Catalog of Good Practices of Local Development in Cabo Verde

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Programme of Local Platforms to achieve the 2030 Goals, financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with the participation of the Capeverdean National Municipalities Associations.

of development

Catalog of Good Practices

Location in Cape Verde



Acknowledgements The possibility of sharing with you this Guide of Good Practices of Local Development in Cabo Verde requires us to earnestly extend our acknowledgements to the Director of the Unity of Local Development/Counselor of the Prime Minister and President of the National Organizing Committee of the IV Local Economic Development World Forum - Francisca Inês dos Santos - , the President of the Capeverdean National Municipalities Associations (ANMCV) – Manuel Pina, the Advisor of the President of the Capeverdean National Municipalities Associations - Salomão Hurtado -, to Mrs. Artemisa Monteiro, to the Resident Representative of the United Nations in Cabo Verde - Ulrika Richardson-Golinski -, and to the Deputy Resident Representative – Mrs. Illara Carnevali. The process of elaboration and presentation of this Guide was possible thanks to the financial support of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, especially to the Business Responsible - Angèle da Cruz -, and to the Programme Responsible – Jorge Wahnon.


INTRODUCTION Local development is conceived not as an expression of the solitary work of a municipality or community, but as an interaction and articulation of the territory actors with common vision of development. Local development is therefore not isolation. That means development is local but it equally requires having a capacity to articulate with national policies that have an impact on the community.

Finally, when partnerships are built between territories of different countries that share the local problems and solutions, the local dimension brings with it an international impact. It is also true that, if the local challenges are brought to the international arena in search of solutions that work in different parts of the Planet Earth and that can be implemented in small territories, the local dimension acquires an international nature. In Cabo Verde the local is seen as a scenario where democracy is made more visible. The President of the City Council is but another citizen that enjoys of the same benefits from the development and is affected by the same daily problems that affect the other citizens. For many years now, Cabo Verde is a middle-income country, a status that led to the modification of the way of participation of the international cooperation in the projects of development of the country. The lack

of funds is, sometimes, a positive incentive to be more creative and to look for greater and better results with less resources. The NGOs, local delegations, private sector, decentralized cooperation, training centers, community organizations that work under the leadership of the city councils, have been, over the last years, key players in innovation and creativity to approach the problems of local development. The present guide intends to be a document that gives visibility to these innovations and to the capacity of the capeverdeans in making some local dreams come true. The islands and the municipalities reorganized themselves, thinking and acting together with their local actors in order to achieve national milestones with the help of their international partners.

4 Therefore, this guide presents 22 good practices identified over the 22 municipalities of Cabo Verde. Some are of an inter-municipal nature, where the municipalities associate together to solve their common goals, others are of an economic, social and environmental development nature. Others take the form of services, partnerships, public-private collaborations. In sum, they constitute an interesting and complete range that defines the diversity of the islands of Cabo Verde. The present guide intends, on one hand, to valorize what is done in Cabo Verde at the local level and, on the other hand, to be an useful instrument for both the Cape Verde´s municipalities and other countries and it also intends to be a source of inspiration for expertise and good practices based on exchange and mutual cooperation. The selection of the 22 good practices was a hard process since it implied

leaving many behind. Fortunately, thanks to the meritorious effort of the municipalities, it is expected a second edition of the good practices guide for 2018. The present document contains descriptions of the projects classified as good practices since they fulfill the requirements of sustainability, impact and replicability, as well as testimonies of the beneficiaries and projects’ officers, some proposal of solutions and examples of partnerships. In this document you will also find a brief explanation of the local context of good practices in the islands followed by the presentation of a good practice per each municipality. The contacts and technical details of each practice are available on a CDROM that accompanies the brochure. Through those you can get in touch with the responsible for those good practices and get to know the knowhow and the experience needed to implement them in you territory.

There are still many good practices to disclose. Therefore, this brochure does not contain all of them, but only a part of the effort of each municipality to promote local development. We appreciate all who participated in the making of this document. We wish that you find some example that can be replicable in your territory.

Finally, this guide is the result of the efforts of cape-verdean municipalities, the National Association of Cape-Verdean Municipalities, the Prime Minister Office Local Development Unit and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), working through the Local Platforms Program for the 2030 Objectives, funded by the Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo.



Boa Vista island presents an enormous touristic development. However, the massification of tourism is not done in parallel with the human development that mainly works in the touristic sector. The island has a floating population of about 12 thousand inhabitants, number that exponentially grows in the high tourism season. Nowadays, the industry of tourism is expanding, but the touristic infrastructures and available accessibility do not allow to explore its riches.


Promotion of Entrepreneurship The Office of Entrepreneurship, called Financing Fund of Income-Generating Activities (FAAGER) was created by the City Council of Boa Vista and by the Municipal Financing Fund with the goal of facilitating the access of the young people to fast mechanisms of financing. The need was identified after the boom of touristic growth that occurred in the island f Boa Vista, motivated by the opening of the international airport in 2007. In this sense, the autarchy identified not only an opportunity for investment but also an opportunity to support the young people and the sector of the population that were excluded of the economic circuit or that were under the conditions of underemployment, but that showed great interest, will and vision to undertake. FAAGER carries out actions of training destined for the projects promoters, in particular in the areas of elaboration, follow-up and evaluation, entrepreneurship and management of small business. The

requests for financing are made directly to the banks. The Committee of Project Evaluation has to approve the requests, while the final decision is taken by the Financing Institutes. The process of project identification is conducted by the promoters, at the individual or collective level, and the requests cannot be made by a group of more than 4 people. The City Council follows-up the income-generating activities, using the forms of the FAAGER Manual. This means that this practice does not limit itself to make financing available, but follows-up the development of monthly activities, taking into account the impact on the individual or collective income of the promoters. Thus, the mentioned office supports all the young people that intend to start their own business or that already have some business. During the year, the office develops a series of activities in partnership with the High School of Boa Vista, local associations and Pro-Empresa.

Good Practices of the Project Direct actions of technical support to the young people and financing; commitment of project follow-up in both phases of implementation and business follow-up. Commitment of supporting women heads of households in order to improve their life conditions; facilitation on economic and social integration of unemployed people; direct actions of reinforcement of local employment initiatives, promotion of selfemployment, commitment with regard to projects of the community associations and contribution for the development of their communities; direct incidence in other sectors of local economy; valorization of local resources, both human and material, commitment with projects of positive environmental impact.

Beneficiaries In total there are 37 beneficiaries, 35 individuals and two small companies (a poultry and an electricity company). Among the beneficiaries there are students from the High School of Boa Vista, young people that intended to expand or have their own business, thus having access to the labor market, women heads of households, the City Council of Boa Vista itself and the banking institution – BCN – who is a partner of the project.


Budget 100.000 CVE Municipal Financing Fund

100.000 CVE Anual Prize Young Entrepreneur

100.000 CVE Anual Prize Creative and Innovative Business Idea

65.194 CVE

150.000 CVE

100.000 CVE

Entrepreneurship Municipal Gala

Entrepreneurship Municipal Forum

monthly salary of each technician

2 Technicians hired to work in the Office

Duration: 5 renewable years, since 2009

Results 35 young people benefited from the fund; There was the expansion of companies through the fund and consequently greater economic growth; 3 young people benefited from the Prize Young Entrepreneur; 3 students (female) from the High School benefited from the Prize Creative and Innovative Business Idea; 6 companies of the island were distinguished during the Entrepreneurship Gala;

Through the Municipal Financing Fund 35 projects were financed in different areas: • 5 in the area of fishing; • 12 in the area of commerce; • 4 for the creation and expansion of poultries; • 2 for the expansion of carpentries; • 1 in the area of vehicle renting; • 1 in the area of restaurant; • 4 in the area of agriculture; • 3 in the area of livestock; • 1 for the expansion of an electricity company; • 1 for the opening of a boutique; • 1 for the opening of a bar.


Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) The Municipal Financing Fund allowed the financing of fishing, agriculture, commerce and poultry projects in many villages in the interior of the island, allowing job creation and valorizing the local human and material resources and therefore contributing to the development of the communities. The practices promoted by the projects financed by the fund respect the environment, always allowing a positive impact over it. With regard to the gender equality issue, the fund also supports women heads of households, empowering them and improving their life conditions. When promoting and supporting the local job initiatives and stimulating self-employment, the fund promoted the social and economic integration of unemployed people, revitalizing, at the same time, many sectors of economy.

