高歌 清醒夢 LUCID DREAMING GAO GE art projects gallery 12th jan - 28th feb 2013
高歌 清醒夢
藝途畫廊榮幸介紹來自中國的畫家﹣高歌,第一次的香港個人展覽《清醒夢》。生於1984,才華出眾的高歌是中國當代其中一位正為 未來中國藝術發展從新定義著的八十後新進畫家。 長注於北京的宋莊畫家村,高歌的作品在描繪迷人和夢幻的畫面背後,反映了畫家的內心世界和私人的情感。結合了纖巧描繪手法及 柔和色彩的超現實場景,成為高歌作品的特徵。從中,高歌綽約地擺放她的主題:有時候,主體相比起畫布的面積顯得異常細小,如 作品系列中的《傳說》;有時候,部份主體相對隱蔽,如作品系列中的《覓梧桐》;有時候,甚至沒有主體,如作品系列中的《來了 又走》。比例、排列、繪畫空間都被畫家巧妙地操縱在其作品中。 高歌的作品具有抑鬱、自我反省和複雜的內在特質。也許,在作品中,高歌一直在精心設計著如何去將她原有的現實取代成幻想中的 世界;好讓她在那虛擬境界里去緩和她的情緒及尋找真正的自我。 高歌於2005年從天津工程學院藝術系畢業。她的作品曾在中國、南韓和台北的大小展覽中展出,包括最近幾年在北京、鄭州、上海和 東京舉辦的個人畫展。 敖若威 藝途畫廊-聯合創辦人 4
LUCID DREAMING GAO GE Art Projects Gallery is delighted to present Chinese artist, Gao Ge’s first solo show in Hong Kong, “Lucid Dreaming”. Gao Ge (b.1984) is an emerging talent from China’s Post-80s generation of artists who are set to redefine the future of artistic expression and development in China. Based in the artist’s village of Song Zhuang in Beijing, Gao Ge’s works depict mesmerizing dreamlike imageries that on closer inspection, reveals the artist’s inner psyche and personal emotions. Gao Ge’s paintings often feature surrealistic settings of intricate details and soothing colors, in which she poetically places her subjects, sometimes tiny in comparison to the extent of the canvas (“Legend”) and at times partially obscured (“Seeking Phoenix Tree”), or even absent (“Come and Gone”). The play of scale, juxtapositions and pictorial space are skillfully used by the artist in her works. Gao Ge’s works are inherently melancholic, introspective and sophisticated. Perhaps, in her paintings, the artist has choreographed her own fantasy worlds to replace actual events in her life; a virtual realm in which she can ease her emotions and to find her true self. Gao Ge graduated from Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute, Department of Art in 2005. Her works have been exhibited in various shows in China, South Korea and Taipei, including solo shows in Beijing, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, and Tokyo in recent years. Goh Ray Vees Co-Founder of Art Projects Gallery 5
最遠最近的地方 The Most Distant and Closest Place 100 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
丹穴來鳳皇,彩羽輝朝陽。 綠竹清溪邊,激揚鳴宮商。 嗈嗈鳳皇曲,清風輕度竹。 明時自歌舞,款步踏寒玉。 啾啁雀聲喧,去覓梧桐宿。
A Phoenix emerges from the cave, its feathers shine under the brilliance of the sun. By the clear stream and green bamboo, it starts to sing its song. Under the melody of the phoenix’s tune, the bamboos gently sway in the breeze. I dance alone; slowly walking on the icy snow. Sparrows chirping aloud, seeking shelter in the Phoenix Tree.
覓梧桐 Seeking Phoenix Tree 90 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
還有沒有下一個 Is There a Next One? 90 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
你說你有太多無法抉擇,我想,我便化作一棵樹好了,佇立在你窗口,無言,長自己的葉子,結自己的果實,看自己的風景。 想你,就看你一眼。偶爾你落寞,會聽到我輕搖樹葉沙沙作響,不會太悶太孤單。
You say you have too many difficult decisions to make, therefore perhaps it is better for me to turn into a tree, stand by your window, say nothing, grow my own leaves, bear my own fruits, and see my own sceneries. I will take a glance at you if I miss you. If you feel lonely, you can hear the sound of my rustling leaves, so you don’t feel too bored and lonely.
