Loci Pannum

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Loci Pannum Issue 3

JuLY 2012

Your WindoW on north hampshire LifestYLe

a Big thank-you first off, a big thank you for all of the positive feedback we have received on our first two issues.  along with the various emails, our delivery staff have reported that last week they were repeatedly stopped during their rounds and were thanked for delivering the new magazine. it is still early days and we do realise things are not quite as perfect as we would like them, but it is good to know we are doing some things right at least. We have had several enquiries as to why we are not including local news in and around the villages so we wanted to point a few things out about the direction we are hoping the magazine will take.  first there was Bramley265 and the View magazine which did cover quite a lot of events and news from around the area. the View magazine still tended to carry more news from Bramley than it did from the other areas. our new magazine is not intended to replace either of those two magazines and we are aiming to make this magazine more Lifestyle and Living concentrating on the whole of north hampshire. in the case of Bramley, there is already a very good Bramley parish magazine and there are similar magazines in the other parishes/villages.  to that end, we will not be covering parish Council events/minutes or notices that is unless of course they want take out advertisements for particular events.   Going forward, both mike peates and i want this to be your magazine with content that you will enjoy and look forward to each month. if you have any suggestions for the future or feedback on previous editions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing us at editor@locipannum.co.uk. so once again, thank you for the generous support you have shown us so far and we will endeavour to keep improving the magazine month by month. regards

Chris & mike designed, produced and published by mike peates Chris Wright 3 holman Close Bramley hampshire rG26 5Xd 01256 881452/881233 www.locipannum.co.uk editor@locipannum.co.uk @locipannum https://www.facebook.com/locipannum

Page 4 “In The Garden” Jane Jordan

Page 5 “Suduko Answers (Issue 2)” Page 6 “Suduko” Page 9 “A True Inspiration” Janine Wood

printed by: Greenhouse Graphics Bramley 01256 880770 www.greenhousegraphics.co.uk

Page 10 “Gone Phishing” Chris Wright

Page 12 “Warm Tuna Nicoise with a Poached Egg” Lee Felton (Head Chef Sands Restaurant)

Contact us for all your advertising or editorial news: editor@locipannum.co.uk

Page 13 Basingstoke Half Marathon 2012

In the garden First Impressions Count By jane jordan e are often so busy enjoying our back gardens that we forget about the front; it’s not typically where we sit or sunbathe, entertain, or want to spend much time gardening. We pass through on our way in or out and tend not to look too closely at the overgrown shrubs until they start grabbing at shopping bags or soaking our clothing with wet foliage as we squeeze between them and the car. Car parking has unfortunately come to dominate how front gardens are used; depending on the size of the garden vehicles can take up much of the available space. But front gardens have other important roles to play - welcoming visitors, providing security, pleasing the eye and complimenting the architecture of the house – creating that all important ‘kerb appeal’, which not only adds value to your daily experience of using the garden but can help sell your house in an instant. sorting out all these different functions with their sometimes conflicting uses is where good design comes to the fore, so that, as far as possible, these uses are integrated into a coherent whole and one function does not adversely affect another. so if you are thinking about improving your front garden it is worth spending some time considering how all the competing demands on the available space can be accommodated sympathetically.


alternatively, subtle direction can be given in the choice of materials, the way they are positioned and how inviting the path is to walk up. deliberately changing the material just outside the front door will suggest that the visitor has arrived at the right place. a clear and attractive house name or number close by will give final confirmation.

Too many materials and colours creates a confusing picture

Here the car has plenty of room but what about pedestrians?

Choosing materials that relate to the style of house and local environment will help set the house off, but whatever you use do give careful thought to their colour; for example, using white or blue chippings can look great at the seaside or in an contemporary urban setting but stands out artificially in a traditional rural setting where colours are typically softer and more muted. Whichever colour scheme you go for, keep it simple. finally, in choosing plants consider carefully what their ultimate size will be - something that wants to be 3m wide planted in a 1m wide border will quickly outgrow its space and start attacking the shopping until you give in and move it – work easily avoided by a bit of research and choosing plants that will behave themselves. Boring but important: if you are planning to resurface an area of more than five square metres in your front garden you will have to meet planning requirements. for more information go to: http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/permission/commonprojects/pavingfrontgarden/

next, think about how easy it is to find your front door. it might seem obvious, but some houses have more than one door, or the door is hidden from view. Leaving your visitors guessing which door to use isn’t the best welcome. this does not mean that you have to have a formal path leading straight to it. a more informal arrangement, for example using stepping stones in gravel, or a meandering path, gives a more relaxed feel but will still deliver your visitor safely to the door.