Replicability The project can be replicated in all the islands of Cabo Verde since they all have a touristic potential, despite their particularities and differences. However, due to the geographic similarities and touristic perspectives, the islands of Maio and Sal have greater probability of being successful in short term. The creation of an entrepreneurship office, the Municipal Fund of Income-Generating Activities and of all the activities developed by the office can be replicated in other municipalities of the country, being able to benefit entrepreneurship, the people’s life conditions and the economic development of the territory.

Partnerships Association “Varandinha de Povoação Velha”, Association of the Artisans of Boa Vista, High School of Boa Vista, School of the Neighborhood of Boa Esperança, Pro-Empresa (Agency of Business Development), municipal delegations, youth centers (Youth Center of Sal Rei and youth centers from all the villages of the island).



The island of Brava, located in the group of Sotavento’s Island, is the smallest island and has a single municipality with a population of approximately 7 thousand inhabitants. United with the island of Fogo, Brava is known as the island of flowers. Of volcanic origin, as are the other islands of the archipelago, it has a very rich soil which is appropriate for agriculture and livestock. The lack of air and maritime transport from and to Brava puts it for decades now in a situation of isolation that, however, may be reversed.


ÁGUABRAVA ÁGUABRAVA, Inter-Municipal Water Company of Fogo and Brava, SA, is an anonymous society that resulted from the transformation, in 2011, of the limited company with the same designation and same goal of the one that was created in 2001. With a share capital of 12 thousand escudos, fully subscribed and paid, the society has as shareholders the three municipalities of Fogo Island (Sao Filipe, Santa Catarina and Mosteiros) and the one municipality of Brava, and has as goals: • The management and exploitation of the systems of production, storage, transport and distribution of drinking water for public, domestic and industrial use; • The bottling, distribution and sale of water to the public; • The management and exploitation of renewable and alternative energy; • The collection, treatment and reuse of waste water; • The collection and treatment of liquid and solid waste; • The provision of services in the respective areas of activities.

In line with the legislation applicable to anonymous society, it constitutes governing bodies of the company the General Assembly composed of shareholders entitled to vote, a Board of Administration composed by three members elected by the General Assembly for mandates of four years, and a Fiscal Council. The everyday executive management is delegated to an Administratordelegate. In operational terms, the company detains 258 miles of water pipes (196 moles in Fogo and 40 miles in Brava). Its daily average water production is of 2.450m3, having produced in 2014 a total of 889.635m3. The company supplies a total of 10.106 clients (July 2015), having invoiced 501.955m3 in 2014. In both islands they have a total of 117 workers. When it comes to financial performance, by the end of 2014 the company registered a total active of 350 thousand escudos, from which 234.1 thousand escudos of fixed assets. The invoicing reached 109.3 thousand escudos in the same year, amount that is under the operational costs registered in the same year (153.4 thousand escudos), what contributed to a negative net result of -7.8 thousand escudos in the period.



Maio is an island of Cabo Verde with a single municipality of the same name and which city is called Porto InglĂŞs. Although it is of volcanic origin, the island is today a plane surface due to the erosion caused by the constant action of the trade winds. Until the XX century, it was a major exporter of sea salt. Among its attractions we find vast beaches of golden sand and crystal water in many shades of blue, almost unexploited and with great conditions for the practice of nautical and aquatic sports. Maio has a great potential for fishing and agriculture besides tourism.


Participatory Budget The Participatory Budget is an instrument of public management, essentially municipal, that allows the participation of the communities in the allocation of municipal resources, definition of priorities and in the follow-up of the use of budgetary resources, taking from the local and central powers the exclusivity in deciding on how and where to use such resources. In the opinion of some, it is a way to “democratize democracy�. The advocates of this model state that the participation of the citizens in the management of public affairs every 4 years, and through elections, is not sufficient for them to influence the course of action that, at the end, daily shape their lives. That is why they propose adding direct democracy to the representative democracy. According to this model of public management, besides choosing their representatives, the citizens are also a part of the discussion and influence the course of actions, giving common people the possibility of participating in the debate over one of the most important tools of public policy, the budget. In this perspective, the Government of Cabo Verde in its governing programme for the present legislature gives emphasis to giving back the power to the citizens, the civil society organizations, the communities, private sector and companies, whenever these can do better than the State. The City Council of Maio, framed in this perspective, opt for a participatory budget as a mean to engage the municipalities of all villages in the process of local development. Such process not only allows de adjustment of public policy to the needs and desires of the local population, but also leads to a greater accountability by the municipalities themselves in the management of public affairs and a better rationalization of the scarce existing human, finance and material resources.


Good Practices of the Project • Strong adherence of the island’s whole population; • Great interaction between Local Power and communities; • Full knowledge of the communities and their local needs; • Great engagement of the communities in defining their priorities;

Beneficiaries The villages through the materialization of the measures proposed in the Participatory Budget.


52.645.912$00 CVE

Duration: The community meetings for gathering

information on the local needs and consequently definition of the priorities happened during a period of two years, being 5 villages covered in 2014, and the rest in 2015.

Results • Restored neighborhood and villages; • Access to water; • Public job opening; • Improvement of the teaching infrastructure;

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • Public job opening; • Improvement of the system of supplying desalinated water; • Greater engagement of the population in the process of local development.


Replicability This model of management of public affairs can be replicated in any municipality of the country since it has been well accepted by the population for the following reasons: • The engagement of the citizens in the process of community development is, in fact, real, and it makes them feel important for the role they play; • For being engaged, the citizens commit themselves to value the “public investment” done in constructions, the actions and initiatives that, at the end, were also their choice; • The citizens can contribute to improve the relationship between politicians and civil society, as long as the first fulfill what was agreed in community meetings. So, this is the model of management of public affairs that stimulates greater accountability by the public actors.

Partnerships • General Direction of Decentralization and Local Administration (DGDAL); • European Union (EU); • Institute Marquês de Valle Flor (IMVF); • City Council of Loures.



In 2014, Fogo Island was hit by another volcanic eruption which affected the development of the island. Many initiatives were set up to ensure the recovery of the population affected by this natural phenomenon resulting in a set of good practices that promote both the local development and the increase of the resilience capacity of the inhabitants when facing the consequences of the volcanic eruption.


Santa Catarina: Cooperative Wine Chã das Caldeiras As of 1998, with the technical and financing support of the Italian Cooperation and the NGO COSPE (Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries) and with the partnership of Association of the Farmers of Chã das Caldeiras, the production of wine and the growing of grapevines grew quantitatively and qualitatively. The potential for producing wine has to do with the climate of the territory (dry and hot) and with the temperature oscillation between day and night and the hot and cold season, as well as the many hours of sun during the vegetative cycle and the volcanic fertile soil. In a normal rainfall year the production is of great quality, with a considerable alcohol content.

The project of developing fruit farming in Cabo Verde, financed by the Italian Cooperation and in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, built in the 90’s the Adega/Cooperative Chã das Caldeiras that nowadays produces the Wine “Chã”. In 1998 it started the production of white wine; in 2003 the rose wine; and, since 2005, a seet wine made of raisins called “Passito”. To use the grape marc, the same wine cellar produces a distilled called “Bagaceira” and another one enriched in digestive endemic herbs of the region of Chã das Caldeiras. In the area of Achada Grande, it was created the Cellar Sodade, with the help of the projects “Support to the communities of Fogo island for the valuing of natural resources and local products” financed by the Italian Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and the “Support to wine production in Fogo island” co-financed by the European Union. Both were executed by COSPE, in partnership with the Association Farmers of Chã das Caldeiras, the City

Council of Santa Catarina, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Association of the Farmers of Achada Grande, the City Council of Mosteiros and the Natrual Park of Fogo. Nonetheless the last volcanic eruption that destroyed the work of many years, the wine production did not end. In the present, in a provisory cellar, the partners continue the process of winemaking, impeding them to drastically compromise their economic condition. Obviously in 2015, when there were still lava in Chã das Caldeiras from the 2014 eruption, the wine production decreased. Before the volcanic eruption, the wine production was estimated at 110.000 bottles. This year, 2017, it is expected to reach about 80.000 bottles. The expectation is that, with the construction of the new cellar, the production will go back to the productivity before 2015.


