La Cenerentola La Cenerentola
An Educator’s Guide to the Student Performance of La Cenerentola by Gioacchino
RossiniHow to Use this Guide
Opera offers a unique teaching opportunity to explore music through many different disciplinesfrom literature and drama,to history and art.This guide provides a few examples of ways to enrich your classroom curriculum through the National Washington Opera’s Student Performance of Rossini’s La Cenerentola.For applicable National Standards,please contact the Education Program Manager of the Washington National Opera Center at 202.448.3462.
You will see a full dress rehearsal of Rossini’s opera, La Cenerentola in the Kennedy Center Opera House
The dress rehearsal is the final run-through of an opera before it opens to the public.The characters will be in full costume and makeup,the opera will be fully staged,and a full orchestra will accompany the singers.Because it is so close to opening night, the dress rehearsal is often a run through,but there is a chance that the director or conductor may ask to repeat a scene or two for corrections.Please note:the dress rehearsal is the last opportunity the singers will have on stage to work with the orchestra before opening night.Since vocal demands are so great on opera singers,some singers may choose to mark,or not sing in full voice,during the dress rehearsal in order to preserve their vocal chords for opening night.The rehearsal will be sung in Italian with English surtitles projected above the stage.
Begin with any known opera,musical,play,book, or movie.Develop a sequel that describes the events of the next day.
Choose one of the many versions of the Cinderella story.Create a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the main characters of that version to the characters of Rossini’s La Cenerentola.
Many stories are taken from their original context and updated to fit a different era or setting.Write your own version of the Cinderella story based on a society or culture that is important to you.Be sure that it reflects social relationships,political climate,and/or other details to accurately capture that culture.
Operas,operetta and musical theater pieces are often based on literature,including fairy tales,novels,and plays.Take a novel or play that you have studied and create a libretto out of the story line.
Study the history and politics of Rossini’s time,particularly the year when La Cenerentola premiered (1817).What authors were popular,what scientific
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discoveries were being made;what was the social and political life in the United States at the time?
What was happening in both Italy and the United States during Rossini’s lifetime,1792-1868? Were the controversies similar?
Create a local map for the area where La Cenerentola takes place.Include the locations of various scenes and the topography of the area.
Learn about the culture/commerce in Italy at the time of the premiere of La Cenerentola. Working in groups,promote a product that existed in 19th century Italy.For your promotion,create a television commercial,a radio commercial and a billboard.
Learn how to ballroom dance.Are the movements similar to any type of dance today? Challenge:The waltz is a dance that is in ? time. Identify a dance/pop song of today that is in this time signature.
Recreate a scale model of the theatre where La Cener entola was premiered.Discuss the importance of scale to architects.If available,create y our model using a Computer Aided Drafting program on the computer.
Learn to create a budget for an opera production.Be sure to include expenses for artists,costumes,stagehands,electricians,marketing,etc, as well as income.Use the software Microsoft Excel to document your budget.What will you have to charge for tickets in order to cover the c ost of your production?
How would a film company recreate the storm in La Cenerentola? How do local weather stations forecast storms? Have the class create a storm. What are the differences in the storms?
Study the plot of La Cenerentola. Create your own sets,props,and costume designs.
There are many sound effects that are used in operas,plays,musicals,and movies.How are the
effects produced? Are they made in the same manner for both stage and screen?
Using the libretto and excerpt CD,analyze the text of an aria and make predictions about how the music should sound.Fast,slow,major,minor, smooth,agitated,etc.Listen to the excerpt CD.Do you agree or disagree? Any surprises?
Using the La Cenerentola CD– Gioacchino Rossini: La Cenerentola ,Florence May Festival Orchestra & Chorus,Claudio Abbado,Conductor
From reading the synopsis of La Cenerentola you will know the story of Rossini’s opera.With the CD we have provided,you can share with your students the arias and ensembles of the opera.To assist you,here is a list of the contents of the CD,with numbers corresponding to the listings inside your CD booklet and a brief explanation of what is happening during each selection.Guided listening points are also included with some of the pieces to assist in your preparation for the Student Performance of La Cenerentola.
