Suggested actions
Self-assessment questions
MAIN ACTORS Over time, the local and regional governments became increasingly aware of the work done by the LAG, and therefore more involved and committed to the elaboration and implementation of the rural development strategies.
Envisage the active involvement of local communities in the elaboration of development strategies, through participatory processes open to both private individuals and organisations.
Are the adopted participatory mechanisms capable to involve local communities in the elaboration of the rural development strategy?
The members are the most important resource for the LAG's operation. For this reason, over time it has been necessary to expand the membership of the LAG to include new public, private and social actors (both individuals and organisations) in the area.
Ensure that LAG partnership is representative and inclusive of all key local partners.
Does the LAG partnership include key local partners with different backgrounds?
Involve local actors with different backgrounds in the design of the local strategy.
“Maiella Verde” decided to give a strong role to local communities through the initiative “Project Communities”, initially linked to the valorisation of typical local products and then more broadly to the promotion of sustainable rural tourism. The LAG dedicates specific calls for proposals to the enhancement of “Project Communities”.
Identify active rural development networks at local and national level that could help in the design process of the strategy.
Is there an already active network of actors at national and/or local level willing to participate to and/or support the design process of the local development strategy?
Hire staff with specific communication and organisational skills to actively involve local communities in animation activities aimed at the design of the strategy. Identify financial resources to cover costs related to territorial diagnostic and design of the strategy.
Does the Local Action Group have all the necessary competences to manage the process of strategy development?
MAIN RESOURCES Financial resources were provided by the European Union LEADER / CLLD programme and have remained stable throughout the different programming periods. During the design process of the strategies, continuous moments of exchange at local level were foreseen in order to create a climate of openness and trust among the actors involved as project partners, LAG members and local communities. In the design phase, the LAG participated in numerous initiatives at national and international level that allowed them to learn and exchange good practices, tools and innovations.
Allowing for peer learning and networking with similar initiatives and actors in other areas in order to share experiences and solutions.
Nurturing trust amongst partners, members and communities in the design process of the strategy.
Have opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and networking with other areas been provided? Which financial resources can be leveraged for the design phase? Do LAG members show willingness participate actively in strategy design?