Good practices of the project The experience of Chã das Caldeira represents a long and slow process, which allowed a whole community to create a professional business and which products today represent the identity of Fogo Island. The Adega/Cooperative Chã das Caldeiras is still investing in equipment and in the training of the winegrowers and the partners of the cooperative so they can be able to take care of the grapes themselves and, consequently, guarantee a great product.

Results 1 Cellar created and operable for wine production (110.000 bottles per year); 1 cooperative created (107 partners, 40% women); increase of the profitability of the community of Chã das Caldeiras; acquisition of new equipment and technical assistance, financed by the European Union with the execution of the Italina NGO – COSPE.

Beneficiaries The Association of farmers is composed by 107 partners, being 40% women heads of households. In the beginning, there were only eight partners that, with sacrifice and effort, worked to increase the number of associates, and each member representing a family of Chã das Caldeiras. In general terms, the Community of Chã das Caldeiras is the main beneficiary of the project, but also are the touristic and commercial operators of Fogo, as well as public institutions.

Budget 176.802.555,11 CVE of foreign financing; 11.050.177,79 CVE of local and national financing Duration: Since 1998


Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) The growing of grapevines is today the biggest success of agriculture in Chã das Caldeiras, the wine quality improved and production volume met and exponential growth during the years. Wine production became the most important economic activity of the locality, engaging young people and adults, men and women. Thus, the life conditions of the population were improved, which helped increasing the school level of adolescents and children and improving the women’s quality of life. The specificity of the women tasks, such as bottling and labelling, had an immediate reflex in their economic autonomy and, consequently, in promoting gender equality.

Replicability In a small reality as the one from Fogo Island, the implementation of the cooperative model proves to be the only one that is viable to achieve the visible and lasting economic results. One of the strengths was the attitude of the farmers that recognized the importance of partnership that, being strong and solid, allowed the execution of the projects in the 90’s and in the first decade of the year 2000. From the same model, the next stage will be the transformation of fruits, which represents one more challenge for the community of Chã das Caldeiras and for the island of Fogo.

Partnerships COSPE (Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries); Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; European Union; Ministry of Agriculture and Environment; City Council of Santa Catarina; City Council of Mosteiros; Association of the Farmers of Chã das Caldeiras; Association Farmers of Achada Grande and Natural Park of Fogo.


Mosteiros: Coffee Spirit Lda. Coffee Spirit is a private project started in 2013, with the head office in the municipality of Mosteiros in partnership with the Association PróCafé. The goal of this project it the transformation of organic coffee for posterior commercialization in both intern and external market.

Good practices of the project • Organic production of selected coffee;

Beneficiaries Partners, producers and local farmers, local community. In general terms, the whole island of Fogo as well as all of Cabo Verde, taking into account that it is a brand with a future vision that is exported to the international market with a seal of quality.

Budget 60.000.000,00 (Approximately) Duration: It began in 2012 and is still ongoing.

Results • Expansion of the coffee growing area; • Increase of the coffee production;

• Expansion of the growing area with new plants;

• Training of coffee farmers and producers in the treatment of cultivation and pest control;

• Commitment in providing technical support to the farmers and producers through the production and use of organic fertilizers.

• Improvement in the system of harvesting and drying of cherries; • Set up of the transformation line at the old coffee factory; • Set up of the threshing machine: Areas of Paio Antonio and Cutelo Alto; • Sample exportation to Europe: 180kg to clients of Trabocca, 900kg to fairs in Tokyo, Japan, etc.


Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Job opening, especially for women heads of households; • Improvement of the acquisition capacity of the families beneficiaries, their means of life and the possibility of a healthy life; • Decrease of the social unrest in the community thanks to the job occupation; • Improvement of the technical abilities of women that are now more qualified to perform their different roles in society;

Partnerships • External Investor (Trabocca BV); • National Investor (Capital Consulting); • Association Pró-Café.


SĂƒO FILIPE: Suifogo Type of entity: Private Scope: Agribusiness

Context There is in the national market a great need of quality meat and its derivatives which is usually met through importation. In the meantime, Fogo island has a high number of animals, specially pigs and bovines. In front of this scenario, Manuel Mendes decided to create SUIFOGO. The company bets on the slaughter of animals (pigs and bovines) and in the commercialization of its derivatives, namely hamburgers and sausage, and it is now getting ready to launch the chorizo in the market. Initially, the bigger part of the production was destined for the city of Praia, through a net of supermarkets,

residential and hotels with whom SUIFOGO established partnerships. Nowadays, 60% of the production, estimated at around two tons/month, is commercialized in the marker of Sao Filipe. According to the manager, due to the great acceptance of the company’s products in the market (Sao Filipe and Praia), deriving from their high quality, SUIFOGO intends to increase its productive capacity and gain new markets, namely in the islands of Sal and Boa Vista to where he only timely sends the products. For now, thanks to the agreements reached with the unity of cheese production of Cutelo Capado and with the Paladar Cooperative, SUIFOGO will expand its business areas, starting the commercialization of pasteurized cheese and of fruit and legumes sweets and jams. In a first stage, the cheese will be commercialized in the national market (Praia and Sao Filipe) at a competitive price, combined with the quality of the product and a good presentation. In

the future, this product shall reach the touristic markets of Sal and Boa Vista. The unity of cheese production, that is properly equipped and that was recently powered-up resorting to renewable energies, in this case solar, has the capacity to produce 270 cheese/day. But an early stage it will only produce 160 cheese/day, an average of a thousand cheese per week. The commercialization of the products from Paladar Cooperative will also happen soon once SUIFOGO is only awaiting to get the packaging and other materials that are indispensable to put the products in the market in the best possible conditions.


Good practices of the project Engagement of the pastoral and agricultural community, job opening; improvement of the standard of living of the associates and everyone that is involved.

Budget Between 1 to 2 million escudos (according to the need and the possibility of acquiring equipment) Duration: Long life.


Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development):

• Engagement of the community;

• Improvement of the standard of live;

• Improvement of the standard of living of the producers and their families;

• Availability of finance resources by the farmers so they can invest on the education of their children;

• Revitalization of the local economy;

• Production of an ecologically tested cheese, with levels of quality that allow to preserve the environment.

• Increase of decent workplaces for women and men; • Creation of a service network that covers livestock production, milk transformation, manufacturing production, local and national transportation; • Improvement of the housing conditions of the families linked to the cooperative; • Creation of the designation of origin of the brand that produces cheese.

Replicability It can be applied in any region as long as there are conditions for such, namely human resources with knowledge in the area. The areas of cooperative grew gradually. Many capeverdeans territories showed interest in betting on this high quality product that can be conceived in low-water conditions and extreme climate.

Partnerships Partners associated to the cooperative.


Santiago is the island of Cabo Verde that has more municipalities – nine in total –and s where the capital of the country is – the city of Praia.


The island of Santiago is a wall of diversity, with enormous economic and touristic potential, and also in other areas that are still unexploited such as cultural and community services. The Good Practices in this island reflect the diversity and the riches of actors that form the local panorama, embracing many cases of success – over 34 – reason why the selection of good practices was not easy. Therefore, we opt for presenting a case study per each municipality.


Praia: Community Policing The project Community Policing rose in a context of partnership between the City Council of Lisbon and the City Council of Praia. In the framework of this collaboration, during two weeks agents from the Municipal Guard of the Capeverdean capital received a training that was given by technicians of the Municipal Police of Lisbon. Community Policing is a new model of policing that makes the citizens participate actively in the resolution of community problems, thus reinforcing urban security. Only a strong partnership that is based on trust among the Security agents, the community associations and community will allow to find solutions for the security problems that affect the city of Praia.