CD 1
1.Sinfonia (Overture)
Guided listening: The overture marks the beginning of the performance and introduces the audience to the upcoming themes in the opera.It used to be a signal to the audience that this was their final chance to flirt,drink,play cards,and cavort noisily before the performance began.The final crescendo in the overture is to get the audience’s attention and announce it’s time to sit down,be quiet,and enjoy the show.
2.Introduzione:“No,no,no:nono v’è”(No,no, no,no one can deny) – Clorinda,Tisbe
Clorinda and Tisbe are sure that no man could resist their beauty and talents.
3.“Una volta c’era un re”(Long ago there lived a king) – Cenerentola,Clorinda,Tisbe
To pass the time while she works,Cenerentola sings a song about a king who chose a simple and kind girl to be his wife.Clorinda and Tisbe order her to be quiet.Alidoro appears at the door disguised as a beggar.Cenerentola,alone,is kind to him.
Guided listening: The song that Cenerentola sings is in a minor key.The minor tonality helps communicate that her song is a sad one.Also notice the difference between Cenerentola and her stepsisters’style of singing.Does this reveal anything about their personalities? At approximately 2:14 of this excerpt,Cenerentola sings a short cadenza.This is a great example of coloratura (see Student Study Guide for definition).
5.Cavatina:“Miei rampolli femminini”(Why the devil did I get you as my offspring?) – Magnifico Don Magnifico is angry the Clorinda and Tisbe woke him from a lovely dream,in which he was a flying donkey.He thinks that the dream means his daughters will marry princes.He describes how he will benefit from the new,powerful position and wealth that will accrue to him as the father of a Princess.
6.Scena:“Tutto è deserto”(All is deserted) –Ramiro,Cenerentola
Don Ramiro disguises himself as his servant so that he can find true love.He meets Cenerentola.
Duetto:“Un soave non so che”(Oh,how I love to see him) – Ramiro,Cenerentola,Clorinda,Tisbe
Ramiro and Cenerentola fall in love at first sight.He asks who she is.Cenerentola becomes confused when she tries to explain who she is,but Ramiro is still enchanted with her.Clorinda and Tisbe interrupt and Cenerentola must go to serve them.
8.Quintetto:“Signor,una parola”(Tonight,do not turn away my pleading) – Cenerentola, Magnifico,Dandini,Ramiro,Alidoro
With Dandini and Ramiro looking on,Cenerentola begs for permission to go the ball,but Magnifico laughs and insists that she stay home.Magnifico tells Dandini and Ramiro that Cenerentola is a housemaid and servant.Ramiro is angered by Magnifico’s cruelty.Alidoro insists that there is a third daughter that should attend the ball,but Magnifico says she died.
9.Aria:Là del ciel nell’arcano profondo”(Life is a play to be acted) – Alidoro
Alidoro tells Cenerentola that all the world is a stage and you never know what to expect.Love should be her guide as she goes to the ball.
Recitativo:“Ma bravo,bravo”(What mastery! What learning!) – Dandini,Magnifico,Ramiro, Clorinda,Tisbe
Dandini (still disguised as the Prince) compliments Don Magnifico on his knowledge of wines and sends him to try the vintage wines.Dandini enter-
tains Clorinda and Tisbe to see which of them might be worthy to marry the Prince.
10:Coro (Chorus):“Conciossiacosacché trenta botti già gusto”(In as much as he’s wonderful to see,tasting bottles by the score!)
The Cavaliers are impressed with Don Magnifico’s knowledge and ability to drink wine,and toast him as the new steward in charge of the wine cellar!
CD 2
ACT ONE (continued)
1.Finale I – Duetto:“Zitto,zitto:piano,piano” (Tell me quickly,in a whisper) – Ramiro,Dandini
Because Alidoro told him one of Magnifico’s daughters would be his wife,Ramiro wants to know what Dandini thought of Clorinda and Tisbe.Dandini thinks they are conceited and vain,and not very nice.They decide to continue their disguise so that they can learn more.
Guided listening: Listen to how Rossini uses the violins to make the text sound urgent.Ramiro is very anxious to learn more about Don Magnifico’s daughters.What else do you hear that helps to convey this emotion?
