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IG: @danielaplou
Website: danielaploustudio com
Daniela Plou is an artist born in Barcelona, the artist's work centers around the exploration of the self, memory, and the intricacies of human relationships. After moving to London to study a BA in Fine Arts at City and Guilds London Art School, she began using a variety of materials, including oil and ink, to simulate the feeling of memory and the unconscious. Daniela Plou, is particularly drawn to the depth and blurred outcome that ink can create, as it lends itself well to the portrayal of complex emotions and experiences. Through her paintings, she seeks to explore the ways in which our memories and experiences shape our sense of self and identity, and how these can change and evolve over time Abstract shapes and forms are used to represent different aspects of the self, including memories, emotions, and relationships Her ultimate goal is to create pieces that inspire viewers to engage in deep self-reflection and consider how their memories and experiences have shaped their sense of self