StoryFest 2018: International Storytelling Festival Singapore

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Message from the


Every culture has its own stories that explain the way we live and navigate the world around us. Stories were the first form of communication that started with non-verbal storytelling – using facial expressions and hand gestures. These stories by early man were painted on cave walls, carved as rock art and drawn on sand to document a community’s stories and as a way of remembering. Over time we began to make guttural sounds that evolved into spoken language and we shared our stories orally. Storytelling predates writing. Orality came before literacy. As we evolved so did the ways in which we told our stories – we moved with dance, we sang with songs and we had rhythm with musical accompaniments. The tribe’s stories were soon recorded on leaves, tree trunks, bamboo, ivory, parchment, cloth … these stories were scratched, printed, carved or painted. And soon they were written on paper, captured on film and stored in digital recordings.

For stories to survive it is important for them to be passed on and retold. Myths, legends, folktales, fables and epics explain the universe we live in and help us understand the ways of nature, time and space. #BeLegendary honours the oral tradition by rejoicing in stories from around the world spoken, told, performed and painted. To commemorate one of the oldest forms of storytelling the festival has commissioned visual artist mslatenightjam to create a Story Cloth together with audiences, storytellers and members of the community. Story cloths contain visual depictions of stories and were used by traditional tellers to reveal scenes and characters as the tale unfolded. Our festival programme pays tribute to one of the oldest epic poems, Beowulf, that harks back to 300 – 400AD performed by storytelling duo The Telling Theatre from Denmark. Mara Menzies from Scotland captivates with The Illusion of Truth that combines both traditional and contemporary storytelling techniques. Literature and performance storytelling blend in Maimouna Jallow’s adaptation of Lola Shoneyin’s acclaimed novel The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives.

The Singapore Showcase presents various organisations and their talented artists sharing stories from the oral tradition, spoken word, monologues and personal tales. StoryFest’s platform for emerging talents The Young Storytellers Showcase returns this year with A Caravan of Stories. Come and listen to our Young Storytellers bewitch and beguile you with their passion for storytelling. Our focus on applied storytelling pays attention to storytelling and disability by expert in the field Dr. Nicola Grove and explores the role of stories in empowering others. Discover the connections between narratives, writing and multi-media collage with our creative workshops by Paul Rozario-Falcone and Emylia Safian that explore the different facets of stories. Learn techniques to engage children in storytelling, create personal stories and adapt literary texts for performance in our targeted workshops. Families with children have a treat in store with Nordic god legends, African folktales reimagined and stories with plenty of mayhem! Travel the world as you listen to our dynamic and enchanting storytellers transport you with their tales.

clutter and busyness it is vital to be able to make eye contact, to offer our time to listen deeply and to be allowed to share one’s story. #BeLegendary is a meeting place for listeners and tellers who are connected by the universal nature of stories that bridge age and culture. You’re never too old to listen to a story and you’re never too young to tell a story! Stories inspire us to become heroes and heroines.

Kamini Ramachandran Creative Producer, StoryFest Director, The Storytelling Centre Ltd

A personal dream come true is the Story House sponsored by Big Tiny – a place for everyone, both young and old to disconnect from devices and to simply sit down and listen to one another and allow your imagination to soar. In this time of 1

Message from


I grew up listening to consed stories. For Borruntion resequam que me, dit stories were gateways bearunt to new worlds and quostium nonsequi emoloria perspectives. They omnietur spark my imagination quibusa pelest, moloribus and deepenintius my understanding of the exercium as essi beruptur world molore and people around me. apis volorerum adipiet harit occaborem que sit dolessi repel ipidelicia In fact,latectur, for over 40,000 yearssant, sincesenimaio the first seque cusanihit, cave paintings were drawn, storytelling coreptior ad explacc aboribust, odit expe has become than a means of repta porem amore volorio nempel in pore exchanging information and extending por similis quiam lacipsant restio et odit ideas but how we reach out and connect explitiistem restrum remquiatum fugit with each other. voluptatiust qui iditatem estium aut erios eveliquas et fugiasped estis vit volores The success of thenemolor inaugural StoryFest at edipitet molupta emquos etum The Arts iliquos House repelit last year showed that all velitatas provite nectiatum of us – whether young or old – love stories. sunt. Performances for adults and children

