2 minute read
Annex 1 / Exercise: Storytelling for SDG reporting
Exercise / Storytelling for SDG reporting
60 min
Slides 42-43
Handout 4
20 min Trainer´s Instructions
In this activity participants will be asked to give a speech about a city’s successful projects in the form of story-telling, based on the given information and their own ideas. To successfully carry out this exercise you will need envelopes (1 per participant). You should print out copies of handout 4 with the description of the cities and paper tokens. Participants can work individually or in pairs (each person/pair should get one city to work on). Start with giving participants instructions for the task. Follow these steps to carry out the activity:
Preparation for the task
1. Give participants handouts with information about the sample city.
Ask them to imagine they were invited to speak at the International
Cities Conference, during the sustainable development panel. They are expected to make a 3-minute oral presentation about their city’s successful changes in the last few years. 2. Tell the participants to use the SDGs as a framework to talk about the city’s success story. They should refer to minimum 2 SDGs. if they feel short in time. 3. Ask them to give the city a name and encourage them to come up with additional information about the city, apart from what they are given in the handouts. They can think of targets (using the app) and indicators related to the targets of the SDGs. 4. Give out envelopes and 10 paper tokens. Ask participants to write down the name of their city on the envelope and explain that they will use the paper tokens afterwards to vote for the presentations they like (by putting the tokens in the envelope with the name of the city). 5. Give the participants 15 minutes to prepare the presentation. Encourage them to add additional information and use the Internet to find more details etc.
20 min
10 min
10 min Presentation
6. After 15 minutes ask the first person (or a pair) to give a presentation.
Other attendees should listen to the presentation and take notes if they think it can help them with the voting afterwards. Make sure all the participants have enough time to give a presentation. If you are running the training in a group bigger than 6 people, split the participants into smaller groups to carry out this exercise.
Voting and feedback
7. When everyone has presented their city, it’s time for the last part of the activity: the voting. Remind all the attendees they have 10 tokens and they can vote for the presentations they liked by placing the tokens in the envelope with the name of the city. The number of tokens they place in each envelope is their decision - they can decide to put all their tokens in just one envelope or spread the tokens between more envelopes. 8. Ask participants to count how many tokens they have in their envelopes.
Check which attendee/group got the biggest number of tokens - they win the title of the best SDG’s storyteller.
9. You can finish the activity by inviting participants to take part in a small debate. You can start the discussion with these questions: • How can the SDG’s framework be used to create a narrative about the city? • How can you use it to talk about projects and events that take place in your territory?