Good practices of the project • Clean-up campaign; • Open debates on community problems; • Daily visit to the elder, the sick people and the schools of the neighborhood Castelão; • Health fair; • Delivery of basic food baskets to needy families; • Awareness campaign on vectorial disease;

Beneficiaries • Community of Castelão; • 9 families received plots of land, besides the respective architecture project and the stability calculation; • Young people from the neighborhood of Castelão received materials from the construction of a Street Basket area; • More vulnerable residents in terms of food received basic food baskets; • Children from the neighborhood of Coqueiro received copies of the Code of Municipal Attitude during summer camp; • Street vendors of Castelão participated in a training on the methods and technics of handling food.


Budget: 100.000$00 CVE Duration: the project started in October 2016 in the neighborhood of Castelão.

Results • Concreting of three residences; • Delivery of 9 plots of land with their respective architecture project and stability calculation; • Construction of a Street Basket area.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • The shift of behavior in the community is visible since any community problem is solved together; • Protection of the environment is visible; • It is observed a bigger proximity and trust among the Municipal Guard agents, the Community Association and the Community; • The community feels stronger and healthier.

Replicability The project of Community Policing was presented in the neighborhood of Tira Chapeu and it is taking its first steps right now. It is, however, a project that can be replicated in another territory since there is little investment and it stimulates the engagement of the citizens in resolving the problems of the community.

Partnerships Community Association of Castelão; Command of the Station of Achada Sao Filipe; NGO – OLMI; Capeverdean Institute of the Child and Adolescent; EBI School; Day Care Center; Association SAFENDE TUDORA; Beldente Clinic.


Ribeira Grande: Sulada Copperative Alternative handicraft Sulada is the name of a handicraft and cosmetic production cooperative that started its activity in 2008 with the goal of improving the life conditions of 50 women that made a living by harvesting sand and other inert in the locality of Gouveia, municipality of Ribeira Grande of Santiago. After the literacy of these women – the first action accomplished -, Sulada carried out trainings in weaving, tapestry, tailoring and sewing, cosmetic, among others, with the support of the Spanish cooperation (ACCVE). This cooperative is divided in two sections: a traditional cosmetic and a local handicraft. The cosmetic section

Good practices of the project

produces in an artisanal way a set of products based in local raw materials such as Aloe Vera and “Purgeira” oil: soaps, shower gel, showering salts, deodorants. The handicraft section manually produces rag dolls, patchwork quilts, wallets made of patchwork quilts and sisal, baskets, tablecloths and coasters. The cooperative has a sales booth in the Largo of Pelourinho in the Historial Center of Cidade Velha, where they sale their products. It is also possible to buy the products of Sulada through an online order: and https://www.facebook/com/search/ top/?q=coop%20sulada.

• The cooperative produces in an artisanal way a set of products based in local raw materials such as Aloe Vera and “Purgeira” oil: soaps, shower gel, showering salts, deodorants; • The cooperative also produces rag dolls, patchwork quilts, wallets made of patchwork quilts and sisal, baskets, tablecloths and coasters;

Beneficiaries: 50 women that made a living by harvesting sand and other inert in the locality of Gouveia, municipality of Ribeira Grande of Santiago. Budget: 1.000.000$CVE Duration: since 2008, 9 years.


Results • Elimination of the sand harvesting, contributing to the protection of the beaches and, in general of the environment;

Replicability The project can be replicated in any other region, as long as there are local raw material that allows the transformation of different products, human resources with technical abilities and a structure for distributing and selling the products in the market.

• Promotion of local handicraft; • Job opening.

Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) 50 women, heads of households, trained in the areas of local handicraft and cosmetic products. They are today talented artisans what guarantees them a means of living and a salary to support their children.

Partnerships Agency of Cooperation Cabo Verde Spain (ACCVE), Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID); City Gende Council of Ribeira Grande Santiago; Capeverdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG); Ministry of Infrastructures, Housing and Territorial Organization (MIHOT), CITI Habitat, Association Laço Branco, Fundo Galego, City Council of Praia, Vigo, United Nations (UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA), Andorra, Japan, Ministry of Youth, General Direction of Commerce and Industry, Organization of the Women of Cabo Verde (OMCV).


Santa Catarina: Center of Education Ribeira Barca is a village located northwest of the island of Santiago, 10 miles from Assomada which is the main city of the municipality of Santa Catarina, and 62 miles from the capital of the country – Praia. It has 2317 inhabitants that mostly depend on

fishing and sand harvesting to provide for their families. Although it does not offer much resources, the locality is visited many times by tourists since it has some points of interest such as Águas Belas, Angra, Iscada (Ribeira em Cima), Porto, Charco and Achada Leite. Ribeira Barca is considered a poor locality, where the young people and children face many constraints in carrying on with their education. In order to fight school dropouts

and failure, that was really high, the Delegation of the Ministry of Education created a project in which parents/ guardians help improve the physical and pedagogical conditions of the school, namely through the financing of a school canteen, so their children can study in the same conditions as other students from other educational centers of the municipality.

Good practices of the project The Educational Center no. XXII of Ribeira da Barca started in the school year of 1999/2000, a true educational revolution that has been having extraordinary impacts in the local community. To fulfill this desideratum, the school implemented: • A model of participatory management, that delegates the skills for decision making over the educational center to the educational structures composed of parents/guardians, teachers and school administration; • A management model that is centered in the planning and monitoring of the pedagogical activities and in the use of a functional organic structure (organization chart), assisted by a light and operative bureaucratic structure; • A set of innovative projects as learn shops and recovery of students with learning disabilities, school garden in hydroponic systems, library, multimedia room, drinkers and overhead projectors in the class rooms, center for sharing knowledge and pedagogical decisions (Pedagogical Center). • A strict and transparent management of the pecuniary resources of the parents/guardians (through the presentation of quarterly balances) with tangible results of the trust increase of these parents/guardian in the administration.




Direct beneficiaries: 386 students and 22 teachers (including the local management team).

• 90% increase of parents contribution in the financing of the school canteen and other activities of the educational center (5% in the previous management to 95% in the present one);

Indirect beneficiaries: 2317 (the population of Ribeira Brava)

• Considerable decrease of the failure rate (33% in the previous management to less than 10% in the present one);

Budget 7550.000$00 CVE

Duration: Since 1999, 18 years.

Parcerias CV TELECOM; Parents/guardians; Teachers; Bornefondem (almost being withdrawal from the country); EBIS project, supported by the Austrian Cooperation (already extinct); Capeverdean Foundation of Educational Social Action (FICASE).

• Equipped multimedia room (28 computers) • Motivated teachers and highly engaged community in the success of the students.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development): • Increase of the level of trust of parents/guardians in the education and management of the school; • School and management of reference at a national level; o

Manger rewarded with a medal of honor of third-degree by the ex-Prime Minister;

o School distinguished as a Model School – “Friend of Children”’ • School with prestige outside the country: participation in the Forum “Sustainable Education” organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Viana de Castelo in 2015.

Replicability This project can be replicated in any part of Cabo Verde and in any other latitude, as long as there is the will to innovate and a leadership with the ability to inspire and open doors in the participation of the school life.


Santa Cruz: Network of inclusive health The municipality of Santa Cruz is, according to official statistics, one of the poorest of Cabo Verde, despite its economic potential in the areas of agriculture, fishing, livestock and rural tourism. In front of this, in the last 10 years, the City Council spent great part of its budget helping the poorest people by supporting their medical costs, social housing, funeral requests and feeding. To oppose this logic of functioning, the City Council of Santa Cruz decided to promote mutual health organizations based on the saving of the families that fund the costs of health and funeral services of their loved ones, ensuring their socio-family protection. The mutual organization provides two services: i) primary health care, which you join for 300$00 CVE, being subject to the payment of a monthly fee of

240$00 CVE; ii) funeral services that charges a registration fee of 1500$00 CVE and a monthly fee of 300$00 CVE. In the primary health care, the families enjoy of many benefits: 75% discount in the purchase of medicine in the pharmacies; 6000$00 CVE for up to 3 hospitalizations per year; 2500$00 CVE for small surgeries; 3000$00 CVE for the transport of the sick to the health establishment; coverage of medical analyses and exams; 19699$00 CVE of an annual prize for the partners that assiduously participate in the mutual organizations meetings, do not fail paying their fees and are able to get at least two partners for the organization per year. The funeral services grant the families the value of 8000$00 CV per death, according to the number of adherence years in the organization. The mutual organization has now a third service which consists in offering secondary health care to support the families for treatments done in private clinics when there are long public waiting lists.