Ici omnimod otatusdae et at. were equallyiassint well received. This year, we are honoured to continue working with The Storytelling Centre Limited to present the second of the with 17 Sed ut que edition dit quam quefestival maximendae programmes that pelenit tell tales of mythsfuga. and eum re solescit iorerrum legends. Namus, sapiet aut eicaborro illendae eaquas ditem nis di inciend usaperum It is also our hope thatoccupic the festival will ipsus velentium que iumenis help to forge new por relationships tendanda doluptiant suntet ditand ut encourage cultural exchange oditiassimet alit occulle cturio et between reic tem the pa international storytellers and our con cus aligenihil illabor rorrumquas Singapore talents.dolorrumqui This is why cum beyond et doluptatusda et presenting tales, verferitasi StoryFest pore sequateenchanting qui quas invendi 2018to te features fiveporem workshops and offic quis sume volori rerovit two masterclasses to guide aspiring ationectem facearc hiliae nullaut haribus storytellers towards the development of aceribea que a nulpariores modipsa their own practice professionals who nihiliquam volo et utand explite pedis dollent, applyaut storytelling in theiret, work. quae autet magnatis optaquo erum

Hendandae res incid quis quias alitatinus.

volorep taturem harum vel iniendit, andit hari ducia core nusdae que mos nonseca


The words spoken in the 190-year ipsam, history borundant atectatent anihicimil of the The Arts House have et impacted autem fuga. Sed que nim as namthe ni lives of many we hope doluptae lab Singaporeans ium harchit,andsandande that those spoken during the sediti festival will voloribeaqui sus nihil idigene vercid continue to do so. quis aut veliqua spedita tiaerspicidi repre, ipsunt acest, iusae verferundita dolore We invite youquis to #BeLegendary and latestrupta del es doles et et embark officim on an aural journey that will take fugit facerum sum es et offici quamyou ut around the world and quiant even intoatem the magical fugit doluptatium quam realms. auteture nem facesed quo omnis volupta

tiorest, antotat qui occat plabo. Duntet la Sarah Martin sum nullandis qui tem consed quas dolut Arts House Limited et endendae etCEO, facescit, volupta nullo bea corenis sitecte serferi sus nienissus am venihilit mint od ut velectio te laut liatus aut oditasini ulparciam, ut de es et erumenihil eum rendaepel et quis ab impos venissi repe vitatqui doles rem volene perspe con consedis providicidus milibus recae volupta sim explate strunt. Ovidio officiu mquuntio et officabo. Et maximpore dolorestrum et peliberunt et maximos sequis voluptatiust excernati voluptatur?

Name Designation


Story House By Big Tiny & The Storytelling Centre Ltd  Fri 1 June to Sun 3 June 2018, 11am to 8pm  Front of The Arts House

The perfect place for storytelling for all ages! Story House is a cosy, intimate space sponsored by Big Tiny for StoryFest 2018. Come explore selected storytelling books, puppets and resources as you gather with friends and family inside this special space. Reconnect with the power of listening as you hear stories told. Discover sharing your own stories through simple story games and story cards. Story House is a free public activity that encourages everyone, both big and small and young and old to sit down, gather as a community and share the beauty and wonder of storytelling. Ignite your imaginations and #BeLegendary! Founded in March 2017, Big Tiny is the first company in Singapore to integrate the concept of “tiny houses” with eco-tourism. “Tiny houses” are part of an international trend of simplifying lives by reducing the size, and therefore the resource consumption, of homes without sacrificing quality of life. The brainchild of three Singaporean entrepreneurs, Big Tiny stems from a desire to 1) offer the city dweller a chance to experience the perfect escape from a hectic, digitally-laden lifestyle; and 2) enable anyone to have a part in this new way of living.

Story Cloth Making By mslatenightjam  Fri 1 June to Sun 3 June 2018, 11am to 8pm  Front Porch, The Arts House

Paying tribute to the festival theme #BeLegendary, visual artist mslatenightjam creates illustrations inspired by the key stories told during StoryFest 2018. Taking elements from characters, landscapes and motifs, she paints a series of Story Cloths reminiscent of the traditional pieces of illustrated fabrics used by bards and storytellers. Commissioned by The Storytelling Centre Ltd, the Story Cloth is a free community engagement activity suitable for all ages. Pick up a brush, be guided by mslatenightjam, and take your time as you bring life to visual stories through colour. Watch as the legends and myths are slowly revealed over the span of the festival. Ignite your imaginations and #BeLegendary! 3


Magic, Mystery & Mayhem! by Mara Menzies (Scotland/Kenya)

 Sun, 3 June 2018, 2:00 – 3:00pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House  $15

Join storyteller Mara Menzies as she shares some of the world’s most exciting stories. Travel to Scotland to meet the magical faery folk and listen to their adventures. Then head across oceans to Africa to hear stories of great heroes and queens, meet animals that talk and play tricks on each other. Lose yourself in the colour and wonder of our world. This family event is not to be missed.

