2 minute read
Writing history
Diss Museum has been closed for over a year now due to COVID-19. But its manager, Basil Abbott, has found a good way of keeping busy, while also helping keep the museum in the public eye. He’s published a book. ‘Call back the past: Giving a buzz to history’ hit the digital shelves earlier this year and it’s packed full of fascinating facts and curious characters.
“I decided that a book would keep the museum in the public eye during lockdown,” said Basil. “So, I collated a selection of articles I’d written and ‘Call back the past: Giving a buzz to history’ is the result.”
The Abbott family came to Diss in 1914, when Basil’s grandfather, Amos, was appointed as waterworks engineer.
“Our family’s been in Diss for over a century and the book contains a lot of family anecdotes passed down over the years,” said Basil. “There’s information about unusual objects such as the Green Man on the church porch. And there are insights into historical characters ranging from Thomas Paine and the 18th century teacher, Anna Barbauld, to Scole inventor William Pretty, evacuee Eric Hancock and Sir George Edwards MP.” Current residents will be familiar with some of the sites and areas which also feature in the book, including Croft Lane, Rectory Meadow, the Mere, Parish Fields and the schools. “Included in the book is a script written for the children of the junior school to mark the school’s 150th anniversary,” says Basil.
‘Call Back the Past’ concludes with the efforts that went into commemorating the R34 airship centenary. The book is available on Amazon and Kindle.

Name that badge

Anyone recognise this army badge? If so, we’d love to hear its history. Email us at: towncouncil@diss.gov.uk


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