Good practices of the project • The project allowed a shift of mentality and behavior of the people of Santa Cruz, that now assume fully financing of their social protection and health care. For a fee of 240$00, each family benefits from medical and medicine assistance, among other services. • The municipal resources that were once used to support the funeral and health costs of the municipalities are now being used to finance projects of development such as the construction of squares, cobble streets, restore streets, improve public illumination, requalification of sports equipment, among others. • The families of the municipality now see the money spent on health care not as costs but as investments; • Solidarity is now a great focus among the members of the mutual organization.


Beneficiaries In the present, 604 families of Santa Cruz benefit from this project of mutual organization, which integrates a great mutualistic network that covers the whole island of Santiago, gathering more than five thousand families. In Santa Cruz, mutuality also integrates the providers of municipal services that are not covered by INPS (National Institute of Social Security). However, the main beneficiary is the City Council of Santa Cruz that now assumes the costs of health and funeral services of the poorest families of the municipality, thus allowing to invest the once spent money in other municipal projects.

Budget It is a network of over 5 thousand registered families that contributes with 240$00 CVE per month. Duration: It started in November 2015.

Results • 607 families in Santa Cruz and about 5 thousand families in the whole island of Santiago are now protected with social security, having available health care and funeral services; • The same families were instructed on the relevance and the benefits that a mutual organization can offer to its associates; • The municipality of Santa Cruz now channels all the resources of its budget to other community projects.


Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development)


The mutual organization has a positive impact in some elements of human development, such as:

It can be developed in any community and to any social class once it only requires an organizational capacity.

• The act of the families in saving to invest in family health helped improve the economy of care; • The potentiation of behavior and attitude shifts to the family and community life; • The promotion of solidarity as a greater good and a heritage that enriches the personal and family spirit for local development.

Partnership Cooperative Forum, Mutual Organizations of Santiago and Maio.


São Domingos: Pilot Project -

Ecological House COB

Good Practices of the Project • An eco-friendly construction: o It does not use cement nor iron; o It uses a very small amount of sand;

Social housing is one of the main problems for low-income families and, therefore, also a problem for local and central authorities. On the other hand, there is in Cape Verde a significant number of young graduated people, yet unemployed. Thus, taking advantage of the presence of an American trainer in the country, the Municipal Council of São Domingos promoted a practical training on ecological house building, based on the substitution of materials traditionally used in Cape Verde by COB, a raw material that is fireproof, highly resistant to earthquakes and composed by clay, sand and straw.

o It is a way to recycle solid waste (such as PET bottles and glass). • Young people training for market intervention on this field, demanding the hiring of an environmental engineer, a professor, an architect, a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter and two bricklayers. • Significant decrease on house building costs.

Beneficiaries • 8 (eight) qualified professionals for building technique with COB – An environmental engineer, a professor, an architect, a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter and two bricklayers. • Entities related to environmental conservation and preservation. • The local community that can benefit from a cheaper and eco-friendly social housing with COB.

Budget 2.200.000$00 CVE Duration: It began on 4th July 2016


Results • An eco-friendly house building that hosts a family and receives permanent visits from tourists participating on activities related to the environment and eco-tourism; o Ornamental, endemic and aromatic plants; o Floriculture; o Fruit farming; o Restoration (to be implemented); o Family hosting (to be implemented);

Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Creation of self-employment; • Resolution of social housing problems for low-income families in rural areas; • Opportunity for the families to take direct advantage from tourism (visits, restoration, family hosting in bungalows made of COB, etc.).

• A group of 8 (eight) qualified professionals to replicate the project;

Replicability The qualification of 8 (eight) professionals on building technique in COB, connected with the possibility and facility of bringing the trainer to Cape Verde once again, may turn the project easy to replicate in any part of Cape Verde, with a significant impact on the resolution of social housing issue and the development of rural and eco-tourism.

Partnership • Citi Habitat; • Municipal Council of São Domingos.


São Lourenço dos Órgãos: Vocational and Professional Training Center (VPTC) The Vocational and Professional Training Center (VPTC) offers to young people of São Lourenço dos Orgãos, Santa Cruz, São Domingos, São Salvador do Mundo and Santa Catarina opportunities to take a professional training in several areas, mainly tourism and agribusiness, which has a great potential in these municipalities. The objective is to prepare them for the job market and, therefore, contribute for the local development and mitigate the high level of poverty and unemployment that affects the great majority of these municipalities.

Good practices of the project


• It contributes for a better education and knowledge of our History and Culture;

• Unemployment and poverty decrease, mainly in rural Santiago;

• It promotes the selfemployment and helps to decrease the unemployment among young people;

• Promotion of selfemployment and creation of new businesses conducted by qualified and innovative people;

• It contributes for the sustainable and economic growth/development; • It promotes a better education, teaching the know-how and to do; • Training on Dual format (Theory/Practice), which allows the trainees to easily get and develop the theoretical knowledge in labor field.


8.000.000 CVE

Duration: 2015 - Undefined

• Improvement on skills and quality of the trainees;

Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Dynamic into the communities of rural Santiago, • Innovation at the institutions related to CCFPO.


Replicability It is possible to create brunches and partnerships with public and private institutions that can actively contribute for the development and growth of other regions of the country, according to the needs and opportunities they offer.

Partnerships Ministry of Economy and Employ; General Direction of Tourism and Transport; Municipal Councils; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries; Embassy of United States of America in Cabo Verde; Luxembourg Cooperation; IEFP; FPEF; General Direction of the Environment; Hotel Praiamar; Pensão Benfica; Kebra Cabana; Hotel VIP Praia; NOSI; Charles Company; Tei Telecomunicações; INIDA; University of Santiago; University Jean Piaget Cabo Verde.


São Miguel: Modernizing the Public Administration Since few time ago residents, entrepreneurs and emigrants natural from São Miguel Municipality had to go to Tarrafal or Praia city, which are located 20km and 42km away respectively, to be assisted at the Finances or Casa do Cidadão (Citizen House) at the respective Municipal Council facilities. Hereinafter, all the council services, as well as the services from other public institutions, are located at just one place, bringing significant results in what comes to efficiency, speed and users satisfaction.

Good practices of the project


• Possible solicitation of several services in just one place with in loco assistance and process of the requested documents (sketches, cadastral and birth certificate, taxes, TIN declaration and others).

• Improvement on the business environment;

• Introduction of technological innovation, namely optic fiber


All São Miguel population


3.500.000$00 CVE Duration: It began on March 2017

• No more bureaucracy; • Increase on the efficiency and quality of the services provided to users Rapprochement between the Council Administration and the residents;

• Satisfaction guarantee for the users; • Improvement on the Council image among the stakeholders; • Introduction of Optic Fiber, which significantly improved all the Council services.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • Dwell time reduce at public services; • Increase of the public employees’ self-esteem; • Improvement on time management for the families; • Legal procedure simplification.


Replicability The project can be replicated at all the Council’s delegations.

Partnerships Casa do CidadĂŁo; National Direction of State Revenue.


São Salvador do Mundo: FAMI PICOS The Association of Support for Family Self-Promotion Initiatives – FAMI Picos provides services of voluntary saving and credit for its members. Founded on 1997 from the fusion of three saving and mutual credit located at São Salvador do Mundo, and two more, located at Santa Catarina, on 2000. Through its individual methodology, FAMI Picos provides credit mainly for consumption, house remodeling and productive microcredit. By December 2016, FAMI-PICOS had a wide credit portfolio with the amount of 56.693.342$00, which included 682 active clients, with the average credit of 83.128$00 per client.

Good practices of the project • Beginning of a democratic management based on collective control and application of one member/one vote principle; • Solidarity and self-help among the members; • Compromise to contribute for the economic and social integration development of the members and their communities; • Promotion of economic, social, cultural and associative education of the members; • Promotion of the mutual associativism principles and good management practices, contributing for a social and economic inclusion of the aimed communities. • Graduated and technical professionals trainees host, as well as international students collecting information for their master and PHD thesis . Partner on the Water Basins of Picos Project management, FAMI Picos also participates on the Protected Areas of Serra Malagueta Project management in what comes to microcredit.


