Reaching Potential full report

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Case Study 2: Nathan and Jodie Nathan (25) lives with his mother, Jodie, and is an only child. He spends a lot of his time with friends and can be very chatty. Nathan has severe cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair. Despite his capabilities, he has been assessed as having low cognitive ability. He can remember names, navigate to familiar places and communicate with others. Jodie describes Nathan as ‘very social and resilient’. Nathan and Jodie live in a house in a northern Melbourne suburb.

Challenging assumptions Nathan’s abilities are hard to categorise and are often overestimated due to his good social skills. This can lead to misdirected expectations, which often happened with teachers during primary school. Nathan’s abilities are also often misunderstood by strangers because he’s good at small talk and routine tasks like ordering food or visiting his GP. But at times Nathan can be quiet, and this can lead to misunderstandings.

Jodie felt that the expectations placed on people with intellectual disability and their families were unrealistically high.

“Some days you can have a fantastic conversation with him and he’ll give you full consciousness. He made the speech at his graduation! But then other days, like today, you can’t get an answer out of him.”

Going to school When Nathan was young, he attended both a mainstream and a special school. Nathan’s experience at school often depended on the teacher aide who was with him and how well they understood his needs. Teachers overestimated his actions, attention span and patience, which meant they would often get frustrated. Unfortunately, approaches to supporting his complex

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needs were often inconsistent and based on assumptions about Nathan’s abilities. For example, one of his aides would leave him in the corridor outside the classroom as punishment for misbehaving. This was ineffective as Nathan didn’t understand that he was misbehaving. “If Nathan reached out and grabbed anyone or was distracting somebody during schoolwork, she’d stick him outside the classroom as punishment, as time-out. Nathan thought that was ridiculous, a joke. He had no concept of it at all.” The mainstream school was better for Nathan from a social perspective, as there were fewer opportunities for him to make friends at the special school. For example, when Nathan and another boy wanted to be friends, the school wasn’t able to facilitate the friendship because of the way classes were structured. Nathan was told he and the other boy couldn’t be in the same class because they had a similar level of need, even though placing them in the same class would have allowed Nathan to build a new friendship. “I’d go down and say, ‘Can they be in the same class?’ [They said] ‘No. We’ve got to balance up the needs of the children.’ I felt the school could have done more to facilitate friendships among people going to the school.”

Transitioning out of school As Nathan approached his 18th birthday and prepared to transition out of school, Jodie grew concerned about the amount of support they were receiving to navigate this major life change. “They need to be more of a help than that. It’s the transition into adulthood that sometimes gets misunderstood. For every young adult that I know, the transition to adulthood hasn’t been 18. It’s been more like 22.” Jodie felt that the expectations placed on people with intellectual disability and their families were unrealistically high. “The responsibility that they’re putting on young people with disabilities at the moment, with the choice of control… tension is incredibly high. They’re even encouraging you to do self-management for your NDIS claim.” This often places greater responsibility on the primary carer to do all the coordination. “And it falls more back onto a parent to coordinate what’s going on. So you’re having to be the link between everybody.”

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