Catalogue for Scion of Light

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A r t s pa c e H a m ra p res en t s

Scion of Light

Opening Exhibition December 9 - 23, 2015

Beirut, Lebanon | 2015

Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015



‫‪Artspace Hamra, Beirut‬‬ ‫‪December 9 - 23, 2015‬‬

‫سليل الضوء‬ ‫مارون الحكيم‬

‫ساحرة قوى األلوان بتداعياتها وتحاكيها وتماهيها ‪...‬‬ ‫إنها اصوات األرواح في الطبيعة‪:‬‬ ‫في العشب والتراب والماء ‪...‬‬ ‫في السماء والضباب والسراب ‪...‬‬ ‫مجد للفصول في ثرائها وبهائها‪.‬‬ ‫إنها‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫والتقمص واإلنتشاء‪.‬‬ ‫التبدل‬ ‫إنها قدرة التماهي مع حاالت‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬

‫بين اللون واللون حوارات ال حدود لترداداتها‪،‬‬ ‫لكيميائياتها ولصياغاتها‪.‬‬ ‫ال إحصاء لسكراتها ونشواتها ‪...‬‬ ‫لأللوان أرواح تتالعب بوجودنا‪.‬‬ ‫لأللوان أمزجة وصحوات‪.‬‬ ‫لأللوان حضور يسحر اللحظات‪.‬‬ ‫تخدر كياناتنا‪.‬‬ ‫قوى‬ ‫لأللوان‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لأللوان سطوة كالضمير‪.‬‬

‫هي في كل زمان ومكان‪ :‬تغلّفنا‪ ،‬تحضننا‪ ،‬تحمينا‪،‬‬ ‫تدمينا‪ ،‬تشفينا ‪...‬‬ ‫قوس قزح‪ ،‬هذا الوهم المرئي وغير الملموس‪،‬‬ ‫سر اللون في عين وعقل اإلنسان‪.‬‬ ‫يختصر‬ ‫ّ‬

‫اللون نقيض العتمة الكالحة والفناء األسود‪.‬‬ ‫إنه الوجود في الوجود‪.‬‬ ‫إنه سليل الضوء‪.‬‬

‫‪My city, Spring’s neighbour‬‬

‫‪2015, 150 x 200 cm | Acrylic on canvas‬‬


‫مدينتي جارة الربيع‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Spikes devouring the sun

2015, 150 x 200 cm | Acrylic on canvas


ٌ ‫سنابل تلتهم الشمس‬

Earth’s womb wet with dew

2015, 150 x 165 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫ّل بالندى‬ ‫رحم‬ ٍ ٍ ‫تراب مبل‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

The dwellings of Joy

2015, 150 x 160 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫مساكن الحبور‬

Water does not thirst

2015, 150 x 160 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫الماء ال يعطش‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

A blur of clouds and water

2015, 150 x 150 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫غشاوة الغيم والماء‬

A haunted charm in the dirt

2015, 120 x 140 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫مسكون في التراب‬ ‫سحر‬ ٌ ٌ


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Ceremonial splendour

2015, 120 x 130 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫إحتفالية البهاء‬ ّ

Bricks of Spring

2015, 160 x 125 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫القرميد الطالع من ربيع‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

River banks: a countryside & a city 2015, 150 x 85 cm | Acrylic on canvas

Youth hungry for light

2015, 100 x 100 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫فتو ٌة متعطّشة للنور‬ ّ

‫ ريف ومدينة‬:‫الضفتان‬



Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Water nestling in a valley’s greenery 2015, 90 x 120 cm | Acrylic on canvas


ُّ ‫يغل في خضرة السهل‬ ‫ماء‬ ٌ

Tensed flames in the dirt

2015, 120 x 90 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫لهب متوتّر في التراب‬ ٌ


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Trees telling the story of serenity 2014, 80 x 120 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫شجر يروي حكاية الهدوء‬ ٌ

A lake nestling into a forest 2014, 80 x 100 cm | Acrylic on canvas

ُّ ‫تغل في غابة‬ ‫بحير ٌة‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Childhood raining clouds

Borderless land

2015, 150 x 60 cm | Acrylic on canvas

2015, 60 x 40 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫أرض بال حدود‬ ٌ

ِ ‫ُمطر‬ ‫ك الطفولة بالسحاب‬ ‫ت‬ ُ



Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

A waterfall of grass and bricks 2015, 40 x 35 cm | Acrylic on canvas


ُ ‫عشب وقرميد‬ ‫شالل‬ ٍ

Bricks dwelling in dense trees 2015, 120 x 90 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫قرميدٌ يسكن الشجر الكثيف‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