60.000.000 CVE

Duration: 1997, Undefined


Results • Increase on the number of employees from 4 at the to 11 currently; • Increase on the number of members from 265 to over 2000 actives; • Increase on all sort of services provided from 2 (saving and credit) to 3 (money transfer); • Increase of new smallentrepreneurs; • Increase of the ONG credibility both intern and externally; • Creation of CRP-STC to mitigate the poverty in rural areas; • Creation of Mutual Health and Social Protection;

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • Improvement on Intern Control and on the Information and Management System; • Improvement on life conditions and purchase power of the members in financial, cultural, social and professional levels, which contributes for the poverty decrease in rural areas and the increase of local wealth; • Creation of self-employment;

Replicability It is a proximity and micro financial service that promotes local wealth and can be expanded to all Santiago Island.

Partnerships Central and Local Government, USADF, UCP/PNLP, Luxembourg Cooperation, Project Protected Areas, Project Water Basin of Picos and Engenhos.


Good practices of the project

Tarrafal: DELTA Cultura Tarrafal is, since always, one of the municipalities that brings most of the athletes in several modalities, athletes who never had any sort of sport training. In communities of Ponta Gato and Covão Sanches, Delta Culture manages an Education Center that uses soccer to promote better social conditions to 350 children coming from poor families.


1.000.000 CVE

Duration: 2005 - Undefined.

This projects employs 15 local people;

It receives over 100.000€ coming from other countries and which is applied on the local community;

It helps 250 families with free school support for children.

It manages the free kindergarten of the Council;


It receives approximately over 40 volunteers from all over the world during the whole year. It promotes the culture with a group f Batuku whose curriculum includes national and international performances.

• Higher levels of education; • More critical thinking; • Improvement on children health; • Training and inclusion of children and young people; • Unemployment decrease; • Visibility of the community with the international volunteers participation; • Improvement on the access to training and information through the donations; • Increase on Gender Equality.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • Awareness of the needs of social changing; • Preparing the children for the future; • Increase of parents awareness about the importance of following their children growth; • Appreciation of the human being in the society;




The social area offers many intervention possibilities, therefore the work done by Delta Culture can be reproduced in other contexts with the ONG’s support, which is available to share its experiences.

Streetfootballworld, FIFA-Football for Hope, Municipal Council of Tarrafal, Ministry of Social Inclusion.



São Nicolau, with 12 thousand inhabitants, has an aerodrome, at Preguiça, Ribeira Brava Council, through which the island connects to the closer islands Sal and São Vicente. Certainly, São Nicolau is one of the most beautiful islands of Cape Verde, with a great potential of development in farming and tourism, mainly in mountain tourism focused on trails exploration and sports like trekking, climbing, mountaineering and rappel.


Ribeira Brava: CRP (Regional Commission of Local Partners) The scarcity of natural resources, the insularity and associated costs, the irregular rain urged to Cape Verde islands, especially after being proclaimed of Medium Development Country (MDC), the need to find alternative ways to support local economies.

São Nicolau Island, which was isolated and aside from national development for years, remained authentic during this whole time, preserving habits, traditions, knowledge and cultural, material and immaterial heritage. Aware that there is na increasing niche of tourists lovers of History and Culture, the CRP (Regional Commission of Partners) of São Nicolau created a network that promotes the cultural and natural diversity of the island that, once qualified, shall bring

excellent touristic products on creative industries, religious, nautical, entertaining, investigation and events domain, etc. This network includes a web platform (, which is also on the largest social media of the world ( SodadeSaoNicolau).

Good practices of the project • Exhaustive inventory of all the cultural heritage of the island (material and immaterial) with the support of the populations; • Deep investigation and information production aim the narrative of each asset identified ; • Creation of a data base; • Local promotion about the assets; • Creation of a WEB platform, for promotion and marketing; • Training of local touristic agents (entrepreneurship, kitchen and restoration, tourist guides); • Opening of touristic information centers;


Beneficiaries • Local communities;

Budget 2.541.789,59 CVE Duration: This project began on April 24th 2014 and it ended on May 22nd 2016.

• Young graduated; • Local artists; • Municipal Councils; • 9 young people, who created tourism microenterprises, some of them with graduation and professional training in this area; •

Qualification in the following areas:

Results • Inventory of the cultural assets of the island and creation of a data base; • Training in entrepreneurship; • Training in gastronomy; • Training in history and culture of the island; • Training of tourist guides; • Creation of a web platform for the island promotion;

o Theatre (10 people)

• Creation of microenterprises connected to tourism;

o Dance (10)

• Introduction of safeguard measures and promotion of the assets in inventory:

o Music (10) o Development of the museum heritage (15) o Basic cooking (12) o Patrimony and culture management (13 people) o Cultural agents (12 people)

o Fishing Museum; o Ruins of whaling stations; o Minor roads; o Ancient seminary/high school; o Carnival; o Signage;


Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Increase and diversification of the touristic offer; • Manifest and increasing interest on the island as a touristic destination; • Progressive interest on the island as a destiny investment of added value; • Qualified tourist guides; • Young people trained in entrepreneurship;

Replicability It is possible to replicate this network in any context if taken some adjustments.

Partnerships • CRP (Regional Commission of Local Partners); • European Union; • Municipal Council of Tarrafal; • Municipal Council of Ribeira Brava



Santo AntĂŁo Island offers a high work potential thanks to the local institutions dynamism and the interest of partners from International Cooperation to work on this island. Indeed, it is a prior region for development of tourism coming from France and also due to the strong potential of farming and fishing development.

48 This potential may, mainly, become a weakness if all the sector actions on the territory are not coordinated. To balance and better coordinate these actions, Technical Office Inter-Council and the Association of the Councils of Santo Antão created a space where the partners of the decentralized and international partners and the local agents debate and reflect about the projects, becoming thus main actors of a good inter-council practice. The Technical Office inter-council has worked for 15 years, having as main responsibilities the implementation of development plans for Santo Antão Island, which had a great impact on strategic projects and on the improvement on the population life quality. At this moment, GTI is going through a strategic reformulation process in order to adapt to the new technical needs and with an

ongoing draw of local strategic plans. Further, the Plan for Sustainable Development of Santo Antão Island shall be developed. In what comes to finances, the Association of Residents of Santo Antão (AMSA) is supported by with funds coming from annually quotas paid by member resident, the payment of the assets and services use taxes, heritages, donations, legacies and grants or co-participation coming from Central Administration, National or International Cooperation or and from outstanding loans. As for the nature of the intervention territory space, AMSA covers a territory of 785km2, comprehending the councils of Ribeira Grande of Santo Antão (168km2), Paúl (49km2) and Porto Novo (568km2), which brings special challenges concerning the regional planning, space planning, management of shared resources

and others. During its existence, AMSA has greatly contributed for studies and diagnostics of regional nature and also for the planning of Santo Antão Island development and to move resources and implementation of regional projects – through its “operational arm”, the Inter-council Technical Office of Santo Antão (GTI-SA). It shall also be highlighted, among its great accomplishments, the elaboration of Santo Antão Regional Development Plans. The first plan (PDSA I) was elaborated on 1994/1997, the second (PDSA II) on 1998/2001 and the third (PDSA III) on 2011/2015. In this aspect Santo Antão stands as the island where the regional development planning has achieved higher levels– due to AMSA -, serving as a model and inspiration for the creation of intercouncil associations in other islands of the country with more than one council.


Paúl: Equality and Gender Office The search of equal rights and opportunities through council policies is more than just identifying the differences between the genders. It means that each specific situation demands adjustments with positive actions. Therefore, it is highly important that this changing challenge is seriously taken not only as a balance of the lack of opportunities for women, but also as a transformation in the relationship between women and men. By creating Equality and Gender Office, the Municipal Council of Paúl convened the society to advance on the gender equality construction, making this former its main focus of action not excluding the specific needs of women and men.

Good practices of the project Action principles: • Decrease of inequalities between the genders to strengthen the democracy and to promote social justice; • Planning, implementation and evaluation for active construction of gender equality; • Deconstruction of sexist and discriminating stereotypes in order to develop a culture of gender equality; • Concentration of efforts to integrate the perspective of gender in all the intervention areas.


