Tony Nero's Art newsletter issue 8

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Tony Nero’s Art


The really random newsletter all about my art.

Free art in Peterborough

Superbly co-ordinated by Creative Peterborough, the fine bunch of creative people have come together to produce their art and give it away Find me keep me! Well that was the freely to the local people in the city shout across the city for the past few and the only catch is, you find it weeks. What’s this? I hear you say, and you keep it. I must say a few of and I’ll say, if you don’t know then us wanted to hold on tightly to our where have you been? With 52 art- pieces, but with all the excitment and ists, musicians, poets and actors we buzz, its a real joy to see someone sure have been making some noise. smile after receiving a piece of art.

In this issue: Find Me Keep Me Realitas Education Day My Very First Studio

April 2013 ISSUE 08

Realitas Education Day Fair Amy Ames and Lynn George

Photos show a few of the artists at work

Across the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of March, Realitas Art Centre over in Peakirk held an Arts Education Fair. Even though it was snowing, that didn’t stop visitors coming along to see some of the artists at work. On Saturday the Mayor Cllr George Simmons came along to officially open the event. I was also there working on the Mayor’s portrait and had a chance to chat and take a few photos.

Bill Marshall and his son having a look at my paintings on their visit to the Arts Centre

Lynn George

And the winner is... Some time before Christmas I ran a competition on facebook for a photo caption for this photo I took of these police men and these other two guys. I had some really fun answers but the winner with an overall five likes was Penny Freeland. When I announced her as the winner Penny said “Awesome, what do I do now?” As promised I produced a painting especially for this competion and this little still life oil painting is what Penny recieved.

The Peterborough “Free Gaza” demonstration had a poor turnout, minimum police presence was required..... Nushrat Sayeed-Hussain ITV deny rumours that the remake of ‘Inspector Morse’ has been affected by budget cuts... Jonathan Clynch

Here are some of the captions that were put forward: Officer, hurry up with the spliff... we’re attracting attention Penny Freeland

Excuse me ossifers,I’m thirsty and I’ve got a bat flattery,can you push me to the nearest gulp (plug) hic! Paul Saunders Straight up, Officer, he musta been doin’ at least three miles an hour! Jonny Brush

Just smile ... Keep wheeling they’ll never check I’m taxed and insured... “mornin Officer”... Vivien Koca Police cut’s ... now they are the ones getting backies on stolen mountain bikes James Brown Cheers mate don’t mind if I do.. always wanted to have a go on one of these ipads...won’t keep you long and you can be on your way... Julie Bartle

Most recent painting

A Mothers Love This recently finished oil painting, depicting a lioness and cub was to be featured on this issues cover, but the pigeons won. It’s entitled ‘Mothers Love’ and will be shortly heading to a new home in liverpool.

Art in the Park I kinda like this picture of Veronika and myself painting and sketching in Central Park. This was an event I did in September last year with artists Veronika Leontyeva, Faye Gagel-Panchal and Josephine Kelly-Gobuiwang. The event is to take place again this year in August but will be opened to more artists, so hopefully there will be a lot more to see this year.

It’s time again for another most recent piece of work. And here we have the JLS singer, Aston Merrygold. Painted mainly in a blue hue just for the fun of it and why not? As an artist there are no rules and if there are any, we want to break them. But I guess you can call it practising or even experimenting. This particular piece I’ve done in the style of my urban collection, A collection that I’ve been working on slowly and have featured a couple in past newsletters. There are definitely a lot more to come in this style.

Tony’s shout out!

My very first Studio Here’s a special treat for anyone interested in a little bit of history, or anyone interested at all. Just jokingI know you must be interested if you got as far as this page. This picture was taken in my very first studio, which comprised of a tiny lean-to at my pad in Tottenham, in the late 70’s. I eventually went off and set up a graphic design studio, which I ran for over 10 years before setting up a second art studio in Chingford, London.

Some things just have to be shared and I just wanted to share this beautiful picture of artist Jonathan Clynch and his family at one of my exhibitions.

Big shout to Geoff Freeland who turned 50 in January. The events planned were a washout due to the bad weather. He was really gutted, so shout of the day goes to Geoff. Check out his super cool airbrush work which he does on motorbike helmets, tanks and laptops etc. You can check out some of his work at:

Hanging with the master Love this photo of me with master mosaic artist, Paco Calvo Barraga, hanging out by my marquee at the Willow Festival in 2011. If you ever get a chance to see Paco’s truly amazing mosaic works, don’t miss it.

