Arts & cultural investment framework snapshot

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Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts

Arts and Cultural Investment Framework 2013–2014 Snapshot

Great state. Great opportunity.

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Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

Introducing the Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

The new Arts and Cultural Investment Framework introduces a new funding model for Queensland that is simpler and more transparent, and cuts red tape for artists and arts and cultural organisations. The framework is a first and critical step towards delivering the government’s Arts for all Queenslanders strategy. This framework significantly reduces the number of funding categories, while setting out clear principles to achieve artistic, social, cultural and economic returns on government investment. It allows the public to clearly see the value and outcomes of arts funding. This work is being guided by the newly appointed Arts Investment Advisory Board, and will introduce a greater focus on partnerships, entrepreneurship and innovation. The rationale behind this new approach is set out in rethink, reshape, reimagine: Queensland Government Investment in the arts, available from the Arts Queensland website at

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What will drive investment?

Principles of investment The following principles underpin the Arts and Cultural Investment Framework. Taken together, these principles aim to create a viable, resilient and innovative arts and cultural sector delivering great outcomes for all Queenslanders, and positioning Queensland arts, culture and artists on the national and global stages. 1. Artistic and cultural quality

Target government investment to programs that have the greatest artistic and cultural impact — powerful artistic outcomes that have an inspirational and transformative impact on Queenslanders wherever they live, and for national and international audiences.

2. Balanced portfolio

Balance government investment to support a diversity of art form areas, geographic regions, large and small organisations, independent artists and producers.

3. Return driven

Deliver a clear return on government investment, demonstrated through artistic, cultural, social or economic outcomes. Artists, projects, programs and organisations that are successful in receiving funding will partner and co-invest with government, match government investment with revenue from other sources, and generate income and in-kind support from other partners.

4. Vitality and innovation

Support a dynamic and aspirational arts and cultural sector, foster entrepreneurial and commercial approaches, and create new partnerships between the arts, community and business.

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Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

What improvements have been made?

The framework will streamline the government’s arts and cultural investment to improve accessibility, reduce red tape for applicants, and simplify investment programs and administration. Streamlined funding programs The new Arts and Cultural Investment Framework introduces six new, more flexible programs with less restrictive selection criteria that will open up new funding options for artists and arts organisations. Focus on ideas and outcomes The focus of the new framework will be on identifying great ideas and quality outcomes, rather than complex eligibility requirements. This shift in focus will result in a greater diversity of organisations and individuals seeking investment for innovative concepts and arts practice. Easier funding applications The application process for funding will be simpler and more user-friendly through fewer application forms that use plain English.

Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

Single point of contact The appointment of a Grants Support Officer in Arts Queensland offers a one-stop shop for information and advice for applicants. More accessible The framework will consider ways to improve accessibility and remove disadvantage in the application process. Alternative forms of application for Indigenous artists from remote communities, artists with a disability, or artists for whom English is a second language may include providing information by video or in person as part of the application process. New systems and technology Arts Queensland is working towards introducing new technologies that will make the processing of applications more efficient, and is exploring options for applicants to submit applications, monitor progress of the approval process and acquit funding online. Efficient and effective administration A reduced number of investment programs, coupled with improved systems, will also reduce administrative workload, meaning applications can be processed more quickly and efficiently with more timely and responsive outcomes for applicants.

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How have the funding programs changed?

The focus in 2013–2014 is on transitioning to a new, streamlined model and improving the transparency, efficiency and accessibility of assessment processes. For 2013–2014, competitive funds are open to Queenslandbased artists and organisations delivering arts and cultural outcomes. Funding approved for individuals, projects, programs and organisations will be published online to ensure transparency, while funded applicants are required to provide an acquittal report on the outcomes of their work, expenditure and income. Case studies will be drawn from these reports to be published online to inform better arts and cultural practice. The Arts Investment Advisory Board will review and make recommendations to the Minister on the operation of Arts Queensland’s six competitive funds and any further changes to the Arts and Cultural Investment Framework.

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Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

What funds are open in 2013–2014?

Under the Arts and Cultural Investment Framework, funding will be provided through six streamlined competitive funds. Two of these programs, the Super Star Fund and Playing Queensland Fund, have already been announced, while existing competitive grants are to be incorporated into the following four new funds: 1. Organisations Fund (opening June 2013) 2. Projects and Programs Fund (opening June 2013) 3. Individuals Fund (opening June 2013) 4. Innovation Fund (opening date to be confirmed).

1. Organisations Fund Focus: For outstanding arts and cultural organisations Objectives: • A vibrant network of organisations recognised as leaders in their field • Increased audiences and engagement within Queensland and Australia, or internationally • Leadership and development of art form area/s, independent artists, cultural workers and companies • Models of strong management and governance, successful and innovative business strategies Frequency: Triennial funding 2014– 2016 by calendar year Funding: More than $70 000 per annum Assessment criteria: Details of the assessment criteria and guidelines for applicants, together with application forms, are available on the Arts Queensland website at

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2. Projects and Programs Fund

3. Individuals Fund

Focus: For projects or programs of activities by an individual, organisation or collective

Focus: For individual artists and cultural workers (emerging and established) to participate in transformational professional and career development opportunities.