The smell of snow: Jasmine 2015, 30 x 40 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫ ياسمين‬:‫رائحة الثلج‬

Chrysanthemum dazzling the cypresses 2015, 30 x 40 cm | Acrylic on canvas

‫السرو‬ ‫هر‬ ِ ‫أقحوان يُب‬ َ ٌ


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Restless water in Nature

2015, 30 x 40 cm | Acrylic on canvas


‫د الماء في الطبيعة‬ ُ ‫سها‬

The forest of blooming shades

2015, 28.5 x 19 cm | Acrylic on paperboard strengthened on wood

ّ ‫الظل الوارف‬ ‫غابة‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015

Bricks and daisies

2015, 28.5 x 19 cm | Acrylic on paperboard strengthened on wood


‫قرميدٌ وأقحوان‬

I bow on my rock

2015, 30 x 20 cm | Acrylic on paperboard strengthened on wood

‫أنحني على صخرتي‬


‫‪Artspace Hamra, Beirut‬‬ ‫‪December 9 - 23, 2015‬‬

‫حتى آخر‬ ‫ذرة من لون‬ ‫مارون الحكيم‬

‫ّ‬ ‫وأمل حتى تنضب علب األلوان من قاطنيها‪.‬‬ ‫لن استريح‬ ‫لن أستسلم للضجر‪.‬‬ ‫ولن أتعب حتى القيامة‪.‬‬ ‫سأبتكر االحتماالت حتى آخر األنفاس‪.‬‬ ‫أعيادا تبرق في العين‪ .‬ومن السواد منارة تنشر الفرح‪.‬‬ ‫سأجعل من البياض‬ ‫ً‬ ‫سألون المساحات بجرأة الجنون وصالبة المعرفة‪.‬‬ ‫سأمزج قوس القزح بالشمس‪ ،‬بالتراب‪ ،‬بالماء‪ ،‬بالشجر‪ ،‬بالهواء وبالسحب وألقي بها في صحاري الخامات البتولة‪.‬‬ ‫مراقبا حركة الضوء والفصول وبزوغ فجر‬ ‫محلقا فوق الحقول والبراري بين الوديان والوهاد‪.‬‬ ‫سأسافر كالعصفور‪ ،‬في غابة الحرية‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مستطلعا حركة الغيوم المتداخلة باكتظاظها وتحاورها باكفرارها‬ ‫البراعم وتبدل خريف األعمار وتالشي النور على السهول والجبال‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أنهارا وشالالت وينابيع‪.‬‬ ‫كوما من األبيض الناصع أو‬ ‫وهروبها نحو الجبال العالية‪ ،‬حيث تصطدم‪ ،‬لتتحول‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫سأفلح التراب‪ ،‬وهو منجم لأللوان والخضار‪ ،‬واستخرج ومضات من حماوة أصباغه الدافئة‪.‬‬ ‫وفتوة‪.‬‬ ‫بريقا من اشعاعات األخضر الدافق بها ًء‬ ‫سأسقي األعشاب والزهور‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫تبث الغبطة واالرتياح‪.‬‬ ‫م ويبعثها للنظر مشاهد‬ ‫زوار البياض بحراك يسحر المساحات العذراء ليحييها من صم ٍ‬ ‫سأبعثر ّ‬ ‫سألغي توحد األلوان وأجعل من تمازجها وتداخلها وعشقها مينا ًء للطبيعة والفصول‪.‬‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫بصياغات متشابكة متحركة هادرة‪.‬‬ ‫معا‬ ‫سأخترع من عبثية األدوات والمواد والدات عفوية تفاجىء العين والعقل ً‬ ‫معا‪ ،‬وأبحر في امداء‬ ‫سأحول نهر األلوان شالالت من ضوء وسطوع وسأكرر الفعل نفسه كل يوم لكي اصبح‪ ،‬أنا نفسي‪ ،‬اللون والحجم ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األعمال‪ ،‬تاركًا للزمن آفاقً ا وافرة تستظل بأفيائها أجيال وأجيال‪...‬‬

‫شمس ِ‬ ‫ك‬ ‫تحرقني‬ ‫ُ‬


‫‪Your sun burns me‬‬

‫‪2015, 30 x 20 cm | Acrylic on paperboard strengthened on wood‬‬


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015


Ameera Kawash


In ‘Scion of Light’, artist Maroun Hakim responds to the landscape of his native Lebanon, creating bold, immersive works that reflect his vision of contemporary

painting and his aesthetics of place. Having chosen to create a studio in the house where he was born and not

to leave Lebanon during the civil war, Hakim’s aesthet-

ics of place are grounded in his mode of viewing the world, through meditative observation and reinvention. Hakim imagines landscapes as densely layered

color fields, where strokes and dabs of paint evoke the abundance and diversity of nature. ‘Scion of Light’ suggests that the nourishing presence of light is what connects the act of painting with the fecundity of nature.