Princess Pea can’t hide how happy she is to find my pigeons

Find Me Keep Me

Find Me Keep Me - inspired by the concept ‘Free Art Friday’ where artists are giving away free art in the streets on a Friday. Big shout to My Dog Sighs for this one. What big fun we had at the end of March when all these creative people launched on Cathedral Square in Peterborough, giving

The theatre group mesmerising visitors with their dramatic live performance


away free music, art, poetry and a live performance all free to the public. This is what Trace Holmes, a visitor to the event had to say: “My daughter and I had so much fun hunting for treasure and we are delighted we found the pigeons we set out to find! Thanks to all involved, it was a brilliant idea and we hope it will be repeated.”

Artist Luke Payn assisting treasure hunters with their map.

One happy couple with their found treasure

Big smiles for Diane Louise Norwell as she manages to find a Garth Bayley cow.

Jed Nero, Ali Datoo & Jake Townsend...right lads, you find anything, bring it back to me! is that what Cllr Ed Murphy is saying?

Sisters Sana and Zainab Nawaz were determained to find something and they sure did

Designed by Free Thinking Design, there’s the logo that says it all.

Councillors Nicola Day and Ed Murphy with a super cool mini art by Jason Duckmanton

Thanks to all at Creative Peterborough for putting the project together as well as all the artists and everyone who joined in and made it a success. More photos and 100’s other exhibition pix on Flickr:

Gallery and art in the heart Shop North Street Bar Artist of the Month Situated in the heart of the city, North Street Bar has made space available on its walls to host the talents of local artists. Each month a different artist’s work is featured. I am pleased to have been the featured artist from March to April. My exhibition contained 12 pieces of my figurative works, some early pieces and some more recent. The bar also hosts live acoustic sessions and usually opens from 5pm to midnight daily and 5pm to 4am Fridays and Saturday. Thanks to Lauren and Sam over there at North Street for making it possible.

fine and decorative art paintings sculpture photography printmaking ceramics glass textiles jewellery handcrafted gifts prints cards picture framing

Established artists Exciting emerging artists Follow us on facebook and Twitter Sign up to our newsletter

47 Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1HA Â Tel: 07910 118148

Summer Exhibition Part of Peterborough Artists Open Studios


A chance to win some original art

8 & 9, 15 &16, 22 & 23 June 2013 opening times 11am-5pm

Featured Artists

Live Art see artists at work and have a go yourself

Stacey-Ann Cole l Mahemuda Arsalani Tony Nero l Josephine Kelly-Gobuiwang Shine, 42 Park Rd, Peterborough PE1 2UQ.

Stacey-Ann Cole

Mahemuda Arsalani

Tony Nero

Josie K Gobuiwang

What’s On ! l Live

art at Art in the Heart Saturday 22nd April 12 noon-4pm. 47 Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1HA. Tony Nero at work. Come and catch me live doing some arty stuff and grab yourself some mini art.

Here I am actually working, what a rare sight. Putting together this pencil drawing of Phil Lynott, but done in a more free loose style. I really like the energy that this style projects, it also means you can work much more quickly.

Picture of the day Sharing a jovial moment with the Mayor Cllr George Simmons at the Realitas Education Fair in Peakirk. At this stage the portrait is half finished but I think the Mayor is pleased with it so far.

l Peterborough

Artists Open Studio (PAOS) Inspirational art in homes and studios throughout the city and villages of Peterborough. - Annual event takes place on 8-23 June 2013. A variety of interesting and diverse work; from paintings, drawings, photography, pottery, jewellery, Carvings,Sculpture. Visit the website: l Summer

Exhibition - Part of Peterborough Artists Open Studio (PAOS) exhibition this year will be held over the 3 weekends at Shine, 42 Park Rd, Peterborough PE1 2UQ. Featured artists: Stacey-Ann Cole, Tony Nero, Mahemuda Arsalani & Josephine Kelly-Gobuiwang Come out and support all the efforts the artists, musicians, poets and craft men and women are putting in to keep their craft alive and local.

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