The Tale of Tam Lin (Scotland) The Story of Fire (Africa) Tortoise goes to a Feast in the Sky (Africa)

Story! Story! Story Come! African Folktales Reimagined by Maimouna Jallow (Nairobi)

 Sun, 3 June 2018, 4:00 - 5:00pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House  $15

Re-Imagined Folktales from Africa is an enchanting collection of stories based on ancient tales from around the continent. The tales delve into historical facts and mysteries; provide children with valuable moral lessons on issues of social justice, and are funny, lively and engaging.

Uncle Modibo (Mali) Sweet Play (Nigeria) The Giraffes of the Desert (Niger) Why Children Should Not Work (Zambia) 4

• Recommended for family audiences ages 5 and above

• No admission for babies and children below 3 years

Legend of The Nordic Gods by Jesper la Cour Andersen (Denmark)  Sun, 3 June 2018, 11:00am – 12:00pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House  $15

• Recommended for family audiences ages 6 and above

• No admission for babies and children below 3 years

Experience the mighty God of War in action, the Trickster God asking for good ideas and the Goddess of Love have enough! Watch as a nag of a Stallion helps the gnome of a Master Builder. Hold on when Thor gets back and hears that Freja is going to be married … Don’t get scared when a Mare gives birth to a strange Foal. Theatrical storytelling of the highest calibre with Jesper la Cour Andersen playing 11 roles and involving the audience as well. Enter the legendary world of the Nordic Gods and prepare to be surprised at every turn!



Beowulf by The Telling Theatre  Fri, 1 June 2018, 8:00 – 9:15pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House

• Recommended for adult audiences ages 16 and above

• No admission for children below 12 years

 $25

King Hrothgar celebrates building the great Deer Hall with a feast. In the dead of night a terrifying creature, Grendel slaughters his men while they sleep. Years later the young hero Beowulf comes to the Deer Hall and offers to fight Grendel. But he does not plan for the wrath of Grendel’s mother … she rises from the bog and so begins the great battle! Seated face to face in the imagined Viking Hall the distance between the action and the audience is minimal – and you become a part of the thrilling tale. Jesper la Cour Andersen and Troels Kirk Ejsing bring this ancient Nordic legend to life through story, music and action. The poem of Beowulf is one of the very early written sources that describes events on the soil of the Danes. According to researchers and historians the poem is written on the background of oral tradition around 700-800 AD and rooted in the Germanic Iron Age of 300-400 AD. An incident gave a monk, probably in Northumbria, a reason to write it down. Today you can find a transcript from 1100 AD at the British Library in London. 6

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives by Maimouna Jallow  Sat, 2 June 2018, 8:00 – 9:15pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House  $25

• Recommended for adult audiences ages 16 and above • No admission for those below 15 years

Based on the novel by Lola Shoneyin, ‘The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives’ is an endearing and powerful tale of deception, betrayal, love, and friendship. It chronicles the life of Baba Segi, the ultimate patriarch, as he tries to unravel the mystery behind his fourth wife’s infertility. Through his quest, we explore the burdens that society places on women and the cunning ways these women escape from the confines of poverty and patriarchy. Be ready to laugh, cry and connect with five amazing characters, all performed by storyteller Maimouna Jallow.

The Illusion of Truth by Mara Menzies  Sun, 3 June 2018, 8:00 – 9:15pm (No Intermission)  Play Den, The Arts House  $25

• Recommended for adult audiences ages 16 and above

• No admission for children below 12 years

Enter worlds where not everything is as it appears to be. The Illusion of Truth explores our relationship with the truth. How do we judge others and ourselves? How do we use legends and myth to explain the natural world around us? These stories will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. Prepare for an unforgettable experience! Mara Menzies draws from her African and Scottish heritage to give insight into three fascinating, thought provoking tales from Kenya, Scotland and Nigeria.

The Changeling (Scottish traveller tale) Ochosi (Cuba/Nigeria) The Woman who wanted to Eat Meat (Kenya) 7


A Caravan of Stories Young Storytellers Showcase  Sun, 3 June 2018, 5:00 – 7:00pm (15 min Intermission)

• Recommended for adult audiences ages 15 and above

• No admission for children below 12 years

 Blue Room, The Arts House  $15

The Young Storytellers Mentorship Project by The Storytelling Centre Limited supports the professional development of emerging talents in oral storytelling, highlight the importance of nurturing future artists to ensure sustainability of the art of storytelling.

Presenting five youths sharing their passion and talents for storytelling.

A Caravan of Stories takes you to the desert plains and bazaars where tales were told for a thousand and one nights. Witty girls, a man who never lies, bloodthirsty robbers, an accused peddler and a magic horse will bewitch and beguile you!

