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Suffolk Introduction
Just the word Suffolk conjures up images straight from famous paintings by artists such as John Constable and Thomas Gainsborough, both of whom grew up on the southern edge of this stunning county. Continuing this rich artistic tradition, Suffolk is home to many artists and thriving art societies and collectives with numerous exhibitions held both on the coast and at the many galleries and exhibition spaces dotted inland.
The beautiful countryside, picture-perfect villages and coastal charm have long provided inspiration to artists and still does so today. From Maggi Hambling’s Scallop sculpture on the beach at Aldeburgh to sporting art on display at Palace House in Newmarket, there is something to delight and inspire people of all ages and interests.
The town of Ipswich is home to Christchurch Mansion whose Wolsey Art Gallery showcases work by, among others, Constable and Gainsborough. It also has a fantastic programme of changing exhibitions throughout the year and offers some fantastic art courses at its university and colleges.
The ever-popular Suffolk Open Studios - taking place in June - offers a rare opportunity to glimpse behind the scenes in the artists’ studios and to purchase unique, home-made items direct from the maker.
Festivals play a big part in the life of this region with visual arts featuring in many such as the Southwold Arts Festival, Latitude Festival at Henham and the Aldeburgh Festival at Snape Maltings.
In 2020, St Edmundsbury Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds, is celebrating its 1000th anniversary with a packed programme of events including a fantastic new sculpture exhibition. Each month a different sculpture can be seen in the crypt of the Abbey ruins where the shrine of St Edmund would have stood.
24 Church Street Woodbridge IP12 1DH

Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm

THE art Gallery Earsham Hall
Open daily Monday-Sunday

Screen printing for artists Courses & Workshops. Studio Hire cut-editions@hotmail.com www.cut-editions.co.uk 07786330023
Waveney & Blyth Arts presents
Potton Hall, Westleton, Suffolk 18th July to 2nd August. Open daily from 10am to 5pm.

48 artists from the local region will be responding to the theme 'Reflections on Landscape'.
Yurt café on site selling light lunches, cakes and refreshments. Children's play area. Well-behaved dogs welcome on leads.
www.waveneyandblytharts.com #wba2020 / #sitv2020 Cork Brick Art & Antiques Gallery 6 Earsham Street, Bungay NR35 1AG Established in Bungay since 1990 Open Thurs/Fri/Sat 11am-5pm T: 01986 894873 E:corkbrick@xln.co.uk www.corkbrickgallery.co.uk

Christine McKechnie Water colour painted cut paper collages