Contact Jane for more information about front gardens or for any other advice on getting the best from your garden contact her on 07879 606714 or go to www.janejordangarden-design.com.

Below you’ll ďŹ nd the answers to the suduko puzzles in issue 2


a true inspiration The Delightful Journey of an Inspirational Slimmer Shared Through Her Very Own Motivational Poetry. ot Burgin joined a Local slimming World Group in tadley just over 2 years ago, and at age 77 she has reached her final weight loss destination having lost an absolutely amazing 6 stone 1 lb. dot attends group without fail every week and is always such an inspiration to the group making everyone smile with her great poems. here are just 3 of the many she has written over the last 2 years. dot is such a motivational character she was voted the group’s Woman of the Year in august 2010 (2 stone 5 lbs lost). in november 2010, dot was also voted our group’s miss slinky too at 3 stone 4 lbs lighter. in august 2011 dot was once again voted Woman of the Year Group Winner being 5 stone 3 lbs lighter at that point. in february 2012 dot achieved the prestigious award of Greatest Loser having lost the most weight in the group at that time which was 5 stone 9 lbs. dot continues to be an inspiration to the group and achieved her final award for achieving her personal achievement target in may this year. dot was also this year’s diamond target member too as she continues to maintain her new found weight with grace and ease.


77 - not out! it had never been on my agenda to imagine i'd be slight or slender But 18 months ago or so i was told by a friend who's in the know that i was obese (no, not just fat) and morbidly so on top of that! so it took not very much persuasion to make me rise to the occasion and thus, in order to get thinner, i joined slimming World and was on a winner. for i find i enjoy each Wednesday night, where other friends try to put things right. i lose track of names - there are such a lot (who'd have thought there'd be a third dot?) Janine says she has trouble putting names to faces, although she does know who rachel, Jane and Grace is! But with so many sues - there must now be four and sarahs - are there two or more? two Kellys (one is Kellyann) and two male Chris's (man oh man!) dawn, pat, Gill, the lovely Liz and Wendy's returned to "do the biz". helen, tracy and sadie, her sister, Clare's been in the states - we've really missed her. We've come to know Jeff, who's reached target weight (despite Jack and daniel - who'd have such a mate!) When swimming breast-stroke a slimmer ruth, found her boobs were doing freestyle....strewth!! so many more names that i could mention, although that really wasn't my intention. i've so much more to lose i know and i still intend to "go with the flow" but i have to say that at 77 to have lost 5 stone plus...i'm in 7th heaven!

the Weighting Game Wednesday night, en route to tadley need to lose weight, rather badly. arrive at hall, it's busy-sounding. heart's pitter-patter turns to pounding. Join friendly faces in the queue; "have not done too bad - how about you?" Quite a large crowd here again this week. a few more pounds off is all they seek. Bustling around is our Janine, welcoming newcomers to the scene. Can it really be a year since my 'daughter' sue all but dragged me here? the usual members start to arrive, hoping to lose maybe 2 to 5! Jill and Chris, dear Clare and Wendy, dark-haired Carol - so stylishly trendy. the brilliant rabea, amazing Grace, sadie, with or without a trace!! Blondes sue and Jean, the pretty dresser, Jo and Chris and, of course, Vanessa. Young Zoe along with dot (her mum); the line's depleted i'm feeling numb. shoes off, put down my walking stick. scales await, i'm feeling sick. step on gently, stand up straight. deep breath, exhale to compensate. hold breath again - have they smiled or frowned? pLease tell me i've lost a whole haLf pound!!

success – i guess! there was an old woman from harrow Who could hardly be termed slim or narrow! she’d quite lost the plot and had gone all to pot for she sure didn’t eat like a sparrow! she’s now living in padworth (near tadley) and had been looked on by some rather sadly! so that woman – called dot – threw in her considerable lot and it seems she didn’t do badly! she joined the slimming World scene, and with the help of Janine, she lost six stone in two years – With very few tears – ‘twas extra easy - not red and not Green.

You can join dot Burgin and many other inspiratinal ladies at slimming World by contacting Janine Wood at: j9wood@googlemail.com or by ringing 01256 884137 / 07776 205669