Khyan Kotak

Jeremy Leong

The Honest Man (Middle East) Andrea Alingalan

The Wicked Girl (Turkey) The Kabuliwala (India) Daisy Mitchell

The Magic Horse (Persia) Fahim Murshed

The Thief & The Cunning Bride

(Persia) 8

Be Legendary The Singapore Showcase Method Productions, Story Slam SG, Improv Asia, Storytelling Association (Singapore), Safe Space Stories  Sat, 2 June 2018, 5:00 – 7:00pm (15 min Intermission)

• Recommended for adult audiences ages 16 and above • No admission for those below 15 years

 Blue Room, The Arts House  $20

Be Legendary celebrates this year’s festival theme by showcasing key storytelling and spoken word organisations from Singapore. Listen to stories from the oral tradition by members of the Storytelling Association (Singapore), spoken word performances by Method Productions, personal narratives from Story Slam Singapore, improvised tales from Improv Asia and true stories by Safe Space Stories. Stories inspire us to become heroes and heroines. Come and listen to tales both old and new, yet strange and true!

Method Productions

Story Slam Singapore

Kamil Haque

Artur Akhmetzyanov

Storytelling Association (Singapore)

The Legendary Storyweaver

How I Lost and Found my True Love

Nandini Nagpal

Abu Katrina

Rayanna Dibs

Stephanie Dogfoot

Helen Tan

Roadmap to Life People, Places and Things

The House with the Flowers on the Gate

The Crystal Heart

Improv Asia

Paul Rozario-Falcone

Laura Schuster

Family Secrets Family Secrets: Brandy

Liau Yun Qing

Safe Space Stories In Search of A Story

A Story That Can Only Be Told Once 9


Storytelling & Disability 1: Multi-Sensory Approaches to Traditional Tales by Dr. Nicola Grove  Fri, 1 June 2018, 10:00am – 5:00pm (1-hr lunch break; lunch not provided)  Blue Room, The Arts House  $200

A workshop targeted at those working with individuals who have communication difficulties, including intellectual disabilities. Multi-sensory storytelling involves awareness of the many modalities through which a story is communicated that go beyond words, including: use of voice and music, expressive movement and gestures, images, physical props, touch and smell. • Explore effective ways of using stories with children and adults who have language and communication difficulties • Participants will understand the critical role of stories in shaping how we think about each other and the world • Learn how to adapt a traditional story so that it can be enjoyed by everyone across the range of ability • Discover how to employ multi-sensory tools selectively and appropriately to convey a story • Understand the significance of how disability is represented in traditional tales in different cultures • Develop ideas for using traditional stories to empower people who are marginalised through disability


Recommended for: • Special Needs Sector • Teachers & Educators • Counselling & Therapy • Parents & Caregivers • Community Facilitators • Storytellers

Storytelling & Disability 2: Helping People to Share their Own Stories by Dr. Nicola Grove  Mon, 4 June 2018, 10:00am – 5:00pm (1-hr lunch break; lunch not provided)  Blue Room, The Arts House  $200

Storysharing® is an innovative and simple conversational strategy for enabling individuals to narrate their own experiences. All over the world there are children and adults with disabilities who have stories to tell about their lives - but too often they cannot be heard. This workshop introduces Storysharing for building communication and listening skills, developing relationships and empathy, and to empower individuals to share their own stories. • Effective with a wide range of special educational needs - from profound intellectual impairment, to autism, to selective mutism and extreme shyness • Understand the role of personal stories in building identity, empathy and friendship • Identify the barriers that prevent individuals with communication difficulties from being able to tell and share stories about their lives • Analyse the factors that inhibit successful narration by children and adults with communication difficulties • Learn to create resources for recording and sharing stories, including theatres, puppets and patchworks



Adapting Novels for Performance by Maimouna Jallow  Fri, 1 June 2018, 2:00 – 4:00pm (10-min break)  Living Room, The Arts House

 $20

How do you turn a book into a performance script? Explore the stepby-step process of adapting novels into performance. Discover the symbiotic relationship between written fiction and storytelling. Learn how to select literary works suitable for adaptation. Play with possibilities of music, song and dance to make the text come alive. Understand how to navigate permissions and rights.

Story Play: Inspiration for Creative Storytelling by The Telling Theatre  $20

Story Play was developed to share and refine personal stories through body, voice and presence. Story Play is based on five key stages of creating a story. Discover the ‘listener’, ‘carrier’, ‘opening’, ‘situation’ and ‘echo’ in developing your own personal narrative. A four year research experiment using the Story Play model concluded with the recognition of storytelling as a basic life skill. This in turn led to the integration of storytelling within the Danish education system.

