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IG: @hannapjr art
Budapest based Hungarian illustrator and visual artist Hanna Pajor has over a decade of history in abstract visual arts She was passionately searching for ways of creative selfexpression since her very early ages. After graduating as a fashion designer at Budapest University of Communication in 2011 she began to work as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. While building up her personal brand as an illustrator in the last 12 years she managed to develop her own unique voice in visual art Hanna was devoted mostly to painting works in the past year as she was always excited about the world of acrylic, and other techniques as well Since Hanna grew up in an art-oriented family her unique perception of reality and the world is also an important part of her rich cultural heritage Her naiv, dream-like visual language is a reflection of her intuitive and out-of-the-box worldview Her art was mainly inspired by Joan Miro and Paul Klee, as well as by worldwide known Hungarian artist such as Ilona Keserü.