7.973.713,134 CVE

Duration: Undefined

Results • Creation of a Equality and Gender Office; • Decrease on Gender-Based Violence cases in the Council; • Psychological and legal assistance for the victims, • Provision of community services;


Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) • Increase of opportunities to correct gender inequality in public services access (education, training, health, justice and social protection); • Promotion of changes on discriminative social representations based on gender to establish personal, familiar and public relationships based on mutual respect and the universal principle of equality between women and men; • Introduction to gender perspective in every area of the Council power of action, in public institutions located in the Council as well as all the associations for the community development.

Replicability This pilot project was replicated in other councils.

Partnerships Municipal Council of Paúl, Health Center, ICIEG, Fondo Galego, Government of Cabo Verde.


Porto Novo: Monte Trigo Monte Trigo is a fishing community located at 60 km south of Porto Novo city, with almost 400 inhabitants. Because of its location, the isolation is high, which brings great difficulties that limits the possibilities of improvement on life quality.

Since 2000, after the Municipal Council has built a small central equipped with groups of generators that works with fossil fuel (diesel), Monte Trigo started to benefit from electric energy which gave the population that depends on fishing the possibility to store the fishing. The Municipal Council of Porto Novo also took advantage from an European

Union funding to build, through an instrument called “Energy Facility”, a photovoltaic central that produces 100% renewable energy, with 39.3 Kwp of power and battery autonomy for two days which provided an energy distribution grid for 5km that, among other benefits, took the public lightning (22 lamps) to Tarrafal of Monte Trigo.

Good practices of the project • According to the tariff category of each resident, a daily energy quantity is provided; • The charge fluctuations are strong and predictable; • There is rationalization of the energy available. The signs of excess and energy restriction are received through communication lines which allows to know the used value every time. ; • The incandescent lamps were substituted for lamps of low consumption; • A unity of ice production was implemented (House of Ice) and it works with the energy excess from the central. With a production capacity of 500 kg/day, the unity works in average only 7 to 9 hours/day.

Budget 163.000.000 ECV Duration: three years


Results • More food safety; • Better programming and prediction on fishing activities; • Better access to telecommunication services; • More diversity on educational and entertaining services; • More business opportunities connected to rural tourism and trekking;

Replicability It is possible to replicate this project in all Cape Verde islands, councils or countries where communities are isolated and where there are natural conditions for renewable energy production.

• Decrease on women stress level due to domestic affairs; • Decrease on fossil fuels importation that are usually hard and expensive to take to the community; • Decrease on level of harmful gas for the atmosphere; • Decrease on the noise made by groups of generators that currently work 4 to 5 hours per day.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development): • Improvement on quality of life and poverty decrease (Objectives 1/ 3/ 4 – ODS); • Increase of food safety ( Objective 2 – ODS); • Access to clean energy 24/24h by safe, continuous and efficient way which stimulates the adoption of responsible consumption standards (objective 7/ 12- ODS); • Decrease on regional disparities (Objective 10 –ODS); • Increase on renewable energy use as a measure against climatic change (Objective 13 –ODS); • Establishment of public-private and community partnerships on behalf of Development (Objective 17 ODS).

Partnerships APP – Águas de Ponta Preta; TramaTecnoAmbiental; TransEnergie; Erhtec; IDMEC.


Ribeira Grande: Eletrification of Figueiras Ribeira Grande Council has 252 communities, 98% with electric lighting. However, there are two communities more isolated from the Council and totally landlocked, unreachable by car and with no future expectations on a connection to public electricity network: Figueiras, has

around 800 inhabitants grouped in 140 families, and Ribeira Alta has 400 inhabitants grouped in 60 families.

system but also provided the possibility to introduce energy efficiency measures in the mini-grids.

In order to decrease the implementation and maintenance costs of the mini-electrical power grids, as well as the greenhouse gas emission (GGE), the Municipal Council of Ribeira Grande made the hybridization of the mini-grids that operates in both these communities associating photovoltaic panels to the systems already existent.

Pre-paid meter were implemented in every house. This means that the families do only consume what they already paid for, a measure that contributes for economic and energy consumption reeducation. Besides, lamps were substituted lamps with small solar panels attached, which helps to save more energy.

These panels with energy batteries of accumulation attached di not only allow the adoption of a new managing

Good practices of the project • Engagement from the communities on the energy efficiency local promotion; • Remodeling of the electric grids already existent; • Awareness of the population on environmental issues.

Budget: 42.000.000 Duration: April, 2015– June, 2016



Impact on HLD

• Increase on local economic activities;

(Human and Local Development)

• Increase on the numbers of small stores;

• Decrease on socio-economic vulnerability of the rural communities from Figueiras and Ribeira Alta.

• Set of the first tourism project in the region; • Increase of the community safety during the night; • Decrease of life cost from local population; • Increase of the happiness and satisfaction of the local population due to energy implementation, since it allowed, although yet limited, the access to mobile telecommunication networks.

Replicability This project can be implemented in all the communities with no electricity de 24/24 or with a connection to public electricity like, for instance, the communities from Lagoa and Corvo, also in Ribeira Grande Council.

Partnerships ECOWAS – ECREEE, United, General Energy Direction, Global Environment Facility – GEF – SCP and Municipal Council of Ribeira Grande de Santo Antão.



Cape Verde has a natural distinctive history, with so much to be explored in what comes to the biodiversity and natural resources of the country. More than esthetic, spiritual, cultural, educational and entertaining value, this natural patrimony of the islands also holds economic benefits. Sal Island is target of many and several investments with touristic and economic expansion goals, these last with a great potential yet to be explored in order to produce direct and indirectly goods and resources to Cape Verde.

56 Project Biodiversity | Type of Entity: NGO | Area: Environment and education


Face to these circumstances a fragility of the natural environment, the balance between progress and environment conservation becomes, firstly, a necessity.

• Around 5 thousand children, young people and educators received environment education.

The vision and aim of Project Biodiversity is to establish a sustainable managing system of the island natural resources that motivates the rising economies to explore the ecosystems of the islands in a responsible way and that helps the population to become a community with environmental awareness economically strong.

Good practices of the project


In general, in the several programs implemented by Project Biodiversity:

• The environment;

• Establishments of partnerships that supports the conservation of the island natural resources; • Promotion of synergies among local authorities and private sector in the environment field • Promotion of volunteering ; • Promotion and awareness of sustainable actions; • Qualification of tourist guides on sustainable nature tours.

• Local population, through creation of more jobs in environment conservation and education field (schools and associations); • Tourism sector that started to explore the island natural resources from the moment its value were highlighted, making touristic tours to observe the nature.

Budge 1.500.000 ECV Duration: annual

• Over 30 local partnerships; • Implementation of 5 projects of sustainable actions in Sal island; • Production of promotion material.

Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Creation of new jobs, training and qualification on environment conservation; • Creation of conditions to develop nature tourism activities; • Awareness of the local Government and main stakeholders in order to solve environmental problems.


Partnerships US Fish and Wildlife Service, Oceans Foundation, ISSF, MAVA Foundation, National Direction of the Environment, 2º Regiment Armed Forces, Protected Area of Sal, National Police. Municipal Council of Sal, maritime-port Agency, ICCA, Ministry of Education, APP, Riu Turtle Foundation, Foundation Maio Biodiversity, Natura 2000, BiosCV, Ponta d’Pom, INDP Environmental Association Caretta Caretta, Project Vitó, Association Biflores, Mitu & Djo Kite School Oasis Atlântico, Odjo d’Água, Meliã, Hotel Morabeza, Guiantur, Travel Foundation, Queens Mary University, UniCV, University of Barcelona, Project Nôs Kaza, Centro Juvenil Chã de Matias, Castelos do Sal, Association Terra Boa (I e II), Inceptum Founndation, Explore CV, No limits, Tui, On-travel, Solutions

Replicability These good practices can be replicated by any other collaborative environmental project in Cape Verde.




São Vicente is the second most populated island of Cape Verde. Mindelo is the capital city of the island, an historic city and also the most cosmopolitan of the country. It is located among the Barlavento islands and i tis closely connected to Santo Antão due to the short distance between the islands. São Vicente has 7 communities that, together with the neighbor uninhabited island (Santa Luzia), it constitutes one district.