The Magic of Storytelling with Children by Mara Menzies  Sat, 2 June 2018, 11:00am – 1:00pm (10-min break)  Blue Room, The Arts House

 $20

Stories have incredible influence over children and is an excellent conduit to a multitude of important skills such as improved listening, vocabulary and expressive skills. Stories also help develop greater confidence, imagination and creativity in children. Learn practical tips and techniques on how to engage with young children. Understand strategies for story selection, audience participation and expressive storytelling. 12


• Artists • Storytellers • Writers • Spoken Word

Recommended for: • Parents & Caregivers

• Teachers &

 Sat, 2 June 2018, 2:00 – 4:00pm (10-min break)  Living Room, The Arts House

Recommended for: • Teachers &


• Counselling & Therapy

• Artists • Storytellers • Writers • Community Facilitators

Recommended for: • Parents & Caregivers

• Teachers & Educators

• Counselling & Therapy

• Storytellers • Librarians • Community Facilitators

Collage as Storytelling: An Assembly of Senses by Emylia Safian  Sat, 2 June 2018, 2:00 – 4:30pm (10-min break)  Blue Room, The Arts House  $25 (Inclusive of art materials, and a canvas to take home)

A workshop exploring both mixed- and multi-media collages as a technique to weave personal stories with archetypal nature of mythological narratives, through an assemblage of different forms of fabric, paper and other ephemera. Engage in your personal creative process in this experiential workshop and discover the language of imagery through art-making and narratives. Bring home your original canvas artwork.

Recommended for: • Parents & Caregivers • Teachers & Educators

Safe Space Stories Writing Stories in a Safe & Affirming Group by Paul Rozario-Falcone  Sun, 3 June 2018, 10:00am – 1:00pm (10-min break)  Living Room, The Arts House  $25

Experience the transformative Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) writing method. Find your voice within the setting of an affirming and non-judgemental space. Learn to write in short bursts of time using prompts (lines of poetry, images, physical objects, etc.). Listen to stories through group affirmation techniques of positive feedback. Understand how to listen with an open heart and mind to encourage each other as writers. A safe, affirming and encouraging space in which to write and share stories.

• Counselling

• Community



• Storytellers • Writers

• Artists



SINGAPORE ARTISTS Paul RozarioFalcone Workshop & SG Showcase

Paul is the founder of Safe Space Stories, a space dedicated to uncovering one’s true creative voice. He co-founded the Singapore Literature Festival and the Second Saturdays literary reading series in New York, both of which are in their fourth year. He has written and co-written eight books of fiction, the last being Zheng He & the Treasure Fleet, 1405-1433: A modern-day traveller’s guide from antiquity to the present. A linguist, an avid traveller and absorber of stories, Paul has degrees from Oxford, London and New York in law, religious anthropology and publishing, respectively. He is a certified facilitator of the Amherst Writers & Artists method.

Emylia Safian Workshop

Emylia is an art therapist and art therapy educator with specialist training in stress, trauma, and loss. Her practice gravitates towards mind/body sciences and integrates physiology with psychology for an encompassing approach in capitalising human development. Since 2007, she has been in partnership with educational institutions, voluntary welfare organisations, government agencies, and NGOs within Southeast Asia, working with persons of all ages in situational and developmental crisis within different communities. Emylia is also informed by science of yoga and expressive arts therapies. She is passionate in reconnecting children and adults alike with the essential joie de vivre through play, creativity, warmth, compassion, and sensitivity, and to bring joy to the mind, body, and spirit.

mslatenightjam Story Cloth Joy is an artist and illustrator who enjoys exploring creative applications for her drawing and acquires inspiration through sharing with others. Her previous work experiences include working as a graphic designer and an art educator in secondary level. She has worked on projects, specially commissioned by Food Republic, All Things N’ice, Passion Arts, and Community Clubs to produce artworks and murals. Her recent graduation from LASALLE College of the Arts’ Fine Arts Faculty provided her with an artistic edge over her former Visual Communication Diploma from Temasek Polytechnic, which formulates her multi-disciplinary approach in her creative sensibilities. An honest simple aesthetic with a tinge of delightful sunshine is what she appreciates the most. 14

YS Showcase

Jeremy Leong A graduate from LASALLE College of the Arts, Jeremy is a trained actor, storyteller and puppeteer. Jeremy’s storytelling credits include Singapore International Festival of Arts 2018 commission The Hidden (dir. Kamini Ramachandran), and Terrific Tales, a weekly storytelling performance held at The Artground. His stage credits include The Greatest Treasure in the World (dir. Peggy Ferroa), a National Museum of Singapore commission as part of the British Museum exhibition and WonderWords (dir. Daniel Jenkins), a children’s school touring show. Jeremy Leong is also an Associate Young Storyteller at The Storytelling Centre Limited.

