The Referendum 2021

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Over this academic year, Arts SU consulted 1000+ UAL Students. We found out how you want to be represented and make decisions, and how we can empower you to get the most out of your time at UAL. We have put one proposal forward that includes four key changes to your current representation structure, which we’re asking you to vote on in this Referendum. Voting period: Monday 8th March – Tuesday 16th March, 3pm.

What did you tell us? From August 2020 to January 2021, we consulted 1000+ UAL Students through forums, consultation groups, feedback forms and surveys. Here are some key quotes and findings of what you told us: I don’t believe the current systems work. 4%

I’m too busy.


I didn’t realise that any UAL student could do this. I don’t think my voice is heard or acted upon by the SU. I wouldn’t know how to get involved. I’m not interested.



30% 7%


4% 18%

Throughout the research, the main reasons for lack of engagement were: • Not knowing how to get involved • Not realising that any student could • Significant time restraints, often due to paid work. 1 in 4 students told us that ‘improved career opportunities’ should be the top priority of Arts SU. 2020/21 Welcome Survey

Members of specific student communities (Asian & Minority Ethnicity, Commuter Students, CCW Students) don’t see themselves represented in our current roles. Democracy Review Survey

‘Good communication [and] knowing who to get in touch with are crucial to students understanding how the SU works and knowing how to get involved.’ LCF Student Dean Forum 32% of students were not confident that our Liberation Officer positions enact meaningful change. Autumn Elections Survey ‘The SU needs to do better at connecting students… through robust communication between Students, Course Reps and Officers’ LCC Student Dean Forum

How would you like your Sabbatical Officers to represent you? On a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (great) how far did Course Reps feel part of a wider community of Arts SU Representatives?

6 5 3 2 1










College (Camberwell, Chelsea, CSM, LCC, LCF, Wimbledon)

Portfolio (Activities, Campaigns, Education, Welfare etc.)


Our Current Structure

Activities Officer (Paid Full-Time Officer)

Campaigns Officer (Paid Full-Time Officer)

Part-Time Officers (Voluntary) • College Officers x6 • Liberation Officers x5 • Section Officers x4

Education Officer (Paid Full-Time Officer)

Welfare Officer (Paid Full-Time Officer)

Student Council

YOU - An Arts SU Member & UAL Student

Sports and Societies Committee Members x50

Course Reps x1000

Overview of What You Told Us SU presence in your studies You want Arts SU to focus more attention at college level, building a campus presence and improving Learning & Teaching.

Accessible opportunities to get involved You would like to see more career opportunities and a focus on building practical skills. This should be reflected in the opportunities available to get involved in your representation, having them as defined paid job roles.


Communication and transparency

All students can drive change

Students have different levels of understanding and engagement in our current system depending on which college you are in at UAL. Students want transparency on what their representatives are working on, focusing on linking our initiatives and communication.

A high proportion of students don’t know how they can ‘make change’ through Arts SU. It isn’t always obvious how to get involved, or that any student can do this.


Our Proposed Structure

Paid Full Time Sabbatical Officers

London College of Fashion Officer

Chelsea, Camberwell & Wimbledon Officer

London Communication College Officer

Central Saint Martins Officer

Student Communities Officer

Union Affairs Officer School Reps x 24 (x6 per college)

Student Forum (Twice Termly)

Course Reps x 1000 Across UAL

Ideas System

Student Communication System (‘Contact your Representative’)


YOU - An Arts SU Member & UAL Student

Paid Student Interns x12 • Liberation Identity x 6 • Students of Circumstance x 6

Sports & Societies Committee

Paid Full-Time Sabbatical Officers x6

Paid Student Interns

A new Sabbatical Officer structure, with dedicated College Officers to ensure representation and accessibility at campus level. We will adapt the Activities Officer role into a Student Communities Officer and introduce a Union Affairs Officer, who will work on influencing various UAL student services.

Replacing Part-time College Officer roles with School Reps (6 per college). These Reps will work closely with both Course Reps and Sabbatical Officers, ensuring direct communication between students and UAL staff, and closing gaps between our representative functions identified in our research.

School Reps

Digital Decision Making Platform

Replacing Part-time College Officer roles with School Reps (6 per college as opposed to 1). These Reps will work closely with both Course Reps and Sabbatical Officers, ensuring direct communication between students and senior leadership at UAL.

Replacing Student Council with a digital decision-making platform, including a ‘Contact your Representative’ system and ‘Raise an Idea’ mechanism as well as Termly Forums which any student can attend to shape SU decisions. Every student can raise ideas, communicate with their representatives, and influence change they want to see.


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