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Diss Historian’s Charity Calendar on sale now Your local Youth Group needs you! Carol Concert tickets on sale now
Diss 2023 Calendar now on sale! Local resident Dennis Cross has released his latest calendar of postcards showing memories of Diss and its surrounding villages, with proceeds going to the Big C Cancer Charity. Purchase your calendar from Photo Elite, Market Hill, Leslie Ward Gift Shop, Church Street, Diss Garden Centre, Victoria Road, Premier Convenience Store, Skelton Road.or call Dennis on 01379 651897 (evenings) to get a copy.


Diss Youth Group needs you! Diss Youth Group (DYG) offers a varied programme of activities and a safe space for members to explore issues, try new activities, and gain support from a team of trained youth workers and volunteers. As we continue to grow, we are looking for volunteers to support us on a rota basis. Opportunities vary e.g running our tuck shop, leading an activity, e.g. craft, music, being a committee member, or helping us fundraise. If you are interested in volunteering and would like any training (optional), we can provide this free of charge. Please contact Julia Fairbrother on 07546 059061 or julia@mtmyouthservices.co.uk for further information.

Carol Concert tickets available! The Town Mayor’s Christmas Carol Concert takes place on Tuesday 13th December at 7pm at St Mary’s Church, Diss. Join us for an evening of carol singing with performances from local school/community choirs and The Salvation Army Band. Ticket available from Diss Town Council Offices: £5 Adult £2 Child (inc seasonal refreshments). Ticket proceeds will go towards Mayor’s charities, Marie Curie & Cancer Research UK.