Gone phishing... A brief introduction to Phishing from Chris Wright hishing is the term used to describe the actions of criminals who are ‘fishing’ for information from internet users. in short, the criminals are performing identity theft using a number of techniques in order to have the internet user unwittingly give up personal information or install malware which in turn can be used to steal personal information. malware is short for malicious software and consist of viruses or trojans. in the world of phishing, the malware consist of programs designed to record and capture keyboard inputs and then send any captured data back to the criminals. HOW BIg IS PHISHIng? in short, “Cybercrime” was in 2011 estimated by the White house to have cost £640bn a year (that really is billion). phishing isn’t responsible for all of that, but the losses due to phishing are increasing massively each year. SOurCeS Of PHISHIng ATTACkS most phishing scams still originate from emails and by looking at the chart shown below, one can see just how spam is being sent at the moment. in may 2012 alone, the average daily volume of spam was 117 Billion spam. that is an astronomical amount of unwanted email within which exists an ever increasing number of “phishing attack” requests. With the ever increasing use of social media (facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Google+ etc), this presents new mediums for the criminals to hook in their victims. messaging clients such as microsoft messaging (msn), Gtalk (Google talk) and even skype im (immediate messaging) are being used to initial “phishing attacks” some initial attacks still rely on the telephone system whereby you are called by a real person based in a call centre specifically set up to hook potential victims into a scam. A TyPICAl eMAIl “PHISH” an email scam might well contain the actual images and look very much like a genuine email from the company that is being ‘scammed’. the email will usually contain a link to a site which again invites you to login but as before, is being hosted upon a web site under the control of the criminals. most often, they will ask you for more information than the genuine web site if they need extra information to get past security on the legitimate web site. PrOTeCTIng yOurSelf using Antivirus/Antimalware/e-Mail Protection/Identity Protection a good antivirus program contains more than just antivirus protection these days. Looking at aVG internet security 2012 for example, this program will check your emails to see if they are ‘spam’, it will check the links used within that email to see if they are genuine, it will protect you against known attachments and if the text/pictures within the email are “phishy” in nature, it should delete or quarantine the email before you read


Worldwide Spam Volumes January 2012 - June 2012

it. the downside of relying upon a single program such as aVG mentioned above is that threats are released by the criminal gangs, hundreds if not thousands of times per day in some cases. even if your antivirus program updates several times per day, there is a chance you will not always be up to date with the latest threats. always ensure your antivirus program is up to date (both the program itself and the databases it uses.  You shouldn’t be using Antivirus 2006 just because it has always worked for you !). Gone also are the days when it was oK to say “i’m safe, i use an apple mac/unix/Linux not a pC, they can’t get me”. Quite simply, yes they can, and do.  if you have a smartphone and use that for online banking, install an antiVirus/malware program on your phone. Crime as a result of smartphones is increasing at a massive rate according to recent statistics. it is often best to employ more than one program to protect your computer and one such program is rapport. (rapport owned by trusteer http://www.trusteer.com/ ). rapport is now provided by many financial institutions and once installed, adds a second invisible layer of protection. it quietly monitors the sites you are visiting and warns you if it thinks it detects suspicious behaviour.  for example, if you click on a “phishing” natWest link in an email, but the web page that opens is at http://somedodgylink.com, rapport analyses the content of the page and realises that the link you are at is really nothing to do with natWest. if you do any online banking or financial transactions, contact your provider and ask what software they provide (if any). it should be free and does offer you an extra layer of protection. Manually Typing the url (website address) the one major difference is the urL within the “phishing” email does not take you to the true website.  Bearing this in mind, do not click on links within the email, open up a browser yourself and manually type the link in to the site in question. (a urL is the name for an internet address). for example, if a suspicious email arrives from the halifax and you do have an account, open your browser and manually enter the address for the halifax bank (or have a shortcut to the halifax that you can use instead).  if you don’t have any business relationship to the company within the email there is a good chance it is a “phish” so ignore it. never ever reply no matter how angry or upset. the replies never go to the criminals (and sometimes go to innocent parties who have no knowledge of what is going on). forward the suspicious email to the company if you know the details. Check your statements if you do any online banking or similar, then check your statements weekly or monthly at a minimum.  Look for any suspicious payments and query any you are not 100% certain on. one trick the criminal gangs use these days, is not to go around and spend several thousand pounds at a time using stolen account details.  this behaviour is likely to be noticed by the account owner or the financial institution and stopped/reversed quite quickly. in the past few years, several scams have been found in which the criminal gangs had gained access to tens if not hundreds of thousands of accounts. payments were still taken from these accounts, but for a few pounds or less each transaction, randomly throughout the month and only once or twice per month. even with just a thousand accounts and taking just a single £1 each month, that is £1000 a month going to the criminals without raising too much notice. if you bank online, check every single item in your statement, every single month, every single time. If in doubt, stop and ask. if something smells “phishy”, it usually is, but if you have even the slightest doubt that an email might not be genuine, stop what you are doing and physically call the company in question. it really is better to be safer than sorry. this should be true no matter how well protected you think your computer or smartphone is. WHAT nexT ? this is obviously just scratching the surface on this subject and i have attempted to keep this as non-technical as possible. the threat however is very real and increasing faster than the authorities can keep pace. if you have any worries or concerns about any of the above, please contact myself via our editor@locipannum.co.uk address and i will endeavour to get back in contact with you in the near future. it is hoped that if there is enough interest, i am thinking of starting a “Computer/internet help Club” locally in the area. if you would be interested in attending such a club, again, please email me via the above address and register your interest.