Daisy Mitchell Daisy has always had a knack for theatre. She studied in the School Of The Arts (SOTA) for four years, where she majored in Theatre. A recent graduate from the Diploma in Performance course at LASALLE College of the Arts, Daisy is also an Associate Young Storyteller at The Storytelling Centre Ltd. Her storytelling credits include The Hidden (dir. Kamini Ramachandran) for SIFA 2018, Terrific Tales at The Artground, and House Party at The Arts House. Some of her performing credits include Zhu Di in Furthest North Deepest South, Rachel Corrie in Let Me Stand Alone and Casca in Julius Caesar.

Andrea Alingalan A graduate from the Diploma in Performance course and a current student of the BA (hons) Musical Theatre course at LASALLE College of the Arts, Andrea has been pursuing her dreams to become a triple-threat performer for almost five years now. She has performed in Shakespeare’s Henry V and played the role of Senator Fipp in her most recent musical, Urinetown. Andrea has acted for television in Zero Calling, Rojak, and the telemovie RISE. She loves sharing the arts with children and has worked with The Amazing Toy Box and she enjoys teaching music and movement at Kindermusik.

Fahim Murshed At the age of nine Fahim discovered he could save himself from his mother’s beatings by making her laugh instead. It was at this moment he set his heart on becoming a performer. He found his passion for theatre doing improvisation and moved onto plays and musicals in secondary school. Fahim has been part of many productions, from drama productions at Anglo Chinese School to an amateur theatre collective called The Callbacks. He is currently pursuing his studies in performance at LASALLE College of the Arts. He looks forward to working with all the creative people he admired while growing up.


YS Showcase

Khyan Kotak Khyan is an aspiring performing artist, currently in the process of completing his Diploma in Performance at LASALLE College of the Arts. He wrote and directed his first amateur play at the age of 14 based on a family drama set during World War 1. He is a skilled pianist, trained at the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation in India headed by Zubin Mehta, the music director of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. His recent storytelling performance was for Senses, a musical theatre dinner event as part of ARTWALK Little India 2018. Improv Asia

Liau Yun Qing SG Showcase

Yun Qing has been performing improv on stage since 2015. She currently stages shows regularly with Singapore’s longest-running improv team Modern Schemers and musical improv team Les Musicables. Alongside her teams, she has performed internationally in Shanghai and Manila. Off stage, she runs Improv Asia with her two partners. Their goal is to bring the joy of improv into the corporate space and everyday life. Story Slam SG

Artur Akhmetzyanov SG Showcase

Artur is Singapore’s only Russian comedian. He was named one of the top open mic comedians at Singapore Comedy Fringe 2017, and has opened for the likes of Brandon Burns, Wil Sylvince, Joe Machi, Ro Campbell, and Aidan Killian. He mixes personal storytelling with smart and surreal jokes.


Stephanie Dogfoot

SG Showcase

Described as “a right-on wordsmith and master of comic poignancy” by Sabotage Reviews, Stephanie is an award-winning writer, performer, educator and qualified lawyer. Co-organizer of Story Slam SG and founder of poetry open mic night, Spoke and Bird, she also performs stand-up comedy and burlesque. Her first solo spoken word show, Foreigner Go Home (With Me!) premiered at the Edinburgh Free Fringe Festival in 2012.

Storytelling Association Singapore

Nandini Nagpal SG Showcase

Nandini is a passionate storyteller who performs a broad range of stories for adults, teenagers and children. She uses storytelling extensively in her mindfulness programme, Just-B. She is also a certified psychometric coach for executives. She has completed a Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and the educator programme with Mindful Schools.

Helen Tan

SG Showcase Helen has a love for music, drama and dance. She spent 42 years in education, has a Master’s in Counselling and is currently a school counsellor. In her counselling sessions, she uses stories to heal, inspire and motivate her clients. She has told stories at school assemblies and enjoys telling stories to all ages, from pre-schoolers to adults.

Method Productions

Rayanna Dibs SG Showcase

Rayanna is a British actress currently working in Singapore. Most recently she appeared in That’s the Story of My Life by Method Productions. She has previously played leading stage roles in London, Edinburgh Fringe, and the U.S. Her recent film credits include Kelvin Tong’s latest feature, and the award winning films Our Little Haven, Father, Orchid and Between The Divide.

Kamil Haque

Laura Schuster SG Showcase

An educator, Laura is also a theatre and dance enthusiast. A certified Laban Movement Analyst she teaches at the Singapore American School. An acting member of Tapestry Playback Theatre she also hosts a monthly play reading group. Laura lived in Indonesia for twenty two years and has been in Singapore for the last twelve. She has been out of the US longer than she has been in it and considers that an adventure and a blessing.