-1In the name of art, life, and the truth. I bear witness that I have felt the passage of my soul from one world to another, and I have returned…

I bear witness that the painting has become a testimony to a life stripped of its suffering. I testify that I have identified with Maroun Hakim’s painting until it became me.

A feeling of elation swept over me the moment Maroun Hakim unveiled his paintings before my eyes in his atelier in Mazraat Yashouh (Lebanon). I was thrilled to find out that he would be exhibiting them soon in Beirut.

I am now reassured, and I draw my trust from the stroke and movement of his tools. I am now an eternal being shrouded in beauty and truth like the eternity of the colors and materials…

I was not ready for that existentialist moment, that deeply compassionate, rational and transitional moment. Any preparation would certainly not have diminished from the universality of the aesthetic dimension therein.

… I have returned. The masterpieces of this artist have restored my faith in the truth of art and the truth of the artist.

In that moment, I felt pure bliss and ecstasy, and I became one with the divinity of art and the truth of the painting. The painting itself is a gateway to another existence which is truly part of us. The aesthetic right descends upon us and lifts us up to human perfection, liberating us along the way… I bear witness to what I have seen. I bear witness to rivers running through the veins, like the blossoming of flowers in certitude. I bear witness to a soothing breeze in the lungs, like the wind blowing in tremors. I bear witness to the tolling of bells in the conscience. I bear witness to a mountain whose peaks we long to reach like eagles so that we may live, I bear witness to a valley whose depths we aim to plunge in like birds, and I bear witness to branches we confide in in celebration of sunset, and we gasp in the stillness of jubilance. I bear witness to hills in whose bends we wander and in whose secret of colors we free-fall in wonderment. I bear witness to an unnatural nature, to a field that extends beyond the horizon, to a paradise that is not only sighted by the eye, but by the cells as well, all cells. I bear witness to nonexistence becoming existent. I bear witness to creation becoming art. I bear witness to an artist becoming a messenger.


-2We discern in the paintings of Maroun Hakim an entity born from the merger of two worlds, an entity that crosses the boundaries of a regular merger to yield another independent existence, esthetically unique and active. The first world is abstract. In his painting, undertones complete what abstract art is trying to accomplish. The second world is figurative, descriptive, impressionistic, and realistic. Recent artistic controversy has witnessed a rivalry between these two worlds, and here we are with Maroun Hakim witnessing a transcendence of these discrepancies and detecting a harmony between them. There is no contradiction or conflict, but integration in lines, colors, mediums, and wise action. It is figurative-abstract art. Maroun Hakim’s experiences with the painting and his bold experiments in abstract mediums as well as his deep involvements in academic art are all distinctive characteristics of his art that made surpassing the academic and the abstract possible. It is an art that alters many current artistic concepts, inspires up-and-coming artists and makes its conveyer a pioneer in the Lebanese fine arts scene.


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015




Assis devant la fenêtre, il observe, la petite fleur cachée

la réalité dans l’accomplissement de l’œuvre. L’intui-

la muraille d’à côté, l’oiseau qui se pose sur l’aile du

sentiments de l’artiste se joignent à la maîtrise par-

à l’ombre du feuillage, la fissure mélancolique dans cèdre en croissance. Puis son regard s’éclaircit et s’en-

vole vers le ciel, embrassant les nuages qui se nouent et se dénouent en formes primaires mais éloquentes.

L’esprit de l’artiste plane sur la terre, il cueille des étincelles d’images et revient enthousiaste, ardent et prêt pour le voyage.

Lentement, Maroun se lève, il se dirige vers son atelier

et descend hâtivement les marches de l’escalier qui sé-

pare les deux étages. Il prend sa palette, sa main droite sélectionne les couleurs qui attendent : vert, bleu,

jaune, rouge, orange, gris. Une touche puis deux, trois, quatre, cinq et les couleurs ruissellent sur le corps de la toile immaculée. La nature renaît entre ses doigts, comme par magie. Tel un amoureux passionné,

il se jette dans ses bras. Des aubes pointent, des prairies

s’étendent, des toits paraissent, des collines s’élèvent, des plaines frissonnent, des printemps bourgeonnent,

des lacs, des rivières, des ruisseaux se réveillent et des cieux s’ouvrent à l’infini. Les toiles se transforment

tion visionnaire et la spontanéité qui traduisent les

faite des matériaux et à une technique personnelle développée, fruit de quarante années d’expérimenta-

- Born in Mazraat Yachouh, Metn, Lebanon in 1950. - Master in drawing and painting - Lebanese University, 1975. - MA Ceramics, Faculty of Applied Arts, Rome, 1976. - President of the Lebanese Fine Artists Syndicate, 2002-2009.

tion et de travail laborieux.