60 São Vicente has a great potential of development, especially on tourism, environment and farming sector. Thanks to the its International Airport “Cesária Évora” and its port, the biggest of the country, the island receives visitants from all over the world who comes for its beaches and cultural attractive. Recently, Mindelo hosted the Forum “Vision for the Agricultural Development of São Vicente – Challenges and Perspectives”, an initiative from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment in partnership with the local councils, a Forum that received both public and private sectors, as well as the organizations of the society, farmers and technicians that discussed about the situation, the challenges and strategies for the development of the agricultural sector. São Vicente has an exceptional participation in the Good Practices counting with tem examples of several field of local development

and its great impact on Human Development. Managed both by the Council and organizations of the society, these projects include social services for mentally ill, children in vulnerable situation, families with low resources, as well as initiatives of urban requalification and social housing, basic services of water access and sanitary and the preservation of nature and the environment. Face to the impossibility to feature all the practices, two among them were selected for analysis.


Project “Active Citizenship”, Atelier Mar Type of Entity: NOG

Boas Práticas do Projeto “Family Citizen” creates motivation and taste for the practice of good citizenship, leading the community on the understanding of the concept and citizen practices using several mechanisms such as speeches, games, community assemblies, seminaries and meetings, as well as graphic material for posters.

Area: Social and Community Development in São Vicente – PROMOTION

With “Family Citizen” card, which saves the “actions” of citizenship, families can assimilate these behaviors and put it in practice. This first motivation was made by tender.


Budget 1102,650 ECV

São Pedro is a fishing community where, since 2002, activities for social and community development are implemented. There has been implemented several training actions on fishing safety, fishing resources exploitation, environment protection, women empowering, acess to education and housing, associativism, entrepreneurship and others. Atelier Mar promotes, in the same community, the program “Family Citizen” which is destined to the whole community, including children.

Duration: two years

Results • A population that is aware of citizenship practices importance; • Active community association; • Behavior change based on civilization level, sanitary, solidarity and community participation; • A school with a highlighted roll.


Impact on HLD

(Human and Local Development) • Better school results; • More social cohesion; • More autonomy in the local community; • More individual responsibility and solidarity.

Replicability This project can be replicated in any community. However, it demands a previous diagnosis on the action program elaboration with periodic events destined to the whole population, and the engagement of every local social actors.

Partnerships Portuguese Cooperation and Government of Cabo Verde


Local Producers Network Type of Entity: CERAI – Center of Rural Studies and International Farming FICASE – Educational Social Action Cape-Verdean Foundation Area: The Local Producers Network supports the school feeding program from Ministry of Education of São Vicente Island. Context This intervention is in the strategy already implemented by CERAI, since 2009, in Cape Verde, namely in São Vicente Island, in order to continue previous projects, such as boosting sustainable production the farming associative structure and participative managing and sustainable school gardens.

The action takes place in São Vicente Island, aiming primary schools located in several suburbs neighborhoods of Mindelo city and also the farming areas. A ação desenvolve-se na ilha de São Vicente, tendo como grupo-alvo as escolas de Ensino Básico Integrado (EBI) situadas em diferentes bairros da periferia da cidade do Mindelo e em áreas de produção agrícola.

Good practices of the project Since 2016, with the new Law for School Feeding and Health, passed in 2015 by Cape Verdean Parliament, at least 25% of the food were destined to school canteen, which is managed by FICASE Foundation, should be bought at national producers, giving priority to small local producers organized in associations or enterprises. The school canteen supply with local farming products gives new opportunities in the market for small familiar producers which allows the improvement on their own and their families’ lifestyle. On the other hand, the use of good quality products on school canteens menu brings the food safety for the students and it meets the universal and constitutional right that every citizen shall have proper food and nutrition, as it also meets nutritional education for the students and their families. Besides, keeping and improving food services at primary schools feature social support as extremely important for poor families.


Budget 1. Project “Network of Local School Canteens supply to contribute to the feeding, education and social-economic development of the Island of São Vicente” (AECID 2013-2015) Total budget

Spanish Cooperation Fund (AECID)

37901,278 CVE

34454,394 CVE (91%)

Promoter and Partners Co-funding 3446,884 CVE (8%)

2. Project “Project “Agro-ecological Production and Participative and Sustainable Commercialization to strewngthen the resilience ability and food security in the communities of Ribeira da Cruz, Martiene e Chã de Norte, island of S. Antão” (SGP GEF – UNDP 2016 – 2017) Total budget

Spanish Cooperation Fund (AECID)

7752,401 CVE

4255,567 CVE (55%)

Promoter and Partners Co-funding 3496,834 CVE (45%)

3. Project “From the field to the school: Local Agricultural Production to contribute to the Food Safety in the Schools of São Vicente” (Ministry of Education – Luxemburg Cooperation, 2017-2018)


Total budget

Spanish Cooperation Fund (AECID)

3517,012 CVE

2265,505 CVE (64%)

1. Project 1: 30 months.

2. Project 2: 12 months.

Promoter and Partners Co-funding 1251,508CVE (36%) 3. Project 3: 9 months.


Results •

Small farmers improved their organization skills, local leadership, participation in the markets and economic development by boosting their association and cooperation;

• Small farmers in the island improved their production technique skills focusing on eco-farming, planning, diversity, post-harvest and commercialization; • Small farmers have access to a new institutional market that assures new income and food safety for students and families.

Impact on HLD (Human and Local Development) Small producers from São Vicente and Santo Antão Islands, with the project of commercializing products coming from Porto Novo, are the main actors of a long process, not always easy, that allows to reach an organized and professional level and compete with other actors from local economy. Their organization in cooperation allows an increasing level of participation and decision in moments of management and negotiation, moments from which they were once excluded due to representative, legal or economic issues. The elimination of mediators between the producer and the final client highlighted the importance of the producers and allowed them to earn decent income.

Replicability The practices and methodology used in this project were disseminated both national and internationally through, for instance, the publishing of the Dossier of Good Eco-Farming and Familiar Farming Practices, elaborated by the Network of Food and Nutrition Security of Civil Society of CPLP. The good practices in a farming social organization, planning, production and commerce inspired the elaboration and implementation of the project in communities of Ribeira da Cruz, Martiene and Chã de Norte, Santo Antão Island.

Partnerships Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, PróEmpresa.


Technical Team Main Editorial Coordinator: Cristino López Pedraza Content Corrdinator: Sandra Arencón Beltrán Collaborators: Katima del Mar Hernández, Cristina Fernandes and Damaris Lopes da Silva. President of the National Organizing Committee of the IV Local Economic Development World Forum President: Francisca Inês dos Santos Executive Secretary of the IV LED World Forum Marco da Silva, Zilca Paiva, Augusto Veiga, Sandra Arencón Beltrán. Local Teams of the Capeverdean Municipalities: Boa Vista, Brava, São Filipe, Mosteiros, Santa Catarina of Fogo, Maio, Sal, São Domingos, São Miguel, Ribeira Grande of Santiago, Tarrafal of Santiago, Santa Catarina of Santiago, Praia, Santa Cruz, São Lourenço dos Orgãos, São Salvador do Mundo, Ribeira Grande of Santo Antão, Paul, Porto Novo, Tarrafal of São Nicolau, Ribeira Brava, São Vicente. Iva Espírito Santo Rosário, Francisco Walter de Sousa, Lucas Alves, Francisco Vieira, Francisco Andrade Gomes Alves, Sandra Santos, Carla Carvalhal, Emanuel de Jesus Tavares Andrade, Celisa Vanira Furtado Alves, Domingos Veiga Mendes, David Soares, Ricardo Fidalgo, Leila Lopes, Maria Aleluia Andrade, Jamira Duarte, José Carlos Vieira, Gil Vaz, Marlene Miranda, Danivio Lima, Valter Roberto Lima Silva, Adildo Gomes, Maria Jesus Silva Conceição, Lídia Cristina Cruz Brito. Design, maquette and edition: EME-Marketing & Eventos Translation: CV Babel Printing:Tipografia Santos October 2017 Financiado por:



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