SG Showcase

Kamil is the artistic director of Haque Centre of Acting & Creativity, Singapore’s first professional acting studio and of Method Productions, a presenting production house. He has coached actors appearing in Hollywood films, as well as international and local TV. An awardwinning actor, his theatre credits include Story Slam Singapore Grand Slam, Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo and Asleep & Him. His film credits Ketetapan, That Loving Feeling and A Better Place Than This, have all appeared in international film festivals. 17



SCOTLAND/KENYA Mara is a Scottish/Kenyan storyteller with a powerful, dynamic and physical style that captures the imagination of any audience. She has performed and led workshops around the world including Kenya, Singapore, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Cuba, USA and across the UK. She is Storyteller in Residence at Craigroyston Primary School, performs regularly at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and is founder of the Kwale Heritage Trail, a unique platform for sharing and celebrating Kenyan stories through art and performance.

Maimouna Jallow NAIROBI Maimouna is a Nairobi-based storyteller, journalist and communications consultant. She is co-founder and director of Positively African, an organisation that brings together a Pan-African network of activists, artists and academics working at the intersection between art and social justice. In 2015, Positively African launched The Nairobi Storytelling Festival. Most recently, Maimouna has adapted and performed novels by African women for the stage as part of a series called ‘Re-Imagined’. She is currently a fellow of the inaugural Ford Foundation African No Filter initiative, and is working on the ‘Re-Imagined Folktales’ children’s book with writers from across Africa and the diaspora. Her work has been featured on the BBC, Forbes Woman Africa, and The East African, amongst others.

Dr. Nicola Grove UK

Nicola trained as a teacher and speech therapist, specialising in intellectual disability, special educational needs, and sign language. Her doctoral research explored the linguistic and creative status of the manual signing of children with disabilities. She pioneered the use of literature and story in special schools, winning an award for her book on the topic. She set up Openstorytellers, an award winning charity which promotes voice and community empowerment for people with intellectual and communication difficulties. She works with the members on storytelling and advocacy projects. She has given presentations and workshops all over the world, and has written extensively on storytelling and special needs. Currently she holds an honorary lectureship at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent. She believes that everyone has a story that is worth the telling, if only we can find the ways to give it wings.


Troels Kirk Ejsing DENMARK

Troels is a skilled storyteller, actor and musician. He runs his own company Dunkelblaa which produces storytelling theatre performances for children, youth and adults touring in Denmark and abroad. He is a regular performer at Storytelling Raids and Compulsive Liars Night. He has composed unplugged soundtracks for The Telling Theatre and Dunkelblaa using various unusual instruments such as a watering can, washtub bass, body percussion and Jew’s harp.

Jesper la Cour Andersen DENMARK

One of Denmark’s renowned storytellers, Jesper has received several awards internationally for his interactive style and unique social focus in storytelling. As founder of The Telling Theatre he is a leading figure in the development of contemporary storytelling and has devised a model for creative storytelling called ‘Story Play’. A trained actor, mime and storyteller he is a recipient of government arts funding since 1996 for his professional work. Jesper has performed in 20 countries across four continents inspiring audiences of all ages.





Festival Team: The Storytelling Centre Limited is a non-profit based in Singapore. Our core mission is to foster and advance the art of storytelling through performances, Festival Team: The Storytelling Centre Limited is a non-profit collaborations, artisticin Singapore. exchanges, organisation based Our core Creative Producer mentorships, community mission istraining to fosterand and advance the art Kamini Ramachandran outreach. of storytelling through performances, collaborations, The Storytelling Centre Limited firmly believesartistic that storiesexchanges, are Creative Producer mentorships, training and legacy. community storehouses of Singapore’s unique multidimensional Kamini Ramachandran outreach. The oral traditions of folktales, mythology, legends and fables are

ORGANISERS organisation

avenues forStorytelling preserving, showcasing and developing Singapore’s rich areFestival Manager The Centre Limited firmly believes that stories Nur Khairiyah Ramli and diverse heritage.ofOurSingapore’s focus is on ensuring the sustainability oflegacy. storehouses unique multidimensional the artThe form by nurturing emerging Young Storytellers. oral traditions of folktales, mythology, legends and fables are avenues for preserving, showcasing and developing Singapore’s rich Festival Manager Flagship Programmes: Nur Khairiyah Ramli and diverse heritage. Our focus is on ensuring StoryFest: International Storytelling Festival Singaporethe sustainability of the art form by nurturing emerging The Young Storytellers Mentorship ProjectYoung Storytellers. Production Coordinator