只有顏色沒有詩歌 Just Colours; No Poems 90 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
另一條 Another 90 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
東京圖像 Tokyo Image 100 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
傳說 Legend 150 x 200 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
依偎 Snuggle 100 x 70 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
相守 With You 100 x 70 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
孤獨和擁有 Loneliness and Possession 100 x 70 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
吃 Eat 130 x 100 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2010
小時候很想長大,想自由的奔跑,想掙脫一切去想去的地方。 長大了,到了想去的地方,做了想做的事情,午夜夢迴那平淡的過往,心悸般的疼痛讓你淚濕枕巾,光芒中那雙 溫暖的大手緊緊的握著你。 感謝有這樣一個讓我可以想念可以牽掛可以心疼可以快樂可以幸福的去生活的人。想到電話裡那日漸滄桑的難捨 的聲音和站台上落寞的不願離去的背影,淚水又止不住的流下來。 此刻,我離開了那沒有美術館的城市,我依然在漂泊。我願用一生報答父親的恩情,今生難了,願來生他可以做 我的孩子。
I looked forward to grow up when I was young, to run about freely, I wanted to let go of everything and go wherever I wanted to go. Now I’m a grown-up, been to where I wanted to go, and done what I wanted to do; when I dreamed of those plain old days at midnight, and feel the pain in my heart that brings tears to the pillow, i will always feel your big warm hands holding me tight. I am thankful there is a person that I can think about, care about, feel pity for, so that I can live with happiness and blessings. When I recall the sad voice on the telephone, and the shadow of the person who is reluctant to leave the stage even after the curtain is closing, I could not hold back my tears once again. At this moment, I have left the city that has no art museum but, I am still drifting. I am willing to spend my whole life to repay my father’s love; though already not possible in this life, I hope he can be reborn as my son in his next life.
爸爸 Father 90 x 60 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2011
X夫人 Mrs. X 40 x 30 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
可樂養樂各種多 Coke, Yakult and Many Other Kinds 30 x 20 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
翻臉翻臉吹泡泡 Fall Out, Fall Out, Blow Bubbles 30 x 20 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
糖果湖的早晨 Morning at the Candy Lake 80 x 60 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2011
掙扎過後 After Struggle 40 x 30 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2010
今天不想回家 Don’t Want to Go Home Today 90 x 60 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2011
來了又走 Come and Go 100 x 130 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
那一夜 That Night 25 x 25 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
望天邊 Gazing at the Horizon 60 x 20 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2012
高歌 1984年
2005年 畢業於天津工程學院藝術系 現居北京 個人展覽 2013年 《清醒夢》藝途畫廊 香港 2012年
《高歌個展》Niche Gallery 東京銀座 日本
2012年 《此處與當下》巴尼尼當代藝術主題咖啡廳 種子藝術畫廊 鄭州 2011年
《甘甜的露水》Lake House 北京
《高歌的專場》種子藝術畫廊 上海藝博會 上海
《青年藝術家聯展》 種子藝術畫廊 上海藝博會 上海
《Openspace Bae國際藝術家駐場計劃介紹研討會》釜山 韓國
《國際藝術家評選展》台北新藝術博覽會 台北
《“在此出發”中原國際當代藝術交流展》 河南省美術館 鄭州
《光與生命 - 中韓畫展》798 新太陽美術館 北京
《“第三天”北京國際復活節畫展》 國際教會世紀劇院 北京
《北京宋莊三八婦女節畫展》 上上國際美術館 北京
《第五屆AAB藝術節》 三里屯橙色大廳 北京
《新青年的都“繪”生活 - 新銳藝術家作品展》喜瑪拉雅美術館 上海
Gao Ge 1984 Born in Kaifeng, Henan, China 2005
Graduated from Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute, Department of Art
Currently lives and works in Beijing. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2013
LUCID DREAMING by GAO GE, Art Projects Gallery, Hong Kong
2012 Gao Ge Solo Exhibition, Niche Gallery, Tokyo 2012 Here & Now, Bernini Café Contemporary, Seed Art Gallery, Zhengzhou 2011 Sweet Dew, Lake House, Beijing 2011 Gao Ge Solo Exhibition, Seed Art Gallery, 2011 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai GROUP EXHIBITIONS
2012 Emerging Artists Exhibition, Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai 2012 Openspace Bae’s International Artist-in-residence Program “OPEN TO YOU”, Busan, South Korea 2012 International Art Competition, Art Revolution Taipei, Taipei 2011
“Start from here”International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Central China, Henan Art Museum, Zhengzhou
“Light & Life”China & South Korea Art Exhibition, 789 NewSun Art Museum, Beijing
“3rd Day”Beijing International Easter Art Exhibition, 21st Century Auditorium, Beijing
2010 The Beijing Songzhuang Women’s Day Art Exhibition, Sunshine International Art Museum, Beijing 2010 The 5th Affordable Art Beijing Festival, Sanlitun Village, Beijing 2010 “New Youth living in the city of paintings”- Elite Young Artists Group Exhibition, Himalayas Art Museum, Shanghai
高歌 – 清醒夢 Gao Ge - Lucid Dreaming First published in 2013 by Art Projects Gallery This book is published for the occasion of the exhibition ‘Lucid Dreaming’ by Gao Ge at Art Projects Gallery, Hong Kong from 12 Jan – 28 Feb 2013. Curators: Goh Ray Vees, Anng Tan Design: Art Projects Gallery © 2013 Art Projects Gallery and Gao Ge All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in Hong Kong by Monte Carlo Advertising Production Ltd ISBN: 978-988-16440-4-6
ART PROJECTS GALLERY Unit 7, Level 14, Oceanic Industrial Centre 2 Lee Lok Street, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong T: (852) 3485 5336 E: info@artprojectsasia.com W: www.artprojectsasia.com