3.“Signor,Altezza,è in tavola”(Your Highness, supper’s ready now.) – Magnifico,Clorinda, Tisbe,Cenerentola,Ramiro,Dandini
Don Magnifico announces that dinner is ready to be served and notices a woman who looks like Cenerentola! He,Clorinda and Tisbe are sure that Cenerentola is at home and could never be as beautiful as that woman.They all go to supper.
4.Recitativo:“Mi par che quei birbanti”–Magnifico,Tisbe,Clorinda
Don Magnifico,Tisbe and Clorinda wonder if the mysterious woman has ruined their chances of marrying the Prince.They can’t believe how much she looks like Cenerentola.Don Magnifico worries that people will find out that he spent all of Angelina’s (Cenerentola’s) dowry to buy things for Clorinda and Tisbe.
Guided listening: This is a wonderful example of recitative.Notice how their exchanges sound very much like spoken dialogue.They are moving the plot forward.How does the characters’ tone help to portray what they are saying?
Aria:“Sia qualunque delle figlie”(Now whichever one is lucky) - Magnifico
Don Magnifico sings of the lifestyle he envisions as the father of a Princess.He will leave behind a life of debt by doing favors for those who beg him – for a price,of course!
5.Aria:“Sì,ritrovarla io guiro”(Yes,I shall find her) – Ramiro,Coro (Chorus)
Determined to find the beautiful girl,Ramiro sends his Cavaliers to search every dwelling in the land for the girl with the matching bracelet.He cannot wait to find his love again!
Recitativo:“Ma dunque io sono un ex”(ExPrince,that’s what I am) – Dandini,Magnifico
Dandini no longer has to carry on his masquerade as the Prince.Don Magnifico wants to know which of his daughters the “Prince”has chosen to be his bride. Magnifico is excited when Dandini agrees tell him a secret.
6.Duetto:“Un segreto d’importanza”(A secret of importance) — Dandini,Magnifico
Dandini reveals that he is really the Prince’s servant and has no power or wealth! Don Magnifico is horrified that he had been tricked.He’s sure that he’ll be a laughingstock throughout the town.
Guided listening: Listen to how Rossini used dynamics to help communicate the comedy of this piece.(Listen to the strings – they’ll play soft, fast moving notes punctuated with loud short notes.)
7.Recitativo:“Quanto sei caro”(How very precious) – Cenerentola,Clorinda,Magnifico,Tisbe Cenerentola thinks of the man to whom she gave her bracelet as her family returns home.They marvel at how much Cenerentola looks like the mysterious woman at the ball.Because they had such a bad evening,Don Magnifico,Clorinda,and Tisbe take out their frustration on poor Cenerentola.
8.Temporale / Storm Music
Guided listening: Listen to the use of the low brass (trombones,tuba,French horns) in this excerpt.Those instruments help simulate the sound of thunder.The violins and woodwinds help to call up the images of wind and lightning.
9.Sestetto:“Siete voi?…Questo è un nodo avviluppato”(So I find you….Here’s a plot there’s no denying) – Ramiro,Cenerentola, Tisbe,Clorinda,Dandini,Magnifico
Everyone is surprised and confused that the Prince and Cenerentola are in love! Don Magnifico, Clorinda,and Tisbe try to send Cenerentola away, but Ramiro stops them with a threat.Cenerentola asks Ramiro to treat her family with kindness. Ramiro leads Ceneretola to the palace.
Guided listening: This sextet is remarkable for the detached notes and slow,measured pace of the music that gives one the feeling of surprise and confusion.
10.Finale II – Coro:“Della Fortuna instabile” (Fortune is a wheel that turns and turns)
The wedding guests rejoice that luck has brought them a wonderful Princess.
Guided listening: This excerpt takes place in the palace and is supposed to sound regal.How does Rossini accomplish this with the Chorus? What instruments in the orchestra help to make it sound majestic?
11.Rondò:“Nacqui all’affanno”(Born to a life) –Cenerentola e tutti gli altri (Cenerentola,cast, and chorus)
Cenerentola forgives her family and they are stunned by her generosity and kindness.Everyone sings that with love and kindness,everyone will live happily ever after.

Michelle Hoffmann
Graphic Design
LB Design
Please contact The Washington National Opera’s E ducation and Community Programs Department with any questions and/or requests for additional information at 202.448.3465 or education@dc-opera.org.
Don Magnifico sings with the Chorus