 2017

Yoo, MimSeok Solo Exhibitions


Don’t you believe it! 2016. 12.9 - 2017.2.12


Exhibition Info Korea / Chungdam, Gwanghwamun, Daehang-no

Chengdam-dong SONEUN ARTSPACE 송은아트스페이스 +82.2.3448.0100 제16회 송은미술대상전 김세진 염지혜 이은우 정소영 12.23.2016 - 2.25 2017

SALONDEH GALLERY 살롱드에이치 +82.2.546.0853 Kukwon Woo 12.23.2016 - 02.17.2017

Gwanghwamun MMCA 국립현대미술관 (덕수궁관) +82.2.368.1414

SEJONGALLERY 세종갤러리 +82.2.3705.9051

ARKO ARTCENTER아르코미술관 +82.2.760.4602

이경재 초대전 12.20.2016 - 01.02 2017

동백꽃 밀푀유(Mille-feuille de camélia) 12.09 2016 - 02.12 2017

김수자 마음의 기하학 07 27 2016 - 02 05 2017 SUNGKOKMUSEUM 성곡미술관 +82.2.737.7650

GALLERYEM 갤러리 엠 +82.2.544.8145 김혜나 개인전 12.22.2016 - 02.04.2017

PROJECT SPACE 사루비아다방 +82.2.723.2755

독일현대사진전 02.24-05.28.2017

SO.S 민재영 이소영 12.01 2016 - 01.30 2017

SEMA 서울시립미술관 (서소문본관) +82.2.325.1077 X: 1990년대 한국미술 12.13 2016 - 02.19 2017 오늘의 옹기: 이현배 12.13 2016 - 02.26 2017 르누아르의 여인전 12.16 2016 - 03.26 2017 SeMA 전시 아카이브 1988-2016 12.13 2016 - 03.26 2017

김웅현, 노상호, 박경근, 박광수, 안지산, 윤향로

직관의 풍경

Intuitive Landscape 2016.12.15 - 2017.01.22 ARARIO GALLERY

Shinsa, Seocho, Itaewon, Yeoksam- dong / Exhibition Info Korea



SAC 예술의전당 한가람미술관 +82.2.580.1300

KIMCHONGYUNG +82.2.3217.6484

프랑스 국립 오르세미술관展 2016.10.29 -.03.05.2017

진실한 거짓 12.02 2016 - 1.15 2017 김윤경 초대전 12.02 2016 - 1.15 2017

김종영 미술관

KIMI ART 키미아트 +82.2.792.2960


Everyday Surroundings 전 12.09.2016 - 01.24.2017

KOROGRAM 코로그램 +82.10.6790.7079 KOROGRAM X SP 12.01 2016 - 02.22.2017

LEEUM MUSEUM +82.2.2014.6900


올라퍼 엘리아슨 세상의 모든 가 능성 Olafur Eliasson The parliament of possibilities 2016.9.28 ~ 2017.2.26

PERIGEE GALLERY 페리지갤러리 +82.70.4676.7034 노충현 자리 12.08 2016 - 02.11 2017 WHANKIMUSEUM +82.2.391.7701 GALLERY MARK 갤러리마크 +82.2.541.1311 Jung Ki Woong 11.10 - 12.10 2016

SEOUL MUSEUM +82.2.395.0100


비밀의 화원展 10.18 2016 - 03.05 2017

환기미술관 AMADOART 아마도미술공간 +82.2.790.1178

김향안 탄생 100주년展 10.28 2016 - 01.15 2017


표면 위, 수면 아래 전 12.12.2016 - 01.08.2017

이동수 개인전

February. 01 - February. 28. 2017 Lee, Dong Su Solo Exhibitions GALLERY JOEUN

09 01 - 11 20 2016

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