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Social media accounts: @iheizen and @colectivo scampi
Artist Hassan Issa's work considers the relationship between memory and visual interpretation, to draw the viewers through a multilayered journey His body of work attempts to trigger the viewers' perceptual parameters walking them through imaginative narratives His works reveal a successful attempt to capture elusive features of the relationship between the surreal and the real: the results of your inquiry show consistency and unity with an effective combination between nuances of tones that communicate a mixture of struggle and emotions Hassan’s work is influenced by the Dada movement, and Flux art with high appreciation of the classical and traditional arts Hassan Issa Has previously showed works in MACAM, Lebanon, MUTUO Barcelona, and is an active founder and Member of the art collective Colectivo Scampi
ORZANA (Alexandra Orzan)
IG: @orzanac / @orzanaart
Facebook: https://www facebook com/cristina alexandra 560
Portfolio:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dy QzbM0m9TV
KuzUyrQ4iUh3y4hASkhq?usp=share link
Alexandra Orzan is a normal person, from a normal world She is based in Bucharest, Romania She is a person who has discovered art and her talent since she was a little kid She was inspired by almost everything that was around her How she discovered? Well, ever since she was little she always had a pencil in her hand, drawing everything that she imagined at the time She kept drawing until she saw a few years later that her drawings were becoming better and better She loved it She loved doing it and she wanted to become her best self as an artist so after middle school she applied to “Nicolae Tonitza” Fine Arts High School and she was accepted with the highest grades in drawing, painting and sculpting During the high school years she was specialised in Graphic Arts and she finished with a Qualification Certificate in Graphic Arts obtained with the highest grade and she had an exhibition outside of school where most of her professors went to support her. Soon after, she started a college, but not an art college unfortunately, but she kept drawing and dreaming about being a very good known artist. She began to draw digitally and to become better and better at what she was doing. The name of her artwork that is exhibited in the Art Number 23 Gallery is “LOVE” This digital painting fully represents her emotions, emotions that she experienced being in love: happiness, frustration, heartbreak, calmness, safety, affection and love She thinks that love is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone, but sometimes is hard, it needs to be, because nothing in this world is perfect and if it would be perfect and thing were easy, it will be boring, the world needs to be imperfect and stay that way, that is what makes it beautiful