Warm Tuna Nicoise with a Poached Egg 4 x 200g tuna steaks 400g of new potatoes 200g Green Beans 60g red onion, sliced 200g sun Blushed tomatoes 4 eggs 20 pitted olives, sliced salt and pepper 2tbsp White Wine Vinegar olive oil or Coriander oil 1.Bring a pan of water to the boil, add potatoes and cook for 18-20 minutes 2.top and tail green beans (if necessary), add to boiling water for further 8 minutes 3.meanwhile peel and finely slice the onions, slice the olives and combine both with the tomatoes 4.season tuna steaks with salt and pepper, seal in a griddle pan for about 5 minutes on both sides 5.Boil 700ml of water with the white wine vinegar, add one egg at a time and simmer for 3-4 minutes 6.drain the potatoes and beans, cut in half and add to the onions, tomatoes and olives. add a pinch of salt and pepper, mix ingredients together 7.place the mixture into a teacup or ramekin dish and press down well. turn out onto a plate and top with a tuna steak and a poached egg 8.drizzle over the top with olive or coriander oil to finish

this recipe feeds 4 people. supplied by Bishopswood Golf Course’s head Chef Lee felton and is one of the many dishes on the sand’s restaurant menu.

Basingstoke half marathon 2012 he first Basingstoke half marathon (http://www.basingstokehalfmarathon.com/) was held last year on a very hot october day, the crowds were out cheering on the 1,300 runners as they tackled a challenging, but very picturesque race course through some of the best of hampshire’s countryside. after rave reviews from runners, organisers destination Basingstoke are planning an even better event for 7th october 2012. the Basingstoke half marathon is a traffic free route starting from War memorial park in the middle of the town before taking you out of town through rolling hills and the villages of Cliddesden, ellisfield and farleigh Wallop. it is a challenging course, finishing back in the park. on line entry is open until 31st august and the entry fee includes a free technical t shirt that you collect on the day, there is plenty of free parking and all the usual facilities on site. “We can’t guarantee warm weather again, but we can guarantee a great welcome and a race you will remember for all the right reasons, we look forward to seeing you whether you are a runner or a spectator”, said felicity edwards, race director from destination Basingstoke. You can find out more about the Basingstoke half marathon at www.basingstokehalfmarathon.com, follow @basingstokehalf on twitter or ‘like’ Basingstoke half marathon community page on face book (http://goo.gl/OdsxW).



picture the scene Why consider pre-nuptials during the happy summer season of weddings?

icture the scene: the engagement has been announced and preparations are underway for the big day. it may not feel an appropriate moment to slot in a scheduled meeting with solicitors to discuss division of assets and in the event of the unthinkable – separation and divorce. however in this time of busy summer weddings, pre-nuptials are becoming increasingly popular as they gather legal impetus.


What exactly are pre-nuptial agreements? are they the way forward? at what stage should hopeful couples book in for their separate advice sessions? a pre-nuptial agreement is a contract made by the “happy couple” to be married or who may be entering into a civil partnership and it seeks to determine a future settlement between them in the event of separation or divorce. originally frowned upon as being contrary to public policy given the sanctity of marriage, these contracts are now viewed as being pragmatic and sensible method for couples who may have very different financial starting points and which to protect against a future settlement determined by others. it is a commonly held belief that pre-nuptials are not worth the paper they are written on. this is certainly no longer the case. following the decision in m –v- m (2002) it was decided

that the Court should look at any such agreements and consider what weight, having regard to all of the circumstances surrounding a divorcing couple, it should attach to the prenuptial agreement. since this decision there have been a series of cases, each which has contributed to greater clarity about the Court’s position. the whole issue regarding pre-nuptials has very recently been considered by the supreme Court in a landmark case concerning a German heiress, Karin radmacher, and her former husband nicholas Granatino, this has further reinforced the importance of pre-nuptials in england and Wales. the Court already gives greater weight to pre-nuptial agreements than ever before, and currently the presence of such an agreement is one of the factors the Court takes into account under section 5 of the matrimonial Causes act 1973, when reaching a decision relating to financial matters in a divorce. understandably, the issue of pre-nuptials can be an emotive one but it is worth remembering that marriage itself is a contract between two people. so perhaps the idea of an initial contract defining financial terms should be a natural precursor to the final marriage vows. anna illingworth anna.illingworth@rowberrymorris.co.uk

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