Objectives: Vibrant arts and cultural experiences for Queenslanders by investing in: • performances and exhibitions • services to artists and cultural workers, and communities • new works that extend artists and art forms • community arts and cultural development

Objectives: • Reward and recognition for outstanding individual artists and cultural workers • Fast-track development of talent and leadership

• enhanced cultural infrastructure • increased skills and opportunities for Indigenous artists • new markets for Queensland arts and cultural products

• New markets and new audiences for new work • Outstanding opportunities to grow skills and industry networks

Frequency: Two rounds each year Funding: Up to $60 000 per project or program Assessment criteria: Details of the assessment criteria and guidelines for applicants, together with application forms, are available on the Arts Queensland website at

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Frequency: Four rounds each year Funding: Up to $10 000 Assessment criteria: Details of the assessment criteria and guidelines for applicants, together with application forms, are available on the Arts Queensland website at

Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

4. Innovation Fund The Innovation Fund is designed to play a transformative and catalytic role in the arts and cultural life of Queensland. It will target inspiring and transformative ideas, programs and practices. These may emerge through applications to the other competitive funds; be unique stand-alone proposals for innovation and growth from individual organisations; or include strategic initiatives that drive and support innovation and capacity building across the arts and cultural sector and within art form areas. The fund will be flexible and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges. It will encourage new business and partnership models — including alliances, mergers and sharing of expertise and resources — to ensure the future viability and vitality of independent artists and cultural workers, organisations, art form areas and the sector. Focus: For individuals and organisations to support innovation, commercial and digital opportunities, market development and industry capability Objectives: • Develop new work in Queensland • Extend the quality and impact of arts and cultural productions, services and experiences • Pilot innovative business models • Generate and diversify revenue streams • Build entrepreneurial capabilities and commercial opportunities • Extend markets and audiences • Research and industry development Funding: TBC pending guidelines Assessment criteria: Guidelines for the fund will be published in 2014 following research, consultation and the release of the Arts for all Queenslanders strategy in December 2013. Information for applicants will be made available on the Arts Queensland website at

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5. Super Star Fund

6. Playing Queensland Fund



• The development of work that features internationally renowned artists

• Increase the number of touring arts productions

• Performances that will be exclusive to Queensland • The cultivation of local talent and building of local capacity • Outcomes that enhance Queensland’s reputation as an innovative and attractive arts and cultural destination • Work that attracts national and international audiences

• Extend the reach of the touring program • Double the touring arts experiences in regional communities • Support the major state companies in their goal of touring regularly to regional Queensland Funding: Annually $2.65 million is available in the fund. There is no upper limit on funding sought by applicants Assessment criteria: Details of the assessment criteria and guidelines for applicants, together with application forms, are available on the Arts Queensland website at

Funding: Projects up to $300 000; however, exceptional proposals may attract a larger investment Assessment criteria: Details of the assessment criteria and guidelines for applicants, together with application forms, are available on the Arts Queensland website at

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Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

How will applications be assessed?

Assessment process – stages and responsibilities The assessment process has four stages: 1. eligibility 2. assessment — rating against criteria, comparative ranking, moderation

The Arts Investment Advisory Board will monitor and review the implementation and impact of assessment processes and provide advice to the Minister. Responsibilities for each stage of the assessment process Stage Description 1

Eligibility check

Arts Queensland staff



Arts Assessment Panel or Arts Investment Advisory Board working with peers and industry experts

3. review of recommendations

Eligible applications are assessed against criteria, ranked comparatively and moderated according to available funding, investment in art forms, geographic regions, and target groups to make final recommendations.

4. approval. Assessment for the Super Star Fund and Playing Queensland Fund will continue using published processes. The role of Arts Queensland in assessment is focused on eligibility checks, support and advice for applicants and assessors, and administration processes, including contracting and reporting. Assessment by peers and industry experts with the necessary experience and expertise to make informed judgments is an important part of this process.


Review of recommendations


Approval by Minister or delegate

An Arts Assessment Panel will be formed with membership that reflects the diversity of the arts and cultural sector. A public call for expressions of interest will be made to create a register of peers and industry experts to assist in assessment process and support the deliberations of the Panel and the Arts Investment Advisory Board.

Arts and Cultural Investment Framework


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Arts Investment Advisory Board and/ or departmental Senior Executive Officers

Efficiency and effectiveness Investment levels range from $500 to over $500 000, and programs range from one-off activities to triennial, and can have multiple closing dates or no closing date (rolling). Rolling programs can respond quickly to emerging opportunities, but minimise comparison between applications, and can exhaust the available budget early in a financial year. To be efficient and effective, assessment processes will be appropriate to the: • purpose of the program • number of applications • available funding • scale and duration of the investment • specific requirements of programs with fixed closing dates and rolling programs which have no closing dates • frequency of rounds for programs with fixed closing dates • availability of assessors. Transparency, fairness and accountability To ensure transparency and fairness, assessment processes will: • state eligibility requirements

Balanced portfolio To achieve a balanced investment portfolio, there will be moderation of assessment outcomes, taking into account available funding, and the level of investment in art forms, geographic regions, and target groups in order to make final recommendations. Review of assessment processes The Arts Investment Advisory Board will monitor, review and provide advice to the Minister on the implementation and outcomes of assessment processes, including streamlining of guidelines, application forms and reporting processes. Where assessment outcomes indicate significant gaps, opportunity costs or strengths in the investment portfolio, the Board will advise the Minister on priority areas for investment, changes to guidelines or development strategies.

• have explicit selection criteria • be undertaken by assessors with the experience and expertise to make informed judgments • manage perceived or actual conflicts of interest • include approval and review processes by parties not directly involved in the assessment of applications • have the capacity to provide feedback to applicants.

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Arts and Cultural Investment Framework

How can I apply for funding?

Guidelines and application forms are available on Arts Queensland’s website at: The Grants Support Officer is available to offer advice and information to all applicants. To take advantage of this service email linda.dreghorn@arts.qld. or call 07 3034 4077.

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Great state. Great opportunity.

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