Suggested actions
Self-assessment questions
MAIN ACTORS The small number of municipalities involved in the process, totalling seven, positively influenced the direct and active involvement of all the municipal councils. The emphasis on the whole territory represented an antidote to excessive individualism. Approximately 350 stakeholders were involved in the process and contributed to the design of the strategy. Five different thematic working groups were organised involving several actors: -
The group concerning “economic and agri-food sectors” involved primarily cooperative dairies, social and cooperative economy actors, the Chamber of Commerce; The group on “health” services involved actors such as the local health authority and several doctors; The group on “education” involved different actors such as the Coordination Centre for School Qualification and the school principals, as well as VET organizations; The group concerning “mobility” involved actors such as the local mobility agency, the mayors of the municipalities, and the school principals; The group concerning “sustainable tourism” involved the national park authority, the environmental associations, the local authorities responsible for energy management.
Create a cohesive group of local authorities sharing a common territorial perspective that goes beyond peculiar municipal interests.
Is there a willingness among key actors to set up a participatory process open to citizens and local stakeholders?
If various topics are addressed, identify appropriate working groups and all relevant local actors who might be interested in being involved in the group meetings.
Which local actors are competent in the issues identified as priorities for the strategy?
Identify and involve social economy actors also through collective representative organisations. Set-up an effective and inclusive participatory process for all community actors and social groups.
Is there an already active network of actors at national and/or local level willing to participate to and/or support the design process of the strategy? Are existing participatory mechanisms effective and truly inclusive?
Make all responsible authorities approving and signing the strategy.
Once the strategy was first drafted and then finalised, it was signed by the leader of the Inner Area, the Regional government, the Ministries involved and the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. MAIN RESOURCES The elaboration process took place without the certainty of later receiving funding from the SNAI. For this reason, the willingness to finance the process by the key actors involved, such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Mountain Union of Municipalities, was crucial. The established climate of institutional cohesion was helpful. To maintain it there was no discussion at this stage on the distribution of resources in strictly budgetary terms.
Identify the financial and human resources for the design process of the strategy. Identify structures and/or experts at local and national level with specific technical expertise that might be needed in the strategy's elaboration.
Which human and financial resources are needed to elaborate the strategy? Are they available at local level? What is the level of trust and social capital within the local community?