Khairina Khalid World Flagship Storytelling Day Singapore Programmes: StoryFest: International Storytelling Festival Singapore The Young Storytellers Mentorship Project About The Arts House Production Coordinator Khalid World Storytelling Day Singapore Occupying the almost 200-year-old building that was home toKhairina Singapore’s first parliament, The Arts House continues in the distinguished tradition of thisAbout gazetted monument and now plays a key role in the Thenational Arts House country’s arts and creative scene. The the Artsalmost House200-year-old at the Old Parliament, aswas it is home affectionately Occupying building that to Singapore’s referred to, promotes and first presents multidisciplinary programmes and festivals within its parliament, The Arts House continues in the distinguished tradition elegant spaces. It focuses in on the literarymonument arts, celebrating theplays worksa of written of particular this gazetted national and now key role in the and spoken wordarts artists Singapore and Arts beyond. country’s and from creative scene. The House at the Old Parliament, as it is affectionately referred to, promotes and presents multidisciplinary programmes and festivals within its elegant spaces.About It focuses in particular on the literary arts, celebrating the works of written Arts House Limited and spoken word artists from Singapore and Arts House Limited (AHL) is beyond. a not-for-profit organisation committed to enriching lives through the arts. AHL manages two key landmarks locatedAbout in the heart of Singapore’s Arts House Limited Civic District — The Arts House, a multidisciplinary arts centre with on literary programming, Arts House Limited (AHL) is a focus not-for-profit organisation committed and the Victoria Theatre &toVictoria Concert Hall, a heritage that is two home the enriching lives through the arts. building AHL manages keytolandmarks Singapore Symphony Orchestra. It also runsheart the Goodman Arts Centre Aliwal located in the of Singapore’s Civic and District —Arts TheCentre, Arts House, two creative enclaves for artists, arts groups and businesses, performing arts a multidisciplinary artscreative centre with a focus and on literary programming, space and Drama Centre. AHL presents the Singapore International Festival of Arts, the annual the Victoria Theatre & Victoria Concert Hall, a heritage building that is home to the pinnacle celebration of performance and interdisciplinary arts inArts Singapore Singapore Symphony Orchestra. It also runs the Goodman Centrecommissioned and Aliwal ArtsbyCentre, the National Arts Council. two creative enclaves for artists, arts groups and creative businesses, and performing arts space AHL the Singapore of Arts, AHL was set Drama up in 11Centre. Dec 2002 aspresents a public company underInternational the National Festival Arts Council and the wasannual pinnacle celebration of performance and interdisciplinary arts in Singapore commissioned by formerly known as The Old Parliament House Limited. It was officially renamed Arts House the Arts Council. Limited onNational 19 Mar 2014.

company the National Arts Council and was AHL was set up in 11 11 Dec Dec 2002 as a public company limitedunder by guarantee (CLG) under the National formerly known The Old Parliament Limited. It wasHouse officially renamed Arts House Arts Council andas was formerly known asHouse The Old Parliament Limited. It was officially Limited onArts 19 Mar 2014. renamed House Limited on 19 Mar 2014.

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11:00am – 8:00pm

10:00am – 5:00pm

Story House

Storytelling & Disability 2: Helping People to Share their Own Stories

pg 3

11:00am – 8:00pm

Story Cloth Making pg 3

pg 11

10:00am – 5:00pm

11:00am – 1:00pm

10:00am – 1:00pm

Storytelling & Disability 1: Multi-Sensory Approaches to Traditional Tales

The Magic of Storytelling with Children

Safe Space Stories Writing Stories in a Safe & Affirming Group

pg 10

pg 12

pg 13

2:00 – 4:00pm 11:00am – 12:00pm

Adapting Novels for Performance

Story Play: An Inspiration for Creative Storytelling

8:00 – 9:15pm

2:00 – 4:30pm

Magic, Mystery & Mayhem!

2:00 – 4:00pm

pg 12

Legend of The Nordic Gods

pg 4

pg 12 2:00 – 3:00pm


pg 6

Collage as Storytelling An Assembly of Senses

pg 13

5:00 – 7:00pm

Be Legendary The Singapore Showcase

pg 8

8:00 – 9:15pm

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives

pg 4

4:00 – 5:00pm

Story! Story! Story Come! African Folktales Reimagined

pg 4

5:00 – 7:00pm

A Caravan of Stories: Young Storytellers Showcase

pg 8

pg 7 8:00 – 9:15pm

The Illusion of Truth




pg 7


The Arts House 1 Old Parliament Lane Singapore 179429

Acknowledgements Festival Designers: Octopus Ink & 15squirrels Special Thanks Peatix Hakim Albasrawy Danish Arts Foundation MoonShadow Stories Pte Ltd Volunteers, friends and family Information correct at time of print. The festival organisers reserve the right to change speakers, performers, events, session times, dates, and/or other details when necessary.



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