2. 4. 7. 8. 10. 12. 13. 14. 16. 18. 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 36. 38. 39.
Winterbourne Ford, field by Railway bridge Along Bridle path to Hurdcott Wet Log, Winterbourne Ford Fence Post, footpath down from the portway down toHurdcott Teazles, Sloes Frozen hedgerow, Baileys Field, Winterbourne Ford Cottage off the Portway, Winterbourne Gunner, 2009 New years Day, up on Cockey Downs above Laverstock & Ford Winter, Roman Road to Old Sarum from Ford White Gates, Winterbourne Ford Along Green Lane Ford Mill, John Griffens Mill, Winterbourne Ford Poplars, Hurdcott St. Michaels Church, Winterbourne Dauntsey A338, Winter 2009 Rose Hips Holly, nr tennis Cottage, Hurdcott The path from Winterbourne Dauntsey up tp Figsbury Rings Along the footpath from Winterbourne Ford to Hurdcott 2010 Crossroads, Winterbourne ford A338, Winter 2009
Š All images contained within this publication are copyright of Juliet Brain, Artsmonkey 2011 . All rights reserved.Any unauthorised use of these images willconstitute an infringement of copyright. www.artsmonkey.co.uk www.artsmonkey.com @Artsmonkey1