3 minute read

The future’s bright for local broadcasting

Award ceremonies, big birthdays, nailbiting licence renewals, studio expansions, outdoor and on-the-road broadcasts and, er, bug hotels (not to mention 24-hour transmission throughout the Waveney Valley) - it’s been all go for Park Radio over the last six months.

Licence to thrill until (at least) 2027 With its current licence due to expire in 2022, applying to media regulator Ofcom for an extension was top of Park Radio’s list earlier this year. And, the good news is, thanks to a compelling and well-supported submission, it’s been granted. “In July, we received excellent news from Ofcom


confirming that they’ve agreed to a five-year extension to our broadcasting licence to 2027,” said station manager, Chris Moyse. “This extension didn’t just happen. We were supported by Diss Town Council, South Norfolk District Council, Richard Bacon (MP), local businesses and listeners. It was your endorsements of the good work that we do that helped us achieve this extension. And, here at Park Radio, the whole team would like to say THANK YOU.” The licence extension means that the popular radio station can now make firm plans for the future. “We’ve already started to plan for a satellite studio hub in Eye,” said Chris. “And are looking to bring on stream a further satellite studio hub in Harleston. These studios will give closer access to Park Radio for members of the public.”

Time to celebrate Further recognition of the great work Park Radio does for the community was received just weeks later. At the end of July all of Park Radio’s volunteers were given a Community Champion award from South Norfolk

Council. This was presented by Florence Ellis, chairman of the council at a special reception held at The Corn Hall. It was described by Chris Moyse as “a truly memorable day”. And that’s not the only celebration in the calendar. On 28 November, the radio station marks its 4th birthday of broadcasting full time.

Time to train With years of broadcasting ahead and new studios set to open, the station’s also making moves to future-proof its service by

encouraging a new generation of presenters. “A small number of Long Stratton High School pupils have been working with us, learning how to become presenters and then presenting their own shows,” says Chris. “We’re also looking to give this opportunity to the students at Hartismere School. In the past, this initiative has been very successful and involved students from Diss High School and the Archbishop Sancroft High School in Harleston.”

We’ve already started to plan for a satellite studio hub in Eye. And are looking to bring on stream a further satellite studio hub in Harleston. These studios will give closer access to Park Radio for members of the public.”

Time to care And if that wasn’t enough, the Park Radio’s

team of gardening volunteers have also been busy. “Since winning the Greater Anglia Station Adopters Award in 2020 we’ve kept caring for the planters and garden at Diss train station,” said Chris. “There was a period during lockdown when our gardening volunteers weren’t able to attend to them. But over the past few months we’ve seen our railway station platforms bloom again. We’ve also installed a bug hotel.”

Back to the studio Since March 2020, when the pandemic struck, Park Radio decided to mothball its studios at the Diss Youth & Community Centre to keep its team of 50 volunteers safe and well. Thanks to some truly groundbreaking technology, it continued to broadcast throughout lockdown, presenting live and pre-recorded shows from presenters’ homes.

On 1 October, after 18 months of remote broadcasting, Park Radio welcomed listeners and its team back to the studios. “Visitors will notice when they pop in, which we hope they will, the new and more spacious and comfortable reception area which has been upgraded in the last few months,” said Chris. "I'm so proud of all the team for working so hard and for maintaining the service over the last year and a half. But equally we are now looking forward to welcoming visitors back to our base where we can now properly celebrate Ofcom's recent decision to extend our licence to 2027.”

Park Radio broadcasts on FM in Diss & Eye on 107.6FM and in Harleston on 105.2FM and online too at: www.parkradio.co.uk

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