- President of the Lebanese Painters and Sculptors Association, 1998-2000.

La nature avec toutes ses composantes et ses variantes

- Head of Drawing and Painting Department at the Fine Arts Institute II, L.U., 1986-2014.

est le foyer initial de Maroun Hakim. Il vit en elle et elle vit en lui. Il remplit chaque jour ses poumons de ses

odeurs, son esprit de son énergie, son imagination de

ses couleurs et sa mémoire de ses paysages. Un dialogue quotidien entre la réalité et l’imaginaire dans la création artistique. L’expression picturale est condensée, elle est

- Professor at the Lebanese University, Fine Arts Institute II, 1979-2014. - One of the founders of the Lebanese Fine Artists Syndicate, 2002. - One of the founders of the Fine Arts Institue Alumni, L.U., 1994. Sculptural & pictorial artworks in public and private spaces:

- Two bas-reliefs and one sculpture Zouk Mkayel public garden, Lebanon, 1980.

- Centenary Monument, “Société des Eaux”, Dbayeh, Lebanon, 1996.

- Terra cotta bas-relief , Saint Nohra Church, Qornet el Hamra, Lebanon, 2002.

s’identifie à elle dans toutes ses pulsations.

- Wooden altar and sculpture, Sainte Famille Française church, Fanar, Lebanon, 2007.

peinture même.

- Bronze statue of Patriarch Daniel Hadchiti, Hadchit, Lebanon, 2008.

- “Land of Peace” monument, Mazraat Yachouh, Lebanon, 2008.

- Two oil paintings: St. Charbel & St. John-Paul II, Mar Abda church, Bikfaya, Lebanon, 2014.

aussi renforcée par une présence constante du volume et de l’espace tridimensionnel inspirés par l’esprit du sculpteur averti. La nature est sublimée et l’homme

Maroun ne se révèle pas à travers ses toiles, il est la

en espaces paradisiaques où les couleurs froides et

- Creator of the “Phénix de la pub”, 1992.

repoussent, s’affolent, s’embrassent, se calment puis

- Creator of commemorative poster (Cana massacre, 2000).

chaudes se cherchent, se côtoient, se rencontrent, se se reposent dans une profonde méditation.

Le peintre est en sueur, haletant après une course

vertigineuse entre le temps réel qu’il dépasse et le

temps de la création qui se prolonge. Le rêve devance


- Creator of Trophy (Aley sculpture symposium, 1999). - Creator of Trophy (Holcim, “Construire la Paix”, 2007-2008). - 34 individual exhibitions in Lebanon and abroad, 1977-2015. - More than 65 collective exhibitions in Lebanon and abroad, 1971-2015.


Artspace Hamra, Beirut December 9 - 23, 2015



Artspace Hamra is an art gallery and multidisciplinary

Artspace Hamra showcases the work of emerging and

porary Middle Eastern art. By conducting exhibitions,

the Eastern Mediterranean. While maintaining a broad

space, promoting and supporting modern and contemthematic residencies, art education and hosting cultural events, the organization aims to create an interactive

and open platform for the arts. Our ambition is to initiate a dialogue among cultures and promote awareness of Middle Eastern art both locally and globally.

Artspace Hamra is home to both a commercial art

gallery and nonprofit organization, which supports non-commercial art projects and events. This twofold

established artists from Lebanon, the Middle East and regional focus, the gallery promotes art that is challenging, defies clichĂŠs and is internationally relevant.

Artspace Hamra regularly holds solo exhibitions as well as collaborates with curators and guest artists to

present thematic shows and events. We represent a multi-generational group of artists working across a diverse range of media and approaches.

approach allows our organization to broaden its en-


and uncompromising platform for public interaction

Artspace Hamra Projects seeks to create a sustainable

gagement with visual culture, creating a sustainable and cultural expression.

platform for non-commercial contemporary art events

Artspace Hamra is situated on the 6th floor above bus-

and facilitates contemporary art practices that invite

300 sq. meters, with a bird's eye view of cosmopolitan

nity involvement. This includes thematic residencies

and activities in Beirut, Lebanon. ‘Projects’ funds

tling Hamra Street, an airy and versatile space of over

public interaction, cultural expression and commu-

Beirut. Artspace Hamra opens May 2015.

for invited artists, non-commercial exhibitions, free lectures, symposia, workshops and other art-related events that are open to the public.

The organization aims to create an interactive and open platform for the arts.


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