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How did the two projects come together?

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Art et al. were introduced to the work of Ketemu Project by curator Katrina Schwarz, who also serves as an international curatorial advisor for Art et al. After learning about Ketemu Project’s diverse initiatives and shared ethos for equality and access in the arts, Art et al. initiated a virtual meet-up to understand more about the Indonesian organisation and whether an international collaboration might be suited and relevant to both.

Following an invigorating initial discussion with both organisations striving for more diversity, inclusivity and collaborative working within contemporary arts, Art et al. developed with Ketemu Project a year-long programme to be considered for funding by the British Council’s International Collaboration Grant – a funding stream aiming to support cultural collaborations with a focus on arts and culture. Specifically, the International Collaboration Grants were seeking applicants from a diverse range of organisations, addressing significant global themes including equality, climate change and new digital technologies.


In the spring of 2022, Art et al. were exhilarated by the news that they were successful in their British Council grant to deliver six exciting transnational collaborations through a new partnership with Ketemu Project. The ‘Art et al. × Ketemu’ programme came at an exciting time to build and expand on the work Art et al. had developed over the previous three years, and its focus on commissioned collaborations and dialogue between disabled and non-disabled arts participants and art world peers. Art et al.’s 2021 programming centred around collaborations between Australia and the UK, thus being given an opportunity to widen their international reach to South-East Asia was important and thrilling. Art et al. commissioned Katrina Schwarz to capture the year-long collaboration at the close of the partnership to bring everything together. This catalogue shares Katrina’s writing alongside the six projects that took place providing a brief insight into each and those involved.

Consultancy Group member

Billy Mann speaking at Art et al. exhibition launch at Cromwell Place in London in 2022. Photography: James Gifford-Mead

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